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hello everyone let's get into focus focus there we go in today's virtual chat virtual coffee virtual tea let's chat about why I switched my entire business model from dominant you know being a course creator that being my main form of Revenue to a full-blown done for you agency um this is a lot to unpack but in the spirit of this being the online Journal of a super high achieving entrepreneur this is one of the main pillars of the channel which is Lessons Learned From business business growth business failures which we will also talk about in this video so if you have undergone a big pivot in your online business recently go ahead and type in pivot in the comments because you will be able to relate to this video tremendously alright let's get going okay so in the spirit of all of this it's kind of like all right so where where do we begin um so I think firstly one of the biggest misconceptions behind course creation is I don't want to say misconception because this is definitely possible anything any way you want to make money anything you want to build online in person a hybrid of whatever your type of business model you have is possible okay I just want to say that for me this was the misconception I had for a big reason right I felt like I had to become a millionaire via online courses and that was going to be my path um I had already created multiple six figures with a single course well main course being um our program that values between a thousand to two thousand dollars there's definitely some pocket products in there that added to that but you know the the main product that was between 1K and 2K gross the most revenue and I had this this this theory for me this vision for me that I could not sell anything else until I hit that million dollar Mark with my online course okay because I've I've invested in tons of online courses masterminds and there ever since 20 2019.
2019 was the very first time that I invested in a mastermind I'll actually name which one it was it was scale with success by what is her name Caitlin Boucher amazing woman but I invested in her Mastermind all about building an evergreen engine an evergreen sales system for your horse okay and that was the same year that I launched my very first coaching program which in 2020 turned into a course so 2020 was the first ever launch of these subscribers to sales course version you know self-study version and it was super exciting and it it was I mean The Mastermind definitely paid off I not only made back the investment from investing into that Mastermind I also crossed a six-figure revenue that same year with that course it was super exciting and we brought a lot of brand new students into the subscribers to sales program so I was like yes this is my destiny and yada yada yada and a lot of you guys may have seen or know who Vanessa Lau is so I met Vanessa that year too she was in the same Mastermind and it was just fun to talk about our new courses I launched subscribers to sales she launched boss Graham Academy and it was people like Vanessa the Elise dharmas and who else even Louise Henry which is another really good friend of mine like they all took off with their courses meaning they made their courses like their number one selling product and I'm like yeah I want to model after that um and I wanted to keep making the tweaking the funnel you know and relaunching it and making the webinar sales funnel better and most importantly I wanted to make it a fun course and something to be a part of which I believe we truly have because the membership and the the Facebook community that we had behind that course um tons of people that have come through the course have considered it family right like you come in here we've gotten uncoaching calls we've had people cry on coaching calls have major breakthroughs and so it was quite amazing and I became super excited because I then launched a product called nail your Niche which is a low ticket offer which kind of funneled into subscribers to sales that actually went away and then back in Fall of 2021 I launched a mini pocket product valued at forty dollar no forty seven dollars but I had a 10 discount when I launched it that's called monetization Builder and that was a really great one so that uh mini product based funneled and encouraged people to purchase the subscribers to sales course and so you know here I am I invested again into Courtney Foster Donahue's course course you know I'm just like I'm just being very transparent on this video of like where I've made my investments because I think they're they're really good ones um Courtney is awesome at what she teaches and I learned a lot from her on like how to funnel the pocket product into the main product her course was really good her course on how to make a course was really good and to be quite honest I don't know I mean I think if I had to compare the two I probably would have invested full on in Courtney as opposed to like investing in Caitlin batchers so hers was just I don't know just like a little bit of a notch above anyway I know she has a high ticket program as well okay so here we are I'm into my course Journey okay and I I had all of this was purely from organic YouTube traffic never spent a dime on at well I'll take that back I never made money from Facebook ads ads so all the revenue in the business has purely been from organic YouTube traffic okay and I'm proud of that that's really cool but there came a point in time when I'm I mean I'm not gonna lie the you guys know the story those of you who have been following me my channel you know went the traffic went South like just the growth just stopped it was very very weird and I'm just like oh my goodness so it was this was the same year that I gave birth I was um well I I got pregnant and I was gonna take a maternity leave and just crazy things happened in during that year but I started to feel like okay we need traffic to to this course all right and the thing here's the thing about courses like all the ads you see on Instagram and funnel and Facebook and funnels and Facebook about oh make million dollars with courses you have to have both all right you have to have a strong organic and paid advertising strategy that's just what it is especially if you're selling anything between forty dollars and two thousand dollars okay so here's typically the math for a course that's between a thousand and two thousand dollars the conversion rate a good one all right that you send through an evergreen webinar funnel is about seven percent like over ten percent is really really good um where you want to be at minimum is a two percent conversion rate meaning if you have you know in a month a hundred people go through your webinar you want to sell at minimum two okay to get 100 registers to a webinar I mean for most business owners that don't have huge followings and that don't have huge ads budget that's that's not an easy thing okay so um the point is if you do the math on a course like that okay so let's pretend that your course costs a thousand dollars all right and let's pretend that you are really you know you know how your whole entire webinar funnel meaning the webinar sales funnel works so you know the opt-in rate on the landing page AKA registration page you know that if x amount of students opt in to watch the webinar that X percent is going to convert so we're just going to do um hypothetical numbers so let's say you have a thousand dollar course let's say it converts at five percent so every single month if you're wanting to make thirty thousand dollars plus from this product you're going to need to send approximately 700 registrants to the webinar Okay so five percent of that is approximately 35 so that's 35 sales from your course okay and um this is I mean totally doable I wasn't in a good in a very very good month we were able to achieve these numbers because our conversion rate with our funnel was on a bad week four percent on a really good week seven to eight percent all right so this was a number that we strived for now if you're wanting to get really big super big launches like if you're wanting to have a six figure launch if you're wanting to have a really big million dollar year that number so you're gonna need a for a thousand dollar product you're going to need what 80 sales at least or more a little over 80 sales to have a month that will give you a million dollar year right so 80 sales isn't even six figures so you're gonna need 100 sales so if you backtrack and do the math which please please don't make me do or let's see if I had to do it real quick hold on so 700 times three times 3.5 you'll need approximately 2500 registrants to your webinar every single month in order to have to gross around 80 000 83 000 in sales so that's quite a bit of webinar registrants and a lot of us you know small business owners don't have 2500 leads hanging around everywhere you know month to month okay so so there there's that all right and as like I was realizing okay here's what the numbers are the organic traffic started to go down I started to try to supplement with paid traffic and it just felt like nothing was working and I recently watched a video by Elise Dharma and where she talks about almost she had a year where she almost quit and then the very next year she became a millionaire and it was um my story resonates with hers because it was one of those moments where like nothing was working out like I launched the subscribers to sales experience which was like a live coaching version of the subscribers to sales course that was a flop like it was just flop after flop after flop trying to get the traffic going again from when my organic traffic went down for a while so then that's why I got inspired not only to evaluate like how students I I looked at everything from top to bottom like how are students doing once they got through the program where were they stopping were they getting stuck and what I realized is like yes people love courses but what I realized more is that people want one-on-one help they don't want to be lost in a course to get stuck to only have available one group coaching call per month where where you kind of don't even feel comfortable asking your question because it's like you feel like dang I probably only have five to eight minutes to ask on this call so what I realized was people weren't finishing the way I had hoped and no matter how step by step you make it people still need help and I'm like okay and so I had always wanted to do coaching but I thought like one like it's it's not scalable that's what I was like I can't coach everybody up as much as I would love to so of course it's how I can serve a lot of people and then I'm like you know if I sell something High ticket I didn't have the confidence in myself yet to actually sell it to tell someone my program cost five thousand dollars I just you know money block wise I had some underlying things where I'm like well I'm not who am I to say and charge that much right it was just kind of hard so then here's going back to my journal and my diary then I invested in a program by Mariah cause I don't know if you guys have heard of her but she is the goat like for all things course creation and high ticket and everything like I love Mariah cars and I would love to have her matter of fact on our subscribers to sales podcast but um so that she can come on and just talk about her journey it's really quite fascinating anyway her her program was awesome five stars but what I learned from her is selling High ticket and putting together a high ticket program and what I learned also from her is that high ticket programs convert way higher than a self-study you know self-paced course does so when you look at an average of that where an average of the one to two k product is anywhere between two percent to seven eight percent the conversion rate of a high ticket program is anywhere from 15 to 40 percent conversion rate right or sometimes even higher than that and you need way less traffic and so my will started to spin and I'm like yeah I would love to teach High ticket because then I can go all in my team can go all in we will have the resources to put everything into our clients and get them results so that's when I decided to make the full pivot and to make what everything that I was teaching behind the courses to make it a high touch coaching program essentially an agency where I can be all in and dive in and then one thing that she taught me and that I've learned from just doing this and you know with my team and my operations managers like the things you do in business everything you do is scalable okay having an agency is scalable being able to transfer your trust into other coaches is scalable being able to hire people to help you support you pouring your your all into helping your clients right so with that I was just like so excited because I felt like one I wanted to work with those people who actually value our processes and our systems and what we do and that was really really exciting to me because this is how I could actually not just help someone for five to ten minutes once a month but actually get behind like the channel their businesses and give them help and share you know one-on-one for months at a time my expertise with them and get them profound results light bulb results week by week right that makes me feel so lit up inside when I was like okay I'm able to serve these clients at a whole nother level so it was a no-brainer to switch from course creation to high ticket now am I done selling courses like of course not like I'll always have some type of digital product and course in the product Suite but it'll just be advertised much differently there'll be different strategies behind it and I'll make a whole new video on like the new funnels and what they look like but I mean with a high ticket program you can drive traffic to it via webinar with JVS with um a low end product funneling at them with a low end product which funnels them to book a sales call and it's really exciting to do live events so overall that is what happened and I'm really excited about the switch because also just when I look at who had the biggest results in what we've done at subscribers to sales since it launched in 2020.
Those who have gotten the biggest are the one ones that I've helped more in a one-on-one fashion and also that have been do all the coaching calls and have got the most out of the group coaching that I did so it just made sense that in order for the people that take the programs and come through the agency for them to get extraordinary results we gotta get in the trenches with them and it's super exciting and so um if it's something you're interested in checking out we have a done for you service now where we actually have a guarantee behind it where we guarantee like we'll build and train your Superstar YouTube Team behind your channel that 5x is your Channel's growth and if you're interested I'd love to hop on a call with you you can apply for a YouTube strategy call where we break it down we'll pull the hood open on the systems everything that we're working on with our clients right now so you can book a call up here or the first link in the description and I'll tell you all about it and the other thing I wanted to say in regards to the actual marketing and the funnels behind this is that having promoting this agency and having a done-for-you service and a higher ticket it's way way way simpler than doing courses like having a course and having a webinar sales funnel it's very technical okay because you need you need a CRM which you need a CRM anyway but that's not hardest part but you need a pre-webinar emails you need tags you need triggers you need to be able to understand who went to your webinar who attended who left early who did not attend and they all have tags and triggers to fire out different email sequences that go and try to get them to come back to the webinar and then you have like a Band-Aid like it's so complex this whole sales system is it buildable yeah but it's hard like it's pretty dang hard to to learn and I'm glad that I know it because now the funnel for an agency is literally just like hey book a call it's a quick application to a calendly link that is it like there's no complicated funnels involved and it was just so nice not having to build another funnel it was just literally the switch of like okay let's just turn off the webinars all right and these programs we created the new application funnel for the done for you agency and the best part about it was the courses and everything that came before did not go to waste right I don't believe first of all in anything going to waste whatever you do in entrepreneurship in business has a purpose and there's no such thing as a way waste of time or a wasted energy put on something you're always learning and so the cool thing is that now that these courses are already built these clients even though it's done for you they can still have these courses as a part of our service and they could learn have it as supplemental information and go through it as they are being taught by us directly so it's really a win-win to have everything in the Arsenal to help your clients out if that makes sense all right if you've made it to this part of the video thank you so much let's continue watching let's continue having fun this video coming up next is all about how my YouTube business profited over 30 percent every single month that I took maternity leave it's coming up right here super valuable I'll see you just click right here take care in today's video we're going to talk about how my YouTube business AKA my YouTube channel and my online business both profited over 30 percent the