Why my Channel Lost -320 subs in a month (HOLY😱 CRAP)

there have been hundreds of YouTubers before who have made videos like my Channel's dying blah blah the YouTube algorithm hates me but like my channel is for Real okay as you can see in the past 28 days the snapshot of subscribers gained has actually been a subscriber's loss um losing approximately 320 subscribers per day and not only that it's been that way for a couple months and so in this video I'm gonna be uh I guess not transparent I'm just gonna be like detective and tell you guys why I think this is how I plan to fix it what I think happened and the contributing factors to this and most importantly like how I plan to start YouTube completely over on this channel and the exact ways that I'm doing it differently that could be of great insight to you as you plan to maybe continue growing your Channel or maybe your channel is smaller whatever the case may be I think this video is going to be extremely useful so if you're excited to dive in and help me investigate what the heck is going on with my channel type in the comments Subs subscribers and let's dive into these negative 320 subscribers and so this is a really interesting phenomenon because my channel back when it was a heavy like make money online passive income I even talked about YouTube growth and monetization I mean this was a booming Channel like at its height it gained like 12 000 subscribers in a month it was having Mega huge uh you know five-figure AdSense checks like it was a really nice statistical YouTube channel and now it's like on the outside looking in statistics Wise It's like oh well you know her channel is done um but it's like I think when people like look at the death of the channel or whatever when you see these YouTubers have made these before it's like they're referring specifically to their videos I'm sorry not their videos their views and the subscriber count and so for me it's like okay well if we take a look at the history of the past nine ten months on this channel My Views and everything in stuff just started to decline before I said goodbye so I said goodbye if we look at the Timeline I said goodbye on December 1st 20 22 right I was done like and everyone's like why did you lie about and I'm like I really didn't lie even though one of my videos said I lied um it may have seemed like I lied but I was dead serious like I was in negotiation with selling this channel um there were several people that reached out and they're like can we please buy your back catalog I really was done with it um and I was actually in in serious negotiation with a couple of them so but I I ended up not selling it okay for whatever you know reason that is the ironic thing was back in early let's see early 2022 I was about four and a half five months pregnant I had took like only a six week break from my channel because I was super busy my husband and I were moving back to the United States uh from you know overseas from Mexico and also Colombia and it was just really weird because that six weeks I took off like my channel taint you know like views went dramatically down and I was gaining around 700 subscribers a month which for me I'm like that's really low compared to you know statistically seeing anywhere between five thousand to seven thousand eight thousand subscribers a month and so I was like okay well this is weird but I know exactly what to do and so I posted you know my viral videos make money websites and the videos I knew would take off wasn't popping off like even that wasn't bringing the traffic that I thought it was like historically should have been so that's interesting and then like as you know time went on like around the Sun time Kai was born back in May 2022 June it was amazing like the channel was doing great it was normal but then at the end of the summer it just started dipping and dipping and dipping and dipping and I have no like literally I have no clue why I mean I talked to YouTube support I spoke to um I was in this Creator program program like I forget what it's called but I'm like you guys are the experts tell me what's going on with my channel like no this is perfectly normal your channel looks perfectly fine you should just pull the audience and ask the audience what's going on with them I'm like seriously that's like such the lamest answer on the planet like sometimes YouTube support is extremely helpful I mean they helped recuperate my channel back when it got hacked and deleted but sometimes they just say the most frustrating teeth clinching responses and you're like that I could have got this answer from Google like this was Zero help you know what I mean so um it was really really frustrating extremely frustrating and as this was going on like I was trying to like be a mom navigate that like learn how to you know breastfeed and like learn how to survive with four hours of sleep like you know how it is when for you parents that have had children like the newborn phase like for from the time they're like five to six months old those first five to six months is super hard and so anyway that's kind of a short history so this is kind of weird like I said goodbye December 1st and then after that my channel like gained subscribers it was so weird like from the my goodbye video I actually gained like how much did I gain let me just check real quick yeah so I'm looking at it and it actually gained 806 video of subscribers that one goodbye video which is so awkward because it was my goodbye video and um that month in December I think I actually hit a thousand positive subscribers so then after that like July or um just uh January February it started to like go down down again and eventually started to see like the triple digit negative subscriber loss so I'm like okay you know whatever in the meantime we're building up our other subscribers to sales Channel which is definitely still a thing like we are going to continue posting I'm making a separate video in the future of what we're doing with it we're going to be like in short turning it into a video podcast super excited about it but we just need to develop the systems first and the plan for it before we launch that so I'm really excited about that um so yeah be sure to subscribe to that channel if you haven't already so back to the story I I was in this partner program with YouTube and they were like hey just FYI like I you know if you go dormant for a very long time you get disqualified and you can't have Google AdSense anymore and I'm like really crap and I'm like I don't think I want to take that risk I'm like I still deep down inside I knew I wanted to relaunch the Marissa Romeo brand and you know do that so then I was like okay well I'm not ready to come back to my channel yet but I'm not ready to sacrifice like losing Google AdSense losing rights to be a part of the YouTube partnership program so that's why I'm like I have my I'm back video okay so that was the motivation behind that but I was still not ready I was really busy with other things with JB promos webinar blah blah and I I had a lot going on a lot of work where I didn't have time to create content plus I was still confused about the exact Direction which I'll go over in a second so that's kind of the complete timeline so here we are and it's interesting because um like okay and as I mentioned in the previous video which I'll link up here like the direction of this channel I know exactly where it's going to go my goal of this channel kind of tip number one here is to regrow it restart it as a no Niche Channel sort of okay this channel isn't going to have a specific Niche like oh that is the you know YouTube growth Channel or that is the you know Cooking Channel for beginner chefs like that's not going to be this channel this channel is going to not have a specific Niche however it is going to be a Vibe Channel okay I just invented that yesterday like what is a Vibe Channel A vibe channel is when you go to a channel and it's not about a certain topic specifically it's about several topics that have to do with the same idea kind of right kind of like a lifestyle kind of like when you go to a magazine right any like Health Women's Fitness whatever the magazine is you go and you flip the pages and there's different articles about different things different topics within that magazine but it still falls under the umbrella of Men's Health Women's Health whatever it is that is what I'm going to do here on this channel I know it's possible I mean we've seen several YouTubers do it for example Ali abdall that's I think he has a Vibe Channel like he has certain viral topics that go viral like how to grow YouTube productivity is a big one for him he's also had videos take off about passive income um but for the most part he talks about all kinds of stuff like everything really and I think that's what a lot of us YouTubers want however I don't think anyone getting started on this platform can understand how to do that and know what to do unless you've you understand YouTube and you've been a YouTuber already okay I honestly don't so you really have to know what you're doing to pull off a Vibe channel so and that's understanding like exactly the type of value you want to give and the the way that you feel aligned with the topics on your channel plus I do not think that you can create a channel just on every single topic on this like it's just not gonna happen Okay like I'm not gonna come here and talk about cooking and fitness and you know my DJing Hobbies or whatever like that's that's that's way way too broad and that's beyond the vibe Channel and Beyond like the sentiment that you feel when you come to this channel so the way I'm doing it and allowing myself to both evolve and allowing me to get to give not only deep value to you guys right the way I'm doing it is because now the way that I have this umbrella set up of the high achieving entrepreneur it's going to be about the lessons learned from the perspective of a high achieving entrepreneur myself okay so those of you who could identify with that so there'll be lessons from YouTube creation okay business a lot of things business and a CEO self-mastery and CEO mindset that is so important because all of those things are crucial to the success of being an entrepreneur okay I mean don't I'll go into this in another video but ninety percent of the success in your business is right here it has nothing to do with funnels it has nothing to do with email marketing none of that it's all in here okay and how good you can keep it together how good your spirituality is how good it you are at listening to your heart and trusting yourself as the business owner and CEO of your business okay so in this way it's deeply satisfying for me okay I'm able to satisfy my curiosity uh also my Evolution as a mother a business owner you know what whatever else I identify with okay and so as a result I feel like creating content with these new pillars is going to be even more valuable for you because a lot like a lot of the feedback I got in my goodbye video you guys were like honestly Marissa I kind of stopped watching your channel because you were repeating the same [ __ ] over and over and over and I had Advanced myself and I'm like dude yeah I get it like you now have graduated to probably having a successful business generating revenue and now you're like okay now what do we do for the next step so there's that so that's kind of point one is there this is an eight one Niche Channel anymore it is a Vibe Channel okay so the next thing in this is um subscribers don't matter all right and I'm being vulnerable right and stepping into the unknown and I'm literally doing this as my subscriber count is going down I know one day that it will reverse so I don't care right because we're all afraid of losing subscribers and we shouldn't be okay because first of all on YouTube it's the views that matter it's the views that are going to be monetized and that are going to drive high quality traffic to your offers and your services Etc so you know before a lot of you are here whoever's still here watching this video from like maybe you joined me back in 2019 bit back in 2020 when I was like you know talking about work from home make money online all those topics and you're like okay cool um I still want those some of you are like yeah I still want that content and so you've unsubscribed and some of you are still here back from my Thailand and Bali day so thank you so much because you genuinely like me okay you like me not the make money online Marissa Romero not the business team Marissa Mart like you've established a genuine connection with me and like who I am behind the camera and I sincerely appreciate you being here so if that's you give this video a thumbs up because I would love to start a conversation in the comments like if you've been here since my very very beginning times like let me know because you are amazing thank you so much I appreciate it more than you could ever imagine and so maybe another elephant in the room that I might as well just address right now is like am I scared like not really I've in the past eight months had way more scarier things happen to me and um I think that I mentioned in the last video like navigating through the unknown has become really easy for me because a lot of us make up BS in our head as we go through our day-to-day lives like we put things way out of proportion and blow them up into way bigger problems that really are not problems like think about the three things right now you are stressed about and ask yourself is this really a problem is this going to matter in five years from now and the answer is hell no it's probably not I mean yes sometimes we do have significant problems like I'm not but ninety percent of like what we think are they're definitely not it's like you know when we say to ourselves like oh my gosh I'm so stressed like I have a million emails to reply to I have to cook dinner for the kids I have to blah blah blah there's a deadline for my boss tomorrow it's like okay cool if you break that down you're like okay I have five emails in the inbox to reply to I can start get ahead and ask my husband or partner whoever to help me start chopping up and preparing the food and then once the kids go to sleep I'll have about 45 minutes to prep for my boss for tomorrow and so it's like things get so blown out out of proportion sometimes it's crazy and so like the answer if is if I'm scared to like will my channel ever turn itself around am I scared that my subscriber count might go to zero yeah I've thought about it but do I care not really because I think the chances of that happening are very low plus I feel like when you're aligned on all cylinders and all aspects of your life the universe will make it happen for you not about the YouTube algorithm it is purely about Spirit the universe and like everything conspiring in your favor and everything happening in your best interest and so anyways let's move on uh what am I gonna do to turn this around well I'm just gonna do my best I'm going to do my best that's all I can do and that's all you can do in whatever it is you're going through right now but the first thing I'm going to do is a Content blitz so I have 13 videos that I want to hit they're going to be videos where I um talk about or they're going to be unedited videos right style they're going to be Vlog style they're going to be talking head style so I'll be doing a little bit more like outside filming outside a lot more b-roll and like what I'm doing in my actual business and day-to-day life um the thought also crossed my mind of doing paid advertising so I this is something I want to test I want to test Google ads to grow your channel because I think like if you're doing Google YouTube ads and leveraging the most powerful ad platform to grow the most powerful organic traffic platform it's a win-win I've watched tons of YouTube videos about it I've talked to several YouTube experts about their process and doing this and they're like yeah doing ads definitely grows your channel in an organic way okay because you can really like spark the native algorithm to be like oh this is the direction you want to go right and it actually does help you gain legitimate subscribers and views from people that don't not just watch the video advertisement but they come back to the channel after they watch the advertisement and that is directly measurable from the Google ads campaign so I do want to test around with that maybe run like three ads between 10 to 30 dollars a day and just see what happens okay um the next thing is I am unless if you haven't noticed already I have unlisted 180 videos at least on my YouTube channel and I might unlist more and so the strategy behind this is not necessarily to grow but it's to stop attracting the Avatar that I was attracting before okay and that is those people that are interested in making money online um starting from complete scratch people that have no money because let's be honest my most viral videos were some of the videos that were like are you broke broke AF have one dollar it's like well who's that going to attract you know what I mean and again there's or I didn't even say this video but there's nothing wrong with being in the beginner stage like I've been there you know maybe some of you are who are watching this are there like everyone has had the beginner stage it's just not the um type of energy that I want associated with this channel because when we and I'm gonna make a whole separate video about why I'm no longer doing make money online content but it's it's definitely a Vibe and an energy that I do not want to attract anymore it's like you know it's kind of ridiculous when I look at the videos that have gone viral on my Channel versus the ones that I'm like I wish this would have gone viral on my channel so um anyways that's the main reason behind unlisting the videos it's so that the YouTube algorithm will stop promoting them for good they can't because it's not public okay um a big problem with who I was attracting before are people that don't have the right mindset I mean this is just this it's just what it is I mean people that are attracted to like the copy and paste 900 a day like make free money with PayPal it's like they don't have the mindset to keep going like to give it all they got to invest in themselves and invest in their business um to actually believe in themselves right and be able to have the mental endurance to um keep going when things go tough it's like their first obstacle they're done it's like oh I didn't make a thousand dollars a day with YouTube shorts like all right I give up like what's the like it's like the shiny object syndrome times a million jillion so um that's that's that so unlisting A whole lot of videos and again the videos that exist there's a lot of amazing amazing videos as you know in my back catalog and I have redone the thumb or not all of them but my team and I we've gone back we've redid the title to reflect what the video is actually about we've redid a lot of the thumbnails and so it's going to be a process of rebranding and redoing the thumbnails um but there's definitely still that's going to be there because I do believe in Sharing in um what's the word because I do believe it is important to show the journey right it's important to show those videos and keep them public from back from 2018 because that's definitely a part of my journey so I definitely want to show like hey I just didn't start like you know I don't have a Channel of over 200 000 subscribers because um or from from five videos you know what I mean like it's been a progression it's been a progression of different years so those are the things that I feel like are definitely going to help so the content Blitz uh after the content Blitz I'm going to decide from there where I want to do the paid advertising unlisting the videos that no longer for sure don't align with my channel and are not attracting my ideal client Avatar and I think this video is kind of long um it feels good I hardly I mean I only did like four mess-ups so uh but in another video I'm going to be talking about like my new client Avatar that's going to be super exciting and it will also help you I think identify a re-identify your client Avatar to help you bring in more even high ticket sales okay so at the end of the day I think that the Universe and Universal intelligence is always always working in your favorite 100 percent when you are aligned okay when you are aligned with your gifts with your ultimate vision and it all is coming into place and so like I just want to say thank you for the support on this channel Please Subscribe share this video with a YouTuber or a business owner or someone that you think would get extreme value from it um and yeah if you've made it this far definitely check out the video coming up next which talks about in depth like the future of this Channel and direction that is going so thank you I'll see you on this next video take care everyone test test okay wow I've never started a video before like on this channel where like I press record and I just show my

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