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most people don't know that you can do this you can use Google and this tool over here that is so simple yet so effective to make a fantastic side hustle income online where I made over $50 in the past couple of weeks doing this without any effort at all there's other people doing this and making money with this in just minutes now as you can see it's nothing crazy it's not a lot of money it's not hundreds of dollars online but $6 $7 $5 another $6 $511 really starts to add up over time step number one is to come over to Google and search up Google News once you're on Google News you want to find trending topics around the world at the moment as this whole strategy is getting to rely on piggybacking current trends and using trending topics as the saying goes where the attention goes the money goes if you click on the US on the top menu bar of news.
Gooogle you will find some of the most trending topics right now that is happening in the United States the next step is to come over to this website called seor writing. a and create your free account on the top right hand side click on get started it's free you can log in straight away with your Google account your account is now created and don't worry this tool is literally going to do most of the work for you step number four come over to chat gbt and paste the following prompt write 10 topic ideas and titles for the following bizarre news events happening in the USA come back to Google news and copy one of these titles of these trending news lists in the USA come back to chat gbt and write number one and paste that title write number two write number two click on Space come back to Google News and we can go and copy another title so for example this title over here we can copy that come back to chat GPT and paste that number three come back to Google news and let's use this one over here paste that into chat gbt and click on send and chat gbt will give you its top 10 blog article ideas for these trending topics that we going to currently piggyback on Google News so that we can go and capitalize on these topics to follow the attention to follow the trend and to ultimately make money from this and what exactly are we supposed to do with these titles well really simple go and copy one of these title ideas for example number one over here that's been generated for you come back to SEO writing.
A and we want to click on oneclick blog post and this is a really fantastic tool that's going to put together your own unique blog post in your own words with no plagiarism or copyright issues everything's going to be created for you from scratch specifically for you under your own name and under your own words so you can click on oneclick blog post over here and under your main keyword paste the title that chat GPT has created for you click on generate title and let this generate a title and it's now generated that title for you and this is an AI tool that you can use to generate all sorts of AI titles and done for you blog posts and article posts based on that title that you've entered now how exactly are we going to make money from this well make sure to keep watching as I'm going to reveal that in the next steps and this is exactly what people didn't know what people don't know is is actually how much potential revenue is resting on these trending topics and a very specific strategy that you can use to start monetizing and making money off these simple titles and articles and these attention grabbing topics at the moment and this is exactly how you're going to do that you can customize the tone of voice between friendly professional informational transactional inspirational neutral witty casual authorative encouraging we just going to keep it friendly and simple you can change the language to any language in this world and translate all of these articles to suit different audiences in different countries where OB the languages vary un like to leave all of this as is you can also scroll down and enter NLP keywords which is keywords that is going to help rank this article on the top pages of Google and specific search engines and the Fantastic thing about SEO writing.
A is that it automatically generates the most optimal keywords for your blog post so click on NP keyword generation and in a couple of minutes it will automatically add all of this for you so that you can start ranking on Google and any other search engine such as duck Dogo Bing Yahoo and whatever else is out there you can add AI images to your article yes the number of images the image style the image sizes you can even add YouTube videos that this AI tool will find content on YouTube that's relative to your article and plug that into your article you can make really fantastic content with this tool for Google ranking if you want to do affiliate marketing if you want to sell products on Shopify review products this is an all-in-one tool that's really going to do everything for you so you don't have to sit for hours on end trying to write of these posts trying to come up with content ideas this AI tool is literally going to search the entire internet for you in just a couple of seconds and put this together for you and I'm going to show you right now what it's going to look like this is a platform that a lot of people don't know about and one of the best places to go and make money of these bizarre news events that's happening right now on true events is on list.com where people are posting all sorts of different articles mostly on things that have happened in the past based on true events now you can actually go and make money off this website if you come up to the top right hand side you click on more you can click on write and get paid and if I quickly read through this so here's the deal we will pay you $100 for your efforts you don't need to be an expert you just need to have English equal to that of a native speaker a sense of humor and a love for things unusual or interesting so you don't need to be some literature Pro or have some English degree or be some kind of fancy Shakespeare English speaker you can be a normal speaker but keep in mind remember AI is doing all of this for us you don't even need to know English at all and you can start making money with this website so this is how it works you will write your list 10 items per list minimum you will then send it into this website they will reply great we'll publish it and they'll send you $100 by PayPal if you don't have an account you can make one that's completely free on this website really easy to sign up or they're going to reply sorry this isn't just the sort of thing our readers will love give it another shot that means they're just not interested in this topic right now find a different topic and just keep reposting and resubmitting to this website until you get approved and also remember your list should be at least one or two paragraphs per entry either way you win your list will be read by us and reviewed if it's amazing they will appear on the front page in front of millions of people a month on the front of this page so the Fantastic thing about this website is they getting millions of people to this site and they paying you $100 but where we going to make the real money from this is through the article itself so that's why I say this website you just got to keep trying until you get it approved and one will eventually get approved and you will find a topic that they like but keep in mind we already on the right path of finding right topics because while we using some of the most trending news events in the world right now so there will be at least one or two of them that they're going to be interested in that they know their audience will like really simple to submit this click on more click on submit a list over here you need to enter your details your name email address your PayPal email address to go and get paid your author blur to tell us about you promote your social media so you can just simply say I'm a freelance journalist that covers some of the most trending topics and news events in the world I write articles and I publish them online it will be fantastic to have this opportunity with you guys to get some of my interesting topics that is happening around the world right now published with you guys you can say something as simple as that you can also ask chat gbt for help you can ask give me an author blobe for myself and a chat gbt will generate you a fantastic template for your top 10 list you just need to enter your title the introduction to your article and the full contents of your article to go and get that you're going to come over to writing.
A where we've been creating this article and then finally on the top right hand side over here click on run on this article so that it will go and generate this for you you'll see over here it loads up a status bar once this is at 100% it's now complete we have our article to go and submit to this website status is now complete you can go and click on your article and take a look at this over here completely done for you really fantastic in just a couple of seconds I mean for somebody to go and write this out is going to take days hours weeks maybe even months to go and find all this content put it together whereas this tool finds everything you need on the internet in a couple of seconds so now we need to go and copy this title come back to submit a list just paste your list title over here an introduction come back to the introduction of or come back to your article on SEO writing copy the first paragraph more than fine for the introduction and then over here for the full contents we can go and copy the full contents of this article so just click on copy and paste this over here click on agree to terms and conditions and simply click on submit list within a couple of days you gain to receive an email great we'll publish it and you'll receive your $100 via PayPal if they're not happy with it they going to tell you sorry it's just not the sort of thing our readers will be interested in then it's fine you just simply repeat the process go on to Google News find something else that's perhaps interesting you can use all of these trending topics over here and they're going to be updated every couple of hours so you essentially going to have unlimited topics to submit to this website where eventually they will approve one or two or even a few now this is where we're going to tr truly make our money from this so this first way on write and get paid on list first.com is one of many ways to make money from this the first way is we're going to come over to Google and we're going to go and search free article publishing sites just publishing advice.com or 12 free platforms for writers to publish articles online so if I scroll down over here you'll see we've got medium LinkedIn articles publish PDF scooper ISU Udo and plenty others so let's come over firstly to medium.com let's use the example of medium.com now if you didn't know medium.com is the largest article publishing website for the public in the world with hundreds of millions of traffic every single month so there's a lot of people that come onto this website a lot of potential traffic for us to make money off of but this is where we're going to make our money so on medium.com you can click on the top right hand side sign in with your account click on right it will then take you to the new story section come back to seor writing.
Copy the title of your article paste this over here and under the story section of your article this is the the trick that we're going to use to make money off of this we're going to copy only half of this article just like this even the first quarter you then want to paste this over here click on enter enter and type the following click here to read the full story before we continue with this come back to your article on SEO writing. a again copy the whole article just going to have to scroll to the bottom highlight all of this right click copy come over to docs. gole google.com and open up a blank document and paste this over here now what we need to go and do is is click on file click on download as a PDF document now we've got our article saved as a PDF format so we then can come over to drive.google.com upload the same PDF to Google Drive it will upload in just a couple of seconds this PDF won't be very big but over here once this is loaded up click on the three dots click on share click on copy link click on manage access click on restricted to anyone with this link and copy this link you're going to come over to this website called shrink earn.com this is the highest paying Euro all shorten of 2024 and you can earn up to $2 per thousand clicks on your link now all this tool does is you paste your Google URL in this earn money link over here just make sure that you enter the capture we can just fulfill this quickly this website will then generate you a short URL now every time somebody clicks on this they're going to be prompted with one or two ads that they have to watch for 15 seconds once they finished watching that ad they're going to be taken through to your full article in PDF form where you will earn money every time someone clicks on that link so now I'm going to come back to medium.com we be busy writing our story highlight this link over here where it says click to read the full story click on link and paste this URL over here so now what this is doing is this is incentivizing people to read the full story so when they click on read the full story they're going to be prompted with a couple of ads and then finally taken through to the full story but every time they do that you g to make money per click I've just broken down down two fantastic ways for you guys to make money of some of the most trending news topics happening in the world right now now if you guys want to go and learn how I made while over $100 a day promoting this Google Drive Link in this video over here this is a video where I documented selling these video editing Assets in this Google Drive for hundreds of dollars every single day to an audience on social media really fantastic way to start getting into selling digital products also very similar it's got to rely on traffic and people and building an audience and building a lead base but it's something that blow up into a very large good earning business so if you guys want more insight into that and how exactly I did this make sure to click on this video on the screen over here on the screen it's about 15 minutes long and it's completely free on YouTube there's no upsell to some crazy $2,000 course all my content is for free on my YouTube channel click on this video over here take care guys and I'll see you on the inside