Make $6,000 In 24 HOURS Day Trading (Copy This)

you can find a ton of YouTubers entrepreneurs so-called gurus Forex Traders but they are very few creators that is willing to take you through their journey in how they make their first hundred thousand dollars in a year in making money online and in their online business [Music] hey what's going on awesome people of YouTube my name is Jay from the channel Millennium mindset I'm a full-time prop foam Trader entrepreneur from South Africa that documents my journey on my YouTube channel on various ways that I used to make money online in today's video I'm very excited to share with you how I made six thousand dollars AKA 115 000 Rand in one day Forex Trading with my specific problem if you're not a profitable Trader or want to learn how to make money online and specifically grow your Forex account on a weekly and a monthly basis this YouTube channel is for you because I'm going to document my journey and my profitable trades my losing trades how I understand the markets and read price in my own unique mechanical way with my mechanical system that I use to trade the markets I've been day trading for four years and it took me about two and a half years to become really profitable and to become a full-time Trader to be able to rely on that income I'm going to give you some insight into that journey and how I trade the platforms that you you can get started how you can personally trade with me have a look at my live trades and also learn with me in how I teach my SMC and ICT Concepts at the end of this video if you're new to this channel make sure to go down below leave a like on this video comment down below and make sure you subscribed if we can get to 200 likes on this video I will do a 50 Bitcoin giveaway in tomorrow's video and announce the winner before we hop into my computer I want you to understand that my YouTube channel and the way that I teach trading is not some kind of magical fairy dust that is going to fall into your lap and suddenly make you rich that kind of thing in the markets does not exist in fact it does not exist anywhere on the internet you need to take the concepts that I'm going to teach you in my videos and I actually practice it yourself apply it on your own charts and train your minds to read the charts in the form of structure that I'm going to explain to you this is not something that you're getting to get overnight but it took me it took me a few months of practicing this every single day I've put it into a much simpler mechanical rule-based form that will make it easier for you guys to go and see and to go and practice so I recommend watch this video Until the End don't skip through because I'm going to highlight some very important points as we go throughout this video and how I made six thousand dollars in one day and how I make about three to twenty percent per month every single month on my prop film account and I'm briefly going to go over the xau USD trade that I took on Thursday so first and foremost the number one point you need to go and do in my rule-based system if you want to learn how I take trades like this yes I do take losses so my style of trading is a very high risk to reward but a much lower win rate I have about a 30 win rate with on average one to ten one to twenty risk to reward catching the full Runners if I include my partial and be trades which are still profitable trades that means we just hit tp1 and kind of go back to break even I then have about a 70 percent win rate number one in this rule-based system that I want you guys to practice and follow is firstly come over to the four hour time frame so this is all rule based you follow the exact same set of rules and you will start seeing it clearly yourself so what I'm going to do is I'm going to open up another gold chart that's just clean because I don't want to remove all of my analysis on the current chart all right so I've opened up xau USD which is the gold spot US Dollar on the Forex Com data feed on trading view so what I'm going to do is I'm going to remove all my drawings and I'm going to show you how to start this off from scratch so what we call our four hour time frame is our swing structure schematic from there we're going to hop over to Step number two which is our internal structure from there we'll hop over to number three which is fractal structure once you put all three together you will have that Crystal Clear understanding of exactly where you lie in the market understanding where expectational order low and where price wants to go understanding where you are in the market on the higher time frame and the lower time frame you see the biggest mistake the Traders make is they want to hop over to the smaller time frame and just trade on the lower time frame without understanding what the higher time frame is doing and that is exactly what these sets of rules is going to help you with and be a game changer to your trading Journey so firstly step number one if I had to start off with a real Basics I'm pretty sure you've seen this on YouTube before pretty sure you've seen this in other mentorships is price is always printed in the form of either lower lows all right price looking to Target these weak lows breaking these lower lows pulling back into the previous range and continue breaking structures to the downside targeting these weak lows pullback mitigating the previous range break of structure to the downside breaking these previous lows pull back break a structure to the downside mitigating and breaking through these previous lows then price could have that breaker structure to the upside pull back into the previous range looking to Target the weak highs prices always printed to you in the form of structure once you learn how to identify it it becomes crystal clear and really easy to do but it's just that most people don't know how to get started with that there's a big saying that the trend is your friend and it took me years to understand that concept I could never understand when people say that the trend is your friend how do you actually go and identify the actual Trend and understand it on all the time frames well this is exactly what took me about two years to figure out which I'm giving to you guys now all right so to go and start off with we need to go and look for our clear highs and lows and breaks of structure to the downside so most recently on gold if I come back a little bit all right we had this bearish move to the dark side a pullback which makes this a weak low we then had that break of structure to the downside so this would be our four hour break of structure which was created by the highest point in the previous swing range which was this point over here which becomes a four hour Strong high after that break of structure we have the pullback into the previous swing range specifically the supply Zone over here we're going to dive into refining this a little bit later in this video but for now let's just focus on practicing marking up our structure after that pullback we had created this weak low so what is expectational order flow from over here is for price to have that pullback after the breakup structure to then go and Target these weak lows so that is what would expectational order flow would be so we can go and highlight this as our four hour week after that pullback we then had that internal breakup structure to the downside which indicates price is now ready to go and Target the weak lows which we had this break of structure to the downside over here with a body closure so another rule that I want you to keep in mind four hour swing structure and the break-off structure needs to happen with a body closure these Wicks over here is not a break of structure that's just a sweep after this body closure that is now our break of structure the highest point in the previous swing range which was this high point of here now becomes our four hours strong which then this is now our most recent four hour week low so what is comment down below what do you think is expectational order flow from gold as where we are now is for price to have that pullback into areas of interest and relative price action of the previous four hour swing range from the high to the low to then go and Target those weak lows so this is currently expectational order flow on gold not what is going to happen price can do one or two things over here price could go according to expectational order flow it could continue targeting these weak loads from here then we have more of a bigger pullback into areas of relative price action in the previous swing range to then Target the weak lows gold could also go bullish break the straw High cater for that pullback to then have expectational order flow to come and Target the week highs all the system is it's reacting to what price gives you there's no need to predict price all you do is you're marking up your structure and reacting to what price gives you and from there you can get your high quality setups and entries so let's continue with this I want to take you over through the 15 minute time frame so this is just a brief for our time frame structure so this is what we currently have on gold from there we hop over to the 15 minute time frame which is our internal structural time frame after price had this most recent four hour break of structure how can we identify that price is now ready to go and shift bullish to cater for the four hour pullback into the previous swing range as after every single break of structure there is that pullback phase into the previous four hour swing range which is then valid to look for buys and long positions to ride that four hour pullback after that four hour break of structure to the downside we had that M15 pullback so after that valid M15 pullback we then can have this as hour 15 minutes week low because this was the most recent time that broke before our structures that makes this an M15 strong the M15 after the 4-Hour break of structure had the M15 pullback with still expectational order flow to go and Target these weak lows which it had this M15 breakup structure over here all right so let's go and Mark this so M15 boss which now makes this our new M15 swing Strong high because this was the most recent highest point that broke the previous week low making that a strong high price then head let's break a structure to the downside that pullback and what is expectational order flow to respect these highs and to Target these weak lows but price couldn't do that instead it broke structure to the upside with a candle body closure so that then signals all right after the four hour breakup structure M15 structure has now shifted bullish which signals we're now ready to go and cater for the overall four hour swing pullback which is then valid to look for long positions to ride that overall four hour pullback after that M15 boss we had a mini pullback over here not all the way to extreme areas of the previous swing range but there's still counts as a valid pullback so this then becomes the M15 new weak High which we then had a breakup structure to the upside so this was an M15 breaker structure to the upside which is protected by this M15 strong low all right because this was a most recent low point that took out the previous High weak high so what is expectational order flow after this breaker structure is to have the pullback and to continue targeting these weak eyes pullback continuing to Target these weak eyes pullback continuing to look to Target these weak highs pull back over here price could never break the previous Strong high but instead broke the low pull back into the previous area of Supply so what does this signal over here all right so the M15 structure has now shifted bearish which signals price is now ready to go and Target the overall four hour week low which is exactly how autoflow was printed to you here so all this is is a reaction to a price principle but let's just move back a little bit continue marking this up so that you can get the hang of this and learn how to do this yourself alright so over here was also an area for a valid long position is we had a valid demand Zone with the inefficient push liquidity buildup and mitigated and also created the breakup structure so over here would have been 100 valid to look for Longs perhaps confirmations we will cover that more in depth in the future on the channel to then Target perhaps Supply zones in the more extreme area of the previous four hour swing range so this would have been valid to look for Longs over here to ride the overall four hour pullback if we keep following this order flow we had this M15 breakup structure to the upside protected by this M15 strong low and over here you can see this was not a breakup structure this was just a wick price head that pullback targeting the weak High which makes this an M15 break of structure the Soviet was also an M15 break of structure price had that pullback many pullback not all the way down to extreme areas but then still creates that break of structure barely with a body closure which counts as an M15 breaker structure making this the new N15 weak low which we then had that break of structure to the downside now expectational order flow is to go and Target the M15 we close and the four hour we close so hopefully you're starting to see once you're able to mark out structure understanding your four hour swing structure and pairing that up with your M15 internal structure you can start to understand where expectational order flow is going to go as after every four hour break of structure there is that pullback once price prints that M15 breaker structure to the downside after the four hour pullback that signals structure has not shifted bearish internally and is now ready to go and Target the four hour week lows alright so this is just a quick breakdown on how you can start mocking up structure at the end of this video I will show you how you can get way more in-depth insight into this and actually an entire private mentorship on this but let's go over an XA USD trade that I took on gold on Thursday uh Wednesday sorry so if I come over to the four hour time frame over here I'm just going to come back to my previous goal chart as I have this all marked out already I actually caught two trades this week on Gold All right so over here we had the previous four hour break of structure to the downside over here which then price had that pullback creating this as a new four hour internal week and a four hour Strong high so if I take over look over here all right so after that pullback prices structure started to shift bearish with a break of structure to the downside so what can we expect is that pullback to then go and Target the weak lows so at the time this was an M15 recoil and this was a four hour week low so expectational order flow was to go and Target those weak lows after that breaker structure to the downside I marked out my valid Supply Zone with the inefficient push had some double top liquidity I will cover these Concepts more in depth with you at the end of this video so make sure to keep watching for that alright so as price had that breaker structure I initially actually took an entry on this Supply over here which actually got stopped out for 0.1 percent loss all right then over here we tap into my extreme Zone I took what you call a Triple M confirmation which is an SMC concept taught by men's FX which is basically a triple break of structure to the downside on a really low time frame most of the time between one second and five second time frame uh which is just an indication that tells you that the supply zone is building up selling power and is going to hold so I took a Triple M confirmation on the supply my stop loss above the wick targeting the overall four hour week low and the M15 week low all right which was a total of 25 risk to reward so I risked 0.2 percent on this trade for a point four percent return which is a total return of six thousand dollars at a 200 risk on my 200 000 Prof firm account with blue Guardian which if you convert to South African Rands was a hundred and fifteen thousand Rand in one day in my Discord Community I posted both these setups in live time so over here was the original cell Supply zone so the supplies on over here was the original Supply that I took myself off which I just got Wicked out and then obviously tapped into the extreme uh which was this setup over here right here we got tapped in I took a Triple M entry same 25 wrist reward targeting those in 15 week and four hour week lows and then got stopped out on the first entry got tapped in with a tiny Triple M on the five minute time frame with my stop loss just above that week targeting the four hour week Loan in 15 week low as the trade played out I then set my break even at the nearest fractal low which I will cover more with you at the end of this video right over here over here is where I actually entered on my PC I was obviously on my mobile app over here but I use mt4 desktop version to place my trades much quicker to modify your stop losses and execute your trades and this is where I set stop loss to break even about two hours later we then had news release which pushed price in the direction of expectational order flow to those weak lows we nearly TP we then pulled back and ranged for a bit until 3 30 and we finally hit take profit at 25 risk to reward so this trade was sent in lifetime to the members as well and a couple of you guys did catch this with me so the entire understanding of this trade was structure like I've just taught you the basics supply and demand with a confirmation entry and I will go more in depth in all three of these concepts with you towards the end of this video again just explaining everything as we go through how I caught this trade something that you can take from a trade like this once you understand structure and expectational Order flow the markets become poetry in motion and something else that you can take as well news is the excuse to move price in the direction that I was already going to go which was a prime example over here news move price in the direction of where expectational order flow is going to go over here was our final result so the first entry was a loss at 0.21 at 482 dollars on a 200 000 problem account the second entry of the extreme Zone was a 1 to 25 risk to reward so this was a 200 risk trade for a three percent return at 25 risk to reward so one thing that you can also take from risk management here is risk to reward and risk management always wins the day my losses are so small they're not even relative to the wins so that is why when people ask me don't you ever take losses do you ever take losses I do all the time but they're so tiny it's like 100 200 bucks it's not even relevant to the wins and that is what is so fantastic about once you understand your expectational order flow your structure story in the market it allows you to catch high risk to reward trades like this and really minimize your losses so as I've mentioned throughout this video if you guys want to get access to a far more in-depth private SMC mentorship with me where I go over the supply and demand Zone Basics imbalance and inefficiency in Supply zones the best zones versus Wix zones understanding mitigation versus unmitigation which institution controls the market buying or selling power risk entry or should you rather take a confirmation entry and refining your zones section 2 in the private mentorship goes over all three types of structure live walkthroughs theoretical mind graphs complementing the lower time frames with the higher time frames in a 10 video course in section two Section 3 we go over liquidity how to identify liquidity double top liquidity double bottom liquidity support and resistance train line liquidity and just pairing that up with which supply and demand zones have got the best liquidity and which ones are going to hold the best and take price to your points of the week lows or the week highs section 4 we go over specifically entry confirmations Section 5 is all about Wyckoff section 6 is all about risk management over here you'll get access to all of our trade rooms my trade room specifically where I'm posting my trades whenever I take trades you will also get access to our mm funded V2 Matrix EA which is based on an SMC hedging strategy to give you an idea of the performance of this EA this is the results of my hundred thousand dollar Prof firm account which has generated five thousand dollars in this month so far that is the month of June which is a five percent return and has avoided the five percent drawdown limits very easily other than that you'll get access to our exclusive prop firm with 85 payouts payouts in the same day to one day payouts 10 off on all evaluations to existing mm-funded members you've also got the public trading rooms over here with the public post their trades based on what they've learned on the course content and the private mentorship so over here you can go and post your trades we will help criticize you and give you advice on perhaps what went wrong or what went right over here you will find in the passes and profits room members passing getting those prop form payouts on weekly basis using the contents that we teach in our Discord Community our Discord is about five months old and we have created a total of about 60 funded members so far and growing which we are really happy about but again I'm going to emphasize on the point this Discord is not some kind of magical potion that's going to fall into your lap well it kind of is because it's putting you in the direction of the right resources and the right information but you still need to put in the efforts you still need to sit down watch the course content apply the concepts that we teach practice seeing it yourself on the charts Watch How I trade in the trading room comparing it to what I do and what I teach in the course content and you will learn and applying what we teach lifetime in the market so that's what's really great about this Discord it's not just educational we trade live with you based on what we teach in the course contents applying those Concepts if you guys want to get access to this entire Community I will leave a link down below it will be the first link in the description I will give you guys 50 off so every viewer that is watching this video will get 50 off the coupon will be in the first link in the description make sure to enter that on the checkout if you guys want to see how I started trading about three four years ago I've still got those videos on YouTube which is an excellent example of how far I've come in my trading Journey those videos back in the day I started off with RSI double tops and some kind of buy or sell auger which kind of work for me back then but there was absolutely no risk management applied but you're welcome to go and watch those videos and see how far I've come in the last three to four years trading so what I recommend you do is click on the trading playlist over here you can go and view that Journey on YouTube and also go and click on this link over here or the link in the description so go and get access to our private Discord Community without further Ado take care and I'll see you guys in tomorrow's video

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