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if you can Master institutional supply and demand Zone trading you will learn exactly how you can trade alongside some of the biggest financial institutions and banks around the world find big risks to reward trades and Bank consistent profits these three critical points that has created 70 funded members in the past four months in underscored community and will help you master institutional and supply and demands on trading as well as mastering institutional and structural order flow and has helped members in our community that have only been trading for three months receive their first profit and commission payouts in this video you are going to learn how you can Master institutional Supply and demands on trading how to identify institutional order flow and how to mechanically Mark out your institutional supply and demand zones once you understand how the markets move and what drives the markets you will become undefeatable in the markets as history has shown and repeated itself Traders are a very emotionally driven group so when there are millions of people that get to together in the same emotional money-making game being greed uncertainty emotions just trying to make a quick profit you will learn how you can spot this on your price charts on trading View and learn how to make money from this how exactly can you do this you see you've got millions of people putting millions of dollars into the same place for a million different reasons and that order flow of millions of people putting Millions through the markets through millions of different reasons is exactly what we call order flow so let's hop onto the computer and learn how we can identify this order flow to our advantage and to make money from this [Music] foreign first and foremost institutional structure and Order flow will always be printed to you in the form of structural ranges after a break of structure of that range price will then pull back into the previous swing range for filling a certain amount of price within that swing range you will have what you call discounts and premium prices which is the amount of orders that institutional Banks and financial institutions needs to collect before continuing price to the expectational order flow and to Target the weak eyes or the weak lows in price so let's go and take a look at an example of xau USD alright so most recently on price action we have had this four hour break of structure to the downside which was created by the most recent swing high in the previous swing range which we can go and Mark this as our four hour Strong high alright so price then had that break of structures the downside caused by this four hour Strong high is currently in that pullback phase with a internal break of structure to the upside so if you hop over to the 15 minute you can identify this as a 15 minute break of structure to the upside of the candle body closure therefore we can now go and label this as our four hour week low if you go and put a Fibonacci organ box over the previous four hour swing range you will have what you call your equilibrium which is the 50 of this range discounted pricing areas which is more than 50 pullback into the previous swing range and then premium prices Which is less than 50 percent of the previous swing range and in a nutshell what this means is because this is a bearish market with breaks of structures to the downside there will be more sellers in the premium pricing than the discounted pricing so if the bags pull price back to discounted areas of the previous four hour swing range they will collect prices at a much cheaper price ultimately making the banks and financial institutions more money so when identifying your four hour swing ranges it would be more valid to look for areas of Supply or demand that created this overall four hour break of structure in discounted areas of pricing so over here we have a valid Supply Zone with an inefficient push the break of structure trend line liquidity sitting just below it and this would also be an equilibrium Zone simply because the Wicks of the supply zone is bigger than the body therefore this would be highlighted as an equilibrium Zone and the 50 of the zone is in discounted pricing areas of the previous four hour swing range so what currently comment down below what you think is expectational autoflow on xau USD is for price to pull back into the previous four hour swing range for full areas of relevant price action so then continue targeting these for our weak lows like it has been doing for the past couple of weeks if we move back a little bit on XA USD and you keep marking up these four hour swing ranges you will learn later in this video how we will hop down onto the lower time frame the reason we're using the four hour swing range is because that is a higher time frame bias and you cannot trade lower time frame without understanding what the higher time frame is doing this most recent five swing range we had this four hour break structure to the downside which was caused by the most recent high that caused that break which with the highest point was over here so this would currently be your previous four hour swing range so that would have been your four hours strong at the time all right but obviously we don't need to label that because we only look at most recent price action and our most recent for our strong level over here if we have a look before this we had a four hour break of structure to the downside over here with a body closure so that was our previous for our boss with the four hour Strong high and this being a four hour week low alright so price creating the Strong high at the time of this break of structure all right price had that body closure and if you mark out the 50 of this entire swing range you will see after the break of structure price had that pullback into discounted areas of the previous four hour swing range to think continuing targeting those weak lows which we had that break of structure that pullback and the break of structure to the downside again so if we keep on marking this you'll see reprise price repeats itself over and over again over here we had this four hour break of structure to the downside created by this four hour Strong high all right after that pullback phase with the 15 minute break of struck to the upside this becomes our four hour week low if we Mark out the 50 of their previous swing range price out that break of structure the pullback into discounted areas of the previous four hour swing range collecting price at a bargain to then go and Target the four hour week lows with a candle body closure so current expectational order flow on xau USD is for price to pull back into discounted areas of the previous four hour strong swing range to then go and Target these four hour we close but how can we go and identify to enter on these types of Trades all you go and do is is repeat your structure schematic which is discussed a lot more in depth in my community but I'm going to break it down as best and as clean as possible for you guys in today's video is to go and mark up the same structure schematic we had the M15 brake structure to the downside with a body closure which was created by this High alright so price had that pullback into discounted areas of the previous M15 swing range but instead of respecting that M15 strong it closed body above indicating this is now an M15 breaker structure to the upside so that then signals we are now in the four hour pullback phase and it would be valid to look for longs to grind the overall four hour pullback to discounted areas of the four armor swing range all right so after that M15 boss which was created by this M15 strong low okay this currently being our M15 weak High so what can we expect from price is for price to break this M15 week high to have a pullback into discounted areas of pricing of this M15 swing range to continue riding the overall four hour pullback to mitigate discounted areas of the four hour swing range to then have that M15 internal breakup structure to the downside to continue targeting the overall for our week lows which in which then once you have this M15 breakup structure to the downside it would be valid to look for shorts to continue trading the overall higher time frame expectational or order flow now this does get even more involved you can hop over to the five minute time frame and the three minute time frame to look for fractal entries flip entries sweep entries just extra confirmations to tighten that RR that risks to reward to ultimately manage risk best and to make your losses minimal if you guys want to go and learn how to master institutional order flows like this how to master institutional supply and demand structure liquidity fair value gaps each and every supply and demand Zone needs to have a strict criteria that is four total criterias in this example over here this would be let me just zoom in a bit more for you guys this would be a valid M15 demand Zone because it had the inefficient push the break of structure it is unmitigated if you take a look over here and you mark out the 50 the 50 has not been mitigated simply because this is an equilibrium Zone meaning the Wicks of the supply zone is bigger than the body it's the most recent move that created the big inefficient push the breaker structure and it is forming inducement which is another form of liquidity just above it so we can expect price to sweep that mitigate that demand print some kind of confirmation with a flip Zone to then go and continue writing that overall four a pullback to Target more discounted areas of the overall four upper swing range so this is current stational order flow on xau USD perhaps for next week all this is It's a reaction to what price is printing you there's no need to predict price there's no need to try and get in based on emotions based on Greed all you're doing is is following a fixed set of rules if you would like to learn these fixed set of rules and personally get minted By Me on a one million dollar funded Trader from South Africa that trades platforms institutional structure supply and demand with confirmations I post all of my live trades are documented and posted in the Discord we are soon moving over to full-time live streaming with our members every single day in London and US session so that you guys can get an idea of how we trade according to our educational and private course content inside of the Discord we have created over 70 funded members in the last five months that we've been around we only launched in March this year it is currently June that's not even five months and we have created about 70 members to date the link to this private SMC membership and Community is the first link in the description of this video the first thing you will see when you land on that link is a video of me going through everything inside of the Discord it's a free video so you will have full transparency and you will understand everything that's inside the Discord before you even have to enter so that you can get a good understanding of exactly what's inside this Discord and what you can expect from this community called Millennium mindset funded I do also want to explain to you guys and state this Discord is not some kind of magical Community that's going to fall into your lap and suddenly get you funded and make you consistent you need to put the educational content that we teach in our videos into action you need to practice you need to apply yourself this community is not for the lazy it's for those that really want to get the edge in the market to get funded and to ultimately become an independent full-time Trader yes our live trades our signals well we don't really even class them as signals WE Post our live trades for educational purposes and members are welcome to ride along those trades with us as I mentioned earlier we will be live streaming our live trades every single day at the moment we're only streaming on weekends for educational content going over webinars marking up the charts to give you a crystal clear understanding of how to identify institutional structure and Order flow and how to master institutional supply and demand Zone trading so what I recommend you do is click on the first link in the description it will take you to the video that will go over everything inside the Discord and I'll see you over there