Live Office Hours for Entrepreneurs (AMA)

for happy Friday everybody you guys hear me out there the man the myth what's up y'all it's Friday Anthony Freeman in the house good to see you my man my computer over here a little bit slow let me throw up the website I think yall like seen it the computer so slow today Jesus what's up y'all it's been a it's been a long ass week I don't know how your week was mine was tough it was a tough week Maddie good to see you I was snacking on a cookie a power cookie sipping some tea from world's best boss I I've actually I'll sip on this mug when I'm in meetings and I I'm like wow no you're really being an [ __ ] here and I I see the mug on the screen world's best boss and I was like let's let's try to suck a little less as a leader today know and I'm like all right let's do that shabbat shalom Ed Curtis pre-order the book A lot of people I've seen your names I've emailed with you I've talked to you maybe you slept over at my house I'm getting a phone call it's from my girlfriend hold on [Music] oie oie everybody I'm in the uh office hours do you want to be on hold on I'm gonna put you on speaker phone no no no no no we're talking an hour all right you don't you guys aren't coming home oky doie I see in a little little bit love you uh coffee would be great black coffee all right what's up y'all uh Ed is in the house Ethan is in the house what's up Casey good to see you my man Alex the Spanish accent yes my girlfriend is Venezuelan why doesn't she like us Anthony she loves you guys hey Julian Marin you're actually he's featured in the book shout out Julian look this guy's actually where are you my man you're in the email chapter no social chap social no email chapter here he is look this pretty cool Julian Marin right here this guy I've known online he's in the chat I've known him now I guess from all the content and books and stuff for years and I think he he emailed me I don't know if you mind me sharing but he made a million dollars last year in his business not bad not bad not bad at all uh who else is in the house we got Merrick good to see you Scott Smith check out the live stream I'm glad you caught it uh we answer your business questions uh we've got million-dollar weekend launching this month in 11 days what's up Aubrey uh it's crazy yeah it's been a hectic week I haven't slept well I've been sick all week got some personal stuff going on that was a little surprising but you know I'm doing my best to be optimistic that's something that I was thinking about in entrepreneurship for all of us and I'll answer you guys business questions if you have Book Questions I'm going to give out this exact book to one of you people today at around 30 minutes I gave it out last week to Eric Miller so it says office hours I'm gonna write your name and I'm going to write you a love letter and then I'm going to send it to your house and all you're going to have to do I'll tell you in a little bit but you can you just tweet and I'm gonna give you this exact book so you can get started on your million dollar weekend um what up y'all it's good to see everyone I'm definitely middle energy today so brain is Middle energy but I'm feeling optimistic and again I was thinking about it uh and I even was reading about it this morning where if you were born in a country and maybe you are not tall or maybe you have small arms or maybe you have giant arms the best part about entrepreneurship is that it's not discriminative anyone can do it worldwide and I think that's so amazing what's upv shabbat shalom everyone and that is so awesome think about this no matter what your conditions are geographically spiritually sexually genetically what other leaves are there mentally you can succeed in entrepreneurship and I think that's so cool cuz like being a basketball player probably can't do it 41 at 5 foot 10 being a a a tennis player or squash player that's over but entrepreneurship is available for any age any gender any time what's up Josh from Austin Austin who else is in the house David Mack is back here we're doing every single Friday to for book launch oh my people in Israel shabbat shalom there I'm Israel High all right uh people in Austin yeah but every single Friday this month I think we got two more this one plus two more answering business questions talking about million dollar weekend how many of you guys grabbed the pre-order it seemed like a lot of you I just want to see some comments uh from people out there hey drug talk TV good to see you Minaj posting a lot get you banned my friend I do love my Indian people but just post it once and I know I got love in India I've been out to India it's like one of my favorite places in the world it's like one of the top and India I would rank as one number one out of 168 for me it's definitely one of my 168th favorite country in the world um wow a lot of you guys have pre-ordered David Josh if you have not pre-ordered it we got some insane bonuses I'm not going to even tell you all of them there's too many uh they're going to sell out if not I already sell some of them are very close to selling out uh millionar Merrick I love you man I've seen you out there for a while Chad Williams dude you're the man I look forward to you guys reading it and taking action for yourself crazy story from two nights ago is that one of the videos that you guys went super viral where me where I interviewed a guy in a private jet I saw him at a restaurant small world uh Pugi cozy what a great name what a cool name all you guys are pre-ordered who who have not pre-ordered all right well it's been super wild doing this book tour talking to people I had Paul Millard uh from the pathless Past come over this morning pathless path wow that's a tongue twister and uh yeah I'm sick still I'm I'm ver cled I'm vered it's hard to speak straight up uh and for people who haven't ordered if you did one thing today change your life you could change your life this weekend that sounds pretty appealing to me you change your life in 48 hours Zack Isley convince you to order you know the best way to convince people to order is not convince them this is sales in general it's understanding people and what they want so if you want to have your own business or if you want to have your own opportunity to make a lot of money for yourself and your own time millionaire status look at Julian Marian he's literally in the chat here so Julian was someone who I've worked with or talked to for now four five six years I don't even know how long Julian and now you're at a million doll business Julian maybe you can post some comment and I'll I'll throw it up on screen but the best marketing is Happy C customers so one understand your customers and what they want and two I don't need to convince you I think seeing people like Julian and Pat Uh and McKenzie who else there was another person even yesterday they're like yeah man I'm already doing well I was like wow this is quick the book's not even out uh this lady Carrie Coffield in our book launch team is already Selling paintings and doing workshops Neil goani go Shaw you're the man Josh Leland order another one and give it to a friend come join me we're going to have a virtual book launch party January 30th I got these new hats what do y'all think of this hat it's got like the snap thing on it from the book it's a little hard to see and the color is a little whack I would say but we have a few of these maybe I'll give one out today if you guys want one Scott Smith got a medical field business hell yeah man $4 million oh there's cat Mullen she s some calendars yeah 20 calendars from following the million dollar week in process what is my thought on Alex Heros here's the best way to evaluate Alex Heros what's the business he's done Jim launch secrets so name one gym that's launched and had a secret from him and two he's got this site which a good noain name one company he's acquired tell me those two things and then uh I'll start listening to numbers then if you're claiming you you got a lot of money like a 100 million show it prove it you know in this day and age anyone can just claim anything and I think that uh people listen to him because of that but you know I worked at Facebook I just posted photos on Twitter of Me and Mar Mark Zuckerberg and others I worked at I built that I built kickflip and Gambit and appsumo and then with the team tidy Cal and senf fox and King Sumo I show my numbers I show my businesses so I think that's kind of interesting uh when people are talking about stuff but they're never showing you stuff how them show anything and I would be L to see it myself because I do think he's got good marketing but when you have a big claim like that no one ever asked him to show it and I always find that kind of surprising I I admire the Bezos of the world I admire even the small people of the world I adire the tiny the person who made a dollar like you know like Julian Mar like these are the people I really admire because I see him doing the work he's not claiming anything that he can't back up I think it's a disservice and it seems dishonest frankly unless you can show what you've actually done not that's it that's all I got to say ask to show the money or show any of the businesses or any of the customers that's it for some reason no one wants to ask the question so for me putting together a million dollar weekend I thought man can I really help people it's like well you've done it eight times made a b business that made Seven figures pretty good you know you've worked at some companies that did pretty good you know you're still a CEO sometimes a better CEO sometimes worse but overall I'm still an operator and which did $80 million it was technically F mon did $76 Million last year I just saw the final number 76 Million last year pretty good pretty good can't take all the credit the team really I'll take 1% of the credit the team really does all the work they're amazing these other people that are putting up like hey uh let me teach you drop shipping if you are getting rich off a course or a book and that's how you're getting rich I don't trust you I want to learn from people who've done it I want to learn from people who I can see what you have done I like your companies I know your companies and there's people out there that aren't claiming that and I'm like yeah respect but when you're making big claims and you can't back it up you can't show nothing I don't trust you what is up hey Larry Jackson in the house Neil yeah I mean I'm here to show I think what I show to a lot of people is that there's not some secret Gap and and these gurus on online what they do is they say you're here and I'm here and I've done all these things by the way you can't see any of these things I do and from where you are and where I am there is only one way to get to that magic moment and it's to buy my book and that's it or it's to buy my course my life Mastery course of 297 and the reality is that when most people meet me they think hey you're actually I could do what you do and I'm like yes you can you can the only difference between me and where people are is that you have to get started and stick with these these things there's not some general super magic secret stuff yes there's experience yes there's certain tactics and strategies yes there's certain approaches and again I I do teach that for myself and show you exactly how I've done it time and time again and I just did it two weeks ago again so all of you can do and be wherever you want to be I think you have to recognize where you are think about where you want to be and realize it's actually closer than you imagine and the distance there and the work there is not so hard but you have to get started so you can get there why yeah Scott Smith this is a question why do I do this have an $80 million a year company and by the way when someone says they have $80 million a year company you have to ask how much in Revenue how much in cogs how much in gross profit how much an actual income these guys that make up these fancy titles that are full of crap I don't know how no one's calling [ __ ] I think coffeezilla needs to do some better stories about all these fake business gurus um why do I do it I would say from the bottom of my heart I love it I love being on camera I love making content I love figuring out what content is going to be popular I like responding to comments I like showing up this is free not sell you can get the book good if you don't get the book guess what you're still learning and it's free and I like it I would say that there are secondary benefits I meet cool people doing this stuff I got to go on a private jet because I ask someone if I go on a private jet I get to meet a lot of people because I'm putting myself out there and that's been so fun for me and I would say you know third there is a brand awareness component where people say oh I like that Noah Kagan guy he's even pretty good what's this deal oh he runs appsumo dcom there's software deals pay once get software tools forever like tidy or you know what's popular today on appsumo we go check but you can go get all these amazing tools then people hear about me maybe they like me ideally and you know I'm do my best to like myself I want you to like yourself and then maybe you like me too and then you go buy things at appsumo decom and so you can think about that in your own business and that you know putting yourself out there or putting someone out there to represent your business is is helpful you know I think Gary ve has done a good job of that uh I do think Elon Musk like he kind of bought an entire site just to promote his own businesses that that's actually really smart thank you Manas on the book who is my idol I I would say as of now my girlfriend is definitely my idol I'm really impressed with her attitude and optimism and kindness consistently I really like that I think that's super impressive how would someone be able to spend an hour with you I mean you're spending an hour with me right now that's why I do this because I one to one I don't want to do anymore or if you can do it if you pre-order I think like, 1500 books which you have to even apply to get there and I don't even want to do it we've had a like I think 20 people apply it I'm not I don't think I'm going to choose anyone and as you get older it's you you think about the the limited time available and how what's important to us and ideally what's important to you should align to the behavior that you have so if it's important for you to change your life and have a business are you [ __ ] around on the internet are you just consuming on the Internet or you actually starting to produce things that will get you to where you want to go what do I think of Palo Alto so you all know I grew up in in s California I think Palo Alo in the bay is is cool I I like you know um Woodside and Aon and these like kind of fancy is areas Palo has some specialness to it there's a lot of cool stuff Stanford and all these things out there the bar in general though to me has lost a lot of shine uh I'm really excited more about like I think a lot of things in LA are interesting I think Europe is way more interesting I think Europe is the new California California is like a hot chick or hot dude that just kind of you know took it for granted and they just kept taking advantage of it and eventually they're 45 and not as hot they're like [ __ ] damn that's not good and I think Europe uh knows who they are and it's a nice lifestyle it's like California lifestyle at half the price with a more relaxed living Alex yeah I come here and I talk to the audience I answer your questions I share what's going on in the businesses I share some of my personal life but not a lot of that even though I would say business is personal oh man Joshua yeah this is funny so I hey Neil I'm 41 almost 42 I tweeted about losing money on a real estate deal um I did retweet it I put it back up there I think someone messaged me and said why' you delete your Tweet and then so I reposted the tweet and it was about how I invested 100,000 in a syndication so what's interesting for you is let's say you want to do real estate the best way to do real estate does not do it real estate is such a scam I literally this morning I can't show because has my address the pool has some broken thing $175 two days ago my other house uh flooded and I was doing a an interview here and I was like I got a call it was like Hey the house is flooding I was like I got to promote million dollar weekend I don't give a [ __ ] honestly I think a lot of real estate is small money and very competitive and I think entrepreneurship is little money and less competitive you to buy to do the house thing you have to spend a lot of time to find one then you have to put up cash or what I did in this other deal was syndication so someone did that and then I I gave my money and then within one year he lost my $100,000 and a few months before they lost it they said hey can you send us more money it's called a capital call CU we need the money to be able to cover our our debt payments I sent another 20,000 so and then two months later they're like oh yeah we don't have any more cash anymore with entrepreneurship there's a misnomer or there's a misconception you have to have a lot of money to build a business or start a business or grow a business and that's just not true markets are never as saturated as you imagine ever you know I always use the same example because it's so true which is it's like saying how many restaurants are where you live more than one and most businesses don't keep doing the things they did to get successful keep doing it oh yeah real estate is such a scam I it's just such an old school mentality there's so many new ways of getting rich and yeah I just had a two literally this morning my pool is broken that's $175 for them to come out I pay them $170 every other week just to come out and clean it but they're like no no that's separate I'm like Team Rental like make money in business don't and then minimize the amount of distractions outside of the business what do most creatives get wrong about entrepreneurship good question David most creatives put their head in the sand when it comes to entrepreneurship meaning how do they you know they think that there's really this it's not possible to be creative and an entrepreneur or business operator and if you can blend those two which you can then you have a really great opportunity most of the best artists today like who's this one guy Damen Hurst his stuff is garbage but he's a good business operator he's a a very good marketer and there's so many creatives and artists photos videos music that are great on one side but they never explore it or they don't find someone to assist them and that's where they're really disconnected and most creatives they they think I don't know where to even start you just start with one person and figure out how to get that person as a customer I there's this lady Carrie Coffield she's uh an artist she does painting and she was getting her haircut and she said hey can we put up my painting your salon they said sure and then she messaged her friends hey I got paintings going does anyone want one they said sure that's how a creative can get started and then you build it up over time what do I think about YouTube people quitting I think people quit everything too soon and the question becomes in all aspects how do we not quit too soon so I I came up with the law of 100 that's what worked for me and and tons of other people which is for Content creation do a hundred of them before you even quit and for me me now with content specifically around YouTube I have I'm thinking of 10 years so once you can get the Habit formed and I find it to be about 100 and after 100 pieces of content then quit if you want but really you'll be like actually I see results and it's working and for me though now it's how do I do content that I will want to do for 10 years so that that's how I think about it what I think people quitting I think a lot of people quit two things way too soon and I don't think our mindset has to be all or nothing it's like I'm doing this everything and I'm sprinting or I'm not doing at all it's let's get started today find something that you like and the audience or your customers like and then how do I slowly do this over a period of time what am I currently working on I am working I don't I don't know the question I'm working on [ __ ] I don't know I how how do you not know I think that's funny in business and life sometimes we think everyone knows everything and they don't and that's why you have to keep telling people things over and over again and I know that sounds maybe obvious to some but I've done you know I'm doing a book tour for million dollar weekend as it comes out in two weeks and in shows in online we have 30 days of tweets like two to three days of content every single day and emails and promotion and in shows that you have to say your stuff at least seven times so for anyone out there if you're going to show say your thing seven times and still people have not pre-ordered the book because you know what you have to sell it in different ways you have to tell them in different ways the number one way uh I'll sell a million dollar weekend is by showing that there's rich people who've happened from the book the best way to sell is your customers they having them having success your best marketers Nicholas Sado should I try to test business ideas in parallel meaning doing them both at the same time or one at a time in series do them in series because you're not committing to actually doing it you're saying well let's just see what happens but what happens is you do half ass on 10 none of them work and you're like well none of them work me really try one commit to it for 48 hours then guess what you have 51 other weekends this year to find one that does work and I promise you if you follow the the formula you will get to something that works but if you do like H think about it here's another way to think about it you're saying I want to I want to cook I want to cook 10 dishes and all you do is you go to the store and buy the ingredients or all you do is watch YouTube no you have to be in the kitchen and you cook one dish and you're like well I learned something here and then you're like but this dish wasn't good then you cook another dish and then another and eventually you have one really really good dish but you have to get in the kitchen and you have to focus on just doing one thing and when it doesn't work great you're going to learn for the next week this rejection is not so bad it's a good thing all right let's keep it going how do you find a spouse that truly loves you and don't doesn't want to be with you for the money I I got rich right so I'm worth I don't know who knows like tens of millions of dollars cash and then appsumo is worth a lot of money who knows I've never had this gold digger problem I thought once you get Super Rich that people just these women or I guess men for others come just come out of the woodwork and it never never happened and more importantly you have to like yourself before you start trying to date and like others and that's something I've had to work on there's a woman Stephanie rig on Instagram shout out to her and being a millionaire You Don't Have To Be A Millionaire to be rich you could be rich on a lot less but being makes a lot of things available but the reality is it's probably less than a million most of you guys need and once you like yourself in terms of money with your partner you want to do two things one you earn the sight of your own money right right like you decide what food goes in your mouth you can also decide what things go from you typing with your credit card or pulling out your wallet that's your own choice so you make that decision and then secondly for me I'm very lucky with my partner to look for someone that has similar values of money how they were raised with money how they treat money do they like good deals I I run a deals business at the end of the day abum currently today is software deals for entrepreneurs and so finding someone that matches uh those values Joshua Leland shout out man bought a copy for a friend everyone here who here wants to have their own income or side income but is at zero just post a one for me in the comments just post ones if you're like I've always wanted but I have not done it yet so Juan has a great question I have an agency and YouTube both are working should I do both so the way I've always approached it is I don't quit my day job until my side hustle is working now the best business is the one that works Juan so what a lot of times most people get started and they never get any business going so you're already doing so great all right so for all you people have never made a dollar today and Juan I'm going to come back on you because I think it's a great question and I'm going to answer it you can venmo request me at Noah Kagan and I'll be your first dollar at Noah Kagan and I'll be your first dollar but then after I give you your first dollar I want you to go ask one other person for another dollar and then realizing just by getting going right now is how business happens finding a problem that people are excited to watch or ideally pay you for is business and there's a lot more people trying to sell you complication or [ __ ] Drop Shipping or scammy affiliate marketing with that I just don't encourage anyone to do Corey DM me and I'll help explain that so again if you don't haven't made your first dollar I'll be your first then you go get your second so in terms of Juan's question he's like I've got this agency that's working and now I have a YouTube channel that working and they're both paying me the same now most people that have a day job I say get to your freedom number which is what's the number you need to quit your day job and start your side hustle to get there and then quit if you want it is very hard it's not very hard actually it could be challenging to find something that works but you have two things that work so what I would prefer doing if I were you is keep doing them find someone to run well which one do you enjoy doing because I don't know that answer I don't know I don't know maybe you like both what I would personally do if it was me if I have a business and I like doing YouTube I would find someone to run the business unless I liked running it let them run it because it's working and then they can keep growing it and give them incentives basically on performance and then do the YouTube thing but look there's I don't think there's one exact formula you have to follow what I would recommend though is that if it's working don't give them up right have someone run the YouTube or you run the YouTube and have someone run the agency million dollar weekend unfortunately is applicable to any business so if you're doing B2B or b2c if you're doing a service business a lawn care it would have been a lot easier but we wanted to have a book for anyone who's ever wanted to try and change their life in a weekend specifically with starting a business julan pre-ordered the book my man what is my take on productized agencies you know there's all these fads let's say and one of one of the opportunities is producti Services by the way software as a service has been around now for about 10 plus years but product as a service or uh productization as a service where we do design work and every month you pay us a retainer to do the design work I don't think it's that Innovative I think it's great and I think it's cool ultimately what all these really come back to is how do you make it good for your customer and so I love what Dan Co I love what um damn who's the other guy it's not Justin Welsh uh it's is uh Brett from design Joy he found that hey customers I'll do five designs a month and it's 5,000 bucks and you don't have to worry about it just pay every month that and you've got it on you've got it on tap it's kind of like AWS for design so I love that but more importantly in all these aspects is working backwards from hey what is the problem your customers have and maybe it is a monthly thing but maybe it's not and just understanding that versus so many people are like I got to do a subscription business it's like no one no one wakes up in the morning saying I can't wait to subscribe to a new business they wake up in the morning thinking oh my coffee was cold or I don't have good coffee oh I have to hire someone it sucks hiring oh this person just quit oh I have to need help on marketing cuz I don't have time for it that's the problems to be focused on not I have a subscription how do I plug that in Michael mhart I'm glad your birthday was Sunday happy ear happy belated you lived another year may you live a thousand years Mo hell yeah I'm just sorting the book I'm G to shout you out on screen where's Mo at my man if you message me on social for advice on a startup business would I respond sometimes but I as you know when you're starting out I do think you help one by one and then as you have a family or you have you know priorities other things it is hard to do one-on one so you think about leverage you think about can I put out a tweet that impacts more people or a YouTube video or a blog post or a book now this is the book to go from zero to a million there is a book that we're considering about how we've got abs but almost $100 million a year which is insane and that's not our ambition our ambition we don't wake up being like we got to make more money I don't care like yes I like making money I want to make money we like promoting products and by the byproduct of that it's kind of funny we get to make money and we get to live this cool life that's the point favorite YouTube videos uh currently I'm watching a lot of Poker Vlogs so I watch Hustler HCL Hustler Casino Live Rampage Brad Owens I watch a lot of body cam footage from the police uh I do watch a lot of my videos we have one coming out next week where someone read the book and they we videoed them for 48 hours and what happened you guys get me hyped up so it is 1230 I'm going to go on Twitter world if you tweet NOA Kagan that's me so I can find it write a story about why I should give you this literal book here this is Founders Edition no one they're not out I will mail this myself personally to you and tell me why I should sence to you tell me what you're going to do for yourself it's not about me the book is for you to take action and change your own life and that's what's exciting I want to see people whoever gets it post a photo of it tell me that you're reading it you're taking action for you and changing your own life and that's what the book is about it's how can you change your life and how much confidence in things you can actually do more than you expected favorite billionaire I probably John Paul deoria I really like John Paul De I admire how kind he is to himself to his family and to other people the day he sold Patron for three and a half billion he sent a $50 million check now most of the people that I've met that are rich seem very unhappy because they're chasing to become a billionaire or they're chasing to get more views they want more money and it's like when's it enough man and he seemed to really focus on businesses he truly enjoyed working on and being a good person so I would say that there is an episode with graham Stefan coming out that guy's the man so is Jack Selby I appreciate them having me on again so you'll see that episode talking about some crazy income things uh I'm going to be searching on the Twitter verse I'll pull it up on screen let me see last time it went crazy y'all were tweeting like crazy I don't know if uh Eric Miller's here he's the one who won last week oh yeah he's on screen here so if you want to get this exact copy super early edition of million dooll weekend put up on screen so yeah you guys will start tweeting tweet at Noah Kagan and Link toillion dooll a deily if you've pre-order the book even better because now you're getting a signed copy with the story again tweet at me I'll give out the winner in the next 28 minutes what is up people now it's warming up now you guys are getting me fired up uh and yes I'll be here every single Friday until the book launches this month uh the last Friday I think last one will be next week and then we have the book launch Reading party at Ryan holiday's bookstore in Austin we're having a virtual launch party for everyone who bought J uh January 30th when the book launches how do I feel about Founders that are remote from each other good I think it's more important that you like your founder like it's a marriage and you have complimentary skills I'd also say another thing with the founders there's a lot of stuff I I've had Founders that hated and I've had now I found out I had dinner with him last night with with our girlfriends and wives and uh trust trust do you trust this person am I coming to South by maybe I'm going back to Barcelona I'm going to work from there for six months so possibly I'll be doing a speaking hosting a meet up with appsumo for next week uh for South by Southwest what do you use to make your website we appsumo is fully custom built uh my and million dooll are based on WordPress hey cam so I got I love shouting at cam go check him out on Tik Tok go subscribe to him on the YouTubes so cam was just like a lot of you in the audience liked our videos sent me a video of what he's going to do for our Channel and then cam you're you're now moving on to do your own things but for two years was making very good money uh and it was so cool to work with you I'm I miss you I'm waiting you're going to come back I hope you have a kid in 18 years I'm going to hire that girl or guy I look forward to it amazing work a lot of the videos you see on our channel are from cam thank you man thank you for everything love you Craig Pennington you're the man yeah I enjoy it I like you know getting more views or getting less views doesn't matter it's nice it's really it is nice because it feels like it recognizes the work again guys don't post any question a bunch of times I'm going to ban you but seeing people do things for themselves is very satisfying because I I've had experience doing this stuff and I'm like here's exactly what will work copy it and they do it and they're like it does work I'm I know I love you Jay who else is in the house how do you feel about Fiverr I like Fiverr a lot uh I think ClickBank I think ClickBank is kind of trash it has like a lot of it has just a trashy brand I would say I don't I haven't used it in years ClickBank people don't know it's got all these scammy affiliate offers I don't even know if fuma's on there I hope not but Fiverr I think has a lot of for five bucks you can get really good service I wrote a book uh I think it's offline now but I used Fiverr for the cover I used Fiverr for a lot of the layout and for like 20 30 bucks in a quick turnaround it was very impressive uh I was surprised again with a lot of things in life be curious and try it out oh that's interesting I didn't even get million-dollar weekend on Twitter if you want to get it I'll pay you for it someone grab it million dollar weekend Twitter handle DM me and I'll pay you for it what was my first job hey you bought the book secondhand how how did you buy that book this book second hand it's not even out hey Cameron uh first job I've had a lot of jobs and I think the most successful people have done the most things not that they're even the smartest most of them are pretty ordinary but they're starting and they're asking and they keep doing it over and over and over and they follow a process uh that I was able to figure out myself and share with others now through million dollar weekend I would say one of my first jobs I worked at a popcorn stand for two years I worked at Office Max selling electronics for two years I worked at a summer camp for 2 years my first real job out of college was at inel or some people call it Intel but that was a great lesson of having day jobs sucks those are some of my my early jobs dude Matt y YP why don't launch your business today he said he's thank he said thank you to me he's going to launch his business on Monday why not launch it today on Friday right now and see what happens uh cam I'll see you in in Europe man I'll be out in Barcelona for six months working from there do I think this is a good question Dr Cruz by the way when people have an absolute answer like it is the best only thing that's [ __ ] that's just [ __ ] cuz you can do it differently and it can work out great for you and so he's asking is it better to go work for a company after you graduate or start your own business so one why can't it also be both the biggest Transformations I had was one I was at Intel so I had a lot of free time CU I didn't have to do any work that was cool and two I then was at Facebook and mint where professionally it really developed my skills that I still am benefiting from this day so I was able to you can do both go get a job where you're actually going to learn and benefit or at least be in the area of success and on a weekend okay million dollar weekend you can get started all right and again if you want to get this literal copy right here I'm going to mail it out ideally this this weekend uh just depends what's going on my family's in town I think my mom's let me see if she's even here I don't know if she's outside maybe you guys want my mom to come say hi all right now you guys are going crazy a little bit on the Twitter stuff which is good tag me at NOA Kagan uh link to million dooll let me see all right the tweets are taking a second but I see you guys going through it what up John brosio yes yes did working at inhale motivate you to start moment yes I was living at my mom's house for two years which is you know it's not super cool to bring a date home to your moms that didn't ever work out and I had you know I drove a CRX or a Honda Del Soul so it's not good for makeouts so it was not the greatest time thing for dating even though I had a I I did have a nice girlfriend at that time but yeah it definitely motivated me to understand what I did not like what business would my mom start she would start a cleaning business she is obsessive with her cleaning she does like three- hour uh oven cleans what's up medy Parton TV I want to launch my own thing now what advice you have that I can put in place before your book lands on 30s so pardon what I would encourage you is how do you get $1 right now I know you're like seriously I'm like yes pardon right now you can VMO request me at Noah Kagan for a dollar and I'll get you one oh okay I got three people coming through let me see if Mafia I don't know if they're back but you guys want to me see my mom come through all right a few of you guys have ven requested me um but you can go get a dollar from me and then go get a dollar from someone else here's two things you could do right now today you want to start business you could post yourself on YouTube a video and guess what that can lead you to get a monetization and have a channel that makes money right now all right I'm paying a few people a buck that's literally right now I would say the other thing you could do right now think of any person in your network who's one person that you know that has a little even a little bit of money and just message him and say hey can I get some feedback I want to start a business is there anything you could this is a little bit different it's not even in the book is there anything I could do that you would pay me for today and suggest something things to them could I mow your lawn is there anything you haven't done for a few weeks and again business happens because businesses start all right I just sent a few people some dollars Josh Mitchell Brian Alex again let me repeat myself businesses happen because businesses start and what I've noticed for myself is that the best businesses are the ones that solve my own problems that I am excited to be my first customer doesn't mean that's the only way and there are other ways I have a lot of ways in the book for you to figure out business ideas that you can do most people already have at least one but find something you're excited to do and guess what that's it you get started today getting that done and then from there you just do it again and again and again and again appsumo decom started 14 years ago on Reddit in a weekend where I said hey does anyone want software deals I got this guy at Cold deom he'll do a software deal $112 for sale $12 two days ago our sales were $248,000 in one day but it's because I started one day 14 years ago stuck with it was able to be around amazing people was in a good Market a lot of things that I literally the exact things I teach you in the book that 14 years later now it's able to do good money for myself for the team for a partners for our customers created a great business great business I think my mom is home now so mountain of thought this is a cool question I want to I'm getting your book great I have my back against the wall I want to live a life that's free and rewarding I'm tired of working at 9 to5 and I want to use my creativity and analytical skills this is probably one of the biggest number one things from million dollar weekend is that you and this is not woowoo [ __ ] which I normally would think of stuff or I I kind of dismiss that stuff you have the ability to change your life I 100% believe that this book for me recognized that I can do a hard thing which was put together a book that helped change people's lives and this book for yourself is realized ing that this life that you're dreaming of write it down what that looks like to you write down your fantasy and by starting and facing a little bit of challenges which you can do will help you realize you can actually live this life that you're imagining but you're not going to get there waiting for it that just doesn't happen what's up Nicole what's up Alex all right I guess Mom's not coming on but uh I need to choose a a Twitter person for the book let me see let me see let me see it's running a little slow my computer over here is running a little slow so the only difference between a entrepreneur and this a phrase me and Neville madora came up with and an entrepreneur you know a entrepreneur wants to do it but they do everything but the thing so someone asked me today this the one of the biggest takeaways in in this book is now not how Evan thank you for pring the book I love you man and someone asked me what is now not how and how do I know if I'm moving in the right direction and being an entrepreneur or a wantrepreneur am I doing business or am I playing business and the question is are you solving a problem are you actually solving the problem so take any business let's say you want to start a YouTube channel have you posted the video no or yes very black and white let's say your business is dog walking or say your business is to create software now you if you want to create a software business business yes you could buy a domain yes you could go get no code tools yes you could go buy something on appsumo yes you can uh create a social media account or if the problem you're solving is competing with Google analytics 4 can you contact someone right now in this moment and see if they will pay you for that solution what most people do wrong in business is they have Solutions AI [ __ ] crypto [ __ ] whatever [ __ ] and they're like let me go people with problems uhuh you guys are better than that I've done it that way it doesn't work it's hard the better thing is let me find a problem and make sure I can actually solve that problem for someone then now you bring them the solution that you promis them because you know that you have real customers and that is a much easier cheaper and faster way to get a business going in a very short amount of time what changes each step of YouTube and by the way the same thing applies if you want to be a content creator so my first YouTube video since I restarted it 3 years ago was shirtless you can go see I I actually just watched it two weeks ago it was me shirtless with a not this phone exactly but an iPhone just recording that's it so the biggest difference between me and anyone who wants to be a content creator as their career is you have to start right now today post your first thing and then do a hundred of them then talk to me about quitting and I promise you when you finally get to 100 you'll decide actually I love this stuff I want to do keep doing it I'm going to keep doing it or you're like no but at least you gave yourself a realistic shot and with million dollar weekend and with content in all business every single business 100% you have to make sure you're doing something people actually want to watch so post it today and notice did anyone watch it did I tell some friends and they were like oh this sucked because otherwise you're going to be running really fast in the wrong direction now when I posted my first video 300 people watched and I got a few comments and I replied to every sing single comment and that gave me confidence that oh one I enjoy it but also there's some validation which you have to have in starting every business whether it's content software physical lawn care service agency and then from there that vend diagram of what you like and what people want to pay or watch is how business works all right so there's a lot of people commenting I see Matan I love your name oh he's he seems all right Casey all right John Brown in the House John Brown dude I love your profile pick Mexican Johnny B with the bio of dogs Julian you're the man I'm se you out there all right all right we'll choose someone in 14 minutes just tag me at no Haagen link to the URL million and so how things evolved and I I didn't answer your question fully you have to get started number one that's it the that's it and then you have to stick with it number two now I would say the real differentiation from I would say maybe when we were doing three videos a week praying for views which was doing okay versus what started really working for us was from doing three videos a week we found the content that worked and then we doubled downed on it so I tried copying Graham Stefan hey let me talk about F he doesn't have a voice like that but let me talk about finance and I it just wasn't getting amount of views relative to how much work we were putting into it and we tried this crazier video where I knocked on doors and that worked okay so then you look at our Channel all those videos are that then we tried asking really old rich people not really old but older rich people if they regretted life those videos banged and then we now do a lot of those so those are really the two types of content pieces that we do so the way I'd recommend it is test a lot of things out to notice what works and once you find anything that gets more traction than your other content that's what you're going to accelerate on and now there's a lot more to it I would say another highle component is how are you upgrading your content in general so even the studio has three cameras like here so it's like whoa whoa right this is a $20,000 Studio at my place but it started with the same phone that you did so how was your cameras getting upgraded do we have we have a research shout out Sylvie we have a producer Dylan we have thumbnail person we have Isaac the videographer right we now each video before used to cost just my phone and uploading it to YouTube now it costs $20,000 minimum for all the salaries travel work to produce a video and we do two a month so for you out there don't people see the the far thing and then they go buy all the gear and they're like convince myself no no no just start small get started today and build up to that just like it's like if you want to meet anyone start with people you have access to I call them preflu in the book and I give you scripts on how to do it and then build that up over time where you're able to meet whoever you'd like to meet so swe up Patel this is such a funny comment uh in order to get people to watch your videos you have to have reach so when I had not a lot of Subs let's say 100,000 or 50,000 or 20,000 I was able to put out videos that got a million views now I have a million subs and if go look at my last video it got 9,000 or I think I said yesterday it was 12,000 views So when you say how do you go about getting your video out there the answer is that YouTube does it for you based on if people actually want the content but the more important thing there is that you are at the mercy of the platform and the only way to protect yourself is to get an email list because million subscribers 12,000 views yeah this is a it's a Batgirl 2022 uh back Rolex someone was asking and so if you I use senf you can use convertkit or MailChimp but the bigger Point here is use social media at to grow your audience and use email to turn your audience into customers or or just fans or friends or homies whatever you want to call them but when you are platform dependent you are dependent and in business I wanted to remove any indep I wanted to have more independence from these platforms deciding my future same with having a day job if you have a day job you you technically have one person controlling your destiny which which could be very scary for some people it's better to hire contractors so the way we do it at abmo everyone's a contractor almost exclusively to start and then either we move them to full-time or we just keep the roles as contractors our motto it's the same kind of with content is test and invest so instead of going and hiring and doing you know payroll tax and salary tax and health benefits test people out see if they like you see if you like them and if it works yes then you can ask them to come in fulltime but I'd recommend that in content I'd recommend that in everything in mostly almost everything in business you know the difference mindset between Millionaires and billionaires is the same difference between I've noticed people making a thousand and people making 10,000 or 10,000 and 100,000 it really comes down to a few components that I've noticed number one billionaires are working in billion dollar opportunities or trillion dollar opportunities or they're creating trillion dollar opportunities most thousandaires that have started a business stay in Thousand area opportunities for example let's say you're trying to be a physical therapist a massager right and you do it yourself yeah you could at best you know maybe make $100,000 a year maybe you can make $100,000 a year but but a billionaire is like all right well I want to own eventually own the platform for all local massage Studios and all home massuse people that's a billionaire thinking about it which because it's a billion dollar opportunity so again a lot of that is just the market that you're playing in the second thing I've seen from not even just millionaires but I'd say 100 thousand businesses which again if you've even gotten a few dollars in your own business you're doing great don't let anyone tell you otherwise the difference I've seen is that million and billionaires hire that's it they hire people either they hire software to do the job or they hire other people to do do the job and they find the areas that they like to spend their time in and every person I've seen I would say 100% that's not growing their business in the way is not is doing too many of the things themselves those are I would say the the two main things i' I've observed why am I so passionate about software deals I like deals in general not just software deals of all kind and I like technology I like you know my free thing that I've always done you know people have already always heard like what do what would you do for free is promoting things and I love technology I love promoting and and that's why I created a business that after I've tried a lot of other things that did not work but appsumo very quickly found out yes I like promoting and guess what other people like software deals too at appsumo swea Patel you've posted 100 videos but received 8 to 10 views so they are SEO optimized post your url I'll pull it up and I'll tell you why you're getting 8 to 10 views but I and I think when you look at it and others look at it if you put in8 to 10 views of work so here's what I'm going to guess and I could be wrong but you're putting 8 to 10 views of work in expecting 10,000 views out don't lie don't lie to yourself you know what I'm talking about people do [ __ ] work expecting gold results can you do this as a teenager yeah the best time to start is right now I like these you know again when you're asking a question manav I'm a student what should I do I don't know go get lunch today but I think you need to actually go ask better questions is what would help you get better results yeah CK you're a nurse hell yeah my mom was a nurse she hated it and by the way you can start so many different businesses if you look at my YouTube channel I think that's one of the most important things is that people are getting rich in so many different ways so being a nurse you can get rich I met someone one of the videos in Newport Beach I don't think she made the Final Cut she started a Veterinary Clinic she opened four of them ended up selling them for millions and millions of dollars pretty good meaning there's so many cool ways depending on what you like maybe it's nurse and Tech you could compete with figs that clothing company for nurses there's so many different ways to get rich in it's starting practicing asking which I teach you a million dollar weekend and then sticking with it for some period of time will'll get you there so this is uh Alex I think you're just starting on your business so getting a dollar I don't know you know a lot of times people go to these videos and they're like how do you scale it's like have you even gotten a dollar they're like no but I want to know scale it I'm like just get your first or second and third dollar so in terms of systems there's a lot of people that [ __ ] you or claim it most people are running businesses don't make content because they're busy running a business in the future it could change but most people who are running businesses don't make content because they're actually running a business most YouTubers ask them the business they're running it's a book or it's a course is that a business kind of but it's a business selling you about how to run a business that always cracks me up how do you pre SE venture capital for an app I don't believe in in the only investors you should get are your customers that's how I see all my businesses with investors and I call my investors customers and I try to find things that me and them are really excited to give money for and to be clear I go to people and if they don't like it great there's a lot of business I've started you've never ever heard of you can go I don't even know if it's still online go to freealls go to Hall go to bed go to ninjak so many things I've tried have never worked I can't see your url I know I should be more positive wow I'm being a little more critical today s I can't see your url to your channel so I do apologize for that and it sounds like you're doing work you know I did 150 real videos three a week for 50 weeks before my last video finally worked so you know I would say the the thing here is that are you trying to understand why those videos are not working right yes so it sounds like you're doing the work great if you're doing the same exact video that's SEO optimized and it's not working maybe try something different no I think people are excited about op you know optimism and I do try to give people to a straight hey the game master LLC good to see you how do you ask the right question one ask questions you're legitimately curious about two aim to ask questions that other people are not asking three do research meaning read the book Google two times ask chat GPT so you're avoiding dumbass questions that these people have already answered a lot another way thing about questions is how do you ask questions that make the other person excited to share an answer what billion dollar problems am I interested in one billion dollar business that I started as part of this book and the videos coming out in two weeks was digital signatures so I hate DocuSign so I wanted to see if I could compete with it and you'll have to watch the video in I think two weeks to find out what happened cam are you editing that I think cam here is editing it what am what are we hiring for at we're hiring uh vpf Finance vpm marketing A salesperson we call them Business Development an email marketing manager and an executive assistant you go to careers so any tips for a non-tech Founder yes I literally have the playbook in millionar you don't need upwork or Fiverr or even a software developer you need to find customers and the same thing I did with appsumo I found customers before I even hired any real Developers so don't let I don't know if I should go figure out Fiverr I got to figure out how to write a an RFP or proposal on this freelance or upw work don't let that be your excuse from getting started on helping people and that's all business is is you're doing things with content or software or lawn care or if it's physical training and then they give you money for that and if they don't great you can find something they do so don't let these uh I would say excuses hold you back back how would you launch a tech startup without VC funding you'll see me do it I didn't use social media or email list which I would recommend anyone else to do I would make it a lot easier than I did on myself I wanted to prove to you that you can do it and I want to make it hard uh for me just to show you wow even with a lot of limitations you can still do it so uh there's a woman here I think swe is a female's name who's saying hey I've done the content I'm working really hard I try to understand why but it's not actually and it's good so the easiest way that you can look at why things aren't working is number one with data so with YouTube videos look at your average view duration look at your click-through rate and a lot of times with YouTube and content creation it's the topics so see what I recommend is 5 minute avd 5% click through rate is what you should be getting and if you're not getting that keep working towards that that's quantitative qualitative is go message people reply to comments DM them saying hey what do you think of my videos what's one thing I can do to get better I still do that to this day with businesses please don't post your question more than twice this whole raising funds thing is just overrated it's overrated MailChimp got to a billion dollars in annual recurring Revenue sold for12 billion bootstrapped so tell me that you have to be some Silicon Valley funded person is just to me an excuse and a fear from getting started it's just not true if I care for entrepreneurs a lot you should not take 70% of all the profits when launching on appsumo select so let's let's break that down so for people that don't know we promote tools on appsumo from we find software creators all over the world and then we promote them on appsumo and we share revenue and the revenue splits can be all over the place depending on the product sometimes we take 70% so Alex if we cared about entrepreneurs let's do the opposite if absum mod didn't exist that entrepreneur how would they get customers they would spend money on ads money on Affiliates software they would Twitter they would YouTube they would they would go and pray and then after months maybe they would have customers or not okay H well that that's true so they're actually going to spend a lot of money in that situation and they don't even have they have to figure out out Google ads they have to figure out how to tweet they maybe have to figure out content creation and it's possible now let's take appsumo so for some percentage of Revenue we do your marketing we spend thousands tens of thousands of money on ads and Affiliates and copy and social media we promote them for free we don't charge anything we give them feedback they go through the Bing process and then we give them a fat ass check at the end of the day so 100% of zero is zero 50% of something is better than nothing and it doesn't mean what what people get wrong about splits in general in business 50/50 okay 50/50 and we'll promote it less there's it takes it's not just about us the opport the opportunities available outside are very expensive and timec consuming and if people want more splits in general it's okay we can do that too but then we can't promote it because there's other products that have better splits and we're we have considered and we'll test in the future uh people choosing their own splits and they can decide that for themselves and again we do this for free and we give you feedback and we give you exposure and then we give you a fat check if there was something better than appsumo I would shut appsumo down there's nothing better there isn't and some people do great without appsumo but there's a lot of awesome businesses that we get a launch and people are very happy about it the customers are happy the partners are happy do could we take less yeah but it does take a lot of money for us to do all these things so we can promote products do I have a dream wow that got me a little triggered do you guys notice that uh it is 1 o'clock I do have to get going in a moment because I said I'd leave it one but that that's interesting I didn't notice why that that really bothered me a little bit the issue is the deal for lifetime which puts a lot of pressure yeah it you know a f it's also uh you know in business there's two people right there's there's you and someone else and if you say hey here's what I want to offer you do you want it they could say no no one's forced to and the best businesses are where you don't have to convince someone the best businesses is when someone's excited to buy from you or work with you no person is required to ever work with appsumo they're not and yeah I guess I have to reflect on why that kind of bothers me where people complain about these splits all the time 5050 100 zero zero it's like fine don't do it that's okay you're not required go on these spammy annoying Facebook groups and get harassed that you're not giving them enough and then let them take abuse advantage of you fine don't do absum that's okay too but there's so many great products that are excited to be promoted to a lot of to millions of entrepreneurs via appsumo uh via appsumo yeah we do cover if you're an abso plus member we do refund you within the first year so yeah I agree with you Obie that's a great idea all right y'all I do have to get going my mom is here wow that that definitely got me a little hyped up though uh I'm gonna give out this book right here to someone it's funny I start talking about like the details of appsumo should save that one for later all right who is gonna get the this exact free book I'm going to choose the winner Obi Brown so if you have suggestions about how we can do that uh please let me know I'm open to the feedback no at send me an email and I'll pass it I'll pass it to our team oh wow so seven people want the book who's that uh there's I I'm seeing a bunch of different people all right hold on I'm going through the Twitter people that tagged me to give about one book and you have to DM me uh so I can actually mail it to you yeah I did take the feedback and that's part of life that's how you can improve as feedback doesn't mean you know yes maybe got a little emotional great it's okay to be emotional it's also great to recognize it and then improve it and by the way not everyone should be a customer for you and that's okay too um I don't know why it's not coming up hold on all right yeah sorry the Twitter stuff is is slow who um is there Save Shipping um I'm just looking over people I think who I was going to choose is Brent brelle you can DM me on Instagram or Twitter I'm I'm open and I reply to almost every single person so Brent Belle are you here in the chat Brent bushelle oh oh he's yep he's there Brett Bushnell you won congrats show up I'm going to mail it to you this week show up next Friday to show that you got the book uh again if you guys have not pre-ordered million dollar uh Brett DM me Twitter Instagram send me your address and I'll get this mailed out in the next day or two congratulations Bush now I don't know dude hell yeah congrats I want you to post a pick with you in the book it's going to be this exact one it says office hours um maybe next week I'll get you guys I'll give out the hat and hat next week uh stay tuned I'll be here every month if you have not preordered the book and you want to start your own business there's some insane bonuses we're never going to do them again it's at million you know think about what you can change change in your own life this weekend I think that's been amazing I I interview with someone yesterday and he's like I read your book and it made me realize that I could just get something started right now and he he emailed someone for his podcast and he's like I can see how it makes a difference so for yourself do that one thing today and recognize that you can actually do a lot more than you ever expected hey deer I love you man uh der I got a me DM me and I'll get you a invite to the the book reading at Ryan holidays um bookstore again I love you guys the bookm millionar prors go away in two weeks Brent Bushnell DM me your address I love you guys I'll see you out there I'll be here next Friday for the last office hours of the month totally free

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