Decoding Franchise Data: From Data Mess to Data Yess

and with that said here is the first session decoding franchise data from data mess to data yes take it away rockel thanks so much Matt hey everybody I'm excited to be back at another CMO peer talks event and today is all about your franchise data and what to do with it and what you're already doing we would love to make this as interactive as possible so feel free to interact with the chat and and let us know your thoughts on what we're talking about you can share your experience if you're doing something or not and as Matt highlighted um I run our customer success department at promo Republic so it's my job to work with franchise Partners day in and day out and to really keep um my ear to the ground on all of the emerging Trends and changes that we're all seeing and I know it's super rapid especially in the marketing space um in multilocation businesses so I'm really excited to introduce our next host um Conway can you hear us then um is your microphone working I guess more importantly far as I know it's working is it working fantastic yes we hear you awesome would you like to introduce yourself to our team today sure I my name is Conway Brisco I am as you can see on the screen the principal franchise Solutions architect at transitive and a transitive we exist to guide franchises through their unique data and analytics challenge es so yes from data mess to data yes love that um and our other panelist is Dan Monahan um from WSI Dan can you hear us or are you with us I am with you can you hear me yes I can thank you so much would you like to introduce yourself to our amazing um panel that we have here today sure so uh I'm the founder of WSI a digital marketing agency that we've actually franchised so we have franchised agencies around the world that was about 30 years ago and then uh in 2009 I founded uh clear Summit Group which is a platform company of seven Brands now mostly in the service industry um including WSI qualicare tutor doctor some of you familiar with um and a handful of other service-based brands so um that's a little bit about me fantastic well thank you both um Dan and Conway for being with us today it should be a really vibrant conversation so as for the agenda to follow along will'll be covering The Importance of Being data driven in franchising and reviewing the key indicators of what makes a truly data driven franchise um strategies for turning your marketing and operations into clear actionable insights um and then effective zor and Z collaborations for the best data Leverage so really jam-packed and like Matthew said we're tied on time so the first question that I'm going to POs to the audiences who has already implemented or is currently in the process of implementing a data Jen response you can throw in a thumbs up emoji raise your hands we would love to see it we're going to try and make today as interactive as possible so let us know what you're doing and as we see on the screen we have our first um question so if you want to rate the effectiveness of your organization maybe from zero to 10 in the chat feel free to do so but our first question is all about um mastering the data to pave the way for franchise success so what signs show franchisee is truly data driven and what does that look like so Dan maybe I'd pass the microphone to you to open this up and um especially with the robust organization that you have both with WSI and across your other brands with love to learn from you yeah so I I think how we speak about our operations and how we speak about our business model uh the extent to which we speak about it in in data terms in other words you know to what extent are all aspects of our business model uh datadriven and do we have benchmarks and and how valuable and useful are those benchmarks so for example um you know some companies will use measures like cost per lead which I think um is a very misleading measure so oftentimes I'll say like what you know if I'm speaking to a franchise or especially an early stage franchise or know what are the kpis how how do you measure success in your digital marketing and cost per lead when when that comes up it's often you know it's it's a misleading it um it's just a bad piece of data and and the reason is because it's very easy to find uh cheap leads low but the real measure is what's your cost of sales and what you find in general is that most businesses that are not data driven they'll talk about cost per lead but they don't really understand what their lifetime value of the customer is they don't understand what their cost per client acquisition is they don't understand their roas their return on ad spend so those are critical measures um and and so but then also looking at all the other areas of your operation is your customer service uh do you have kpis and data around that in terms of your NPS do you have speed you know every business has a restrainer we have different restrainers for some businesses marketing is your restrainer how you bring new customers in the door for other businesses it's labor how quickly can we get new staff on boarded to meet the client demand for other clients uh for other companies uh it might be cost of sales cost of Labor and so understanding what the the restrainers are in your business and then ensuring that you have metrics around those so that we know how our franchisees are doing in very quantitative ways uh and have the ability to measure that so I guess in answer to the question it's do we speak the language of data when we talk about our business when we talk about our operations and what success looks like it you know that that's how I would indicate whether or not a company is is data driven I think you had a you know a really important point there and that there are different metrics to measure along different like marketing lines whether that is in your ads or acquisition or in that customer service aspect which I think a lot of Brands either focus on one or the other without doing it holistically and what's really interesting is that we see that data driven organizations are 23 times more likely to acquire customers and six times more likely to retain customers um which all As We Know leads to profit so that you know hits exactly Dan what you said about understanding that lifetime value and the return on adment that you're getting and what is your cost for acquisition which is often miscalculated or mis focused on it as you highlighted um passing the microphone to Conway what about from your perspective within transitive how would you see the the data driven franchise we tend to talk about it in terms of where somebody is on their data Journey like are you aware that you have data that would be like the very beginning of one's data Journey yeah and then somewhere on the other side of the Continuum you have robust kpis and Reporting and dashboarding that's available to everybody all the time in real time most people most franchises are going to find themselves somewhere in between so knowing where you are is half the battle like can I access the data that's in the platforms that I'm using and if I can am I using that the way I really intend like Dan was saying we can all look at cost per lead that's going to mean something different from one business to another and it may not even mean what you think it means so how do we help people make sure they're accessing the data which is theirs in the ways that make the most impact on their business and on their team yeah just to add to that Conway um you know a lot of people don't realize that the most valuable asset they have in their business is not even on their balance sheet you know we have Goodwill we have trademarks we have inventory and things like that on our balance sheet but what about our data and this was true long before generative AI came along which has now just magnified that it's just 10x it but when you think about what you can actually do with your data whether that's through you know uh email nurturing campaigns in your franchise development or in your customer uh acquisition Journey but just understanding the value of that data and and what that can mean to your business and and and it's just further magnified with geni what we can do per Mass personalization at scale Etc with with data absolutely and I think um to to bring both points together to essentially summarize I think it's what is makes a really great data driven franchisee to combine both what Conway and Dan have highlighted it's the consistent process of data utilization whether you're just starting out your data journey and peeling back your numbers or you're on the far end of the Continuum where you have a lot of kpis and dashboards as Conway mentioned so regularly checking data analyzing it and utilizing across the different levels and Departments of the franchise having maybe a tool or AI to rely on to help simplify that process and to ultimately make decisions off of the data so it's not you know trial and error or guesswork that it is something that is really going to bring you to that next level based on you know an educated hypothesis so to speak um and obviously as Conway mentioned having clear kpis and and having something that matters to the business like Dan highlighted because we can easily get lost in tracking wrong metrics so it's really all about finding the metrics that help move the needle of the business further down the line so really really insightful um moving on to the next question in today's panel we have what smart strategies can franchisers use to turn marketing CX operational data chaos into clear actionable decisions so it's essentially taking the gray and making it black and white um you know Conway would you like to lead us off on this one sure so let's just say that to to keep working off of where where Dan started earlier let's say your your cost of sales is whatever it is for your your franchise your business Step One is knowing that step two is what does it mean that it's at that level and then the Step Beyond to me in making clear actionable decisions is if I increase my cost per sale what happens if I decrease my cost per sale what happens where do I project my Revenue where do I project check my costs what does that data point mean to me both now and and going forward and you're only going to be able to get through the chaos if you're very clear about what you're measuring because there are a billion things to measure and my own personal Mantra that I try to live by is less is more find the one the one kpi that drives business more than any other and laser focus on it and make sure that anybody that comes into contact with it knows what it means both in their own individual business and for your business as a whole yeah I was speaking to a franchise uh CEO once and she talked about what she calls Tiff the important few you know in um in one of our business actually several of our businesses we have what we call the fundamental four or the fundamental five so you could ask any franchisee uh in the tutor doctor system for example what the fundamental four are they know that the fundamental four is your cost per lead your conversion rate of lead uh to consultation rate your conversion rate of consultation rate to sale and your average sale value that's the fundamental four if you add a fifth to it it would be lifetime value but you can ask any franchisee in the system what are the fundamental four and what are the benchmarks of the fundamental four and they will all know that you can ask every any staff member they'll all know what the fundamental for is because that's the foundation of the business model um and so in franchising you know sometimes said like you know the well I highlight the fact that if you look at a company like McDonald's the Big Mac the filet of fish the quarter pounder um The Happy Meal Ronald McDonald breakfast at McDonald these were all franchisee ideas so if we begin with the premise that many of our best ideas will come from our franchisees and that you know the the Peter S he wrote a book called The Fifth Discipline and in that book he said the only sustainable advant competitive advantage that companies have is the speed at which they learn so if we if we take this concept that our best ideas and franchising will come from our franchisees and that for us our competitive Advantage as franchise or is the speed at which we learn compared to our competition like how quickly are we learning the next question is you know how how do we spot those learnings how do we spot those opportunities and so every business will have restrainers and we just talked about that earlier whether that's your you know your labor cost your client acquisition Etc so you know what your restrainer is in your business what is the B what are the benchmarks around that restrainer and and then how are we measuring that across our system because the best way to learn from our franchisees is to track their data and then look for the anomalies we have this principle in our businesses we call think like Sherlock where our FR our our home office team is always looking for anomalies like your Sherlock always looking for Clues because success leaves Clues so how is that franchisee getting an NPS rating that's you know five or eight points above Benchmark how's that franchisee getting a labor cost that's 3% below Benchmark how's that franchisee getting a speed to Service delivery ratio that's nine hours faster than Benchmark right so whatever your restrainer is if you know what Benchmark is then you can look for all the anomalies in the system that exceed Benchmark or are better than Benchmark and that's how we can learn so instead of just putting our franchisees on stage at the annual convention because they're the highest performers what about putting the ones on stage that have the highest net promoter score or the ones that have the highest employee retention rate and how are we learning from those people and how are those learnings being shared across the network so that we can learn faster and and so I think the uh the the premise of wrapping data around all of your restrainers and then watching the network and benchmarking your franchisees uh is is a really powerful principle you know the the one other thing I would say just on this topic of um uh of you know making actionable decisions attribution from a marketing perspective is critical and it's so often um done incorrectly so for example like where did that lead come from you know one of the worst so often you'll hear well it was a homepage lead or it came from organic that is generally a generally it's wrong when people say well it's an organic lead what do you mean an organic lead like did we talk to the customer and find out how they heard about us just because they searched on Google doesn't make it organic lead if they search for us on Google with our branded name that's not using SEO anybody like that's just Google doing their job your brand even without SEO is going to pretty much appear at the Top If someone searches for it so we if we're not using proper attribution we can make wrong decisions so that you know in terms of actionable decisions so let me give you an example we let's say let's say you spend 2,000 bucks a month on your SEO company and so you spend 24 $25,000 a year on SEO and and you get get let's say three franchise oh let let's say four franchise sales from your from SEO and now you look at it and go wow our cost per sale with SEO is $6,000 well the reality is if you really looked into those you might find that two of them actually read about you in Entrepreneur magazine and they searched your brand and they landed on your site somebody else heard about it through another franchise who said I love this business I want to join and maybe one was from organic search cuz someone was searching for your your industry and your brand but instead what happens is that the uh the the decision is made wow we're SEO really working for us let's double our budget with the SEO company now we're in the SEO business so I'm kind of like undermining you know I'm telling you you gota you got to hold companies like us accountable because just because say you're getting leads through your homepage through Google doesn't mean they're SEO and so we can make a wrong decision by doubling our SEO budget because we don't have proper data on on attribution so and there's all kinds of examples where we can make wrong decisions if we have wrong data but that's just a a mistake that a lot of companies make really well said both Dan and Conway I think um the important pieces to remember is as you've said to collect and organize data from various sources into one place to ensure consistency and accuracy and to Benchmark that data across the network where you can see how um the franchises are operating against each other and to have leaderboards and evolve that um Data Tracking um and also to make sure that you are um measuring the right KP for your organization and you know I really do think there's a lot of data noise that is out there there's so many data sources Dan's only listed a few um but what you really need to do is focus on what matters to you as Conway said so whether that is you know having one KPS kpi that's the driver across the organization or having your core for as Dan said there's no right or wrong answer it's just making sure that you have are collecting that data consistently having one place where it's populated and are able to track it long term across the location performance and to really evolve that customer experience have those touch points and bring that back all the way to Consumer feedback and to have what they say so Dan you really did a great job of highlighting that entire um narrative in one place and same for you Conway really really well highlighted I think data literacy is that one piece that can be really tricky but if we're training everyone and what to look at and at least at what key metric that matters for everyone it should be a great way to make your all team members effective in ensuring that they understand how to interpret and use the data effectively to move you know that the next phase of the data and kpis that you're looking for all right can I add something before we go to the next one definitely um I've been in some of these meetings before especially when I was in the beginning of franchising time where I'd be sitting in these meetings and people would be saying and it's this and it's this and it's this and it's this and it's this and it's this and it's this and there this and there this and I would be the one sitting there going I don't have access to this this this this this this and this yet so what I just want to add is wherever you are in the data journe wherever it is you're fine just take the next step in seeing more of your data in centralizing more of it so you can access it so that your your company can take action on the data if you don't have it all in place you're not alone that's just what I wanted to throw in there I think that's really well said it's you know we're talking about Concepts at a high level but if you're just starting out the journey do not be afraid con I think that's a really important point that they nobody here should feel that they're behind the eightball on anything we want to make sure that we're giving you the tools to start having these questions and to start thinking about okay what is my Northstar metric that I want to move my organization to and if you need have more questions we are you know all here I know uh speakers are really helpful eager to connect and you know we all our team members always have time to answer questions and so I think Conway that was really important point to highlight on to one of our last questions here um which is how do zor and Z's collaborate effectively to leverage the data and what tools or Technologies do you have in place to help them do it um Dan would you like to kick us off here sure so I think the I mean the whole essence of franchising is about collaboration right and and the fact that many of the best ideas in fact the majority of the best ideas are outside the building you know franchising we often and you'll see this on your team is often thinking like life would be better or would be so much easier if franchises would just listen and follow Direction and yet the reality is in many cases the franchisees know more about the customer and know about more about how the market is changing than than we do and so the question is you know how are we collaborating with them how are we listening Ing and learning from them um so we whenever we're implementing new ideas we want to avoid this Ivory Tower mindset where you know we've cooked this up at the head office and now we're going to just launch it we always want to begin with a pilot and that pilot always uh involves data it always involves like how do we measure success how do we know that this this pilot is successful and so a high level of collaboration is is important franchises in that process what we often find especially in marketing Pilots is that um the data can be misleading because um so let me give you an example you're running a new advertising and marketing campaign and so the leads are coming in you've got a cost per lead you're measuring and then all but but it's not materializing into sales and so now you say well the cost per lead is good but the cost of customer acquisition is bad or the cost of Revenue is bad but are you actually listening to those calls and so we we deeply engage into the uh in the collaboration piece we're listening to those phone calls and lo and behold we find out the phone's not getting answered or the the phone is being answered but it's being really managed poorly or the dogs barking in the background or the person didn't close correctly or follow the seven step process and so often times you find that the restrainers are operational and not actually marketing but you don't know that unless you're collaborating deeply with them listening and learning uh at what's going on deeper into the process so I would say that's a a critical part of it is going deep on your pilots and learning from the franchisees uh you know I I often talk about three legs of a stool um you've got you got people you've got process you've got leads right so on the front end of the this sales process when we're bringing new customers on you've got you got leads you got a people and you got a process and that's all tied together with technology so uh it's technology allows us to measure which parts of those is broken is it the people is it the process or is it the actual marketing the leads themselves so um anyhow all that's important when it comes to collaboration so that that second question there about what technology will help you do it the answer is there are many technologies that can help you do it but there are some things I think everybody should keep in mind when you're both trying to maximize your current technology and you're vetting other platforms you might want to use a big one is what's your access to your own data can you get out of the technology you're using what you need to make the decisions you need to make can you get to a granular level like Dan was just talking about can I get down to where it's actually happening and be able to assess what's causing that restrainer that that issue that's keeping me from from working the way I need to another aspect is really more the first question um I think it's incumbent on franchisors to prove out the value of quality data entry by a franchisee and how it turns into a great return on investment of marketing dollars to to use Dan's option from before about attribution if you're not doing attribution correctly you're probably spending money in the wrong categories but the only way to know that is if you start doing attribution correctly and entering those things into a CRM or other platform that you're using and you can get that back out of it to bounce it against your financial data to know where you're getting the most bang for your buck so to me both of those really go together you need both you need data quality from the entire network and you need access to your data to be able to make decisions yeah that's a great Point Conway and and I would just you know one point to definitely take away is that what we most people don't realize today is that the value of their first-party data uh is going to explode exponentially with AI so what you can do with the data in your CRM and how you can do you know Mass personalization at scale uh in the not too distant future is going to be really significant so capturing all that Source data that first party data you know in the CRM is going to pay dividends for you in the future absolutely I fully agree with that and I think this is a really exciting space because we do have so many different Avenues of Technology emerging um as we go with AI and with different platforms to help zor Al like really understand the data and the metrics and I think just to bring this full circle I think um highlighting the regular communication with franchises and making sure that they understand what metrics matter to the business and how they can grow as well as at the zor level utilizing these platforms that do enable you to have the the dual view can be really helpful to share that data in real time um and to have joint analytics projects processes and to really take on what um Dan highlighted about focusing on the franchise their ideas and how to help them grow will really enable you to get the right tools like Conway said and to make sure that you're auditing and piloting and testing everything that is out there so um that highlights you know the different technologies that you have whether you're leveraging business intelligence tool like Tableau or Microsoft powerbi to visualize and generate these insights or you have marketing automation platforms like hway highlighted and or you're using Ai and you know testing out new emerging trends that are out there I think there's all so many ways to do it that it's absolutely um fantastic to sort through that to see if as Conway highlighted what data do you have access to what metrics matter to you and how you can get that message across the whole network so it's really taking that and making it actionable like we've highlighted before I love that wrap up rockel thank you so much uh this has been an absolutely amazing panel um we do have about five minutes so please uh for the guests in the audience go ahead uh grab some coffee some quick water or if you want to stick around through the five minutes um if it's okay with the panel I think uh it'd be a good time for some questions if anybody has some go ahead and unmute yourself at this time time um and we'll sit here awkwardly until somebody asks at least one question so feel free to unmute yourself if you have a question or you can throw it in the channel you both kaai and Dan are great minds so this is an amazing time to pick their brains hey guys this is uh Tim tang with Hughes um I was wondering if you could maybe just share in your experiences kind of where the loow hanging fruit is uh where a lot of franchises are just getting started uh in many cases in when you you you talked about the uh what was it the fundamental five and and the likes um in your experience kind of if they could only do one thing or needed a starting point where would you start from my perspective um I would start with NPS right the net promoter score um assuming they don't have anything um because you know so integral with the brand is the customer right and it all begins with the customer so we can learn a lot by those franchisees that are delighting the customers and you know we that that old Peter Drucker quote that we can't me manage what we can't measure this really gives us the ability to learn faster when we can see who is delighting the customer I I would say almost anything beyond the the standard stuff people tend to focus on like I think what happens most of the time at a franchise event is the one who sells the most is the one who gets recognized wouldn't it be fun if the one who got recognized was the one who had the most net profit at the end there's all kinds of data points you can you can access so what are the ones in your particular business and yours is a particular business whoever you are that really Drive things forward and I think you'll find it's not always gross sales I couldn't agree more with you Conway I think um you know those are some amazing points it brings to mind um this conversation we do have about five minutes here so for anybody who just joined or is still an the audience please feel free to step away for a second we do have an amazing panel coming up in about five minutes um but on attribution sometimes I think as we get to the end of a sale right and we actually get money into the bank at some point it's really easy for that data to get lost around along that Journey so how can we as Business Leaders or business owners um do something about like that that transition right from a from marketing to a lead to a sale to then money in the bank and properly attribute that at what point I think it's like the last mile it's a last mile question right what's something super tactile and effective as a business leader or entrepreneur that we can do to um help make sure we don't lose that little pivotal piece of attribution data it's a really really important Point Matt and it's I I'm always surprised by the number of companies or Business Leaders who actually there is this big gap between your Marketing System and your CRM and you can through through Google analytics and there's various tools you know through using um uh UTM you can do that through you know tagging something in your marketing with a UTM through to your CRM but let me give you an example um in in tutor doctor we not only know what our cost per lead is or cost of sales are through Google PPC but we can tell you which keywords are producing the highest revenue so for example I can tell you that the keyword physics tutor produces significantly more Revenue than English tutor or French tutor now what now most of our competitors and and don't go telling any of our competitors but most of our competitors don't know that and so we're able to spend a lot more to acquire a physics tutor customer than they are because they're looking at numbers like cost per lead or even if they're sophisticated at they're looking at cost of sales from Google AdWords but they don't know cost per keyword against revenue and so the lifetime value of a of a customer who searches for physics tutor is going to be much higher um so all that to say do you have that granularity around your attribution and if not just talk to your technical people or your marketing agency or whatever and say like I need this as a business leader we don't have this and I need it so um anyhow that's that's that's a great Point Matt bridging your Marketing System through to your CRM is critical for me there's another piece to it we've talked about it but we haven't named it this way it's process process process it's making sure that you have processes in place in your organization that take things from one part of your business to another and those processes are known and followed by everybody in your business that's going to sound ridiculously like the data journey I just described that's because it is so you can have processes having them down and followed by everybody is another level and then having them even known beyond your interior team to actually your customers goes even beyond that that to me is how you bring all this together as well I love it I'm gonna I'm going to print it out I'm going to put it on a shirt process process process right and on the front it's going to going to say attribution so that way you get both sides of this story here so it's 12:45 now I hope everybody made it back from whatever it is that you're doing if you guys have any other questions please feel free to reach out to any of our guest speakers or our host and if you can't get in touch with them get in touch with me and I will get you in touch with them unless of course you're trying to sell them something because then I have to ask them if I can put you in touch first but um anyway so let's move on to the next point here and this is just highlighting that promo Republic is of course one of those really awesome data attri data tools that helps to bring all the data together and uh if you missed Alex in the beginning of this presentation if you reach out to him he'll be reaching out to every single one of you at the end he can explain how promo Republic can support you on your data Journey we already did this I skipped thee

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