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hey guys Ross here in today's video I'm going to show you three very boring but also very powerful and profitable ways to make money with affiliate marketing as a complete beginner in fact these are so powerful that if you set them up once they can be or could be making you money day after day month after month so without further Ado let me share my screen so I can show each one of these ways to make money in the correct order and by the way all the resources you're going to see in this video are going to be linked down in the description below so let's get started the very first way or the very first boring way to make money with affiliate marketing is called content avatars basically you create a Personnel that represents a brand or an affiliate offer and I'm going to show you what I mean by that that it does not show your face so you don't show your face but you create like a brand around an affiliate offer or artificial Avatar I'm going to show you what I mean by that so right now we are in front of Pinterest.com and this is one of the biggest social networks out there with millions and even billions of people joining on on a daily basis why I'm showing you this because in order for you to make money with any type of affiliate offers or affiliate business models you need traffic you need people who are going to see your affiliate offers and they can buy them so you can make money like a commission so Pinterest.com and if I check my similar web extension we can see that this website Pinterest.com gets 1.3 billion monthly visits so every month you have a pool of a 1.3 billion people that potentially can see your content or your links click them and you can make money in here I have a page on Pinterest.com and this page is dedicated for Doc training now this is the uh image Behind The Profile and this is the profile image as you can see it's an avatar of a dog and there is no face there is no person it's just docks and this is created with AI actually today I'm going to be showing you how to recreate everything with AI so you don't even have to lift a finger now what is most important here is that this page dedicated to dock training it gets 3 million monthly views just posting posts like this about dock training but the best part is I'm going to show you how you can recreate all of these posts with a click of a button I'm not exaggerating it's pretty cool we're going to be using AI but this is the purpose of you using Pinterest getting a ton of traffic and then putting your affiliate links in your bio as you can see this doc training have a link to a website called smart doc learning.com but in this case we can Source an affiliate offer about doc training and we can Source it from a place called ClickBank for example here I'm on clickbank.com this is an affiliate marketing platform where you can find multiple affiliate offers you can generate your affiliate link and then you can sh it across the web so you can make money and in ClickBank I've typed doc training okay and the first result that I see is brain training for docs and this offer pays us $45 so I generate my link by clicking this button promote and then I can put this link on Pinterest and every time someone clicks the link and makes a purchase I'm going to be making 45 bucks 45 so in reality if you make two sales every day you're going to be making 100 bucks on a daily basis so this is pretty cool but imagine but think about it out of this 3 million people on a monthly basis if 1% of these 3 million people or even .1% of these 3 million people clicks your links click your links and buys they buy product or offer you're potentially sitting on thousands of dollars in affiliate commissions on a monthly basis in some cases you might not make any money let's be real like this is affiliate marketing this is real business so you can make a lot of money but also you cannot make any money it always depends on your Niche your offer your traffic Source or how dedicated are you and in this video I'm going to make sure you're very dedicated because AI is going to LIF the heavy work for you so how do you recreate something similar well the secret to get millions of monthly views who are potentially going to click your links is to post a lot so this page has 1,000 pins pins are these let me show you I'm going to click it these are pin boards as you can see with an image and some text these are the pins five best app seven dogs blah blah blah so you can see these are pins and this is what makes you rank on Pinterest now as you can see we have hundred hundreds and thousands of these pins related to this doct training page or profile and of course it's going to take you months to create 1,000 pins that's why we're going to be using AI I'm going to go to a website called pin generator yes this is an AI tool that is going to generate as many pins as you want as you want with just a click the only thing you need is to feed this AI to some content and for that purpose I'm going to stick with the example of the doc training so I'm going to go on Google and on Google what I typed is Doc training and I want to find a Blog related to Doc training so I can Source my content and I literally click the first result this um doc Training 101 how to completely train your dock so I'm going to click it again open it to a new tab and right here we can see this this is a block related to dock training so what I'm going to do I'm going to highlight this domain name copy go back to the pin generator Ai and what I'm going to do as you can see here it says enter any website URL so I'm going to paste this URL here and now I'm going to click generate pins and boyah let's see how the tool is going to come up with pins and by the way here it says number of pins to be generated I have 12 you can go with 100 or even thousands at one goal or I can say five let's let's go with five now here's the tool that uh it found found all the images from our content from the website I um feeded with so I'm going to click done and just like magic guys check this out we now have 12 pins I mean it didn't propagate but we have 12 pins related to doct training dock Training 101 on Ultimate Guide doct training doct training etc etc so very very powerful tool so now what I can do I can go with a higher number of pins like 20 or like I said 50 it can create 50 pins related to doct training and then the best part is if you don't like something you can always click here change the colors let me just close this you can change the colors you can um change the images if you want you can uh feed it with your own images if you don't like these images you have lots of options now this tool is a game changer for Pinterest as you see usually one pin is going to take you a couple of minutes maybe an hour to create On Tools like Photoshop or canva here this AI generator generates all of these pins in seconds and just click over a button and now next step from here is that you already have these pins it's time to upload them to Pinterest but of course you cannot upload them at once I mean you can but that's not how you get a lot of traffic on Pinterest the best case scenario is to upload two to three or even four pins every single day for that purpose this Pinterest generator 2 has this button called schedule so after you generate hundreds of pins you can schedule them to be posted on Pinterest as you can see you have to walk in and sign up every single day and so you can create let's say 100 pins and you can say here as you can see how how many pins per day you want to post on Pinterest set a daily limits and you can say hey post every day 10 pins okay and of course also you can schedule what time is it going to be posted in the morning or in the evening or between which hours that's not important now the most important thing is that you have this tool that can do everything for you you can create the pins and then you can post them on a daily basis so basically you have to do the job once you can create a thousand pins schedule them for the entire month or the next month and it's handsfree you don't have to do anything else then after you have a bunch of uh pins you have to put your affiliate Link in your description or you can start setting up or inserting your affiliate links inside your posts like for example let's see this uh guys if they have links in their posts there we go yes they have links to their website in this case you can put links to your affiliate offers now this is not going to make you reach overnight obviously it's going to take time for the Pinterest to rank your pins maybe couple of weeks maybe a couple of months so it takes time to get ranked and recognized by Pinterest but if you want to see faster results within a couple of days then we come to our second boring way to make money with affiliate marketing which is becoming an affiliate marketing media buyer what that means is you're going to be buying media out of social networks to drive traffic again traffic is the most important to drive traffic to your affiliate offers let me give you an example because probably you're wondering what is this how it works now media buyer is the personal responsible for ads advertisements either on Facebook Tik Tok um Snapchat YouTube Etc in this case I'm going to be showing you media buying on Facebook so we're going to go to a website called offer.com and in here we can select any offer we like for example if we scroll down we can see this offer organifi shop I'm going to click this this is the offer it pays us $30 per conversion so I'm going to click it and now the goal here is to select this offer and I'm going to click this to see how it looks like this is the homepage I'm going to click it see how it looks like all right so basically this is a supplement organifi for a diet or I don't know chocolate some um nutrition like a nutritional meal and what we need to do is go back to offer vote and in here we can click run offer but how do we run an offer if we don't know how to run it I mean we're just getting started we're beginners we need to go on website called facebook.com slads library in here I'm going to change the country to O and I'm going to change the category to all ads so what we want to do we want to see how other people are creating ads so we can duplicate what is already working in our case we're going to go again with the example of organifi is that the actual name yeah organifi shop so I'm going to copy this name organifi go back to Facebook ads manager or actually this is the ads Library I'm going to paste my result and I'm going to hit enter let's see if there any active ads currently running and Booyah they are so it says active and we have 150 ads running organifi right away out of the bed we can see that there adds some video ads and some image ads and here are a bunch of image ads and what we can do and this is what we should do is to duplicate or mimic what already works for example this person juicing vegetables this is an artificial page made it's not organifi this is the organic or the real page organifi but this gentleman juicing vegetables he's just promoting the product that is related to organifi as you can see so there are a bunch of pages so Drano another page this is a different page this is a different page this is I mean this is the original page but as you can see what we need to do from here is your job as an affiliate media buyer is to see and copy everything that they have or not copy but take it as an example spin the text recreate the same image and this image can be recreated again with either using AI or using canva and then create Facebook ads running to the same offer think about it you're not starting to run ads on Facebook from scratch you already see something that is active this ad is active and it's currently running and if it's currently running meaning it makes money for their owners or the people who run this offer here comes the thing that you have to spend from your own money to become an affiliate media bar because you have to pay for Facebook for ads to run these offers now if you don't want to invest from your own money the option that I have for you is to become a media buyer for an affiliate company there are lots of affiliate companies that are looking for people just like you to become media buyers for a monthly salary and guess what the monthly salary of the media buyer is very very lucrative we can see here for media buyer you can be making you could be making $64,000 a year that's a pretty good chunk of money and this does not include percentage and bonuses because each and every media buyer gets a percentage from ad spend meaning let's say your um yearly salary is $64,000 but then you get like5 % uh reimbursement on adspend so that can add additionally 20 30 to even $40,000 a year so pretty lucrative pretty lucrative uh job opportunity if you ask me I actually became my journey owning businesses by first becoming a media buyer I was working for a company as a media buyer and then I started my own businesses but because I already knew how to buy media and how to bring people out of Facebook to another website that helped me a lot to create my own businesses later on so so it's very good skill to have to become a media bar and now coming up our third boring way to make money with affiliate marketing this is called a YouTube avatars similar to Pinterest but this time we're going to be using YouTube and it's going to be pretty interesting let me show you so on YouTube we have or I have typed top five summer destinations and we can see a lot of videos a lot of videos about top five summer destinations right so I am into the vacation industry kind of so you can type top five summer destinations or top 10 Winter Resorts etc etc I'm just taking this as an example and I have found this video let me see where was it it's actually one of the videos here at the bottom this one top 10 summer holiday destinations and this video has 105,000 views the most important part is actually the creator of this video has just a few subscribers not many uh and I open this video I can open it here it is the creator has just 3,000 subscribers that's very few subscribers but the video has 100,000 views so it brings a lot of traffic to whatever links you might have in this YouTube video description which I'm going to show you how to set this up now why this important because these niches let's say travel Niche or vacation Niche it's it is based on seion it's seion based so that's why this gentleman or girl is getting that many views because this video is posted a year ago but it's posted February the 2nd so right before the summer like 2 months before the summer so the video had some room to gain traction and to get views and the video itself is very basic it's just stock footage I'm going to play it for you I'm actually going to pause this or not pause but reduce the volume as you can see it's a stock footage of like people traveling around and voice over okay so this is and there's some text subscribe and then we have another text Greenland okay so they explain about Greenland footages of greenlet etc etc now if you're flipping in your chair right now and saying hey Ross but like I'm not a video producer how I'm going to create these videos don't worry because we're going to be using AI again and I have very powerful tool that can recreate the very same video with voice over and with all like these perfect crystal clear footages so you can actually replicate the same video for that purpose we're going to be using a special software called V this is one of I think in my opinion one of the greatest video softwares and I've been using it for maybe a year year and a half now it can create videos like this as you can see with talking head in different languages Spanish canones Chinese Mandarin German French English as you can see very professional too very professional to and again all the links to these tools that I'm showing you are going to be down in the description below once I'm walked in into to v i can prompt this tool by just typing a text and I'm going to say hey um I I want to create a um video create me a video about five top summer destinations Nations make sure to include vivit videos and um stunning views of the actual destinations there we go that's it and then I'm going to click generate video boom now the format is going to be with a talking head but I don't want to portray I want to be a landscape video for a YouTube so I can actually use a talking head like this lady or lily or another Lily or David Devon so let's use let's use Theon okay let's use Theon and I can actually use I can put some subtitles as well so let's put hey there and I'm going to hit continue so now I'm going to hit this is the script that's fine I'm going to hit continue and the to is going to start crafting our YouTube video and there we go just like that we have the video so I can PL basing in the sun on the pristine beaches of Bali there we go turquoise Waters meet Golden Sands and the vibrant so as you can see I'm just going to stop the volume uh here's some other footages from like above whatever it's this is pretty stunning I mean that's it and this is how you actually have your video ready to go there we go I'm going to pause it then you download this video and you upad it on YouTube and the more videos you upload like this the better so how do you actually start making money with these videos once you start uploading them YouTube will start recommending them to the the audiences there to the people who are watching videos or who are interested in summer videos or winter holiday destinations Etc so in the description of YouTube You're Going to place affiliate links but not any type of affiliate links you're going to place affiliate links from two websites that everybody knows about but nobody uses them as an affiliate websites the first one is booking.com this is one of the main websites in the entire world where people go when they go on vacation to book their flights accomodation hotels uh places to stay Etc so booking.com has an affiliate program you can just register generate your affiliate links and paste them inside your YouTube description and people when they watch your video and they see your description they can click booking and they can book their next trip to whatever destination even they don't book The destinations you show in the YouTube video you're still going to get a percentage from the commission to whatever destination they book their trip to another website is called Trip Advisor and the trip advisor also has an affiliate program as you can see affiliate program of Trip Advisor and Trip Advisor actually has more lucrative affiliate program because it gives you 50% of the commissions so let's say someone books a trip to Bali let's say or to New York or whatever and the trip cost $11,000 you could make $500 just from one booking so very lucrative program not in all cases of course there are some cases that this percentage difference but overall minimum 50% commissions this is pretty pretty good chunk of money affiliate money so that being said Guys these are the three boring ways as you can see kind of boring but very effective and very lucrative ways to make money with affiliate marketing as a complete beginner there are more ways obviously to make money with uh affiliate marketing if you want to see another way that I use and my students are using to make hundreds and even thousands of dollars on a daily basis click this this video right here or right here in the corner where I walk you through step by step another effective way how to make money with ClickBank affiliate marketing I'll see you in this video click it