$700/month Affiliate Method – Better Than ClickBank

I've been making 781 dollars every single month on autopilot for many many years without touching anything and this is what I'm going to show you today how to replicate the same system that I have what's going on guys Ross here so if you're watching this video you probably want to make some money online whether with ClickBank or as an affiliate so in today's video I'm gonna show you one of the easiest and probably the most efficient ways to make money online fast by repurposing other people's videos you don't need to be a video creator you don't need to create the videos yourself you're just going to use videos that have been uploaded already on YouTube or on other platforms you're going to repurpose them you don't need to be a video editor on any type of a professional you just copy and paste these videos to drive traffic to your affiliate links I know it sounds kind of messy right now but bear with me I'm gonna show you how easy it is to set up the system so let's go on to my computer so I can show you everything and to explain you how it works alright guys so we are on my computer and this is the ClickBank platform ClickBank is one of the most famous websites for Affiliates this is where most of the Affiliates start their journey and this is the place where I started about 10 11 years ago on ClickBank now the system I'm about to share with you works with any other affiliate Network so go to clickbank.com click this start button right here select your account or create an account if you don't have one once you do that go over to your account click Marketplace at the top menu here then you click top offers Right Here and Now on the left side I want you to click this category E-Business internet business and e-marketing and I'm gonna explain you why now as an affiliate you as an affiliate or if you want to make money as an affiliate marketer you have to know that there are three big niches or categories on the entire internet that are very lucrative for Affiliates these three big niches are as following first make money online Second lose weight health and fitness and third is DIY basically do it yourself today we're gonna focus on the two most important niches or the two uh most um famous niches or popular niches per se make money online and weight loss so why these are the top niches and they've been top niches on ClickBank and on the entire affiliate marketing scene for many many years it is simple number one make money online people will always always want to make money people will always want to gain more money and get in better financial situation so this is an evergreen category or Niche it's it's not going anywhere and the second card the Gory weight loss people will always always want to be healthy and in a better shape so again an evergreen offer that it's not going anywhere and let me back up these statements with data we're at googletrends.com and here in the search Trend I've typed make money online just to show you to illustrate what I mean by Evergreen category make money online and if I click the search this is basically a search console that is going to give me statistics about searches for different terms throughout the years and now I want to see how many or like what is the search volume of make money online this is a search keyword term long tail keyword not in the past day but let's say the past five years so let's Click Five Years and from the graph here we can see that people have searched make money online pretty steady Yeti here throughout the five the past five years so we don't have we don't have any big spikes or huge dips here it's a very very stable graph and this applies to weight loss as well so if I open a new tab right here and I've already typed weight loss so we want to see the search volume for the past five years weight loss boom we can see um again kind of steady Eddie graph but one difference here so let me just go to instead of five years I go to from 2004 this is more than five years so I want to show you something we have some huge spikes and huge dips here and pay attention to why are they it is very funny because think about yourself the New Year's resolution people usually want to lose weight before the summer so they get in shape or they want to get this beach body right here is very interesting when you see the graph the dips are in November and December and the spikes are in February and January and this is usually because like I said in January February people want to start losing weight so we can see again dip the spike starts in December and January right here another Spike right here and as you can see these are different years so in 2013 January we have a spike in 2014 February we have a spike in 2015 right here we have a spike so it's the same for 2016 etc etc so you can see that for weight loss we have kind of bigger um fluctuations for the searches so now today we're going to focus on make money online because it's a way smoother graph as we can see here it's a way stable people want to make money all the time it's not only for the summer or for the winter people want to make money right now every single day to the rest of their days let's say kind of scary right it sounds kind of scary and by the way if you like the information so far in this video I would really appreciate if you hit the like button of the video and subscribe to the channel if you're new if you want to learn more tips and tricks about digital marketing affiliate marketing and overall how to grow an affiliate marketing or digital marketing business but anyways let's move back to ClickBank so I told you to click internet business and internet marketing so we can find offers related to make money online and let's take for example the first offer it is called live chat jobs or whatever and it pays US 58 dollars per conversion it means that when someone buys this offer through your affiliate link you're gonna get paid 58 dollars one time this is pretty good already but what is better than getting paid one time well of course getting paid multiple times so how do you do that how do you get paid multiple times let's say you want to pay get paid 58 bucks every single month on autopilot well it is possible and I'm gonna show you how I do it by promoting different products than the products on ClickBank so what I mean by that if we go on clickera.com this is a tool free software which is also paid that helps business entrepreneurs or business owners or people who just starting online businesses to create websites manage contact drugs collect leads and do some online sales basically for people who want to make money online and the huge difference between these two and ClickBank is that these two has a monthly subscription people will sign up and will be paying monthly if they want to keep their websites running every single month and guess what you're going to get paid 50 out of their monthly subscription every single month on autopilot until they cancel their subscription but most of the people will not cancel the subscription because if they do so their all websites are going to get shut down and I can show you here another two right here that I've used this is basically similar to to click error I've used this one in the past and I have not used this or I have not promoted these two for probably half a year now and I'm still getting paid 781 dollars per month on autopilot like I said I'm not promoting these two no more and I've generated 27 000 doors and I like I said I just shared my link with my affiliate link with my audience which I'm gonna show you how to do in just a second how to create your own audience so you can start making money every single month on autopilot and basically this is going to be your recurring Revenue so that's why we're going to be using A2 or software instead of ClickBank yes ClickBank is pretty cool website I like I said I've been using ClickBank for many many years but I prefer recurring revenue for something more stable so that's why I'm showing you this and as you can see I'm completely transparent with you so when you go to clickera.com you click login or you just leave your email and sign up for an account once you sign up for an account go over to your dashboard here at the top right corner click your name in my case is Ross click my affiliate and here is going to be your affiliate dashboard and here is your unique affiliate link when you click or copy this link and paste it to your audience which I'm going to show you how to create in just a minute people click this link sign up for click error you're gonna start getting paid monthly recurring Revenue until they canceled here in clicker if I go to pricing okay we can see that users can either opt-in for 27 dollars a month plan with clicker 87 or they can pay one time 997 dollars that means you're gonna get paid at about 500 dollars one time which is still pretty good chunk of money quick disclaimer here I want to make you're not limited to just clickera.com you can just go to google.com type digital marketing tools and you can see a list with hundreds and even thousands of tools that help digital Market others and I'm pretty sure that 99 of these digital marketing tools have an affiliate program so you can just go by yourself not by yourself but you can just go on Google and start doing research by yourself and find a tool that you like to promote to your audience and in order to have an audience you at least need to create a YouTube channel where you can start getting subscribers and if you don't want to show your face and if you don't want to create the videos yourself because this is how people sign up under my affiliate link I create explanatory videos where I showcase the software it in this case is critera but it could be any type of software and I just do a very long video tutorials on what are the benefits of the software and how to get the um the maximum out of it and that's why people you know if they like the software if they like the idea they will sign up for uh for it and for example I can create a video on showing okay I'm gonna show you how to use the automation section in clickera so go here out click automations then I'm going to click rules and I'm going to show people how to create a new rule for example I'm going to click new rule name is going to be test test 23 I'm gonna hit save and there we go we're going to have a trigger so now I'm going to select the trigger and the trigger will be when new cell comes in your clicker account through the funnel let's say Ecom and the final step should be order of course click save and the action will be when the new cell again comes when someone purchase add attack and the attack is going to be let's say uh purchased there we go CJ purchased because we have a client of course this is kind of technical right now but I'm showing you the examples of my videos but if you think creating such explanatory videos is too complicated so well I told you you will be able to distribute other people's videos what we do here is we go on YouTube and I've already typed make money online what we want to do here is where it says features and by the way we have to click filters right here click filters and from features we click Creative Commons feature that means YouTube will show you only videos that have no copyrights on them meaning that you'll be able to redistribute or repurpose these videos on your own channel so what you need to do is simply create a bunch of channels even you can create one channel Channel I suggest you to create a bunch of channels create multiple channels and re-upload these videos but not just reupporting them like that crop them and create different versions of them and I'm going to show a pretty cool way to do that but I want to show you something else if we go to youtube.com and you type my name Ross minchev so you can go to my channel because in my channel I have more than 100 videos that explain how to create Facebook ads how to create landing pages how to create websites how to do copyright because I'm a pretty good copywriter myself how to use affiliate marketing how to create affiliate marketing websites how to make money on ClickBank etc etc basically I've been a digital marketer for the past 12 13 years and I've documented pretty much everything I know on my YouTube channel so you know that these videos and you can see them for yourself I mean you can watch the videos for yourself and learn a lot of stuff so what I'm allowing you to do here is you can use my own videos to distribute them to your own channels you create a channel on YouTube or Tick Tock you can go even on Tick Tock create a tick tock Channel create an Instagram account and just repurpose my own videos the only requirement I have to you I'm not asking you for your money I'm not asking you to give me a percentage from your affiliate sales the only requirement I have is give me credit in your description just say to your people or when you start creating own deals that these videos are from myself after all I made them right so it's a win-win situation where you're going to get very high quality videos explanatory videos that your audience will like them will educate them and I'm going to get a credit for that to my own channel so I believe it's a win-win situation you can of course go and type like I showed you make money online and find other people's videos here whatever you like but I'm giving you an opportunity here so what I can show you here pretty interesting let's get to the nitty gritty this video is getting kind of longer but let me show you how you repurpose any any video you want if we go to let's say this video how I made 249 000 and as an affiliate I click this video okay so I want to repurpose this video I click the video URL I click copy I open a website called pictori.ai now you've probably seen this website on my other videos very powerful video editor for people who have not who don't have any experience so sign up for a free trial here at Victoria but once you sign up this is going to be your dashboard and in here edit videos using text I'm going to click proceed input videos okay so I'm gonna click proceed here and I'm going to show the magic pretty pretty cool magic here it's going to happen boom voila YouTube video link so paste the YouTube link you just copied click proceed number of speakers it's just Ross so I'm going to click proceed and boom check this out my video transcribed on the left side this is a pretty powerful and it's an AI software by the way so what I can do here I can click customize video at the top right corner because you need to customize it click customize so you can crop different parts of because my videos are very long there are full tutorials so you you want to crop let's say two three minutes one minute maybe a couple of seconds from a video and this is how you're going to create multiple videos on your own channel so the idea here is to create a channel YouTube channel a tick tock account Instagram account and repurpose different chunks of my videos or other videos of other video creators so it becomes like a gated Series so for Siri Siri is Siri number one the intro then I talk let's say about how to create a website then the third part is how to create landing page fourth part third part is how to create lead magnet etc etc you can watch the videos and just crop them or you can do as following and by the way if you made it so far in today's video tutorial I really appreciate your time and I would also appreciate if you connect with me over Instagram as well because I try to answer questions here on YouTube but also on Instagram so you can go to instagram.com photo slash Ross minchev and this is my profile Ross Mitchell connect with me ask questions and when I have time I'll answer them so what we know from YouTube YouTube released YouTube shorts last year I believe and they've been prioritizing the YouTube shorts like crazy as you know Tick Tock is very popular YouTube shorts are getting very popular and Instagram reels are getting very popular what are these videos these are basically short video formats around like 30 to 60 seconds that can get viral for very very short period and they can get hundreds of thousands and even millions of views so how do you create a YouTube short and re-upload it to a lot of social medias or you can create multiple YouTube shorts let's say you can create even like 50 YouTube shorts and upload two or three YouTube shorts a day with pictori so how do you do that you go over to Styles right here at the left side click Styles now here we're going to choose a bigger or better looking subtitles so we're going to go to style Library here and I'm going to click lemon yellow boom so you can see boom you see these subtitles are becoming lemonish yellow and they're very trendy they look pretty good so of course you can play around and choose other subtitles other formats but now what we want to do we want to make this video for YouTube shorts or Instagram videos or for tick tock so we can get viral faster and we can get instant subscribers okay so go over to the left side click format and in here you see this section that says 9×16 this is basically YouTube shorts so click that and as you can see Boom the magic happens and Booyah you already have a YouTube short ready to be uploaded so you can click preview preview right here and you're going to see me talking if the software loads the there you go yeah but I gotta change the subtitles for the titles for all the the scenes here at the bottom so yeah you have to play around you can actually do that by going back to Styles and in here where I just clicked lemon yellow I can click uh this icon that says apply to all scenes so all the scenes are going to become with this yellow nice looking text and the final step here is to as you can see here down below we have multiple scenes 40 55 63 78 79 80.

We have 95 scenes here and I can keep clicking as you can see we have more than 300 scenes from just one video so what you can do is you crop this video each of these scenes is about like two three seconds so basically from 10 scenes you can have a YouTube short or YouTube real and you just of course you have to play it to make sure what the person is talking about makes sense just crop crop overseas make let's say 50 to 100 YouTube shorts or Tick Tock um videos or Instagram videos and then you just click download right here I'm Gonna Cancel the download because it's going to start processing but you download this to your computer and then you go to YouTube and start uploading these YouTube shorts every day twice a day three times a day the more you upload the more traction you're gonna get you can upload them to tick tock you can upload them to Instagram Etc now quick disclaimer here this system is not going to make you rich overnight of course it takes time to grow an audience it takes time for the videos to rank in YouTube on YouTube or on Instagram but if you're persistent and if you upload videos every single day I guarantee you that you're going to be successful so that's about it for today's video I hope you enjoyed it and you've learned something today let me know in the comments below what do you think about this method let me know if you've tried something like this before I try to answer pretty much all of the comments that I receive of course if I receive a lot of them I'll might have a delay answering them but like I said I'm trying to answer each one of you thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video cheers

As found on YouTube

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