ClickBank Tutorial 2024 – How To Make $200 Per Day As A Beginner

so in the past 10 years I've been full-time affiliate marketer and I've generated thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars using affiliate marketing and in today's video tutorial I'm going to review to you one of the best systems in my opinion that allows any beginner to start from zero to a couple of hundreds of dollars per day in affiliate commissions on ClickBank at least this is a system that my team and I have tested multiple times and proven multiple times to be very profitable the best part is that this system does not require any special skills it does not require any upoad investment and it literally takes less than an hour a day to set up so if you're a beginner this is going to be the perfect place to start but also if you're a skilled affiliate this system can increase and multiply your earnings from ClickBank or any other affiliate Network now quick disclaimer here we're going to be making money on ClickBank using AI artificial intelligence the AI will automate all of the process so it's going to be even easier than it used to be a couple of years ago and the goal for today's video is by the end of it you should be able to have clear pad clear blueprint on how to make your first one two or even $300 per day on ClickBank and I'm going to show you the entire setup in three easy steps that anyone can set up while watching this video so let's dive straight in all right guys we see in front of me this is our affiliate Marketplace if you don't have an account on ClickBank just go to the top right corner click sign up an account I don't have the button here but you are going to have a button that says sign up sign up follow the process it's a free affiliate account once you have your account log in Click Marketplace and here this is the marketplace don't click top offers or new offers just click the magnifier glass okay so now we can see all the offers on ClickBank that we can promote and we can make money with them and this is our first step of today's setup to find a highly profitable affiliate offer so we can make money and there are some ways to finding offers now us usually a lot of people will go with the top offers as you can see the top performer top performing offers yes these top performing offers can give you $131 per conversion which is pretty good but you got to remember if these are the top performing offers it means they have a lot of competition so you're going to compete with a lot of other Affiliates to make the same amount of money my Approach here is a bit different it involves a bit of thinking out of the box I'm going to find a subcategory of a category in our case on the left side we have categories we have gardening health and fitness uh mobile parenting self-help software Sports travel Etc now the best thing to do is if you have a hobby or interest just pick Niche related to your hobby let's say cooking or skiing or computers if you're geek liking to like program something or arts and entertainment let's say if you're a painter or musician pick an offer related to your interest on the other hand if you don't don't have a hobby or interest you can start brainstorming and today I have brainstormed with myself I've been doing some research in due diligence which I'm going to show how I do it in just a second and I stumble upon this offer let me go to the search bar right here and I'm going to type Garden or gardening and I'm going to explain why now I'm shooting this video in March March of 2024 March is already we're already almost April it's the 29th of March so the next few days is going to be 1 of April which means the spring is around the corner I mean it's already spring season which means gardening is going to be very trendy topic because people usually do gardening in the summer not in the winter and I'm going to show how I back this statement with data you always need to back your statements with data so I've typed Garden in here and I've scrolled down and I found this very very cool offer that is called uh where was it 1 second medicinal garden kit it doesn't pay $100 but it pays enough 50 bucks $48 per conversion which is still pretty good amount of money for very Niche offer so let me open this offer on a new tab I'm going to open it so we can see how it looks like and boom this offer is about the most important things that probably missing from your backyard all right there is a video presentation the you'll also how to make with nice lady here see this lady is going to show you how to do gardening medicinal plants and so forth and so on so on so forth okay it's a very nice actually I've been promoting this product for many many years by the way so I'm actually revealing it to you now that doesn't mean you have to go with this very same product I'm just showing it as an example and actually don't promote the same product because we can get into competition you and I and other people because I'm actually showing this video on YouTube so a lot of people would probably pick this product or offer and we're going to flood the market for ourselves so please find another Niche either I don't know maybe something with with cooking with fishing out through the summer people will go start fishing I don't know maybe hunting whatever might be uh summer sports summer activities Etc hiking backpacking there's so many camping but anyways this is how our offer looks like now another important component of the entire setup is if you're new to ClickBank you have to know that gravity score right here is a measurement of how many Affiliates are promoting this particular offer and in our case we have 30 points of gravity which is not very high but not very low usually I would promote offers that are above 30 points of gravity in this case because this is a very Niche product gardening medicinal Garden it's very Niche product so 30 score of gravity is pretty pretty good so now how do we validate if we're going to have enough audience or how we validate if we're going to have people who would be interested in buying this offer so we can start making money well we simply head over to trends.

Pinter this is a tool from that is going to tell us predictions or stats of a past data for specific Search terms and interests and in here I've typed gardening for beginners and we can see from this graph these are the months down here below March May July November see January February March the graph is going up meaning that people now are going to be starting taking care of their Gardens or maybe starting new gardening or maybe just you know working on their backyards doing some gardening stuff so as you can see through the summer this is an evergreen offer that works pretty good in the spring season and throughout the entire summer and then here in July and August it actually dips and here we can see this is the dip this is November December uh we don't have that many searches but again in January starts popping up because people are going to get prepared for the summer season doing some gardening stuff so that was the first step to find an offer and to validate it and actually it's very good practice to purchase the offer for yourself to make sure the offer is good it's a good quality so you know you're actually providing something good for your users it's not a scam offer this is what I mean now it's time to start promoting your affiliate links how do you generate affiliate links well simply you click this button promote click promote and then click generate hop link link and this unique weird looking ugly link is your unique affiliate link and every time someone clicks this link and purchase this medicinal plant book or garden you're going to get paid 50 bucks so let me copy this link again this is your unique link copy this I'm going to open a new TP paste my link to make sure it works and yes it works it shows the same video presentation from this lady now 99% of the people will start promoting this link like this rolling they will start posting it on the internet and this is how they will try to make money by sharing this link with as many people as possible which is not bad practice but trust me after more than a decade on being an affiliate and on ClickBank this is one of the least methods I would use yes you can make money that way by sharing your link here and there on Tik Tok on Instagram on Facebook yep but because you're watching this channel we're going to outsmart everyone else so for that purpose we come to step number two of today's setup which is to provide something for free before you ask anyone to click your affiliate link what I mean by that is who doesn't want free stuff who doesn't want free gifts so instead of us telling people hey this is my affiliate link click it so you can buy your book and I can make my money we're first going to give them free giveaways freebies because that way they're going to trust us even more and then they will have much higher chances of purchasing the product from us or from our affiliate link so head over to a website called idplr stands for private label rights meaning you can find thousands of free royalty-free materials such as ebooks videos articles that you can provide for free to any audience or readers or customers out there in this search box what I did before the video today I typed gardening like this I clicked search and from all these results you're going to see I have so many books about green gardening organic gardening Evergreen gardening as you can see organic gardening these are actual books written by authors which authors give you these books so you can distribute it to your customers or your audience you can even resell you can actually sell these books if you want to you're not obligated but you want to so we are literally going to provide free books and then we'll ask people to buy or to click our affiliate link so what I've done I found this book here I have it in my files it is callede gardening organic gardening and I'm going to open it for you I actually downloaded it from idplr I want to show you something so let me show you the book so I'm going to open it double click this is a nice book as we can see some tips and tricks about gardening planning uh planning your garden gardening blah blah blah I mean not blah blah blah they have some pictures as well of plants and uh like insects Etc so what we need to do we need to host this book somewhere on the internet because people will need to download it and the best place is Google Drive so open Google drive if you don't have Google Drive it's free to set up or to sign up and if you have Gmail you already have Google Drive attached to it so go over to drive. and create a free account you just need to leave your email and like I said if you already have Google uh Gmail you already have this set up and now in here I want you to drag and drop this book like this I'm just going to drop it boom and there we go we already have this book hosted on Google Drive but here is the Ninja secret that I didn't show you if I double click this book to open it okay this is what the reader is going to see so once they start reading through the book they will be like oh nice information and of course you have to read the book to make sure it provides nice information and aable info they will scroll down to the very bottom of the book hopefully if the book is really nice they will see all of this and check this out what I have by the bottom of this book by the very last page I have this Boom Big Orange button that says watch the video presentation here and it's a button it's a clickable button and when people click this button guess what will happen let me click it for you I'm going to click it and boom Booyah I'm redirected to the same landing page from ClickBank with the medicinal gardening offer and this time this is my affiliate URL this is my affiliate link from ClickBank so literally I have created a button with a link inside this PDF now I'm not going to go into details how you can insert buttons inside your ebooks I've already done that in my last video which you can watch from the first link down in the description below or clicking somewhere here or here on the screen this video will show you the entire process of how you find the best book and how you insert buttons with links inside the books all right and this was our second step of the setup now what we've done so far is we found an offer that is very Niche very subcategory over a category it's a medicinal gardening kit this is the offer we have validated the offer on Pinterest Trend the Second Step we've done is to find free giveaway for people which is an ebook we found it on idplr and this ebook we give away for free to make people trust us more and to build Authority in people's eyes and in this ebook I have installed and inserted our affiliate links and the final step is to bring people to this book from uh Google drive this one so how do you bring people to this book well there are a bunch of ways to do so you can do with paid ads you can do with free organic traffic writing articles posting videos but in my opinion and I've tested this multiple times as well with my team and before we continue on to the next step if you like the information so far in this video I would really appreciate if you hit the like button of the video below and subscribe for the channel if you want to learn more tips and tricks about marketing and affiliate marketing and ClickBank so now next to step number three our final step remember in the beginning I told you this method will allow you to make money not today not tomorrow but week after week month after month year after year and this is the goal to create a business around ClickBank and your affiliate marketing effort for that purpose I believe and my team believes and like I said we've tested it multiple times is to create a community this community will be your family and there are so many places to create communities but for today's example I have chosen Facebook and Facebook you can create a Facebook group and as you can see I have found two Facebook groups related to gardening this is called home gardening and it has 100,000 members now imagine this 100,000 members related to gardening if 1% of these people buy the book for 50 bucks how much money you're going to be making so if I say 1% this is 0.01% times 100,000 people in this particular Facebook group times 50 bucks because that's how much this offer pays you this equals to $50,000 of course I'm not talking about you make $50,000 at once in one day obviously you're going to divide this by days and weeks and months so like I said in the beginning the goal is to start making one1 to2 to $300 per day consistently but you see there's a huge potential there's another Facebook group that I found organic gardening which has almost 1 million members and it's all related to gardening tips and tricks and as you can see their profile image it's not even a good one it's like Blurry image like it's not even high quality why I'm showing you these groups because I personally and my business partner have created multiple groups related to multiple different niches on ClickBank by the end of the video I'm going to show you another live example that I actually own I'm going to show you one of my groups that I own so stick to the end but now how do you create this type of group related in our case gardening well we had over to these dots here which is the menu on Facebook we click menu and where it says create eight we're going to click create a group this one as you can see so I'm going to click create I'm going to open this on a new tab and it's very simple to create your own group just give the group a name let's say uh green gardening or organic organic gardening there you go gardening privacy this should be up to you but I would say this should be a public group so more people can find it and then I'm going to hit create now to stand out of the crowd to make this group much better than any other groups as you can see this one has such a blurry image here we're going to outsmart the competitors so we're going to make much better creatives for that purpose I'm going to open another website callede it's a free website you can use it for free I'm using the paid version because gives me some more flexibilities but you should be completely fine using the free one from here I'm going to click create a design and in here I'm going to type Facebook cover there we go and in the description or the search box I'm going to type gardening boom and as you can see actually I like this one a lot so this is the one I like a lot and I'm going to change this to not register now but I'm going to say join now I'm going to say gardening service nope I'm going to say gardening or actually organic organic or organic gardening like this let me move this on the side all right and if you don't like this image you can change it by going to elements on the left side and here I'm going to type Garden there you go and I'm going to go over to photos and let's see if I have a picture that I like better let's try this one just drag and drop it here and there we go I actually can double click this image to to move it around so I can see more from the basket with all these vegetables I like to see more vegetables so like this with the hand of this lady hit enter and boom in a couple of seconds we have very nice banner I mean of course you have to edit it a little bit but that's how we do it then I click share download and click download hit save on your computer go back to your Facebook group click edit here at the cover picture and then upload photo and now I'm going to go here and upload the photo we just created the picture it's a customade design for our group and now we have to reposition this like that all right save changes and boom there we go we now have much more appealing cover photo because this is the first thing people people will see once they join your group they see this Banner first and then they see everything else now what I recommend is on the right side follow Ong the setup guide of Facebook as you can see here it says finish setting up your group one of four steps invite people to join add a cover photo we already done that as you can see it's a check completed add a description and create your first post now we're going to focus on creating posts because this is how people will start finding it and also the description is very important the description should be uh full with keywords related to gardening so more people on Facebook can find this group and so let's go with other description so I'm going to click add a description here Facebook tells us tell people what your group is all about and so instead of we brainstorming and trying to come up with different terms and keywords we're going to ask AI right here I have open a website called chat. this is an AI robot that can help us with anything and in our case I'm going to ask the a robot to write us a description so right down here I'm going to write right me a Facebook group description about gardening comma make sure you include a lot of keywords about gardening tips and tricks and organic gardening and now let's hit enter and charp will start crafting our description now this is too long so I'm going to stop the bot and let's read the first one green Oasis is a vibrant Facebook group dedicated to Art and Science of gardening whether you're a Sean green tump or budding Gardener our community is rich soil is is a rich soil beted for sharing and growing together that's a actually cool uh description so let me copy this description go back to our Facebook group and paste it here all right and this is the description of course you can change it you can put different keywords if you want to now I've changed it and the final thing you need to start doing is to start posting content about gardening so the group doesn't look empty but again you don't have to do anything yourself you can always go to chat GPT and tell the chat or the AI to write me write me a Facebook post about five tips with organic or for organic gardening so four organic gardening you know you have to I just came up with this term right now you can do whatever you want you can write write me a Facebook post about I don't know six tips for spring or summer gardening summer gardening I don't know in the in the city let's say in the city and then I'm going to say make sure to include emojis and maybe create a post image let's see hit enter Facebook post text six essential tips for driving s Garden Gardens in the city that's pretty good so right away from the bat we have a Facebook post written for us from Chad GPT choose the right plants utilize vertical space actually that's pretty smart I have a friend of mine who is doing vertical Gardens in his apartment because there's no a lot of space but that's why he puts like vertical Gardens like on levels layers so that's actually pretty good post and actually the chat GPT gave us hashtags and hashtags are essential for you or for Facebook to start promoting your content or your group to other readers and it gave us pretty cool image as well so I'm going to do I'm going to click download I'm going to download this image gardening save the image then I come back here to the actual Facebook post I'm going to highlight everything click right button copy now go back to Facebook and in here where it says write something I'm going to write my first post which is going to be exactly what you just saw I copyed the entire text I'm going to click right button on my mouse here and then I'm going to click paste and as you can see boom we have it and now I'm going to include the image as well so right here at this button click photo and scroll down and click add photos and here is our image that I just downloaded from chat GPT selected and boom and boom guys I'm going to click post and boo yeah we have our first Facebook post within seconds within this video I've created a Facebook group group you see it's very easy we've created a very cool Banner we've created very cool our first post we use chat GPT to write description in this group we found an offer we validated this offer you see maybe I'm talking too fast but please pause the video watch it a couple of times but that's the entire process and now the final thing you need to do is to actually host your book on your Facebook page so how do you do that go back to Google Drive right here and where you just supported your book click these three dots go hover over share and click copy link now after you have copied this link go back to Facebook so from here I'm going to show you something cool go to the left side uh the left side bar and find your group settings here this is the feature click this and now I want you to find the description again one more time which is the first thing here that says name and description click this button and remember the description now go over to the description hit a couple of times enter and type download free gardening book here and put an arrow I'm going to put an emoji with a finger like that or this is an arrow like this okay and just paste your Google Drive Link here boom enter click save and if you go to community home right here now every time someone joins your group there are two things that they're going to do first the very first thing what they're going to do is to see your banner here but the very second thing they're going to do is to learn what your group is all about so what they going to do and so they're going to click see more to read more about your group boom and what they're going to see they're going to see the description but also they're going to see this link which is what download free gardening book here who doesn't want a free ebook right it's free so people will go over here and they're they're going to click the link and boom they're redirected to the book I just showed you they will start reading it make sure this book provides value and by the end of the book what they have is this button with our affiliate link from ClickBank they click this button they watch this presentation they buy the product this um gardening medicinal gardening kit and you make $48 every time someone does that now I know this video is kind of long but that's a pretty cool process on how you can use audiences and freebies to generate a lot of traffic and to make a lot of money with ClickBank I have another tip for you so instead of posting the link you can leave the link right here but if you upload the book right away on Facebook because you can upload a PDF file on Facebook look what will happen let me click this is just a quick tip for you I'm going to click here the post and I'm going to to click these three dots more and here I'm going to click upload a file and you're going to see why this is important click file now we're going to be increasing the chances of making even more money I'm going to click choose a file and now I'm going to select the actual book so I'm going to hit enter and I'm going to hit post of course you can write something about it I can say download a free free gardening book and I'm going to hit post all right going to refresh this page obviously once people start posting in your group and you start posting other posts this file is going to go down and down and people will lose track of it but not that's not the case because people will start researching your group and right here in the top menu what do they see files once they click files look what happens boom and boom file name ready organic gardening PDF and they can actually download this book on their own computers so they can start reading it and again they can click the link from your book but now you have your book in multiple places you have it in files you have it in the discussions here in the about section so you're increasing your chances of making that affiliate Commission Now your goal here is to help people do better gardening so start posting different posts in this group every day post one two three times a day as you can see uh you can use chat GPT or if you're interested in gardening yourself start crafting the post yourself and I told you I'm going to show you live example of one of my groups which is this one it's called click Bank affiliate and we are already 28,000 members um this is a group dedicated purely and only for ClickBank Affiliates I've created this group a couple of years ago and as we can see see we have reached 28,000 members we are a big family big Community people are sharing their stats how much money they've made as we can see here uh awards from ClickBank it's a pretty cool Community for people interested in ClickBank same thing with the people who are interested in gardening but I want to show you something what I have here in this about section because it's my about section right when I click see more what do you see download free ClickBank guide here same strategy that I'm showing you in this video so this is my own website it's my brand my personal brand it's not just a Google link and along the way I recommend you brand yourself buy a domain name create a brand around whatever you're selling and when people click my website they're redirected to this place where they can download free ebook that teaches them how to make money on ClickBank how to find profitable offers how to drive targeted traffic and how to finally automate the process and this book actually it's not written by chat GPT or this book I have not downloaded it from idplr I actually wrote the book myself it's full with screenshots it's full with blueprints on how to set up everything so if you want to do that that's even better because now it's going to be your own book no one will have it whereas with IDP a lot of people probably will have the same book because a lot of people are using and not only that but if you are an an expert in your Niche let's say you're an expert Gardener you don't even have to be an expert Gardener you just have to know a little bit more than the other Gardener you can pack it in a book and give it away for free and by the way I have something pretty cool inside this book I'll be pretty curious to see if you guys can find what I have inside this book let me know in the comments below if you have downloaded the book and you have found this pretty cool thing that I have inside the book which is kind of a marketing trick that I just showed you in this video let me see if you can pinpoint all these Strat IES and so let's wrap it up you have to set up time frame and real expectations this group is not going to grow overnight it's not going to grow all of a sudden it's going to take time months maybe a year but once you set it up it's there it is so it takes just a couple of seconds to set up a group so it's better to create a group instead of not creating a group but real expectation day after day week after week month after month I am pretty sure I can almost guarantee 99% that you're going to grow your group you're going to grow your traffic I recently have a friend of mine who started this method and he set up the group a week ago he is already at 100 members and yeah 100 members might not sounds impressive but it's been a week since he set up his group his group is related to hiking and mountain biking so totally different Niche I cannot share his exact group because I don't have permissions from him I never actually ask him to show his group but anyways you got the point from here go create your group Create Your Community start posting valuable information start posting cool stuff that will actually help people if you want go and join my group ClickBank affiliate I might change it to ClickBank hackers or the ClickBank Community let me know actually down in the comments below which one do you like better the ClickBank Community or the ClickBank hackers or maybe you come up with a better name let me know if I have to rename this group and what's your best suggestion I would really appreciate it it's going to be interesting yeah let me know what you guys think what would be the perfect name to rename this group because I don't know I don't like ClickBank affiliate for some reason join this group if you want to to learn from other Affiliates how they make money and of course from me I'm in this group my business partner Mark is in this group so we're a lot of people in this group there are a lot of newbies a lot of beginners in this group and also there's a lot of skilled Affiliates sharks when it comes to ClickBank and affiliate marketing inside this group all right once you do so your next step should be to watch this video about another ClickBank strategy where I explain a different approach on how to make money on the platform

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