How We Made $1,400 in One Day (ClickBank for Beginners)

what is going on guys your boy Ross is in the house and I'm going to show you something that we started doing in the last couple of days uh we started earning thousands of dollars a day on ClickBank this is ClickBank so if I load a website this is how it looks like I'm going to show you a strategy and um a technique that we're using that some of our students are using as well and they're having similar results uh keep in mind that our students are complete beginners some of them but this is what is achievable uh on ClickBank and I know this channel has been solely on ClickBank topics uh but I also have other businesses as well and that's why I haven't posted uh videos lately so I apologize but this is what my team is doing right now let me refresh this page so I can show you the earnings Let me refresh that so you can see boom okay today just started this is October the 4th uh because this is a us-based account and as you can see we started on September 26 this is uh 2024 and we started with $130 in commissions then we moved to 200 then we have 100 then almost $400 then on September uh the 30th we had some issues with the tracking and then October 1st was $600 in one day in commissions and then October the 2nd is $1,400 what I'm showing you here I'm not trying to show off I'm explaining that we're scaling Gra gradually so we start with a small campaign with $100 per day then we move to $200 400 600 and then $1,000 a day in affiliate commissions on ClickBank so I'm going to walk you through how you can achieve similar results or somehow similar results or how you can start how you can start to make money online with affiliate marketing in ClickBank first thing is we are using PID traffic to achieve these results so this is not all profit we use f Facebook ads let me show you so this is the Facebook ads manager let me move my microphone here like that so probably can hear me better this is the Facebook ads manager and like I said we're using Facebook ads to drive traffic and probably around 60 and even 70% of our money goes to Facebook ads so out of $1,000 we probably bring back just the 400 or $500 it depends but you might think oh but that's not good just 30% profit 40 % sometime well think about it is it no profit better or some profit better I would say some profit is much better than no profit at all and keep in mind that in some offers we collect email addresses and to these email addresses we can send multiple offers and that's a whole another topic I can talk on let me know in the comments below actually if you want if you want me to walk you through how we build our back end with email so we can be sending offers every single day without the traffic stops because sometimes Facebook traffic could stop so from here what you need to do if you're just complete beginner and if you're getting started with affiliate marketing in ClickBank on ClickBank you sign up for an account here the let me show you here at the top right corner you're going to hit start here click Start here you're going to be prompt to this survey now you can fill out the questions or you can click skip the quick start guide and just set up your account I'm not going to walk you through this uh if you want me let me know in the comments below it's a pretty straightforward process but then uh like I said Facebook ads and now here comes something you have to consider there are two types of categories or niches that we work with and we work more with the second one the first one the first category or the first kind of selling proposition on Facebook is the wow effect is the wow I like to call this the wow offers wow offers can be something that you haven't thought about it but you see it on Facebook and your M and you're like wow I got to have this I got to buy this like a new table or a new motorbike if you're biking uh for example here on Google I have this weird gadgets on Amazon I I just Googled bizarre gadgets so these are the wow offers you you haven't seen this before and when you see it you're like oh wow or for example uh let's let's scroll through these offers uh this oh some device for Whitening your teeth I guess this one or like what is that umbrella for your phone on at the beach the these are wow offers or wow products now I don't like this even though I've been selling this a lot and especially on different social networks such as Pinterest I like the second type of offers better which are the pain offers the need offers or the products that people are constantly looking for because nobody's looking for mouthpiece like this one who's looking for this no one this is a wow offer when you see it you're like ah I got to have this if you're like a te geek right not anyone but if you're into this stuff all right or this one a toaster that prints faces on the bread that's cool one right so this is the wow offer but the need offer not the wow we're into the need offer this is the second category of offers or products the need and the need is something you're you're looking for for example ex Le you're looking for new uh you're looking for if you're driving for new winter tires or new summer Tires and if you're you know that's a need you need to have you need to have winter tires or if you don't have a vehicle you're looking for a car to buy this is a need now if you go even deeper to that we like to focus on personal pain points oh I'm walked out I'm just going to walk in real quick hold on and there we go walk in again so we're going to see uh the offers on ClickBank so let me go over to the marketplace right here and I want to show you something go to top offers this is how we find offers uh now we want to focus on offers or products that are people looking for for example and in our case health related offers because if you have a problem with your health you're in pain to solve that issue maybe you have elbow problems or knee issues or maybe you have other type of issues like diabetes or obesity or any type of health issue this is something that is hot and people are ready and ready and they're willing to spend money to get rid of this pain problem now there's a difference between you're looking for winter tires and there's a difference you're looking for a solution to a diabetes problem right so you got to distinguish both of these on ClickBank here there are many many offers as you can see a, 1,600 and more offers related to whatever uh in our case like I said we're looking for offers that are related to need need people that have to fulfill and we we can actually start scrolling um and start looking for offers but what I can do um why I don't see them the highest ranking cuz it's I've put like rank to rank rank them uh let's see here this is from the uh filters we want a gravity high to low we want to see the offer with the most gravity usually the gravity shows how much money an offer is making and how many Affiliates are promoting it so basically this gravity score is a combination of like these uh statistics and so I'm going to start looking for this is by the way the process why that we take with each and every offer we promote and I'm saying we because I have a team now that they're promoting offers I have media buyers uh I have a whole team that sets up landing pages and look they look for offers they test offers so um that's why I'm saying we my team mostly and this is how it goes we look for offers that are related to a problem that people might have not always related to health another problem can be home renovation I mean your house is falling apart so you need uh a new house renovation or your windows say uh on your house or you're Roofing your roof is leaking so people are looking for U like problem related like a solution related to Roofing to uh get it fixed Pro denting another offer that is related to dental issues or to how to keep your smile and teeth better and brighter this offer pays 136 $ per conversion meaning if you bring just one sale you're going to be making $136 every time you bring a sale right this is your commission percentage then if we scroll down uh we can see other offers billionaire brain wave uh let's see what is this about I I've seen this offer before I'm going to open this on a new tab so we can see new research review brain wave ritual attracts money okay this is kind of money offer keep in mind though if you're on ClickBank always research the offer very uh in like deeply thoroughly because some offers on ClickBank are not good some offers here might be scam offers even though ClickBank are sorting them out ClickBank is actually uh filtering all the scam offers and they don't allow them on the ClickBank platform anymore but still for your own goods and for the good of your customers the the well-being of your customers I would recommend whenever you find an old offer to promote select that offer buy it yourself see how the sales process is take the product in your own hands if it's a physical product if it's a digital product uh just go download the product see how it looks like Etc go to the support ask for samples for example here this billionaire brain wave I can go to the right side and I can click s contact and I can ask the vendor or the creator of this offer product questions about it to tell me hey do you have any testimonials is it any good can you send me samples etc etc but of course I'm going to tell them I'm about to promote it so it's in their interest that it's in their interest to send me samples or to give me marketing materials or more examples to actually want me uh to get me hooked to promote their product so from here we're looking for an offer right Sumatra slim belly this is uh tonic that uh works for people with obesity people who want to lose weight Etc uh join Genesis H that's another cool offer uh join Genesis this is as you can see in the name in the title it is about people who have problem with their joints and uh ligaments I guess introducing joint Genesis uh and this is uh supplement bahah blah blah blah blah okay so let's take this product as an example to today's video let's say we want to help people with their bones and joints to move freely to get rid of the pain so we're going to go back to ClickBank and after we find this type of offer this is again the process my team and I were taking we find an offer join Genesis so to validate this offer the first thing we look is the gravity 120 points of gravity is a pretty good one usually we promote offers that have above 20 30 uh points of gravity so 120 is pretty good then the second second uh uh metric we look for is the average conversion we like to see now offers that pay more than 50 60 bucks so even more in nowadays because ads are expensive so $145 per conversion it's pretty good for us so average order value is 145 so we can spend like even $100 on Facebook to bring that sale so we can spend $100 to bring this sale and going to make 150 uh for 45 so it's it's uh 45% right a profit margin this is good now after we have looked at these uh factors the second the next thing we're going to look at is the actual offer so I'm going to click it right here I'm going to see I'm going to read what this is all about the Next Generation in joint health offers from ClickBank I want to validate if there enough audience of people looking for joint uh Rel issues or joint problems so let's research down here mobility and flexibility so I'm going to pick some key wordss um Optimum joint Comfort uh let's see extremely broad appeal let's see who this offer appeals to the joint health market is huge so joint health I'm going to highlight this is the main keyword the main broad keyword search term join health and it's getting bigger every day BL okay so to validate this I want to see if other people on Facebook are advertising similar offers so I can see okay if other people are advertising similar products there is a chance for me to make money on that so I'm going to highlight the main keyword like I said joint health uh you can you know brainstorm different keywords joint related issues or joint Mobility Etc so we copy this word we go to the ads manager on Facebook this is ads 4/ library and this is where we're going to be looking for um people who advertise or if there are any people advertising uh similar product so I'm going to paste this word right here paste join he I'm going to hit enter and let's see if we have more than 100 ads I'm confident boom we have 9,800 ads resulting into the joint problem this is insane I mean this is dog joint problem but let's scroll down okay humans people there we go there we go so boom right away of the bat we have 9,000 approximately 600 ads promoting joint health so huge Market I I like I said if we have more than 100 ads or more than 200 ads promoting a c specific keyword I'm I I mean we're going to promote it now this is only United States but we can go globally we can go worldwide we can go all countries so let's see in all countries because most of the offers on ClickBank work worldwide so let's go uh all ads and now I'm going to hit enter right here see how many ads we have this time 19,000 guys so 19,000 results let me have a sip of my coffee 19,000 ads is pretty good indicator a lot of people are advertising this so now what I'm going to do I'm going to show pH through of or at least some of these ads to see their selling points this is important don't try to um come up with something from scratch look at what is already working what people are promoting already or other companies and then just duplicate or Not Duplicate but mimic take notes uh pull up a notepad and start copying like protect your health with this so I'm going to highlight this text for example our expert let stretches are designed to Safeguard your flexibility in the range of motion so all of this is golden copy copy that is a copyright that is made for to persuade people to click through to click this sign up and go to the next step basically to funel people out of Facebook to my website so I'm going to start taking notes I'm going to start copying each of these copyrights on a notepad right this is an active ad it started yesterday October the 3rd and I'm going to even download the image because I'm taking notes I'm going to scroll down I'm going to keep scrolling and keep scrolling and this is for pets this is Wellness in action that's even a video ad uh the where and there of your coval fluid is I don't know but this is joint paint there we go joint paint so now I can even funnel down I can be even funnel down my searches so I'm going to highlight this search term joint pain now from joint health we're going to go even further because some people might just look for supplements joint health right they just want to they're not sick in any case but they just look to you know uh get some vitamins but now I'm going to go even Niche nisher joint paint not joint health so let's see how many results we have now because for certain certainly there would be people in The Joint held are not for certain for certainly looking for products to buy I mean there is no urgency but people who are looking for joint pain problem uh products they're in search for a need they have pain and they need to get rid of this pain so these people unfortunately are ready to buy a product to get rid of the pain whereas joint health not not necessarily I hope you get the difference so pain uh come on hit enter let's see I already did it how many ODS oo look at this we have even more results for joint paint 35,000 look at this so more people are actually looking for joint pain related I mean not looking but they're more ads for joint pain pain than for health so again I'm going to start looking back pain knee pain it's all related finger I don't know B blah blah blah from here I'm going to start looking for offers not offers but related ads to my offer and I'm going to like I said start taking notes taking notes taking notes taking notes out of here this was the the I don't know which Step was it but the final step after I have everything sorted out here after I have a lot of knowledge about this specific topic I've educated myself I've looked through this text I've did my homework I've uh researched the The Joint Genesis I asked for samples I bought the product myself to make sure I'm promoting something legitimate then the final step is to create a fan page on Facebook for example this is one of the pages I I created your green remedy this is for demonstration purposes it's a page related to health uh problems and as you can see I have a post here uh this is a post unlock your natural energy boost and again it has a ClickBank Link in here but I have a whole another video where I explain how you create these uh Pages for Success on Facebook it's very simple actually you don't have to pay for anything everything is free so you just create this page then you post this and I use AI to create this type of post let me actually show it to you like this or move myself somewhere here on the side so you can see um so this page is uh related to this entire page Facebook page related to this uh the green remedies the health issues not only health issues but just Health overall health well-being right so if you want to see how I create these pages with these post and like I don't know if I mentioned but we use AI we use a AI to come up with this this is an AI generated image by the way I didn't it's in in insane today with AI how this is AO and then we uh advertise this on Facebook so uh the video that because it's I don't want to make this a longer video I just wanted to Showcase you then the process like you have a birth eye view uh uh of the process like uh like a a blueprint and then in the description below you're going to find a link to a longer video where I'm going to show you step by step how we create create the pages how we create the ads uh how we come up with ideas with the AI etc etc I know it looks very simple but it really is and it's somehow somewhat is but it's not it requires work and it it requires a lot of time so you have to be very focused you have to you know it's you're not going to start making money overnight that's for sure but it's going to take a couple of days you have to start testing ads you have to start testing different NES and offers and eventually if you're not giving up uh you're going to have some success all right guys thank you so much for watching I'll see you in the next video links are down below in the description for the second part of this one so I'll see you there cheers bye

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