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hey what's going on guys Ross m in the house and today I'm going to be showing you the untold way to make money online and in fact I'm going to be showing you a way that is going to help you to make at least $5,000 a month online as a complete beginner in fact in this video tutorial I'm going to show you step by step how to actually make money online in 2025 and above in just three easy steps and everything is going to be shown to you today something else I'm going to show you how I went from driving this old car it's an old French Renault to now driving my dream car which is a porge Maan turbo and it looks pretty pretty insane so that's the goal for today's video is to show you how I went from driving a crappy car to now driving my dream car and hopefully you can get inspired you can learn a lot from this video and finally you can drive your own dream car or buy a house or go to a vacation or go on an island it doesn't matter so don't start a business that's the key don't try to start a business become an employ for $5,000 per month and probably right now you're like whoa Ross what's going on like I thought I'm going to quit my job not start a new one hear me out this is essential I'm going to show you why this is not a regular job this job that I'm about to show you does not have any rules in fact you can work from any point of the world you need to have just internet connection and that's it you can work from whatever you don't have to have any experience you don't have to be in a specific location so anyone can do it that's why I put this homeless gentleman who is working on a laptop and he just needs a Wi-Fi here are some stats that going to show you that there's a huge opportunity with what I'm about to show you and in fact this is the thing that helped me to buy a Porsche Maan turbo becoming a media buyer for a company this is a huge opportunity right now and no one is talking about it and this is because you can become a media bar with zero years of experience no experience and you could be still making up to $85,000 a year which is approxim ately about $5,600 a month so let me share my screen and I'm going to walk you through everything you need to know in order to start earning that much money and in order for you to become a media buyer all right guys welcome back in my previous video I showed you how media buying skills helped me to earn up to $300,000 in less than three months if you want to watch that video I'm going to link it in the description below but for now stay here because we have a lot of things to cover you can watch it by the end of this one media buyer is the person who buys or create ads and in our case I'm going to show you Facebook ads and if you have been wondering how all of these big companies like Coca-Cola Amazon Apple Samsung Huawei whatever have been driving or creating ads well they use media buyers they are going to use you and they have hundreds and thousands of media buyers who are getting paid haly Hefty paychecks as you can see here I'm in Google Trends and when I type media buying in the search term we can see kind of over the time time for the past 5 years the search media buying has been kind of normal no paks no deeps but check this out if I type media buyer which is the person responsible for buying ads look what happens media buyer hit enter and look at now the graph it's increasing increasing and increasing here we have huge Peck right now in 2024 this is insane this is absolutely huge opportunity to jump on right now so the need for media buyers has never been greater before and if you go to the website I just showed you u a second ago this is a glass door and we can see the media buyer can make from $54 to $80,000 a year with zero years of experience if we go let's say one to three years of experience you can make $95,000 but that's not all because the media buyer there is something secretly about it the media buyer not only gets a monthly salary but you're also getting a percentage and I'm going to show you what I mean by that media buying in other terms it's advertising as we can see another huge opportunity is that the advertising budgets from 2017 up until 2024 have doubled from half a trillion dollar to now add spend for 2024 1 trillion there we go and the projection is to double to 2028 20129 so we have huge opportunity what are the two things that businesses have in common so either if you're an employee to a business or you own a business what do you need what all of these have in common those two things well that's customers businesses need customers and this is where you come in as a media bar you bring these customers to the businesses and don't worry if you don't know how to do it again I'm going to be explaining to you right now the media buyer is responsible for these customers and how he or she does that well by driving traffic to a website and how do you drive traffic like I said you can use social media ads such as Tik Tok ads Pinterest ads Facebook ads in our example today I'm going to show you how we use Facebook ads and how a media buy uses Facebook ads to drive traffic to a website and by the way guys everything is automated and we use a lot of AI it's not like back in the day back in 2016 when I be first became a media buyer I had to learn how to do everything on my own designing ads copyrighting my ads writing copy for websites for landing pages and everything was very timec consuming creating videos nowadays you just use AI I'm going to show it's pretty cool so let's go to facebook.com/ library this is the place where you should be hanging out as a media buyer and later on I'm going to show you how to actually find a job as a media buyer okay this is the place where you can see all the ads from all the advertisers on Facebook when you go to facebook.com and here you can select the country you you participate in or you can go globally you can SEL worldwide o and then type the search term in today's example I'm going to choose diet as a keyword let's say you're working for a nutrition company let's say a protein shake company or whatever company um you find which I'm going to show you how to find them in just a minute but for the sake of the video I just type diet here I hit enter and all of these ads 100% of these ads that you see are created by media buyers so let's scroll down and just find an ad for example so I can show you what I mean all right let's see this ad right here and let's click see ad details and we can see okay so this is a healthy ad basically this is the ad copy that the media bar creates and then we have an image and then we have a button that says learn more and this is where people go to the website so I'm going to click it and people are redirected boom to this bog website and they read more they can buy a product I guess they can click uh schedule a freedisc discovery code so basically these people you know want to sign up for I don't know mentorship or something like that about healthy nutritions but that's it the media bar creates this text creates an ad like this Image Design which again we're going to be using AI to create all of that and very special handy tools and that's it this is your job as a media bar to create these type of ads let's just come back to my uh table here so now we so a media bar creates ads from these ads the media bar drives traffic to a website that we just saw and based on that first you receive a monthly salary that I showed you without an experience you can be making from 60 to 95 or actually from $54 to $85,000 a year without any experience but then then here's another special thing you get a percentage of the profits or of the revenue because most of the bars work that way this is the business model you get paid let's say ,000 $2,000 $3,000 a month but then you have a percentage from all the sales you make and this is win-win situation for you and the company because if the company just pays you monthly salary you're fine with it you know you receive your $5,000 a month that's it and you just sit back and you don't push yourself but if you're getting a percentage and like 80 to 90% of the companies out there offer percentage even I myself offer percentages which is pretty pretty high to my media buyers then you have initiative to be better and to actually make more money for the company it's a win-win the more money you make for the company the more percentage or the more money they're going to send you because of the percentage so you're you're incentivized in that way in that sense now how long does it take you to become a media buyer that's the question probably you've been asking throughout of this video well for me it took me three months so I'm here putting three to six months you need three you even today today you don't even need three months these three months took me back in the day in 2016 2015 but now with the help of AI you can be up and running within a month one month and you can be making money with uh Med being a media buyer so like I said you create ads you use Ai and then you monitor your stats I'm going to show you what that means to monitor your stats but now let's jump back to how you actually create these ads well first we're going to start with the design of the image or the video in some cases we use video ads in some cases we use image ads and in this case we have image but I'm going to show you how to do both image and video so here we see fiber matters and there's some Fiber nutritional nutrition Foods let's say and let's say you work for a company that is um about nutritions like I said so we're going to be using a tool and so we're going to be using a tool called visme and it's very handy tool and by the way all the tools that I'm using in this video all the resources I'm going to link down in the description below so don't stress about it later after the video you can click the links in the description and you can discover all of these tools but visme is an AI tool that helps you create social media posts for example here as you can see I've typed Facebook ad so I'm actually going to remove that and I'm going to type again again [Music] Facebook ad and the tool is going to give me predefined pre-sized templates so I'm going to hit this as you can see Facebook ad there we go and I have to choose from these ad examples and I can actually select not videos but I want uh social Graphics because you can select videos as well but let's stick with social graphics and I'm going to try to find an ad that I actually like or it's similar to um the one that I showed you or you can go completely broad there we go I have found just an ad about nutrition so I'm going to click edit this is the design and let's see if it loads usually loads pretty fast there we go nutrient guide nutrition guide we have a salad so you can click and drag around the images on these tool as you see and you can double click the text and change it so let's see I'm going to copy this one fiber matters so let's go back to vime and I'm going to type here double click fiber fiber matters there we go you can put some text here as well or I can delete this text by just clicking the button ungroup right here I don't need this button I'm going to click and hit delete on my keyboard I'm going to click this text and click delete and I'm going to make this a bit bigger like this o can I shrink it let me see like this this and then I'm going to make it a bit bigger fiber mats there we go and now guess what on the left side I can go to Graphics here or media I'm going to go to Graphics right here and I'm going to type uh in the search bar let's say fiber let's see what maybe some cables going to pop up hopefully oh okay there's some vegetables you know what let's go to photos because the graphics didn't show up good results so we go to here where it says photos we click that and in the search I'm going to type again fiber and maybe yeah some fiber optics but we have this this is rich in nutrients so I'm going to click that boom it's right here already on my design so I can actually drag this around I can rotate it like this this or I can rotate the whole thing like that so I can it can fit my design something like this move stuff around and that's it there we go you know have a ready to go design back in the day this used to take me hours hours designing it on in Photoshop because we don't have tools like this one it requires a little bit of work to create these designs but if you're creating video ads it's even easier for the video ads we we use a tool called VI and this to is absolutely mind-blowing it allows you to create videos based on text so you actually tell the tool it's an AI artificial intelligence tool what to create and it creates it so here AI text to video create videos from your text so I'm going to click that and I'm going to describe what I need and what do I need well the virtual company that we came up with is nutrition company so what we need we need to uh uh tell the tool to create a video actually I'm going to use this headline of the ad why fiber is essential for health and how to incorporate it so go back to vid and I'm going to say create me a video for a Facebook ad that's important to uh show that to the tool to tell it create me a video for Facebook ad about why fiber is important for health and how to incorporate it done and actually I'm going to say create me a short video I don't know I don't need a long video create me a short video for Facebook ad that's it and we hit generate video and now we have a talking head which is amazing so basically a person that is going to be talking head in your video so let's stick with this one I'm going to hit at here at the top right corner continue and now the AI is going to come up with some copy this is the video script fiber is essential for our health yet many of us don't get enough of it perfect so now let's hit continue and by the way guys while this is loading if you like the information in this video so far I would really appreciate if you hit the like button of this video down below and subscribe to the channel for more tips tricks and strategies about how to make money online and start your own business all right there we go so we have our video ready to go with a talking head let me try to move that down a little bit so you can see better but the video now has video footages it has music it has script and it has voice over it means it has everything you don't have to create anything back in the day I had to hire a voiceover artist uh pay him or her hundreds of dollars to do the voiceover of the my ads then I had to find stock footages pay a lot of money for stock footages and then I had to find a voiceover actress like this one so now let me just play the video and see what we've done I'm going to hit play I'm going to let me bump up the volume here so you can see or here and check it out fiber is essential for our health that many of us don't get enough of it it helps regulate digestion insane what do you guys think it is insane and actually you can move around stuff see I can drag this lady I can actually make her more kind intriguing like showing from the this uh side like here I can change the text if I want to I can move pictures around blah blah blah Etc you have a lot of freedom here there we go anyways so that's how you create the videos all right now you know how to create your designs you know how to create the videos and then how to write the copy for the actual ad this is the text well for the text we use a third ai2 called okuya and let me show you Oka there we go and if you go to features that here we we see all of these features that this ai2 has it has content scheduling copywriting AI assist and some other stuff but we want to go with copywriting right here and it says AI assistant for copywriting start copywriting and it's going to assist you with your ads so choose your task basically you're going to tell the UA what you need to do so in this example they have whether it's an ad copy captions bxs emails or website content we do it all so in our case we need just the add copy right so we're going to tell okuya hey we need an ad copy describe your copy for example in our case with the fibers so why fiber is essential for your health uh and how to incorporate it and then UA is going to generate the text so there we go this is it it's very easy it's very Oka is very powerful ai2 and as you can see here it's one of the product Hunt's number one products of the day I mean if you don't know what product Hunt is this is a place where all these new softwares and tools pop up and the one that is the best goes to number one and aqua is one of them so pretty handy too of course you can use it for other stuff as well so if you go to Features uh we go to content and ipping content you can use it for images as well so you can use vimme but you also can use this tool to create images and visuals for your ads and again uses drag and drop editor as you can see very professional very cool I mean all of these tools are amazing I mean the links to these two are going to be down in the description below so guys I hope you can see the huge opportunity here by becoming a media bar not only you're going to make a lot of money but also you're going to learn a lot and later on if you don't want to work for a company anymore that's perfect because you already have the only skill any business owner should have when they start and this is to drive traffic to a website because like I said either if you're a business employee you drive traffic to the Business website to the company you work for for but once you learn the tricks and the tips and how this is done to drive customers to a company website then you would not have any issues starting your own business and now that you have the skill to bring customers now you can start bringing them to your own business you know how cool is that this is how I actually started I started working for a very cool guy his name is Brian Fifer I think I've shown him here on the channel and he started paying me monthly plus a percentage of our sales and he was very generous guy and I started learning a lot working for him and later on I decided to create my own business but I already had the skills to drive traffic to bring customers to any businesses so finally how do you find your first job as a media buyer well we have a bunch of websites and the big one that I use and I actually use it to find media buyers for my companies I'm not using it to become a media buyer here but I'm using it to find you know talents and maybe if you watch this video and you you apply to become a media bar I might hire you as well I don't know I mean I have people who watch my YouTube channel my YouTube videos and I hired them as media buyers so I don't know maybe next one is going to be you so mediab buyer.com is a very professional website where you can apply to become one and as you can see we have big companies that use mediab bar.com and some of them are like click funnels we have where is it these are the companies we have clickfunnels we have VRE we have Tony Robbins big one Tony Robbins we have aora Financial this is a trillion dollar company aora Financial we have we have Samar bodybuilding.com all these big companies gr Cardone but here's something I didn't tell you in the beginning the benefits don't stop with being a media bar not only you're going to work on your terms not only you're going to receive a pretty cool a pretty hefty salary and pretty cool paycheck pretty big one but also you're going to work for people like Tony Robbins guys guess what if you work for person like Tony Robbins or Grant Cardone these are Big names Big Industry names so not only going to get paid to work for them but you're going to learn from them you're going to learn from their team or from themselves directly because they're going to guide you what to do what works what doesn't work so you're going to learn inside information that you cannot learn anywhere else and that's what my media bars do I show them my special secrets that we use in our businesses so they can make more money they can buy media better they can bring us more customers but now they learn this skill and they have that skill they have this system another website you can start actually with is upwork.com and in upwork.com I have typed mediab buyer as a search term and we can see media bars from all around the world here on upwork we can see this gentleman Ahmed he's from Pakistan and he is charging $8 an hour very small fee and he already made $4,000 amazing we have another one we have another gentleman from Pakistan we have many many people from all around the world from for example this lady is from the Philippines she charges just $10 an hour and she already made $50,000 okay again being a media buyer so we have Mont he charges $100,000 $100 an hour I mean it's up to you how much you're going to charge of course should be based on your experience and your expertise even if you don't have a lot of experience but you know your thing and if you learn how to become a good media buyer you can charge a lot of money so this guy is charging 100 bucks an hour and he already made $200,000 on the platform another place for becoming a media buyer is fiverr.com you can just sign up here create a free account and list your geek as your media buyer um and like freelancer I can type media buyer here as well here media buyer hit enter and these two should find me all of media buyers there we go lots of media buyers right here one final thing I want to mention and I want to show you here is an place called profit Avengers this is costed on school.com this is my small community that we teach people how to make money with affiliate marketing but but the most important skill that these people we teach this skill um our students is how to become media bars because once you become a media bar then you can make money with e-commerce Drop Shipping affiliate marketing Amazon FBA whatever might be because the core of all of these businesses is Media buying you need traffic to your website that's called a media buying so in profit Avengers we teach people how to become media buyers and respectively how to become Affiliates I'm showing you this because the skill these people are learning and the video this the purpose of this video is for you to have a lifetime skill that is going to help you not only make money once but make money month after month year after year so if you want to learn more about the profit Avengers Community uh this is my private Community with my private clients links again are going to be down in the description below we teach people how to make money first being a media buyer second secondly becoming an affiliate on ClickBank so you don't even have to work for a business you don't even have to open your own business basically you become an affiliate marketing business owner so that's something else if you want to go check it out this is the best way to make money online in 2024 2025 and above and it's been like like this four years it was in 2015 2014 2016 being a media bar the only skill you need is to know how to drive people from social media sites to a website the only skill you need is how to how to take people out of Facebook and bring them to your website or to the company website that's it let me show you let me visualize it so drives traffic let me copy this here and I'm going to paste another one here so let's say people are hanging out on Facebook okay people on Facebook they're watching videos of cats or they're chatting with their friends and family or people are on Tik Tok and they're watching stupid videos so let's say Tik Tok your job as a media bar is to attract them somehow with an ad so this is an ad that's your ad and usually like I said this is AD generated with AI so AI add so you create this AI ad as a media bar you take people out of this from Tik Tok you uh you show people on Tik Tok or on Facebook or on Pinterest your ad that I just showed you how to create and then from this ad we go to another place which is your website or website your or the company's website the company you're working for your or companies uh company or business Bus website business there we go this is how it your or Business website and on this Business website or company website the person the prospect is making either a purchase or it signs up signs up as a lead sign up or it does some other action buy buys a product downloads a PDF or whatever might be but most likely it's a purchase or a sign up as a elite there you go and from here the process is um completed that's it that's the process very simple very simple process I mean it looks simple but you know you need to spend some time to learn how to do all that so guys I hope you learned something today I hope you got inspired I mean at least I'm pretty pumped even right now I'm by recording this video I'm pumped already so I might go and set up some ads myself even though I have a team that sets up my ads but I like to set up ads as well from time to time because I just like to do it you know it's my job I mean this is like a hobby for me now it's not like a job it's like you know I just like to use Ai and for me it's interesting to see how every time AI comes up with different results different designs different videos different adart copies so you know it's kind of um art for me from now what you should do next if you want to make money with affiliate marketing go and watch this video here at the top corner where I explain step by step how to make money with ClickBank which is an affiliate marketing platform so go ahead click that video I'll see you there