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if you're planning to launch meetings webinars oneon-one well I have the solution for you it's called sessions and you won't believe how easy it is to launch one of these video meetings so follow me to my desktop right now what's up everyone I know you won't believe that you can replace all these tools with sessions but you can you can replace Zoom Google meet cly open AI yes because it has AI zlo docket miral Etc all with sessions now first thing I want to do is show you how fast and easy it is to launch one of these vide meetings so let's start with the session with the session first thing I got to do is obviously set my face go ahead and open this up here's my face microphone set a background which I've done already and set the name so in this case it's there let's go ahead and join and we're going to get our sharing link so let's hypothetically say that we're doing a meeting with someone and let's go ahead and open up incognito mode and jump over to the link that I've just shared with them so all they got to do is set their camera allow it in this casee I'm going to mute it because I don't want it to conflict with what I'm doing and I'll just say John and he's going to join there we go it needs to get signal there and boom we are now in a session on a oneon-one that's how fast it is to launch one of these sessions now what can you do in this section you'll be amazed with everything you can do so first off I would recommend you check this thing out which is command K or in windows I think it's control key and it's a really great tool that it's a feature that they launch where you have access to several actions that are really easy to use I can go ahead and type a command paste a link search Etc using this I can view other files from here and it's really smart once you learn how to use this you're going to see how fast and easy it is to work with the tools in sessions all right but if you want to go the manual way you can go ahead and jump into these sections for example if I want to share a file open a link embed a tool add an agenda or share the screen I can do so really easily so let's just say I want to share this video there let me go into the person who's watching it and here we go he's watching it now let me go ahead and come back let's stop sharing and come back right there and then again I can do something else with it all right or how about I raise a hand if I want to send an emoji or something like that that is possible how about record that is possible or how about full screen let's go ahead and exit no we're not done yet how about we want to start a chat with this person how about and I'm going to to say hello and that person is going to receive it I got a little bubble here say number one message and here it is and I'm going to respond High let's come back and here it is responded High that's how easy it is to use or how about creating a poll you can create a poll manually or we can use the AI co-pilot to create our poll let's give it an idea and it's going to generate a poll for us so let me write something okay here's a quick idea that I ran by it what is your favorite piece of topping let's go ahead and generate it and it's going to use AI to create this pull so here we go we we got our first suggestion I can go ahead and use the pull or I can go ahead and try again or remodify the question that I asked okay so in this case I'm going to use a pull and the cool part about this is that now I have the option to modify these ingredients and I got a head start on all these ingredients and I can add more responses I can remove ingredients Etc and if I'm good to go I can start the poll and boom just like that we are going to get a poll so we can vote on it and no I don't like pineapple pepperoni for me all right how about the end user over here um he likes pineapple and let's go and submit it pll's done and we're going to get the results right here how cool right and and we can end the poll and start a new one or ask AI co-pilot to create a poll for us or about Q&A again you can goe and started right here notes if you need to write some notes that is possible and you can connect this with Evernote and notion which makes things really easy uh takeaways or how about we type in the takeaways as we are talking but in this case I just wrote some text here and I'm going to use again and a i co-pilot for this and I can create a meeting overview bullet list action items custom prompt in this case I'll create a bullet list for testing purposes so let's go ahead and use this and it's going to generate it for us so in this case I don't like it I'll go ahead and try again go ahead and generate it okay that more that looks more like it let's use this takeaway and I can go ahead and keep what I have or just go ahead and replace that with this which could be more appealing to me how about transcript well that is possible here I can start the transcript with this or how about if I need to do something with this user I have all these options available or the view I can view different type of views Gallery Spotlight audience Etc and my settings for this particular meeting so everything right here I can even lock this session so it's not open from here which is pretty cool that we get all these options but that's how easy it is to launch one of these video sessions with sessions so it's pretty crazy right let's go ahead and out of here because I want to show you more let's end it for all participants let's go ahe and go home and how about if you want a schedule session we we don't want to start right away well that is possible so basically the same concept of everything you're going to get with the session but we can run a scheduler here so I can go ahead and do test to test for this at the date here I'll say the 11th and date repeat no email reminders participants I can go ahe and invite them here the agenda the access if I want to lock it request guest emo recording consent Etc all these options are available participants permissions automations widgets Rec recordings and the exit page if you want to modify that and create the schedule super easy right or how about if you want to create an event well this is going to change things because now we have people who are going to talk in the event so let's go ahead and create the event we have all these options available and we have the speakers who are going to talk in the event go ahead and add the speaker the agenda the access rules right here participants permissions the widgets automations recordings exits registration options here so if you need to ask for different type of things you can do so here here in this case it's asking for name and email pretty basic but you can go ahead and remove it just ask for the email or create more okay then we have the landing page options change logo the banner image primary color Social Links the participants sharing and tracking all from here and then go ahead and publ the event and you have an event created really easily right so that's for these three which are the main tools but it doesn't stop there they can do SS can do a whole lot more all right so you got your memory to view what's going on in the past you got your calendar if you connect your calendar you'll have all the events right here which you can check out jump into them go to the event Etc all from here so it's pretty easy to keep track with this calendar or what if you need to create a booking link where someone just jump into the link and book well this is my link let me go ahead and copy this go to incognito mode and I'm going to show you how somewere is going to view this so first of all I have a 50-minute session rule right here and I'm going to select the 18th and I'm going to schedule this hour and I'm going to confirm add my details there and I'm good to book right tell me that's not easy right or how about if you want to create a new B page well you have all these options available you have your session durations from 15 to 60 Minutes Or custom email reminders you want to set a reminder and the schedule the agenda the form Advance participants permissions widgets automations recordings and exit all from here all right and the events the ones that you create we're going to be able to view them right here in case you need to modify them add new speakers Etc all from here the rooms this is a really really cool tool I don't see this and other type of uh video meeting systems so in this case a room is a room that is always there so you can jump inside and start a meeting so let's go ahead and enter this room that room's already created the link everyone has it so they know how easy it is to jump to this room you don't need to create a new event or a new meeting because it's maybe it's your team members hey let's jump over to the room they have the link already they're going to jump there and they're ready to go to start that meeting okay so it's pretty cool that you have this option if you need to create a new room do so from here if you need to delete it do it from over there then you have your agendas from here my agendas the workspace agendas and the share with me the files this is really useful to upload the files that you're going to use in your sessions because it makes things easier and smoother you got documents image Keynotes PDFs Pages Etc and then you have your tools which you can connect with all of these right here which are pretty useful for your video meetings which is pretty cool they have all that there so all that with sessions tell me that's not incredible and like I said you're able to replace all of these using sessions which I think is a really neat idea because you are avoiding to use several tools to accomplish the same purpose if I want to use a booking meeting use sessions if I want to run a video meeting well use sessions if you want to run calendar do it from there Etc so I think it's a really great tool to use for your business so if you want to check it out the link we provided in the description and that's a wrap