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let me show you how WP like can make your WordPress site more engaging right now it's a lifetime deal and you want to definitely check it out so let's get started hey what's up everyone this is the WordPress plugin and it's called you like it's going to add a like and dislike feature to your post and it's also going to add it if you want to into the comments that way people can give love or hate when someone is commenting something good or bad all right now let me give you a quick example of how it shows here's a quick post post of a demo site and you can see here on this post there's a like and dislike feature where I can actually vote same thing goes when someone comments I can actually upboat or downb and this feature can actually be changed to change the look of this like and dislike super easily and you're going to get a ton of analytics to see how your posts are actually performing via this feature making your website more engaging and people coming back to vote or downvote comments that is really a great feature that social media has and that's going to be available to you on a WordPress site now before I show you how it works let me show you the sponsor for this video today's video is sponsored by break dance a straightforward and effective visual builder for WordPress it's user friendly for beginners and meets the needs of experienced professionals with features like pre-made template Library form Builder AI content tools pop-up Builder and woocommerce integration break dance has you covered whether you new to WordPress or a pro looking for a reliable builder for your agency now it's a great time to consider breakdowns try it and see how it fits your needs that link we provided in the description so go check them out right now okay let's jump into the back end of our WordPress side this is a demo site where I have you like installed and the first thing I want to show you is the statistics that way we're actually going to know how our posts are performing so it's not just about being engaging but also knowing how we're performing so in this case we know the overall performance daily interactions the user role engagement in this case on the admin just testing this out and the guest the engagement statistics for post so the overall view here and the independent post over here so on the bottom right to view the top post we're able to see how they're performing what the likes they're getting the dislikes for the top comments for the top activities for top topics and the top engagers so you have all those details available here aside from just being engaging on your website so that makes it really interesting all right so in terms of configuration so the first thing I want to show you is the content type and this is where we're going to be able to change the look of our like and dislike feature so for example this is the one that's available right now so that's the one installed here and we're able to view it but let's just say that I mean I'm a hard guy maybe I want to have a like or dislike maybe it's a dating app and I don't know you want to have this type of feature or maybe it's a like and dislike with thumbs up maybe some hearts with a band there the feature like you would see on Facebook you got your hearts so there's several features available here in this case let me go ahead and test this one one out really quickly I'm going to save it and it's going to automatically update it here on my live site but that's how easy it is check this out I now have a different look for my like and dislike here on the post now this is the post section so these are the settings for that all right so automatic display is it going to be available on the top of the content on the bottom or top and bottom so we have these available three options to select from then automatic display restrictions so don't display it on the homepage and don't display it on sign and where do we do want it on posted Pages display counter value condition so visible or hidden depends up to you how you want to uh do that hide the zero counter box and you have several available options here including the lers model template that you can modify here with the allowed variables right there's size gravitar if you want to make it smaller or bigger just in case you don't like this one maybe it's too big depending on the content that you have you can change that they likes counter and a whole lot more data there and same thing goes with the comments you also have the available options here to change the look of these so let me go ahead and update it right now let me go and refresh it and this is the current one and now it's a different one see here we have a different look for our comments like and dislike so it's just super easy to update these and implement it on your website so you have available options here so again top of the content bottom of the content top and bottom which I would think is too much top and bottom because it's in the comment section so it's up to you how you want to display play that and again the rest of the settings for these and if you have buddy press installed or BB press it does integrate with it and you have get options for that too all right so that's just the quick integration for that in general settings you'll have settings for example if you want to add something in the prefix or surfix so for example in the like I'll just say test just to show you what it can do let me go ahead and save it and here over here it's going to add over here it's going to add that text so you can see here test so it's up to you if you want to use that here's a prefix and a surfix if you want to add something interesting that's makes it pop out or maybe has to do with your site like I said maybe it's a dating app maybe it's a sales site whatever it depends you can add something there if you want right you can enable notifications disable toast types and just several options available from you like then we got our Integrations so depending if you have this available you'll integrate it you got your profile data you can add here you got your login and sign up now this I would say it's like an additional feature that you like has it's not like their main feature but it's available here and what it does it creates a login page where it actually has more features than the standard login page that you would with that you get with the default WordPress site so for example here's a page that was created let's go ahead and preview this let's go ahead and jump into incognito mode and this is the login page so it's way nicer than what you're going to get default with WordPress and it's you get that option and you also get social login that is included in this lifetime deal so do consider it again that's going to be included and it's a great option to have so you got your select login page you go ahead and created select which one is going to be or redirect URL when login redirect when it's log out it's just features that you're going to get extra with this plugin aside from the like and dislike options okay you got your Social logins you can decide what you want to display or not you got Facebook Google LinkedIn slack and I think that's about it let me see oh there's way more here and you do need to set these up one by one so Facebook you'll need your credentials for that to actually display but you get these options with this plugin so you don't need an additional plugin to enhance your login page you're going to have it available here on this plugin all right you got share buttons so on the single post and how you want to display it here you got your translations if you want to completely translate this this is what you got right now and you can just go ahead and translate it here and it'll update over there whatever you want to type in is what's going to get updated over there developer tools you get custom CSS you get cust spinner enable inline CSS PHP Snippets JavaScript Snippets and you'll get all that available there rest API if you want to enable this you will have it available and optimization settings you get all of that with this plugin with Statistics alongside with that so remember you will get a statistic so you can see how their the posts are actually performing the comments and who are your top commenters and all that will be available available on this plugin that's on a lifetime deal right now so you definitely want to check it out right now and don't forget about about our sponsor which is break dance don't forget that link we provided in the description too and that's a wrap