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Do you need to embed videos on your
website and you don't want to look unprofessional by embedding
YouTube videos? Well, there's a service that's called Gumlet that's going to take
care of this for you. They'll take care of hosting, transcoding,
delivering different quality video depending on internet speed
from your viewers and much more. Let me show you what I'm
talking about right now. Let me start off with the first
doubt you might have. You're going to say to yourself, Why don't
I just upload a video on my website? That's the first thing
you don't want to do.
Why? Because it's going to load
from your hosting provider. It's going to deduct from your CPU usage,
your RAM, and it's going to cost your site to go down when a lot of people go
and watch your video on your website. Using Gumlet won't cost that because
it's going to load from Gumlet's side. Now, there's a lot of reasons why you don't want to upload it on your website
or your hosting provider. Let's get started. Now, like I said, it's a video player,
plus it also helps you with your images.
If you have a website,
you can load images from Gumlet, and they also have geo distribution,
so that means it's going to load faster if they're watching it on US,
Mexico, China, Australia, etc. It's going to load closer
to the server that's nearest to them. It helps you to load those videos faster. Now, right now, Gumlet has a lifetime deal going on, which you won't
want to miss out on it. It starts off at $49
for the lifetime deal.
I mean, can't get better than that. Now, let me show you what
that is going to get you. So let me jump into the deal terms and let
me show you the most important parts. For example, you get
obviously lifetime access. You get tied to the video growth plan updates and you get all
these features included. So unlimited video views,
no limits on that, unlimited total videos, unlimited video and audio upload size,
customizable player, video analytics, video CMS, multiple subtitles,
soundtracks, unlimited video uploads and stream API
access to S3, Wasabi, GDRIVE source.
So all of that included. These are the licensing
plans that are available. For example, it starts off at $49 for the lifetime
deal, and you get access to 1,000 minutes of storage total,
500 gigabytes of streaming bandwidth per month, one user, two video collection
channels, and full HD video resolution. Now, if license tier 1 is not enough,
you can jump into license tier 2, which is $99, and obviously the limits
increase, and you can jump into license tier 3, 4, and so on and so
forth with better limits. Now, on license tier 3,
things change a bit more. For example, you get unlimited users and you get unlimited dynamic
watermark on license tier 3 and above. Now, if you need more limits, again,
jump into license tier that is higher. Now, let me show you the player. Now, the player, this is an example right here where we have our own playhead
with our own branding and colors.
It's pretty cool.
For example, all muted. It's fitting Doug for content theft. I can pause it, I can change it. I have settings for the player. For example, if the quality I don't want
it auto, I could change it to one of the qualities that I
designated for the video. In this case, it's practically all,
most of them are available here. There's also the settings for the speed,
so you can change speed here. These colors are customizable. If I don't want purple because purple doesn't go with my branding,
I can go ahead and change it, and I can also add my logo
or watermark on the video. Let's jump over to the dashboard.
On my dashboard, I'm able to view everything that's going
on with my video, including the stream usage,
how many views, and a lot of more things. For example, the stream usage, transcoding usage, your video insights,
total views, play time, your images. I also have loaded this on a website,
which I'll show you in a bit. Now, to get started with videos,
it's extremely easy.
It's not hard at all. I'm going to show you how to actually
embed a video on a website. Inside of video CMS is where we're going to have all the videos
that we've uploaded. Now, before you get started,
I recommend that you create a profile. For example, this one SaaS Bids I created, because in this profile,
it's going to be based the video that you upload and you can create
different profiles. In this one, I called it SaaS Bids. For this type of profile, when I upload a video,
it's going to upload with this output format and it's going to deliver
all these type of qualities. These qualities are really interesting
because that means that the video is transcoded into these
different type of qualities. That means that if I have a slow internet speed, well, it's going to load at 360P
and I can go ahead and enable 240P.
But you might say, you know what? I don't know, the quality is too
bad so I don't want to allow that. Or maybe I don't want to provide 1440 P. I can disable that. It's going to create a video
for each one of each one of these. Now, imagine that uploading on your
website each quality for each video. It'll take you a lot of time and like I
said, it's going to cost server load. Then you can generate an MP4 version. You have video codecs that you want to enable, DRM if you want to enable DRM,
if you want to enable DRM. if you want to enable timing options,
so start offset and offset and duration, that's pretty useful when you have
a certain type of videos that you always have an intro and you want to skip it,
this is a good option. The crop options, overlay and padding, all these options available
and generate subtitles. Once you create this, you can have
that option when you upload a video. In this case, we're
going back to video CMS.
I'll proceed and upload a new video. I can select from the video
profile I just created. I go ahead and select this and I have all
the settings available how I want them. Like I said, you can create
more profiles if you'd like. Or you can proceed with video
specific parameters. That means that this specific video that I'm going to upload,
I need it with some specific parameters.
But in this case,
I'll keep it as my profile. Go next. I can browse through my files. I'll just grab this one
for testing purposes. You can upload multiple
files at the same time. I'll go click Upload and it's
going to start the upload process. I can add a title to this, a description
and some tags so I can locate it later.
I can say, Vid, and this is
about Big Boob, and etc. I'm going to skip it for now.
I'm not going to wait for that. Once you have these videos ready,
you're going to view them just like this. You have options for this. You can go ahead and copy this shared URL and you can go into someone,
just share that link because you need to share that video and you're
going to view it just like this. Okay, here we go and they can
just go ahead and play it. Here's my watermark on this video
because I have it on my collections. Just like that. Now, what if I want to embed this? I can copy the embed code or
I can copy the playback URL. But in this case,
I'm going to view details to show you everything that you can
do with this video. Inside of this section, again, we have all the options to shareable,
playback, or thumbnail. Copy the embed code,
we can add chapters to this.
If you have a tutorial video, like, for example, the one I'm making right now,
I can add chapters to this. I can add a chapter for zero seconds for intro,
35 seconds for starting how to talk about whatever, and you can add
just like that, chapters. Super easy. You can password protected,
you can call to action. You have asset details right here. You got the status events. You can view what's happening here,
the video resolutions, the tags, etc.
The track right here, total storage.
Check this out. Like I mentioned before, it's going
to be uploaded in different resolutions. See these? Each one of these is the video that they
uploaded and they took care of this. That means that if someone wants to play it and they click the options and they
select, I don't know, 360P, well, the video is there and it's
going to render it for them. The audio options, again,
different type of quality options, the playlist, the thumbnail,
and so on and so forth. You can change the thumbnail
here if you like. Change thumbnail and you can upload one
or you can select one from the video. A lot of options. Let's start off with embedding this video
just to show you how easy it is because like I said, if you have a website and you
want to embed a video, you want it to be with your own branding
and not use something like YouTube. Copy the embed code. I'm going to go into a website. In this case, I'm using Divi on this side and it's on WordPress,
but it doesn't matter.
If you have a website,
you can go ahead and embed it. I'll edit with Divi in this really quick
one and I'll select this right here. I'm going to get rid of this section. I'm going to select it here. For them, it's called code. For most, it would be called HTML. Go ahead and select it. Click play, and here's the video. Obviously, I have my settings here on my builder, so I can add some padding,
center it, put it wherever I want. But just like that, I have a video
that's not branded on my website. In this case, I have my own brand,
my own player color. I'll show you that in a bit. That's how easy it is. Let me go ahead and show you. We created a profile. There's also the collection options. In the collection options,
I created this one. Let me go ahead and edit it and you
can create more if you like. In this case, my collection name, the
origin type, the default video profile.
It's going to be for these right here. I have another profile,
I can tie it to that one. The default inside property,
it's this one. There's the player settings. We can preload, so it's faster for them. Auto play, it's going to depend on this. It could be annoying,
but it depends on your use case. Include SEO, the player color. In this case, I've selected blue
because that's my color for branding. Dynamic watermark, disable seek bar. Disable player controls if you don't want to allow them to skip,
jump a certain piece of the video. B as tag if you're going to do some ads. Logo URL, that's the one that you
saw right now in the corner. The logo position, the logo width,
and the logo height. Just like that, you can
create a collection for this.
The channel settings. If you're eater protection,
if you want to enable that. You have all these options available. Now, like I said, it's really flexible. Those are things that you're not going
to have if you embed a YouTube video. Sure, it's free, but it looks
unprofessional and this is much better. Let's go ahead. Next thing you want to check
out is the imported videos. If you want to use Vimeo,
you can import them from there. The usage analytics, so again,
like the dashboard, same thing. You can view everything that's going on. But for video specific, on the other one,
we also view the images.
There's also the report. You can create reports here. I already created some
and it's really flexible. For example, I have reports
for Insights and I've added views. Here it's going to show me the views. Here we go.
The views. There's more reports. I actually created
another one, properties. View the Insights for this property.
There we go.
If I want to create one,
I just go ahead and go into the reports, add a new report and you're going
to see how flexible it actually is. You have all these options, transqueting minutes, streaming minutes,
storage, the frequency you want to get this report,
the email if you want to send it out. You can create alerts for this also. If you're going beyond the bandwidth that you have on your plan,
you can set an alert just to… Maybe you want to lower the qualities that
you deliver to reduce that bandwidth. Just a lot of options. The video insights, like we saw right now,
and then we have the images. Images are pretty cool because, again, they load from Gooblet's site
and not on your website. Let me show you a situation. I've added it to my test site right here and I've connected it
to my WordPress site.
Now, that's super easy.
Now, once I do that, I've had the plug and connected it
together and this is a GTMetrics test that I've done and you could see that it's
loading from the Gumlet website, not from my hosting provider,
and that was done really easily. Let me go into the sources. Create a new source. You have all these options available,
so basically everything. You have WordPress, Magento, Web folder if it's aPHP site, for example,
CloudS torage, Cloudinary, and M jx. It's super easy. Once you install the plugin or in these
cases, you set it up like that. In the images, you have the purged cash,
we want to do that. View the analytics for images.
Here we go. Here's the analytics for the images
that I have on this demo site.
Setting all this up for the images,
it's super easy. Like I said, when you're using WordPress, you install a plugin,
you set it up by adding the Gumlet source, current image domain, you can add
lazy load image, that depends. Don't use it if you're using
a cash plug in, for example. Auto compressed images, image quality, advanced options, and just like that,
it's super easy to use. If you're looking for a system for your videos and images, Gumlet
is a great option to use. Check it out.
There's a deal going on. You want to check out that link
in case you want to grab it. That's a wrap..