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if you plan to make the jump from shared hosting to a BPS and you want to install WordPress sites on a BPS well I recommend that you check out fly WP now in this case I'm going to show you how to install your hostinger BPS on fly WP so let's get started what's up SAS Masters I'm going to show you how to install your hostinger BPS on fly WP which is a BPS manager specifically made for WordPress sites okay now before we get started I want to show the sponsor for this video which is hostinger and there's an extra discount coupon code that you want to check out if you want to grab a shared hosting plan or a BPS in this case I'm going to show you BPS link will be provided in the description now go into the hosting option go to BPS hosting and down here you're going to find your BPS plans now select the one that's according to your needs in this case I'm going to show you this one which is the most popular one I'm going to add it to cart and once you're here you select the amount of months that you want to pay in advance you lock in the lowest price the lowest renewal price price and you're good to go for 24 months so no paying every single year okay now once you're down here the total is $191 but if you add my coupon code which is sasm go ahead and apply it and the price is going to drop to $172 so don't forget to use the coupon code now let's get started with the installation process of the hosting your BPS now once you purchase the hosting your BPS you're going to have it right here in your main panel scroll all the way down here and you'll find your BPS in this case I'm going to install this one so let's go ahead and manage and be aware that you need to install auntu 2204 if you made the mistake of installing the wrong OS go ahead and go into OS and panel operating system select plain OS search for a boon 2 and select 2204 okay go ahead and change the EOS from here it's super easy okay so let's go into fly WP and in fly WP we're going to create a new server and we're going to select custom and in custom we're going to add the IP address from our BPS from hostinger so let's go ahead and select it let's go ahead and copy this and add it over here go ahead and name it whatever you want in this case I'll leave it as it is let's go ahead and create the server and we're going to need this code now it's kind of different the process for installing abps on fly WP but it's super easy don't worry it's going to be straightforward and if you follow this video you won't get locked okay so let's go into hostinger and we're going to open up the terminal okay now be aware that if you forget your root password go ahead and change it from here let's go into terminal and this is going to open up terminal where we're going to log in our credentials now the credential is Root in this case I'm going to hit enter and it's it's going to ask for our password this is the BPS from hostinger password if you forget it go ahead and reset it let me type in my password click enter and boom we are now in and the next piece of of thing that we're going to need and boom we are now in now the next thing we need is the code that fly WP provides us so let's go into fly WP let's grab this code let's goe and copy this go back to terminal and we're going to need to open up this menu here on the left see this here and we're going to click on the clipboard in this case we're going to paste in the code here we we click okay and it's going to add it here okay let's close this menu from the terminal it's click down here at the end okay and we're going to hit enter and the installation should begin there we go it just started let's go into fly WP let's go ahead and close this and you can see it's now starting it established the connection to the server predition in has been started configuration swap space and it's going to start upgrading the installed packages installed the docker creating and configuring fly WP user Etc everything is going to be done automatically all we here on Terminal you're going to to see when it's finished once it's finished you can get go ahead and close terminal and the rest is going to be done on fly WP once it's done you're going to be ready to start adding WordPress sites if you haven't seen a video that I've created previously for fwp on how to install these sites the link we provided in the description also and that's a wrap for this video don't forget to use the coupon code provided in the description and I'll see you later