Launch A Super Fast WordPress Site! Rapyd Cloud Managed Hosting

if you're planning to launch a WordPress site and you don't have a lot of knowledge I highly recommend that you grab a manage hosting plan you'll get 247 365 days a year support to help you with issues that you might have on your WordPress side now these guys will have a 45 second or less response time so it really gives you that calm of having that backup when you launch a WordPress side it's called rapid cloud and let me show you the benefits that you're going to get with and how to launch a WordPress site super easily on their panel so let's get started hey what's up everyone my name is George and on this video I'm going to show you how to launch a WordPress site and we're going to talk about rapid cloud and what you can expect from them now be aware that this is not shared hosting this is managed hosting with shared hosting you have super limited support and most of the time they'll just tell you that you got to fix that with some developer with manage hosting things are different you have 24/7 support and 36 5 days a year support so let me show you what you're going to expect with manage hosting first of all you're going to get a lot of solutions and bundled inside of this hosting plan without additional payments you'll get kado web application firewall bundled into this you'll have a dynamic platform with your details to update plugins manage them roll back uh fix issues and you also get free object cash with this and that says it's $95 a month but that's not what you're going to be paying because that's going to going to be bundled inside of your hosting plan here on rapid Cloud manage hosting you're going to get CDN performance boost you're going to get redit cashing with relay and again that has a monthly cost that's not going to cost you monthly because that's going to be bundled inside of your plan now when it comes to support and I think this is where manage hosting really shines is that these guys are providing 24/7 365 days a year support so that's a big plus for this hosting plan so you'll get expertise at service Fast Response times these guys having 45 second response time 45 seconds or less all right they're always available top customer satisfaction the monitoring and free migration so that means that if you have a WordPress site somewhere else that you're just sick of them because they don't provide support these guys will bring it in for you with zero down time and for free right so take advantage of that and then you have the security features big security features here on manage hosting you get a free SS Advanced D protection web application firewall B protection bity to detection virtual patching and practically everything you're going to need to keep your website safe alongside again with their support that they're going to help you all right now rapid Cloud claims zero down time so not 99.9% they claim zero down time so that's a big plus for your sites okay so do consider that when you're going to grab this plan that is definitely worth it if you are looking for a has free launch of a WordPress site and keeping it live keeping it security tied and all that's going to be included here on rapid Cloud right okay so let's jump over to our backend here on rapid Cloud this is my main panel and this is where we're going to get started you got two options create your first website or migrate an existing website now remember you can do a request migration and that's going to be free so take advantage of that if you have a site somewhere else that you got you're sick of them all right so bring it inside of Rapid Cloud okay we're going to get started with a brand new site so I'm going to create it and I'm going to select a plan that I've purchased already and I can go ahead and purchase a new one if I like let's go ahead and select my plan let's going to continue I'm going to give my name and I'm just going to say test side for this purpose and then I'm going to use a subdomain right now I can later change it to a custom domain so it could be my or whatever you want to use right so I'm going to name this test site let's see if it's available yes it is all right the location I would recom recommend that you select the location where the most viewers of your website or clients are going to view your site that means that if you have a US based company I would highly recommend that you select one of these two and if it's in Europe Zone then select this one I'm going to use West because that's where I'm in so I would recommend that one in this case and that's where most most viewers are going to view this site okay then we have the PHP version you got 8.3 8.2 and 8.1 I would recommend the latest one which is 8.3 but but if you have a Plugin or something a theme that you need to install that is not compatible with this PHP version then consider these right but I would highly recommend that you grab the newest one all right and then we can also have woocommerce installed on this WordPress site automatically in this case I'm going to do it that means that if I'm going to launch a store on my WordPress site then it's going to install woocommerce which is a good idea to just get installed right now all right so let's go ahead and add the site okay our website is now ready it took around 5 minutes to install but that's because it installed Monarch security Komodo redis cash and a whole lot more bundled into this installation all to make it fast and secure all right so now I am now able to jump into the back end of my WordPress site by clicking on WP admin and let's do that first before we jump into the back end of Rapid Cloud's dashboard okay so let's give a few seconds to automatically log into the back end okay here we go we are now inside of this WordPress s we now have a live website so if I go to the front end of this website here it is here's the installation and that was installed really quickly using rapid Cloud so what we have to do now is just update some plugins install a theme but before I do that let me show you the back end of Rapid Cloud okay so in Rapid Cloud we have our sites available here so you'll see them listed and in this case let me jump into my test site and we'll view all the stats available for this particular website okay so we got our stats for the traffic the CPU usage the ram local storage and the backup storage plus where it's installed and our IP address that we might need later on to in connect our custom domain okay so we have our WordPress details here to know the WordPress version if you want to activate WP debug the woocommerce settings so again we have a few settings here the themes that we're able to view here now these are the installed themes on that WordPress site and we'll be able to update them from here without having to jump inside of the back end of the actual WordPress site we'll be able to update and roll back if that is needed right all right and same thing goes with plugins we'll view all the plugins installed on the WordPress site we're able to update from here and we're able to roll back from here too okay so these are really great options that are really intended to make your side s really safe that means that if we update a plugin on our WordPress site and something messes up and we can't log into the WordPress site well we could just go here and roll it back from here so it's a great way to do it all right then we have our stats available here we go really quickly backups you're able to backup right here create your backup let's go ahead and do so right now so I'll say this is initial backup all right download this backup immediately no we just want to create it so this will create the backup right now with this site that just launched and this is just for testing purposes all right but you'll have those tools available ready for you to do backups right and then we have settings to connect our domain remember right now we are using a subdomain from Rapid Cloud that generates it for us but we're able to add our own custom domain the server settings so right here we're able to change server settings in case that is needed for a particular plugin that might needs it so we have Linux server light speed Mar DV redes PHP workers and elastic search all that available there we got our logs file access and a whole lot more everything bundled inside of here of Rapid Cloud all right okay so let's jump over to our WordPress side as I mentioned before we now have a live website but what I want to do right now is install a theme that we can start using right now so we'll search for a free theme right here and in theme I'm going to be here in the popular one and I'm going to choose Astra for this these guys have fast loading websites and I really like the Builder that they have Okay so let's go ahead and activate this all right and we want to get started with a classic templates but you have options with AI and I want to use Elementor for this so it will probably ask me to install Elementor to get this going all right right okay so let's choose one of these themes and I'll go ahead and select this one for testing purposes let's go and continue let's go ahead and continue with the pre-selected ones I can select these features if that's what I need let's go and continue and give me a few seconds to register here and let's continue all right so now it's going to install a template that I can start using right away for my website so let's give it a few seconds all right our website is now ready let's go ahead and view our website here we go we now have a live website with a nice looking template and I'm going to copy this link really quickly let's go it in cognito mode to load it once because that's going to make rapid Cloud load in the cash CDN and everything that's going to make this website really fast right and we're going to do some speed test because rapid cloud is fast okay so if you go over to Features go to Performance we'll be able to view some stats of how good rapid cloud is and they are compared to top competitors out there see here and they're actually competing really really well to these guys even better so check them out test them out for yourself right okay so let's go into GT Matrix to run a test and we are going to run this test twice why because the first time might not kick in the file loading fast but then again it'll do it really fast so let's do a few tests here okay here we go we just got the results and I'm actually surprised how fast this was even on the first try so we got an A score 100% performance 97% structure 450 milliseconds load time so that's less than half a second So that's fast right let me show you the waterfall really quickly here we go for the loading of the files there we go and let's go ahead and retest it again see if it drops even more all right so let's get a few seconds nice so less than half a second again 440 milliseconds to load the website so you're are going to have a really low bounce rate because your clients or viewers are going to view your website instantly all right so again do consider rapid Cloud if you want to check them out link we provided in the description and take advantage of their sale that's going on so information on the description and that's a wrap

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