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looking for a graphic designer that can make designs infographics pliers export these in image formats and also MP4 and GIF formats well doc hippo can do this let me show you what I'm talking about right now as I mentioned before doc hippo can export in image formats video formats like MP4 and GIF plus you can also publish this to the web or embed on a website all of this with Doc hippo so if you want to grab a free account link will be provided in the description and if you want to jump into the pay plan well go check it out so let's go check out doc hippo this is my main panel and the first thing that you're going to be agreed with is templates why templates because it's the easiest way to get started they even got an award in 2022 with captera for ease of use so let me show you first of all you got all your templates here we can go ahead and view them you got infographics Flyers posters all your your interesting ones that you might need for your business book covers business cards calendar cards Etc now some of these designs are available in the free plans and some will be on the Premium plan so consider that you have blog banners blog Graphics social graphics and advertisements now if you want to jump into the settings over here Business Essentials I want to start with infographics because it's kind of interesting how they make the designer for these infographics it works via blocks so when you are building a website you know how it has blogs you have modules well it's kind of that kind of concept with this infographics designer so basically you have your free infographics here and then you have the Imperium premium ones which are a little bit more complex more things that you might have so make buyer's decision I'll grab this one you can go ahead and preview this but in this case I'll just go ahead and select it I'll give you my document owner so I am this one document name oh I'll leave it as it is and you can add a description if you like I'll click next and then we're going to be greeted with the actual designer okay and in the designer we're able to edit this infographic now what I feel is kind of different with this is that they have blocks for this so if I select this I can actually stretch the block and I can add a block to this so next block I can jump here I can add a block to this and work with this block I can also clone the block so that's kind of interesting when it comes to infographics now when it comes to actually designing the system I can click on the elements and it'll jump into the editing mode so for this element that I've just selected we have your clipboard you got your normal headings your fonts you got your font size colors you got your bold italic underlined the alignments spacings effects and in effects you got your horizontal for example this this little stretch that's kind of things that you might take for granted but I've seen other designers that don't have this you can also blur there you go there's borders for this border Styles dotted Dash solid Etc you can add these and obviously make the border with border radius so let me go add this there's a border radius so we can even turn that into a button let's actually do that okay okay so that's for that border color the background there's the outline for this it's an outline if I want to add that there and I'll just keep it simple all right so let's just say that this is infographic that you might want to use for uh something else like like publishing right you can also convert this into a link so if you embed this on a website or if you export it via link that it provides you can actually click on this link so let me convert this into a link so I'll take this one to my website which is sassmaster.net I'm going to apply it and now this is e-link you can see this here there's a little link when you hover over this and if I go into publish so I'll publish this one published I'll go copy the link we can also embed this so if you want to embed it on a website it is possible with Doc hippo so if I jump here here's the infographic okay checking it out checking it out and I can hover over this and it's an actual button so if I click on it it'll take me to my website now that's pretty cool now this said buy or if it said check out this plan Etc that'd be pretty cool right because we can click on it okay so as for that now when it comes to other elements that we have when doc hippo has available you got your text elements you got your text frames you've got your graphics and media now this is where you're going to find all these nice things that we can add for example backgrounds you got your colors you got your gradients which are my favorite patterns not a fan of patterns but gradients yeah there's the lines shapes icons stickers if you go to icons you got your search so if you search for I don't know a cow no no cows available um let's search for something like it Mel okay there we go now we have some mail there so pretty interesting things that you can find in the icons you got your stickers that are changing are there several types of stickers again you can search for these I'm sure you can find cows there there's illustrations for illustrations again now there's a little Crown here that means they have to be on the paid plan so if you're in the free plan you don't have access to those but it's pretty decent if you're on the free plan anyways there's the pictures there's the uploads so if I upload an image I'll just go ahead and upload something right now I think I have an image of me okay there's me gonna upload that image let's go ahead and insert it there we go it's inside of this block you see how it's kind of interesting how they work with blocks so okay so here's this block and if I want to remove the background I'll click on this it's going to remove it there we go it's done inserted and there I am okay so look into the horizontal all right so let's go back there's the uploads there's videos so remember you can export an mp4 and GIF so that makes it interesting so if I hover over this we're able to view the preview there's YouTube if you want to pull them in from YouTube there's QR codes I think I like it I like this one so you can put a URL or text so you could say like again my website or it could just be text if you like sasmaster.net change the QR code color the background color the margins there we go I'm going to keep it as it is let's go ahead and generate the QR code and we have it here now again with QR code let me go ahead and get rid of B and this okay so we have a clear view of the QR code in the QR code again we can go ahead and use a clipboard there's a QR code settings here there's the effects for this so for example there's a border horizontal you can change the color for that to make it interesting blur so if I make this black well not a good choice for black because we're not able to see it that well maybe grayish there you go we can see it with gray and then there's the border so if I want to add some border like dot it well not dotted I want to use insert okay insert we got our border with border radius so you can see we add some brownness to that and the Border color if we want to change it so click away now we have around the corner system here if I click on it again again we have your copy style copy style is if you grab another style from another section so if I grab this and I copy this style I'll go click on this one and it brings that color to this so it's a really it's a really good time saver once you start using it I'll hit command C to get rid of that there's the opacity for this there's the at a range so if you want to put it on top of a layer or behind that is possible or rotate we can lock it in case we don't want to move it by mistake and we can go ahead and delete it from here so a lot of settings for that now other things that I find unique here is for example tables if I click on table we're able to create a table inside of Doc hippo so we have your rows and columns so if I need more rows I'll go ahead and add this and more columns to the right and I'm just going crazy here the header color settings if I hover over this I can say fast I can say price Etc created here of fonts colors Etc from there there's the body for this use one color or we can change the color here the body options the borders for this border with or less border width so maybe you can remove it or add it depends what you want you get horizontal border remove that or keep the other one that's all that is possible I can go ahead and insert it and now we have it here okay and for this case um yeah I'll I'll leave now I'll get a rid of it doesn't look good let's get rid of it okay there's also page setup so page margins page transitions forms oh transitions is interesting because if you want to turn this into a gif or a a video that is possible so zoom in Center zoom in up you can see the speed if I go slow we're going to be able to view it slow let's go back you got your forms they have an integration with type form you have to log in to use that and there's the versions history for this okay so once you have this ready and you want to go ahead and Export this I can right now it's publish so remember we made that I can unpublish it if I like I can preview this so if I like it here we go hover over it we have a button here to click on it get away from that there's the percent if you want to present this if there's several Pages like this one there's the download we have the option for uh jpeg PNG PNG transparent and then we have the quality for normal if you have the free version or medium high for the paid version then you have PDF and then you have MP4 and give export okay there's also that one here we go and give so that's pretty cool that we have that because if this wasn't a video with animation because there's animations in the graphics for example here but when I have some animations you can export it or if you're actually using this on a website well the animation will be previewable okay so I mean it's just that this confetti here okay and let's go there let's go into the preview there we go we have some confetti there we have the link here so just like that and we're able to export it so that's for the infographics now if we go into Flyers posters presentations at the designer kind of changes so if I click on this one just for testing purposes I'll go next and then we'll have the designer here okay here we go it just loaded it now something that changes here we do get all the settings for graphics tables QR codes Etc all this is available what does change is the way it's uh building like I mentioned the other one that looks unique because it's kind of in blocks and it really helps out when it comes to building infographics with this one it's one single block okay and yes we can create another page for this so if you want to make some transitions to make these videos that is possible so a lot of things are available with Doc hippo if you want to use it with com and check it out for yourself go ahead and grab the free version and test it out to decide if it's the right fit for you or not if you want to check it out link will be provided in the description now do let me know what you think in the comments about doc hippo and don't forget to like And subscribe and that's a wrap