Revolutionize Your Workflow with Scrintal: Mind Maps & Notes Unified!

If you've never used the Mind Map, you definitely don't know the amount
of hours that you're going to save, especially if you're just thinking out
loud or talking to a team, things can get mixed up and you're
going to forget about things. Using the Mind Map is
going to be super useful. The tool that I'm going to show you is a combination of a Mind Map
and a note-taking app. It's called Scrintal, and I'm
going to show it to you right now. What's up, SaaS Masters?
We're going to check out Scrintal.

If you want to get early access, do check out that link
in the description of this video. If you want to get quicker early access, like I said, use my link and click
right here, early access and sign up. Now, Scrinthol has been improving
during these several months. It's been getting snappier, been getting more functionalities,
and it's been getting more robust. Now, if you want to check out their changed log, I do recommend that you jump
all the way down here and go into Release Notes and check out
the Release Notes from here. Just double-click on it and check out all the changes that have
been going on recently. Now let's jump over to Scrento. Now, if you haven't used Scrintal, like I said, it's a combination
of a mind map and a note-taking app.

So it's like if Notion and Obsidian had
a baby and they combined it together. Let me jump into one
of my boards right here. I'm going to click on this one,
YouTube Video Strategy. This is just a demo
that I've just created. Now, like I said, several changes have
been going on since my past video. We got a new sidebar on the right
which gives you access to links, search, info, and actions, which give you a little
bit more information and more tools. If you feel that's just in the way, well, there's a little icon right here
that you can just get rid of it, okay? Now, I'll show you
that a little bit later. Like I said, it's been
getting more robust. If I grab one of my elements right here and if I right-click on it, I'm going
to get more options than I had before. I can copy, cut, I can toggle layout. If I want to change the layout
style, I can do so.

I can make it wider or smaller
just in case what I want. I can change color, duplicate it, open focus, start it so I can view it
later on, tag it, create copy, etc. A lot of things with this. But if I want to create a new element,
I'll just double-click any place here on the board and I can create
a card or I can create a board. So a board would be like
the one you're doing right now. So you can have a board in a board. So that means that if you have a really
complex idea, you can have a different board inside of another board
or just go on and so forth.

I'm going to create a card first and I'm
able to write whatever I like right here. I'm just going to say test. I'm going to double-click on it.
Here we go. I can widen this and change
the title if I like. Then I can start writing
my note-taking information. In case I have really complex ideas, I'll just click on this little plus button
and I have a bunch of tools that I can use to really make this card the way
I would think in my mind. For example, I can upload an image,
I can upload a PDF, add a YouTube video, add a tweet, upload a file, today,
tomorrow, current headings, bullet list or the dividers, etc,
all that or just note taker right here, just like you would
with any other note taker.

But in this case, I'm able
to view it in a mind map way. I can connect it and I can view
this with other team members. We're on the same page. Let me go ahead and click this off
and then I'm going to create a board. Like I said,
here's the board that I just created. I'm going to double-click on it and I'm
going to jump into a plain board again. Like I said, we can have a board
inside of another board. Let me go back to my board right here. And you can see I have it right here. And if I want to connect my notes, I can do so by just pointing
these arrows and connecting it. Just in case I want to visualize what
needs to happen or what is the combination of what I'm thinking about
to connect it in a mind map way.

Now, if I'm using text,
I also have options. I'll right-click on it
and I can use alignments. I can make the font larger, smaller, duplicated, deleted, et cetera,
and all those options available there. Now, on the right, again,
I can add the elements right here, card, a board, a daily card, a text,
a column, or a web link all from here. Now, once you have your board working, you're going to see, okay, how can I
get team members to actually use it? And how can I make this a little
bit more useful for me? Because once I have a big mind map with boards inside of another board,
how can I find stuff? And this is one of the features that I like the most of Scrintal,
which is their spotlight.

You can see Spotlight here. I can use Command Shift K or
click on Spotlight right here. I'm going to use Command Shift K and then
boom, it's going to open Spotlight. So if I type in a word that I'm looking for, that I have somewhere
written around, it'll find me. So if I say YouTube, it's going to find elements in my cards
that have to do with YouTube. I'll check this out and have
YouTube all written right here. If Itry to click test, well, I'll view
the things that say test inside of there. For example, cards that I created,
etc, and I'm able to view them.

So it's a really neat
way to use Spotlight. Now like I said, you're able
to use this with team members. So if a team member is actually moving
this around, I'll show you how they are moving it around and how they potentially
change it in a different section. And we're going to be able to collab
together even if we're not together. So get that sense, right? They could be somewhere else with their
own board over there and we can work together on the same project,
still thinking in the same mind map.

So what else can we do? So on the left, we have a sidebar. We have our home button
and we have our search. This is a new tab. And again, you'll be able to search through everything that's
going on right here. Anything that says, for example,
I don't know, Upload. See something there? I'll click Upload and here it is.
Upload. It just found it. I'm going to click on it
and I can open it right here. I don't even have to go
to that card or go to that place. I can view it from here.
I'll go to Home. I may go to view all my cards from here.

So in a neat form, I don't have
to go into every single board. If I just want to view cards from all
the boards, I do it from here. If I want to view boards,
I want to view tags, if I want to view web links, any links that are found,
you'll be able to view them right here. Then we have our start,
which I've already papered these three, my recent works
and my options here at the bottom. It's a really neat way
to use your collaboration. Now, how can I share this? Let me go into my board right here and you
have a little share icon here at the top. I'm going to click on it and I'm able to share it through invite a member or
a user with the email or publish this. So if I publish this, I have a link. So let's go ahead and open
this up in Cognito mode. Here we go.
It just loaded. Let's go ahead and accept the terms
right here and accept all. And I'm actually able to view
the board right here.

So I'm able to view the elements. I'll double-click on this and I'll
view what this has to do about. So I'm able to view this. So it's published and it's
public once you share the link. That's really useful in certain cases. That's in case you just want to share the
board and you don't want to collaborate. Like I said, if you want to use this with other team members,
use the email to invite users. It's really useful to have a mind map and note-taking app in the same place
and work with your team members so you're always on the same page
with your projects.

That is Scrintal. Like I said, if you want to get early access, do check out that link
in the description in this video. That's a wrap for Scrintal..

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