Save $1,000’s with this SECRET website – Secret deals site!

Let me show you a website that's going
to make you earn hundreds of dollars in the first month and in the next
coming months, thousands of dollars. No BS. You're going to save a ton
of money with this website. So it's called Join Secret. And basically what it does, it lets you grab really big
savings that they have access to. So by joining their membership,
you get access to these savings. Have I used this in the past?
Yes. Like I said, this is not BS,
and I've saved thousands of dollars. So let's go check this out right now. All right, let's dive right into this one. It's called Secret, and if you want to check it out,
link will be provided in the description. The first thing that you're going to be
asking yourself is, how the hell are we able to save
that amount of money with Secret? Well, first of all,
Secret has a huge database of members who join this secret plan and they
get access to these deals.

They reach out to big name brands to ask for extra discounts so we
can take advantage of it. Now, why would big brands
actually use this? Like TikTok, ClickFunnels, Amazon,
Soho, Notion, Airtable, etc. Why would they even budge
to something like this? Well, because they want
you to use their product. Take, for example, Notion. You get six months free on the plus
plan with unlimited AI. You save up to $6,000 with this
deal alone in six months. Now, like I said,
why would they want to do this? Well, because they want you to use it,
they want you to fall in love with it, and once you actually use it
with the features that they provide on the plus plan for this one,
for example, you'll stick with it. After six months, you'll love it so much
that it's making you money in your business that you'll keep paying month
to month or the yearly plan normally. Say, for example, Stripe. I love the Stripe deal.

You save $500 of commissions
when you use this. Now, all of this, you get it
by joining The Secret Plan. Now, whatever you pay for this is going
to be paid back tenfold and even more. So like I said, let's go check
out this plan really quickly. The premium plan to get access to all
these deals, it's this right here. Here it is. $48,000 of savings, $449 a year. So that's the plan that it's on right now. So it's 150 bucks. And like I said,
with the first deal that you're going to use, you're going to earn
way more than that back. So it's a total deal saver. So let's check some of these out. The ones I've used personally is
Notion, which is a great deal. Airtable, you save a $1,000 of credits in one year, so it's up
to a $1,000 of savings. I've already used this one
and I'm about to finish off. And since I use Airtable and I already have my database going on over there,
I'm going to stick with it.

Maybe I'll lower the plan. I won't stick to the higher plan that I'm
with this credit, but I'll keep using it. There's Typeform, there's Google Cloud, for example, save up
to $2,000 with Google Cloud. If you already using this one,
you can still use it. Now, some of the other deals that you find somewhere else, there's a discount,
there's a coupon, etc. But if you are already using the service, they'll say, Nah,
you can't use that discount. You can't use that coupon. But with some of these,
paying customers are accepted. So if you are using Google Cloud right now and you're already paying
bills of 200, $500 a month. Just by getting redeem in this, you'll save more than what you're
going to pay for a year of secret. Google Workspace 20 % off on the standard
plus, quarter the plus plan. The Stripe, which I love because you
get the 500 bucks back in commissions. They won't charge you those 500 bucks. That's pretty cool because you'll
get your amount that you charge.

For example, if I send an invoice
for $1,000, I'll get $1,000. So it's not going to be deducted 3.5 %,
5 % or whatever from that amount. I'll get the whole amount
until I reach the 500 bucks. So it's pretty cool, right? There's Slack, there's Breble, there's Microsoft for Startups, Sand Desk,
DigitalOceans, BPSs, Intercom, Webflow. So one year of intercom on
the support or engage plans. So save up to $3,108. So it's like thousands
of dollars what you save. Make, super popular. Which one is on Shopify? Two months free on all the plans.

So basically, if you're already planning
on using Shopify, well, start off with two months free
instead of paying from the start. So Hotjar is also a popular one, Fiver, Fiver Business Free for one year
plus 20 % off the first purchase. So if you make the first purchase of $1,000, you're going to save
100 bucks right from the start. Plant Busters, Fresh Desk, etc, all these.
There's so many.

And there's almost 300 deals as
of today, so as of this video. They keep adding more and some
of these get removed. So they add and removed,
but they add more than what they remove. There are some free deals here you can select by project management, by data, by
customer, by developing, marketing, etc. So if I want to get to this air table
deal, so I want to get redeemed this. I'll just click on it and I'll have
to fill out a simple form and I'm going to have to wait a bit
and they'll apply it to me.

Take, for example, air table. So if I want to apply for this one for the
1,000 credits for one year, I'll apply. And in this case,
it's just asking for my business link just to see if I'm eligible
for this particular deal. But there's a second deal
inside of air table. So if you jump into these,
there'll be more deals in some of them. There's a premium deal for this one. So it's 500 bucks in credits. So instead of 1,000, so I need to see
if I'm eligible, I'll get the deal. There we go.
I'm going to get this deal and I'll fill out this form to see if I'm
eligible again for this one. Some of these are hard to get
and some of them are easier. But basically, I don't find that it's
hard to get any of these deals.

When I did my testing for Notion, AirTable, Scribe, DigitalOcean,
all these, I didn't have any issues. It's super easy to get
the deals for these. Also, ClickUp.
I got to ClickUp also. You get all these deals super easily. So even if you get most of these or some of these,
you'll earn your money back right away. So like I said, if you want to check out the deal, link would be provided
in the description to get Secret. Well, that's a wrap for Secret.
Don't forget, you're going to save thousands of dollars
in the coming months with this deal. So don't miss out on it..

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