STOP Wasting Time: Manage multiple WordPress Sites in One Dashboard 🔥 Modular DS

managing a few websites for yourself is not a big deal but once you start managing multiple websites for clients and yourself then it does become timec consuming to take care of these websites with this deal that I'm going to show you right now you can take care of updates backups uptime monitoring and site Health Plus a few other things more but right now it's a lifetime deal so you definitely want to check it out it's called modular DS so let's test it out what's up this is modular DS and right now it's a lifetime deal and there's a 60-day money back guarantee in case you don't like it you can go ahead and refund it the big deal about right now is that it's on a lifetime deal so that means that you pay once and use forever now modular DS is based for WordPress and W Commerce and the current price structure is this one right here so for license tier one which is $49 for the lifetime deal you get access to seven websites and this is one of The Sweet Spot that I do like the most is that it includes storage so you can do backups from here without a big deal of installing plugins and all that thing you can do it all for modular DS you get users only one 5 minute uptime monitoring and no plug-in white label now that might not be a big deal you won't even need to use a plugin unless you want to use the plugin and connect via that way but you can connect via the link username and password and get into the admin access without even installing a plugin but if you need to install a plugin and you want to White Label it I suggest that you jump into license here 3 or four plus if you need more websites check out these other license all right so do consider that and you'll get access to all of this in the lifetime deal deals right so this is modular DS and this is my demo account where I have connected a w Commerce site and a WordPress site and I'm going to show you the capabilities of modular DS now before I show you that let me show you the sponsor for this video which is hosting here they are running a great deal right now that is the New Year deal so you definitely want to check out their prices right now so if you jump over to the link in the description go to their pricing structure they have the premium and business and the cloud startup plan available now all of these are really affordable plans for what you're going to get now let me show you the business plan because they have a great price plus I'm going to show you how to apply a discount that you're going to grab a even lower price okay so the first thing that hostinger is going to ask you is how many months you want to pay in advance I recommend 48 months because you're going to lock in the lowest price and the lowest renewal price now this is the current pricing so $167 with 52 but if you add my coupon code sassmaster here we go and apply it the price is going to drop to $150 with.

77 that is for 48 months so that's 4 years paid off for that single price so you definitely want to check that deal out okay so now let's jump into my panel here on modular DS and I want to first show you how easy it is to add a website from WordPress okay so we're going to click on the website here the plus sign and I'm going to add the link to my website in this case I'll just say it's sassmaster Donnet name of the site sassmaster and I'm going to keep it on the main team if you have multiple team members then you want to create teams in this case it's just me let's go and continue it's going to take me to the next section where I have two options to add my website one is automatic and the other is manual now the automatic version is what we have to do do is add the login link so by default WordPress is wpadmin but if you modify this to something else something original you want to add that link there okay and then you want to add your credentials so that means username and password I would recommend that you create a dedicated admin user for this purpose so you can keep track all right right and the other option is doing it manually that means that you'll add a plugin and add the key and the private key to that website and it'll be connected so it's just super easy to connect and once you connect you'll have access to several of these tools available that modular DS provides okay so this is my woocommerce site and I've already created backups here just for testing purposes but I want to give you a quick overview of everything that you can do here on modular DS included in that lifetime deal right so first off we got a quick glance of What's Happen happening on this website which is the WordPress version PHP version the modular version and critical errors I'll show you the error in a bit okay and then a quick view of the backups that you've done recently in this case I've done two and I can go ahead and create a backup right now from my allowance here okay so that means on this plan I'm in tier one for this testing purposes 35 GB is my allowance okay which is a lot and not a lot depending on the site you have I mean if you have a a shopping store then if you have a lot of images and videos that might not be a lot but maybe your site is just 200 megabytes 300 megabytes then you have enough space there to do a lot of backups right plus you want to delete the old ones the next thing you're going to view is the plugins that need updates or if I want to install a plugin straight from here now this means that I don't have to go into every single one of these sites and do the updates I can do it straight from here right same thing goes with themes same thing goes with WordPress right I can update from here without having to log in into every single one of these websites now the reason that you want to do this and not do an automatic update is because you want to be there when the updates are happening because if something breaks you can do a revert right now that's why you want to do this manually and not just auto update right on the right we have options for notes our settings maintainance reports you can generate the op time monitor that's included in the lifetime deal too and depending on the LTD you grabb the inner balls that is going to check is here for example Tier 1 and two will be every 5 minutes so that means if it goes down in 2 minutes it'll take 3 more minutes to get that 5 minutes and then report so the sweet spot for me and up time modor would be one to two minutes so decide what you're going to grab there right and okay next thing you want to do is go to metric now metrics are tied to Google analytics so you will have to connect to your uh Google account to do this same thing goes with search console and with woocommerce is just allowing them to connect with woocommerce so in this case I have a demo site that has woocommerce installed there so I'm able to view what's going on on that site without having to log into wo Commerce so I have a quick overview of what's going on so the income the net Sals the orders the product sold Etc all from here buy date byy every 14 days every 28 dates Etc it's just a quick overview there which I think is useful especially if you're managing a bunch of sites and you just want a quick overview of if something's sold or how how you're doing then it's a good option there right then you have your op time monitor in this case I am monitoring this site again just for testing purposes and what you're going to do be greeted with is these settings okay this is where you're going to get started and you want to select the interval that you wanted to check in this case I selected 30 minutes because it's it's just a demo sign and I don't have access to 2 minutes because I'm in license cheer one all right the consider website is down after so for example I don't want to get alerted if the site went down 1 second 2 seconds 5 Seconds Etc I want it to be alerted after 10 seconds right so it it it checked and it was down for 10 seconds and then alert me so if this is real side I would definitely go with less than one second right and then you have keywords I really like this feature which gives you the option to add a keyword that if it's not in the page then it's down right that means nonstrict mode is just going to select if it's down it's down right and stri mode would say if that keyword is not visible there then it's actually down and the reason this one is important is because sometimes the websites don't go down sometimes the websites just break right so maybe you update a plugin a theme or something something just happened and the website is loading but it's broken or something is is wrong with it so you want to make sure for example I don't know shopping cart if that word is not there then the site is down something happened to it it just got all W wonkers out there so you want to base it on keywords so I would definitely use that if this was the real side that I'm checking right SSL monitoring and notifications so notifications you can select the emails you want to send it out and the SMS you want to send it out that is included on this deal now this is my guess yes I'm not sure I need to check the SMS will be available for United States and Canada that's how they work most of the time they won't include for other countries so you want to check that all right next we have backups this is one of my favorite features one of the big issues that they have right now is that they don't have the restore feature yet but it's in the road map they're actually working on this right now so the restore backups is in working progress okay that's a really good thing now backups are super easy to set up to do that again you're going to be greeted in the settings section and here we go so do you want to back up everything or do you want to exclude some files in this case I want to do everything but sometimes you might want to exclude some files maybe you want to exclude the uploads folder so if you have a huge website that's 3 5 gabt I don't know you don't want to do a backup every single time all of that then you can exclude those files and that helps you out with the storage limit right same thing goes with database the recurrence so daily weekly or monthly you can select the date and time that it's going to do it and the backup up retention so this will be a monthly backup so this one is going to be gone in 45 days so it cleans the storage and then you get that space back and you keep on updating well backing up and backing up right and you got the expert expert configuration here which is Maxim number of files you can do that there Max zip size and Max waiting time so those are more advanced features just in case it doesn't do the automatic backup and you have some issues there that will help you out right if not contact support right then you have the activity here of what's going on so you're going to view all your backup is available here and as I mentioned before restore is not available right now but that will be available I don't know a couple weeks or months because that they're working on that right now right and you have all the details here that you can download to keep it back up somewhere else or if you're going to need it to restore it and you got everything separated here to have a backup of it outside of modular DS right then you have your reports here you can create a report here with the new report and that's just for example if you're managing client site then this would be a great feature you can schedule a report or you can do a Tim report for example schedule a report here we go we're going to get the settings for this uh when you want this report weekly monthly quarterly the logo for client and customize this report logo and it's going to give you an overview report of everything that's going on on that side all right then you have your health and safety remember I had a critical error that's available right here so what's going on page cach is detected but the server response time is still slow so they it know know it's cached but it's still slow so something is wrong you need to check it out and that is going to let me know right here right and I got my site status side information vulnerabilities and all available right here everything's fine right now and I do like that they're going to alert you if there are burner abilities and you'll find that in settings in notifications you can set up your notifications if something is wrong you can do that there right so I love that you can do everything right here in the panel without having to jump into these websites individually every single time that you want to do some updates you can do it all from here right and that's the beauty about modular DS now as I mentioned before this is the current lifetime deal you need to check it out decide if it's a right fit for you and they have a 60-day money back guarantee so you can go full on and test this and if something is not up to your standards just go ahead and refund it and if you plan to grab your hosting plan don't forget to use my coupon code on hostinger and that's a wrap

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