Unlock Premium Form Building for Large Businesses with FormsFlow

it's time to check out an advanced form Builder that's called form flow this one is aiming towards medium to large businesses that means that you are going to find Advanced features that you're not going to find on other form Builders so let's go check this out right now what's up SAS Masters in this video we're going to cover the premium features from fors flow aiming towards medium to large businesses the reason for this is because medium to large businesses are looking for more complex more customizable form building that this is going to provide them but be aware they do have a free open source version if you want to check that out so the differences are right here you got your free open- source version here you got your premium light and your premium standard features so if you want to check it out link be provided in the description now let's actually jump into my dashboard and in this case I'm in the designer section so that means that Force flow is divided in three sections your designer your client and your reviewer okay so in this this section I'm in the designer section and if I want to build a new form all I have to do is click on Creative form and in this section you're going to see that there's new options available when you are on the Premium plan so if I go down here you got your basic elements Advanced layout data and you got your premium elements so in this case if I need to add a recapture I can do so from here now one of the things that you'll find interesting in fors flow is that it's way more powerful than other form builders you get options like API and layout from here things that you don't find normally in other form Builders now there's other elements like resources let's check this out so this is a resource element if I want to add the display from here settings look at these settings you got your data validation API conditional logic well conditional then you got logic and then you have the layout all available from here you got files nested forms and Customs so if you're looking for something custom that you need to build yes you can do it here on forms flow premium version okay so it's really powerful when it comes to customizing this okay now in this case I'm going to show you how to do this with flow e which is from forms flow let me go ahead and select it and they're going to help me build this form so let's go ahead and generate form design and it's going to ask me please tell me all the specifications and requirements you have in mind for your form so in this case let me go ahead and tell it what I need this form flow okay so I'm going to keep it simple that's what I'm asking for let's hit enter let's see what it's going to do for us okay here we go the form is ready let's go ahead and preview this and here we go name email phone company job title and reasons to visit so let's go ahead and apply this to our form and here we go we have the elements added right here so if I added if I ask for something else it's going to add the elements for me really easily okay so let me give this a title on description so I'll just say test form and this is a test for the video and this going to be public and I will enable bundling okay that's another feature that I really like about forms flow okay let's go ahead and save preview okay here's a preview everything is fine or if it's not go ahead and edit the form I'll hit next and now I have the workflow if this is going to be a simple flow you can just leave it as it is but if you want to have something more complex you can go ahead and build it on the workflows this case I'll leave it simple let's hit next okay this my test form this is the copy link if I want to share this or open it up I can publish this form for client users yes that means for client users to log in they're going to be able to view this form is it going to be available for all designers private only for you or specific designer groups permissions to create new submissions all users or specific user groups and reviewer permissions to view submissions so I'll leave all no comments for now let's go ahead and save this and boom we just built the form really easily okay now if you want to bundle forms that is possible with the premium version that means that if you need to create three or five forms and you need to bundle them so they go one after another that is possible because you don't want to create a super long form you have reasons to have these separated may maybe it's for different situations one is for human resources one is for marketing one is for accounting Etc and you have different forms but you bundle them okay so to do that we're going to go into form bundle and I'm going to create a new bundle now remember when we created the past form it asked us if this was going to be available to bundle if you don't enable that you're not going to be able to view it right here okay so in this case I'll just say test bundle right and I'll just say again test and then you can add the forms right here so add right here and the available forms that I have are the ones that I enabled that they can be bundled okay so I'll just insert these three forms and I can add conditions to this but in this case I'll keep it as it is let's go ahead and save and preview and now we're able to view how the forms are bundled so we first one have this one so it's a my new form sample application form and a test form I just grabbed these randomly but obviously you want to create a bundle that's actually has some sense okay now this case we're able to view it next form and then check out the next form and go ahead and submit it once you fill all this out okay if you don't like the bundle go ahead and edit the bundle and if you're ready go ahead and click next go through the workflow and then preview and confirm so it's a really easy way to create bundles with forms flow now you got your admin settings over here so you got your dashboard your roles if you need to add new roles here the users if you need to create new users do it from here assign the role to them all from here the processes so if you need to create the workflows that you're going to use in the forms go ahead and do them from here okay so if you want to create something really complex that is possible with forms flow again things that you don't find normally on other form Builders you got your submissions once they start filling these out and that's for the designer section let me let me go ahead and log out let's sign in with the client so let's go ahead and sign in okay now this is the client and remember we tied these forms with clients so they were available for them if we don't allow that they won't be able to view them so I can go ahead and submit these forms so I have all these forms available and I can go ahead and submit them let's just say that I want to allow the team members of the company to fill out a leave application form so I will have that available for them so if I want to submit one right now I can go ahead and do so let's go ahead and fill this out with random information employee name I'll just say test the leavea date is going to be tomorrow and I'll be gone a week the leave type it's going to be General leave or medical I'll just say sick okay apply leave and that's going to be available for the reviewer to review it if they're going to approve it or not so you got your forms available here you got your submissions that you've submitted and that's for the client section now let's go check out the reviewer okay let's go log into the reviewer viewer and in this section we're going to be able to view all the forms that are submitted for review so in this case this is the one I've just filled out so it was created a few seconds ago let me go ahead and select it so in this case I can set followup date set a due date forms flow fors flow reviewer so if I want to group that or a claim so in this case I can do the claim right here let's go ahead and view it you got your form that was filled out the history the diagram for this remember the workflow and let's go ahead and check this out here's a reviewer option and in this this case I can approve it or reject it in this case I'm going to reject it because it didn't provide sufficient information so there we go that one is submitted for the reviewer and again reviewer has the option to view the forms submissions tasks so if you want to do this task I can also list view them and the dashboard for the information so I got my metrics and my insights for everything that's going on in the business so if you want to go for the premium version of fors flow if you are ready for something like this that's super Advanced and it's going to fulfill the needs of your medium to large size business then you definitely want to check this out because this is going to do what you need and it's going to be able to be tailored to your needs so there you go that is for flow premium if you want to check it out link be provided in the description and wrap

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