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Woolcommerce is fantastic,
but when it comes to wholesale, well, it lacks in that area, and that's
where WholesaleX comes into play. It gives you those extra features to build
stores that are meant for B2B and B2C. Now, let's go check this out right now. What's up, SaaS Masters? We're going to check out the Hostale X. Like I said before,
it's meant to enable those wholesale features that are meant to have
those private stores for B2B or B2C. You separate those that have a hybrid
mode, have those wholesale pricings, bulk orders, have that additional panel
where you can have your wallet, and there's just so much to cover,
so let's just get started.
Now, if you want to check it out,
link will be provided in the description. And if you want to try the demo to see how
the backend works for yourself, you can try the demo right here,
so check that out. Now, let me jump into my dashboard,
and this is my HotelX installation. And I'm going to show you how to get around, how to enable features,
and how you're going to check out the features on the actual
products when you add a product.
So this is my HoldSellX dashboard,
and I'm able to view the sales here from top customers, recent orders, pending
registrations, and the actual add-ons. I do recommend that you enable and disable add-ons that you're going to use
and the ones you're not going to use. So you have the reCAPTCHA feature if
you want to enable that, the wallet. So that means that you can use the wallet
for payments, conversations, so you can have a support system that's
included in this system to actually contact your customers and the other way
around also in case they have an inquire for a special order, maybe a special
bulk order, anything like that. And you'll see that over here
on conversations and quote. And they're also going
to see it on their panel. So if I have my panel, this is the WordPress site I have
right now, the Google Commerce site. And if I go to my account,
if I'm logged in, I'm going to be able to see all my orders,
downloads, addresses, accounts. So here's my wallet right here, my sub accounts, if I have that enabled,
conversation and quotes.
So that means that if I have some questions that I might have with the
support, I can do it through here. This is just one I created and it's help. And the type is quote. You could see I just added help and I answered to them by,
Hello, how can I help you? And that's meant through this system,
the conversation one. You can request a code, bulk orders,
sub accounts, white label, and HostelX for token if you have
that installed on your WordPress site. Let's get started with this. Now, before I jump into settings, I actually want to show you a product when
you upload an order or you create an order, what type of settings
you can work with with HostelX.
Let's go into our products. Let's go into all products. I'm going to open up one I already have. Here's the products. You can see here, I can have dynamic rules for the product discounts,
and that's in the settings. But I'm going to show you
one of the actual products. I'll go in to edit one of these
turquoise chairs that I uploaded here. Here we go. Let me scroll down here and we
have some new settings.
We have the general settings
and the Wholesale X settings. But in general, there's some
new features that we get. For example, the B2C users, I can have
a different pricing tier for those users. I can have a different
pricing tier for guest users. I can also have a pricing
for the whole sale. That's business-to-business
special pricing. I can divide this by diamond, gold,
platinum, different types of tiers. For example, the base price for this one,
let's just say normally regular price is $20, but for the B2P clients,
it's going to be a base price of $18, and the wholesale price
is going to be $10. So it's like a big price jump with this. And I can actually have a discount type, so discount amount,
percentage, or fixed price.
So for example, if it's a discount amount,
it's going to be $10 less. If it's a percentage,
it's going to be 10 % less. And if it's a fixed price, well, it's
just going to set the price that it is. Minimum quantity order. So in order to get that discount, fixed price, I'll choose
discount amount, $10 less. To get that, they're going to have to buy 100 pieces because, well,
this is wholesale, all right? And I can add the pricing
tier to a different one. So if it's a discount percentage,
it could be different.
And it could be another type of the
pricing tier for gold, platinum, etc. Now, aside from this,
I get the wholesale X tab. So I can change the different
type of layout for this. I can show the tier pricing table,
visibility, hide products for B2C, so the business to clients,
so not the wholesale clients. So in case we don't want
to show some type of product. So maybe the products are meant for B2B,
so we can hide it from them. Hide products for visitors. So if I enable these two because it's a B2B pricing tier or product,
I can enable that. Hide B2B role and users. That's also available here. So these are the type of things
that you get extra with Wholesale X.
Now let's jump over to our
actual settings for Wholesale X. Let's go to settings. And there's a lot of settings to cover, but I'll go through the
most important ones. For example, the general settings,
the plugin status. How do I want to use this
plugin that I just installed? So is this going to be primarily for B2B or B2C or a hybrid mode where I
have both of these types of stores? Because obviously I want to capture both type of clients, the normal clients
and the wholesale pricing clients. Show to your pricing tables, price discount priority,
how I want to enable this.
The disabled coupons, hide all… You'll go through all of these. There's a lot of settings
like I mentioned. The registration and login settings,
your price settings, your conversations, that's because I enabled the conversation
settings, the language and text, the design, which one I
want to use by default. So there's different type of layouts and
the colors that I want to use for this. So this is pretty cool because we get this type of settings aside
from what we have previously. The recaption,
Bulk Order, so the settings for this, the sub accounts, also if I enabled that,
and the wallet. So it's enabled right now.
What's it called? In this case, it's called
the Wholesale X wallet? Well, no.
In this case, if it's a furniture store,
I'll say, I don't know, a Fernie wallet. Okay, call it whatever you want. And again, for the menu endpoint, Fernie wallet, etc, save changes
and change it for that, all right? Next, we have the users. So we're able to view the users here and have different type of settings
because these are Wholesale users. We can change their tiers. We can change the different
type of settings for this. For example, this
one is called second Gmail. It's a role, he's in gold.
I can change the status by going into edit
and also the action for pending. So right here, here we go. Here's the wholesale X profile settings, tax inception settings, shipping options,
credit debit, credit balance, override payment gateways, the profile
discount, the wholesale user settings. So in this case,
these are the type of roles that there's available that are created
and the registration role. So I can all of that.
And the wholesale, extra information,
if you want to set up the company name, company information, address,
et cetera, and you update the user. So you get all those settings there. The user roles, this is where
we're going to create them. In this case, I've created three of them. Well, the main one,
diamond, gold and platinum. That's for the B2B. And then we have the B2C
and the guest users. Registration form.
So we can edit our own
registration form here. Right now, this is the Form Builder. And we're asking for the email,
the password, company name, etc. We can drag drop these. We can add more labels, enable or disable, hide label, help message,
registration form. We can add new fields right here. Which one do I want to add? And we have all these available options
for the registration form. And we can get a short code. This short code obviously is meant to use
to be embed on any part of your website.
The dynamic rules, these are pretty nice. I mean, you're going to have to go through this and set it up in the beginning,
but it's really great. For example, the product discount,
here's one of the rules. And the product discount works like this. This rule status on. It's a product discount,
select a user role. It's for all users. Product filter, all products,
minus a discount. So you can percentage by
amount five, discount five. So this is a rule. For the amount of five,
you get a five % discount. So just by ordering five
and it's for all users. Conditional, if I want to set this up,
I can leave it as is. Or if I want to add, for example,
the total quantity, total value, total weight, depends how you want
to use this, date and limit rules. And you can go through all of these and enable and disable or create
your own type of dynamic rules.
Emails that are going to be sent out. So right here you can have your emails based on what you want
to enable or disable. For example, sub account create,
registration approved, new user, email verified, et cetera, all those
emails, conversations and quote. What I showed you, for example, over here,
we have our conversation for this user, and on my end,
I have the conversation right here. Here we go.
So here's the test that I've created. I can go ahead and view it.
I think it's this one right here.
Here we go. This is how I am going
to be able to view it. Here's help and here's how I responded. Let's go back. I can add a new conversation. I can add a new conversation and select who I want to conversate with at the user
and the message really easily there. Next we have is Features. So if you want to get an extra information
for each one of these features that is available here so you can explore it
and decide what you want to enable or disable based on obviously
learning what they are for.
But that is Wholesale X. Like I mentioned before, the link
will be provided in the description. And I do recommend that you try out the demo for yourself to see if it's
the right fit for you and if it has the features that you need
for your Wholesale store. But there you go.
That's a wrap for Wholesale X..