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promotions and sponsorships is absolutely huge with this strategy not to mention that these types of channels make a lot of money in YouTube ad Revenue I mean this channel is making anything up to $20,000 a month did you know that you can make well over $10,000 a month by using affiliate marketing Ai and chat GPT for something that I like to call automated affiliate marketing and by using AI technology you are going to Save hours in effort and tens of thousands of dollars a month because the AI technology does all the work for you but on top of that you can make tens of thousands of dollars in several ways of income strains which we're going to get to later on in this video and what we're talking about today is creating an automated AI affiliate YouTube channel that can make you tens of thousands of dollars every single month and don't worry you don't need thousands and hundreds of thousands of subscribers to get hundreds of thousands of views consistently every single month so the first step in this strategy is you need to come up with a niche for yourself to start this channel so the first thing that you want to do is you want to come over to chat jpt and you want to ask chat jpt give me the best YouTube channel niches for affiliate marketing now you can do this in a range of different niches you can see here that product reviews has come up as number one it's a pretty good way to go out and make money with affiliate marketing you can see that you've got how-to tutorials you can do fitness and health you can do Beauty and makeup you can do Travel and Adventure and one of the ones that I really like if we scroll down over here number 14 is Tech and gadgets and the Beautiful part about this I'm going to show you how to do it without actually requiring any of this Tech so once you know that you want to create this type of Channel what you now need to do is you need to come up with a channel name again chat GPT come straight over here and say give me 10 YouTube channel names for a tech channel so that you can start creating this Channel and then all you need to do is pick one of these or ask it to give you a variation of these or ask it to give you another 10 or another 20 if you don't like any of these once you have come up with a name for your channel now you need to create a banner you can see that these channels have these very very catchy banners you can do something as very simple in order to do that all you need to do is come over to a platform like canva.com and quite simply just type in YouTube Tech Banner scroll down like this and just choose any one of these banners they're very easily customizable and upload it to your YouTube channel so once you've gone out and you've created this channel you've got your name you've got your nation you've got your banner what we now need to do is we need to start creating content so what we need to do is come straight back to chat jpt and I've asked chat jpt please generate IDs for a tech affiliate YouTube channel chat jpt is going to give us a whole heap of different IDs like product reviews how-to guides and tutorials top 10 list as you can see you can do Tech news and different types of updates what I want to do is I want to choose this one number three I want to do a top 10 list but you can even narrow it down a little bit further and do top five okay top fives do extremely well now what you want to do is you want to ask chat GPT give me 10 video idas for Point number three which was the top 10 but you can just change it to top five as you can see chat GPT is going to give us a list of ideas for example top 10 must have gadgets the ultimate productivity tools top 10 smart home devices you can see that every single one of these IDs is amazing you've got top 10 Wireless ebds oh I really like this one okay because a lot of people are using ebds you've got the ultimate smartphone Showdown Etc so you can see that Chad GPT is giving us some amazing ideas for us to use and what we're going to do is we're going to use this one the top 10 Wireless ebds okay for music lovers now what you want to do is you want to scroll down and you want to find different types of affiliate programs for these types of products now you can ask chat GPT to give you find affiliate programs for wireless ebds then once you find these affiliate programs you can start to tailor your videos on the back of these affiliate programs or you can find one affiliate program that covers everything which will make it a lot easier for you so now what we do is we scroll down and we take a look at all these different affiliate programs you've got Amazon for an example if you scroll down you've got best buyers Apple affiliate programs boost affiliate programs then it's going to give you individual ones that every single type of company would have what you need to do from here is start to sign up as an affiliate for all these different types of companies or like I said quite simply just come straight over to Amazon Associates it's as simple as signing up recommending and earning you get an affiliate link you put it in the description of your video which I'm going to show you in a second and this is how you are going to make these affiliate commissions but like I said there's several ways to make money with this we're going to get to that at the end of this video so now that we know we've got a tech Channel we know the type of video that we're going to be creating on top of that we know that we're going to be creating a video on the top five ebds for music lovers what we now need is we need a video on that exact same topic so what we do is we come stra back over to chat jpt and I've told chat JP generate a guide top five wireless earbuds now a lot of people will type in script I don't like to type in script I like to type in a guide it's more detailed and it will look a lot better when you create this video and as you can see you scroll down and chat GPT is going to create this the other thing that you can do which I was testing with chat GPT if we scroll down the second thing I tried is I typed in this I changed it just a little bit and I put generator guide top five wireless earbuds for a tech YouTube video now the good thing about chat jbt now it recognizes it's a video what it's going to do is it's going to give us an intro it's going to give us suggestions on the type of videos that we should have and also when you scroll down it's more interactive so what we're going to do is we're going to run with the below script I really like this one now that we have a script we're getting to the good bits I'm going to show you where you're going to get your voice over amazing sounding voiceovers and how we're going to put these videos together in just a matter of minutes using a lot of it will be AI to put all this together so that you can start to make these affiliate commissions now before we do that guys if you're enjoying this video to this point all I ask that you do is that you smash that like button in appreciation and don't forget to go down the bottom and subscribe to the channel for some more awesome content I've got coming your way now that we have this script what we want to do is we want to create a voice over and the platform that we're going to be using to create this voiceover is this one over here called flicky doai I really like flicky and I like the advancements that they've made with their voiceover system okay I'm going to show you how amazing this sounds another one that you could potentially use is 11 Labs but I'm really starting to like flicky AI what you need to do is quite simply sign up to this the other reason I like flicky as well is that have created a new feature where you can actually clone your own voice so if you want people to think that it's you talking on these videos all you need to do as you can see AI voice cloning custom voice cloning in minutes all you need to do is sign up for free send them over a sample of your voice they're going to ask you to say a few different sentences send it over they're going to clone your voice and then you can start creating these videos in your own voice okay so it will sound like it's you and it sounds absolutely amazing if you don't want to use your voice no need to worry once you sign up to flicky it's going to bring you over to a page that looks like this and what you want to do is you want to create a voice over the good thing about this is you can choose a range of different types of sounding voices what I've done is I've gone and I've chosen Matthew but you can experiment yourself and choose whoever you want now what I did is I came back over to chat GPT and I just grabbed this first sentence over here I want you to hear how amazing this sounds so you come straight back over to flicky now we can play this so you can hear what this sounds like and how this is going to sound on our on on our video let me just play this for you first up we have the Apple airpods Pro known for their iconic design these earbuds offer exceptional sound quality active noise cancellation and seamless integration with Apple devices they're perfect for Apple Fans seeking the ultimate audio experience all right that sounds absolutely amazing once you add little bit of music in the background it's going to sound absolutely amazing now what you need to do is you need to download this voice over now what you're going to do is you're going to do scene two scene 3 scene 4 scene 5 Etc because you've got a whole range of scenes if we take a look at this you've got all these SS accounts I'm going to show you how to do one and you can very easily do the rest yourselves now what we need to do now that we have the voice over and we've got the scenes what we now need to do is use a platform to put all this together and also to get the videos now to get those videos I'm going to show you that in a second but the platform that we're going to use to do this is this one over here called CAP cut.com you can see here that this is an absolutely free all-in-one video editor for everyone to create whatever they want it is absolutely amazing and the reason why I love this as well is you can very easily do a lot of different types of transitions you can do different types of text overlay and it will make the video pop and look absolutely amazing so what you need to do is download cap cart now that we have the software we need to get the videos now in order to get the videos what you want to be doing is you want to come over to YouTube and you want to type in something like this apple airpod Pro demo video or tutorial tutorial video Etc or review video and what you're basically doing is you're looking for videos that you can use you can very easily go over to Creative Commons videos or you can reach out and contact the owner of these videos and ask them them if you can use them good ones to use are ones that are actually owned by Apple because you are promoting their products what you want to do is Select videos that are related to that product and then you want to copy the URL of that video come over to platforms like this which is a YouTube downloader paste that in here click on to start and download these videos once you download every single video that corresponds to that voice over so the first one is going to be the airp Pros the second one if you take a look at your chat GPT is going to be Sony the third one is going to be BOS the fourth one is going to be Jabra five is going to be Samsung Etc so you need to go and literally search for all these products and then find videos that relate to these products then what you want to do is download those videos and once you download those videos you want to come over to capcut you can see here that we have downloaded the first video for our apple airpods and what I've also done is I've downloaded that voice over so it's as simple as doing this grabbing that first one dropping that over here now I'm going to minimize this a little bit now I'm going to grab this voice over and I'm going to drop this down the bottom as well now you can very easily stretch this out so we can see what we're doing and then we can bring this over to here now what I'm going to do is I'm going to slide this over so you can see exactly what this looks like now you can use anything that you want out of this scene okay because I went into Creative Commons and I grabbed this video but you can see here that there's a lot of different scenes that I can play around with all I need to do is cut this if I wanted to cut that out for example I could remove this okay so I could delete that or I could use any part of this video the next thing that we want to do is we just want to silence this video we're going to silence that we're going to get rid of this and we're going to push this over to the start here because that's where this ends and we're going to bring this over to here as well now what we're going to do is we're going to play this so you can hear what this looks and sounds loock let me play this for you first up we have the Apple airpods Pro known for their iconic design these earbuds offer exceptional sound quality active noise cancellation and seamless integration with Apple devices they're perfect for Apple Fans seeking the ultimate audio experience now you can see and hear how amazing that sounds what we now want to do is we want to come up to the top and you can see you've got all these other options you can go to audio okay and what we're going to do is we're going to type in upbeat we're going to look for some upbeat music and then what you can quite simply do is you can just click onto this to hear what it sounds like so I'm going to pause that I'm going to grab that okay and I'm going to add this to the bottom and I'm just going to minimize that sound like this okay and this obviously will continue playing as you create every single one of these scenes so I'm going to bring this over to you and I'm going to play this for you so you can hear this first up we have the Apple airpods Pro known for their iconic design if it sounds too loud all you need to do is come over here guys and you need to obviously lower that sound and then Play It Again these earbuds offer exceptional sound quality active noise cancellation and so I'm going to pause out there you can see how amazing this is starting to sound and this video will look absolutely amazing all you now need to do is find the second third fourth fifth and sixth product and upload it you can do 10 you can do five Etc then what you need to do from there quite simply is you want to export this video if you want to make the video look even more amazing in between every single one of these scenes you can very easily come up to the top you've got all these effects you've got Transitions and most importantly the other thing that you can actually do as well if you come up to the top you can see you've got this text option once you click onto that you can even come come over here and click on to Auto captions now I'm going to put this on to English okay and then just click on to create the beautiful thing about capcut is it's going to create these Auto captions for us okay we don't need to do anything all we need to do is select the font give it a bit of a fade so for example we can come over here we can click onto this we're going to give it this font okay I like this font we can increase the size so if we move this over we can increase the size like this okay then we can scroll down and we can give it a stroke okay and then we can also give it a little bit of a shadow and now what we can also do is you can play around with the animations of these okay so we can change this maybe use this one okay I'm going to pause this and if I play this for you okay I want you to hear this first up we have the Apple airpods Pro known for their iconic design these earbuds offer exceptional sound quality you can see how we have transformed this video it looks amazing sounds amazing has text overlay and it's only taken us a few minutes by using this AI quality now all we need to do is come up to the top and Export this video and once you've exported that video it's time to start uploading these different types of videos and this is exactly what all these channels are doing you can very easily come over here and take a look at their most popular videos you can see that these channels are getting millions of views and there's a range of different types of channels that are doing the exact same thing that I just showed you using other people's videos that they are allowed to use and they are uploading these this content and they absolutely crushing it with affiliate marketing and I like to call this automated affiliate marketing you can see here there's even more channels doing this this channel only has 8,280 subscribers but they're still managing to get hundreds of thousands of views with these different types of videos and most importantly with these different types of videos what you want to be doing is pasting your affiliate link when we scroll down over here and click on to more you can see that the point of this is to make money and you can see here that they have uploaded or sorry linked Amazon links to every single one of the products that they are talking about inside these videos and I can guarantee you when you are getting 872 th000 views there are a lot of people that have clicked onto these links and purchase from Amazon and this video May well have made this person tens of thousands of dollars this is just one video that's 11 minutes long and there's no reason why you can't replicate this now remember I told you there's several ways that you can make money with this strategy obviously the first one is with affiliate marketing and this is probably going to be one of your most profitable strategies the other one is that companies will then start to pay you to promote these different types of products so promotions and sponsorships is absolutely huge with this strategy not to mention that these types of channels make a lot of money in YouTube ad Revenue I mean this channel is making anything up to $20,000 a month now remember when it comes to social blade and these different types of stats this only works over a $4 CPM a tech channel can very easily have an $8 to $10 CPM so $10 cpms very easily doubles what social blade is showing here so you have the opportunity to make even more money with it so you've got your YouTube ad Revenue you've got your sponsorships and your promotions and you've got affiliate marketing so there's several ways that you can make money with this now what you want to be doing is you want to find out how you are going to get these different types of videos to go viral similar to this one over here with $872,000 views and what that requires is for you to do keyword research it requires for you to learn how to get these Evergreen views and find out what these other channels are doing and this is exactly what I teach inside jet video Academy now in order to get there what you want to do is you want to go down the bottom in the description of this video and click on to income positive.
comom I'm going to have it linked in the description of this video along with all the resources that I've discussed on this video Once you enter in your email address and your name it's going to bring you over to a page that looks like this and what you want to do when you're on this page is you want to watch this video and it's inside this video that I'm going to show you exactly how our students are making well over $2,000 a month you're not going to believe how cheap this course is this is exactly what we do every single day inside our business and I'm going to show you everything on this video and exactly what I'm going to be teaching you inside this training the crazy thing about this is guys is that we do this every single day we make hundreds of thousands of dollars we have our students that are telling us they're currently getting monetized having their first $10,000 month $20,000 month $30,000 month month just on ad Revenue not including affiliate marketing sales and all they did was get our help which we give you absolutely for free and they also went through our course but most importantly is that we offer ongoing coaching and mentoring support inside our private Facebook group so any questions that you have any concerns that you have anything to do with analytics we will help you Niche selection whatever it is we will go through and help you inside your YouTube channel until you donate us anymore we stay with you until you don't need us we are more than happy to help you get to that $20,000 Mark and then it's up to you you never know you might teach us something and a lot of our students have taught us so many things so we are here to work together for you to get to that $20,000 a month and these examples that I just showed you on this video is exactly what we can help you do and we can help you set up these very simple YouTube channels now that's not the only way that you can make money with affiliate marketing AI and creating a faceless YouTube channel I created a fully detailed tutorial the other day all you need to do is Click onto this video over here right now for a full tutorial I'll see you on that video until next time you guys take care of yourselves and goodbye