Affiliate Marketing For Beginners: Make Your First $149 a Day Tutorial!

if you want to make money with affiliate marketing and you're a complete beginner and you're just starting out you're going to have to watch this video all the way to the end because I'm going to show you some crucial Things That No One actually shows on a lot of their videos that you need to ensure that you are successful and that you can actually start making your first hundred and then working your way up to 200 500 plus every single day and what we're going to cover off is what are the best products to promote when it comes to affiliate marketing that is the first thing the second thing that we want to take a look at is what are some of the rising products which products are currently doing really well because you want to be promoting products that people are going out there and purchasing and spending money on also what you don't want to be doing is you don't want to be promoting products that nobody is purchasing all products that are actually on the decline at the moment and one of the the most crucial things is where are people going and actually promoting these different types of products Which social media profile is converting the best this is all crucial research if you want to make money with affiliate marketing on top of that at the end of this video I'm going to show you how you can promote these products to ensure you get maximum amount of conversions so the first thing that you want to do if you're looking to make money with affiliate marketing is go down the bottom in the description of this video this is a little guide that can help you as well go to income click onto it and grab my ultimate affiliate marketing guide and if you end up getting value out of this video don't forget to smash that like button in appreciation share step one with this what we need to do is we need to come over to our platform like either or digistore24 any affiliate Network you will be able to do this research once you sign up to ClickBank it's going to bring you over to their Marketplace once you click onto Marketplace you're going to have the opportunity to see their top offers new offers saved offers Etc and what we want to do on the left hand side if we click onto all you can see that you're also going to be able to see all the different categories and niches that you can go into so you can go through scroll through and have a look find a niche that you're interested in and you'll be able to do all this research what I'm going to do is I'm going to click onto top offers and we're going to dissect one of these offers to see whether or not it's a good product to promote and I'll show you exactly what I mean let's just start with this one over here called live pure we can see here that the gravity score of this product is 641.

What does that actually mean well it means that a score based on a number of unique Affiliates generating sales now 641 is huge that is a really high score and and it means that a lot of Affiliates are promoting this product whether it be through paid traffic or free free traffic they're generating a lot of sales and they're promoting this a lot so this is a product that is seen out there and when a product is seen a lot out there what happens is people will generally go out to do reviews on these different types of products which is where you can come in and cash in from people looking to do those reviews now when we have a look at the bottom section over here what we want to see is a few things number one we want to see an upsell flow and I'll show you exactly what that is if we click onto this product what you're going to see when you scroll down let's take a look at this so if somebody buys one bottle for 69 that is their base price now what this company is going to do or the owner of this is going to do is that they're going to offer an upsell what that means is if you buy six bottles as an example now you're going to get each bottle for 39 so you're saving thirty dollars a bottle all however you have to buy six bottles okay this is the upsell so you're gonna have to spend more to save on each individual bottle so instead of going through and purchasing one bottle at a time you go through and you say you buy six months Supply this is what that does this is what the upsell is and what you generally want to do is you want to look for products that do have that upsell flow this is obviously a physical product which means it's going to be shipped out to them that's tight that's fine it's a one-time payment now they do have reoccurring options as well meaning this is a consumable product which means that people can obviously after that six month supply or the one bottle Supply or the Three Bottle Supply can come back and re-purchase this product so if they're enjoying it if they've got what they want out of it and they think it's a good product they can come back and repurchase all really good things for a product the other thing as well it's got affiliate tools if you're looking over here on the right hand side they've got an affiliate page and if you go to this affiliate page it's going to have a heap of resources that you can use to promote this product okay so all really good if you're an affiliate marketer especially if you're a beginner and you need all these additional resources and the other thing as well that's really important is it needs to be mobile friendly especially when you saw that some of the social media platforms that people were getting a lot of this information from was Facebook and Instagram so it needs to be mobile friendly for you to be able to promote this product another thing that you can look at as well if you wanted to if you scroll down on the left hand side and you can see here you've got product type if we click onto this you can see here you can just click onto this box and this is going to give you products just with upsells so you don't have to scroll through and look for all different products within your Niche just click onto that and it's going to give you all products with upsells to save you time having to go through and searching for it so how do we know if a product is on the up how do we know if a product is doing really really well and we want to continue promoting this product even though it's got a good gravity score doesn't mean that this product isn't on the decline let me show you if we come over to this platform called what you want to do is you want to sign up it's an absolutely free account and what they do is they review all ClickBank products and how these products are tracking so if you come over to CB snooper sign up for a free account you're going to be able to see that they've got a dashboard and on this dashboard it's going to give you their top five ClickBank products it's also going to give you the top five Rising products and their top 5 Falling products and what's interesting about this is that in their top five products livepure is number one and in their falling products livepure is number five as well and you're going to see later on when we do in-depth Research into this product how this is tracking and how much volume it's actually losing it doesn't mean that it's not a good product to promote it just potentially means that a lot of people may have stopped promoting it maybe a big affiliate has stopped promoting it but it just gives you an indication that even though our product is in their top five doesn't it necessarily mean it's a falling product and this is just a research that you need to do in order to decide what product to promote and potentially you may want to look at products that are on the rise products that are starting to get a lot of Attraction and products that people are starting to research a lot and you'll see why that's important in a second and when they're researching a lot of these products that's going to allow you to pick up all those reviews and make those sales so how are we going to do all this in-depth research well it's actually very very simple and it evolves using this site over here called and basically what you want to do is you want to come over to the product that you are promoting so let's just say we wanted to promote live pure you want to come up to the top and what you want to do is you want to highlight their URL so just from the www.all the way so we want to copy that now we want to come back to similar web and what we want to do is you just want to paste this in here okay now once we paste this in here this is going to give us a lot of information on this product you're going to see if we scroll down there's a whole heap of information on this product and we're going to go through this and see what this means for you the first bit of information that you're going to see is that live pure this actual product gets 1.3 million visitors to their website or to this product purchase page every single month I mean that is huge that's a lot of volume and a lot of people going onto this product to potentially purchase this product to do a review Etc so that means that this product is still extremely popular and gives you a lot of opportunity to make money online with this product so that's the first thing that you want to take a look at on this page the second thing that you want to take a look at on this page is how it's tracking now remember we saw that this was one of the products that was on the falling list of CB snooper and like I said that doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing it might just be a slower month than usual so when we take a look at this we can see here that in June it was ranked between 56 and 42 you can see it was number 50 then over here was number 35 now it's gone back to number 62.

With similar ranked sites okay but it's still getting a lot of traffic but really important just this is going to show you whether or not the product is on the up or if it's starting to decline now what we want to take a look at and this is really important is the geographic and Country of targeting what this means is which countries around the world are actually looking at this product and what you want to see a lot of is tier one countries and what T1 countries are basically countries that are spending a lot of money on affiliate marketing products and no better country than the United States to be right up there now we can see for this particular month obviously it has dropped we've seen that it's dropped from last month which is looked like it was a high peak okay but now it's obviously dropped down a bit but we can still see that United States is number one we can see Brazil he's second United Kingdom is to say as well you've got Canada which is really good as well so a few T1 countries there and you can see that people are purchasing this from T1 countries which is also a green tick for promoting this product the next thing that you want to take a look at and this is particularly important if you're ever looking to run ads and this is the demographic of this product who's purchasing this product and you can see that people from about the age of 45 to about 65 is their Market I mean 25 to say 54 is probably about the same but then from 55 to 65 plus is their demographic market so really important if you're ever looking to run ads for this particular product the next thing that we'll want to take a look at guys is if you can see he says similar sites and live pure competitors now what this is good for you can see here that these sites are all promoting a lot of these sites are actually promoting live pure and why this is good is you want to go to these websites and see how their promoting the product because I'm going to show you how to promote this product and this is where you are going to get a lot of the ideas so you can click onto these different websites go through and take a look at them and you'll be able to see exactly what they're writing about the product how they're doing their reviews and also are they still promoting this product and what other products are they currently promoting so it's going to give you an idea of other products that you can promote as well another thing that you can take a look on this site guys is top keywords by traffic share now this is important because you want to use hashtags if you're using it on Instagram if you're using it on Facebook you want to use tags if you're doing on YouTube Etc and you can see here that these are the top keyword words that people are using to rank this product to maximize the amount of views that they're going to get so really really important you can see here you've got 64 other ones if you click on to say more the next page that we want to take a look at is this one over here and this is display advertising traffic to live pure and this is where people are generally running ads again you can see here that is one of them and is another one as well which is really good information for us because people are running ads on YouTube generally means that paid traffic organic traffic is still going to work really well if you're able to rank that particular video now the last one which is really important and the one that I say is most crucial is this one over here and this is the social media traffic to live pure okay now if we scroll down what we're going to see is where all the traffic is coming from from a social media perspective to this product and we can see that Facebook at the moment okay has got 40.83 of the traffic YouTube's got 28.81 then we've got WhatsApp we've got Discord Instagram and then other so we can see here that Facebook and YouTube are doing extremely well in terms of promoting this product and I can guarantee that people that are promoting this product on these social media pages are definitely making these affiliate marketing commissions so let's now take a look at how they're promoting these products on Facebook and on YouTube so what we want to do is come straight over to Facebook then we come up to the top and type in livepure okay and just hit enter and what you're firstly going to see is all these posts now this is going to give you an idea of the different types of posts that you can put up on Facebook now you can create your own Facebook group you can create your own Facebook fan page Etc and as you can see these are the different types of posts that people are putting up when you click on to see more you're going to see that they have links to this product now you can click onto posts as an example and it's just going to show you all the posts that people are putting up and you can see this was put up 10 hours ago now people aren't going to continuously put up these posts if they're not making money and what you can do is you can click onto this which is their page if we click onto this it's going to take us straight over to you and you can see that this person has an entire page dedicated to this that they've recently started and they're promoting this product so you could very easily grab a lot of ideas with what people are doing and how they're actually making money promoting these different types of products so if we scroll down you're going to see all these different posts you're going to see what they're writing how they're promoting it what software they're using to shorten their links like this person is using Cutlery this person I believe was using cutley as well so some people might be using bitly cutley some people might be using link trade Etc but this is going to give you a really good idea of how to create these posts the next thing that you want to take a look at if we come over here you can go to groups if we click onto groups you're going to be able to see all the different groups that these people are creating now remember this is just one product you can go out and research a whole heap of different types of products as well it doesn't necessarily have to be this particular product but remember I'm going to show you where you can go to learn how to do all this okay so as you scroll down you're going to see all these different types of groups so that was the first way the second way obviously as you saw guys was YouTube so if you come over to YouTube and you type in Live pure you're going to see that somebody is running an ad over here on YouTube and if you scroll down you're going to see that they've got all these videos on the live pure so even though people put you know live pure warning notice 2023 don't promote don't take anything before you watch this video Etc when we click onto this video as an example it's going to pause this and we click onto this drop down box you can see that They are promoting that product as you can see it takes us straight over to live pure on ClickBank and this is their affiliate link okay so this is how they're driving traffic to this particular product and there's all the different tags that they're using so even though they've got all this kind of you know warning signs and all this sort of stuff it's all designed to attract you to click onto this video and as you can see this was done four days ago this was done two months ago it's got ten thousand views Etc now remember when I said that what people generally tend to do is when they hear about a product whether it be Facebook or if they see it on Instagram Etc they generally like to go and do a review they'll go to Google they'll type in Live pure review so quite simply like this they'll go straight over to Google they'll paste this in here live pure they can type in review as an example hit enter and then as you scroll down you're going to see all this sort of stuff and look at this YouTube videos pop up everywhere okay guys and you can see that the YouTube videos generally pop up within the first few results and people love watching the YouTube videos this is where people are picking up a lot of these views now the third way that we obviously saw which we're familiar with is Instagram so if you take a look at Instagram basically what you'll do is you'd come over to Instagram and then when you go to search you're quite simply search for hashtag live pure okay and what that's going to do is it's going to show you all the different posts that people are putting up of this product and what you can do is Click onto it and you can see exactly what they're typing in what hashtags they're using Etc and you can start to create similar posts on Instagram to drive traffic to the product so you too can start making affiliate marketing commissions now how are you going to promote all these different types of products or how are you going to learn how to promote these products well this is what you need to do the first thing that you want to do is come over to my channel smart money tactics now I'm going to show you the first way that I'm going to show you my recommended way okay because I believe the second way gets a lot more views now when you're on my channel what you want to do is quite simply come over here and click onto the search icon and just type in Facebook okay once you type in Facebook what this is going to do is it's going to show you all my videos on Facebook and as you can see all these videos will show you how I've taught people over the years to promote products to make money with affiliate marketing using Facebook and this was a video that I created four years ago but it's still a really good video that you can watch that's going to teach you exactly how you can promote these products using Facebook using groups on Facebook generally putting up posts Etc so just scroll down and take a look at all the videos that I have on Facebook this is going to give you a lot of insight and you'll learn exactly what you need to do the same thing all you need to do is come over here and type in Instagram as an example okay once you type in Instagram you're going to be able to see all the different videos that I've created on Instagram and how you can promote different types of products okay on Instagram to make money with affiliate marketing guys and a lot of the stuff that I I teach is actually using some of the latest AI software at the moment where you don't need to show your face use your own voice and a lot of it is fully automated and you can do this on across multiple social media platforms now the strategy that I suggest that you do is with YouTube now I'm going to show you where you can go find a video on this channel over here and this is my other channel and this is called Smart Video Tactics I'm going to pin the video in the description of this video and also at the end of this video I'm going to let you know where you can watch it now if you come over to Smart Video Tactics obviously if you're not subscribed subscribe because I teach people how to create YouTube channels and make money on YouTube Etc and if you scroll down this is the video that you want to watch okay I'll teach people how to make money with affiliate marketing using YouTube promoting products using AI so this is the video that you want to watch and I'm going to pin that in there alternatively what you can do just like I did with the other ones is you can quite simply come over here type in YouTube and take a look at all the different videos that I have created on YouTube strategies that you can apply to this to start promoting these different types of products to make money with affiliate marketing guys this is one of the best strategies to get started with because when it comes to YouTube you can promote multiple products you don't need to create different types of channels all you need to do is create a review Channel and you can absolutely crush it online now if you are looking to start a YouTube channel guys I do have a course that I've mentioned many many times like I said all you need to do is go down the bottom click onto income what that's going to do is it's going to bring you over here grab my ultimate affiliate marketing guide once you enter in your name and your email address this is going to go over to your email it's going to redirect you over to this page what you want to do is you quite simply want to watch this video I can't stress enough guys we charge barely anything for this course but we have students currently making over thirty thousand dollars a month and we also offer free coaching and mentoring inside our private Facebook group at no extra cost no one else does that we're the only ones that do it we don't really need to charge thousands of dollars we literally charge 87 for this course that I guarantee you a lot of people are charging 500 plus and they're not even offering you the free coaching and the mentoring so if you do want to be successful on YouTube all you need to do is come over watch this video and just find out exactly what I'm doing and if YouTube is something that you want to get into rest assured we are going to help you inside our private Facebook group until you don't need us anymore and you're making tens of thousands of dollars every single month

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