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in today's video I'm going to teach you an affiliate marketing for beginners strategy that could be making you hundreds of dollars every 24 hours and you're going to do this by getting free leads and you don't need to create any content to get them you don't need to have a website and you don't need to have any technical skills and I've been doing this and I'm currently making well over 700 a day with this exact same strategy and I'm going to show you in this video step by step how you can set up exactly what I'm doing so you can start to make money online with affiliate marketing all you need to do is watch this entire video because we're getting started right now so one of the best ways to make money with affiliate marketing is to do email marketing having people inside your email list that you can promote a variety of different products to but what if you don't have an email list or you're not good at creating content or you don't have a website or you don't have any social media presence well how can you build this following without you having to do any of that work that's exactly what I'm going to show you take a look at this email that I sent out recently this email is responsible for making me hundreds of dollars emails just like this now I didn't need to write this email I didn't need to get the leads for this email and I'm going to show you how you can do this and send the exact same emails to leads that you're going to get every single day without you having to go out there and do anything to get these leads you're probably thinking how the hell does this work but it actually does and I'll show you what you need to do but before you do anything what we need to do is we need to come over to platforms like either digistore24 clickbank.com Warrior plus and we need to create an account for ourselves because we need to get an affiliate marketing product that we can promote I'll show you one that I've been promoting and I'll show show you one that's converting really well in fact let me come over to my dashboard you can see here that this is just the last four days results and if I click on to update let me just double click onto this you can see that this is going to update and this is 100 legit so what you want to do is you want to come over to platforms like digital 24 create an account for yourself and what this is going to do is it's going to bring you over to their Marketplace so you want to click onto Marketplace and on the left hand side you're going to find a range of different digital products in different niches that you can promote now you can do this in any Niche it's completely up to you but as you guys know I'm obviously big on things like business and investment you can scroll down and you can also do internet and E-Business okay so internet marketing and E-Business I'm going to click onto that now as you scroll down you're going to find a range of different types of products one product that you can potentially look at promoting is this one over here called the passive Inc com system this is the number one make money online webinar on Digi store 24 and this teaches people how to make money online with affiliate marketing Etc so this is why I'll promote things like this and in order to promote products like this this is where you're going to get their hoplink okay now what a hop link is the link that you're going to use inside these emails that when people click onto it takes them over to the product and if they purchase you're going to make affiliate marketing commissions so the first thing that you want to do is you want to come over here and you want to click onto the sales page this is going to show you what this product is about okay and it's going to show you exactly what your customer is going to see now for they click here is going to take them to a free training they're going to watch webinar they purchase you're going to get paid that's the first thing that you want to click onto the second thing that you want to click onto here is the affiliate support page once you click onto this this is what we're going to use we're going to use these email swipes so we don't even need to create these emails and if you need to alter these emails I'll show you where you can get it Rewritten in seconds without you actually having to do any of the work yourself so now that we have a product let me show you where you need to go to get these leads leads that you're going to get every single day and in order to do that what you want to do is you want to come over to this site it's called My Lead gen Secrets I've got a link in my description for you that you can click onto that's going to take you over to this page now what this is this is a gentleman that will go out and give you a hundred leads every single day and I'm going to show you inside my profile in a second and I'll show you how many leads I have I have tens of thousands of leads because I do this constantly okay and when you scroll down you're probably thinking how does this work why does this work like this well this person is an internet marketer he goes out and gets leads all the time probably through his website paid promotions social media Etc and what he does is he sells his leads now he sells his leads for a hundred leads for one dollar okay now I'm going to show you how you can get 200 leads a day for just one dollar this is insane you could imagine that you promote one product if we come back over to digistore24 and I'll show you this product look at this you will get 386 dollars on average every single time you make a sale for this product this is just one product you can promote other products that are a lot cheaper from platforms like Warrior plus if you want to now when we come back over to this platform and you scroll down you're going to see that on average people that promote on this person's list you can see that they're averaging about one sale per 100 leads now for myself because I'm in the make money online and affiliate marketing Niche it's probably about one sale every two to three hundred leads so so maybe people are promoting other things that are more common maybe in the home and garden Niche and they're probably getting more sales but with myself typically it's probably one cell two to three hundred leads okay now I'm getting 200 leads every single day and I'll show you how you're going to do the exact same thing so what you want to do is Click onto the link in my description and sign up once you sign up it's going to take you over to your back office and as you can see at the moment I'm getting 200 leads every single day now in order to get these bonus leads what you want to do is you want to promote this product as an affiliate or what you can do is you can sign up one legitimate person that's all you need to do family friends Etc and you're going to get the extra bonus leads per day what you want to do is come up to the top where it says Affiliates once you click onto that you want to become an affiliate of this product okay this is where you're going to get your link as an affiliate and you want to promote this to one person that signs up as soon as they sign up you're going to get those extra bonus leads so you're going to go from 100 to 200 leads per day this is crucial because those extra leads could be bringing you in a lot more sales okay from here what we want to do is we want to start promoting these offers to the leads that you are getting every single day and in order to do that all you need to do is come over here to where he says mailing system now once you click onto that you want to scroll down and you can see that you can mail by date or you can mail by lead partner I always leave it on mail by date and you can select which one of these leads that you want to start sending to okay so all I do generally is I guess select the last so 9000.
Now as you can see I've got nine thousand of thirty one thousand four hundred leads I've got 31 400 lead currently that I can email to any every single day you can email once a day but the thing is you could have multiple accounts if you really wanted to it's completely up to but just remember you're gonna have to pay more okay so as we scroll down once we select the leads that we want to send this to then what we need to do is we need to come over here and we need to select how you want that email title to come across in terms of sent from so once they receive the title it's going to say sent from and then it's going to have the title that you use now these are just some of the previous ones that I've used so the latest one will pop up and I generally leave it on my name okay or you can do this if you don't want to use your name it's completely up to you then what we need to do is we need to come over here and we need to put in a subject and I'm going to show you where you can get that then what we need to do is we need to scroll down and this is the body of the email okay and then here this is perfect timing for them to send it at a really good time depending on when these leads are more likely to open these emails okay so let's set up this email and I'll show you how to do I'm going to set it up for you I can't email yet because I've already emailed today but I'm going to show you how to do it how to set it up and then obviously all you need to do is click on to send email so the first thing that we need to do is we need to come back to this offer to this sales page you want to come over here where it says email swipes now you want to click here for your email swipes now once you click onto this it's going to give you all these different emails now this particular email list or this particular email sequence is them promoting their webinar but you can see here that it very clearly states that all you need to do is make a few changes okay so these email swipes are for live webinars however you can customize them and reword them for all automated webinars okay now the thing is if you're not really good at creating these emails if you're not really good at rewriting them that's okay I got you I'll show you exactly how you can do that in a matter of seconds so the first thing that we want to do is we want to take a look at this so you can see here that you've got one email now if you scroll down you've got two emails three emails it's got all these different emails that we can use and it also has if you take a look at this subject line so you've got this subject line that subject line Etc so it's got everything there for you now in order for us to rewrite let's say this first email what we want to do is come straight over to chat GPT and this is what you want to tell chat GPT so quite simply all we need to do is still chat gbt to rewrite this promotional email promoting the exact same product listing all the same benefits the only difference is this is no longer a scheduled event so we don't need to have any of that info this is a webinar they can watch immediately to learn how to make as much as ten thousand dollars a day then what you want to do is you just want to shift down okay and now you want to go and copy and paste that email the chat GPT needs to rewrite for you so we want to come over here we want to grab this so go from the top and then just scroll all the way down okay and we want to stop here we want to copy this now we want to come back to chatgpt and what we want to do is we just want to paste this inside Here and Now what you want to do is just hit this send message once you do that chat GPT is going to start writing this and as you can see as you scroll down it's going to create this entire email for us and this is perfect now all we need to do is copy this and send it inside my lead gen secrets and again guys if you want to sign up for this like I said I've got the link is in the description of this video you can sign up for this and start doing this immediately and remember if you can find someone to sign up under you as an affiliate you will start to get 200 leads a day it's unbelievable so what we need to do is we need to copy this okay so I'm going to grab this and we're going to double check this because sometimes it's not going to be 100 perfect it's going to have things like this in there and we're going to delete that and now we're going to come straight back over to Miley gen secret so we're going to delete this we're going to paste that in there okay we're going to delete this insert date and time we don't need that because it's done everything else correctly and Rewritten everything for us now what we need to do is we need to put in a subject line so quite simply come straight back over to here guys you can scroll back up to the top and what we can do is we can just use this over here so you're invited let's copy this come straight back over to here and we're going to paste that in there okay now what we want to do is we want to scroll down and we need to insert our affiliate link inside the body of this email so when people click what read the same and click onto it it's going to take them over to that landing page that's linked to you so that you can start to make a commission so what we need to do is come straight back over to digital24 and you want to grab this link so if I click onto this you're going to see it's copied to clipboard now if we come back over to my Legion secrets and we scroll down you can see he discover how to generate up to ten thousand dollars a month watch now so you want to highlight this then you want to come up to the top and you want to click onto this little link icon okay and you want to paste that URL in there you can see this is Cookie to me smart money tactics and you're going to click on to OK and you want to hit bald over here then all I like to do is I like to space this and I just like to give it like these little arrows just so people know to click onto it now what I like to do is I'll copy this okay and then I might add it just here one more time okay that paste that in there now we've got our Link in here twice now what we need to do you can see we've got all that all we need to do now is Click onto perfect timing okay and then what's going to happen is it's going to have a tab here that says send email okay once you click onto that it's going to send this email and what's going to happen is everybody that you selected over here doesn't matter how many you have you might have a hundred people you might have 500 you might have a thousand are going to receive this email once they receive this email in their inbox and they click onto it it's going to take them straight over to this page from here what they can do is they can click on to click here to get the free training once they watch this free training it's going to give them a tab like this that says yes I want the passive income system they click onto this and they purchase you can see here that they've got two options they can pay 9.97 or five two payments of 5.97 and you are going to make about 389 dollars in commissions for promoting this product like I said guys this is one of the easiest ways to make money with affiliate marketing as a complete beginner that you are ever going to see now if you want to know how I make over twenty thousand dollars every single month with affiliate marketing by getting free leads using free traffic then all you need to do is go down the bottom in the description of this video and click onto income positive.com it's going to bring you over to a page entering your name and your email address not only you're going to get my ultimate affiliate marketing guide sent to your email but from there you can scroll down watch this video and I'll explain exactly how this works this is something I do in my business every single day and I will teach you and Coach you and Mentor you in our private Facebook group until you are making thousands of dollars every single week so go down the bottom click onto income positive.com and I'll see you there now if you want to know another way that you can make money with affiliate marketing in 2023 that doesn't require any followers no website no skills all you need to do is Click onto this video over here right now I'll see you on that video until next time take care of yourselves and goodbye