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on this video today I'm going to show you one of the best ways that you can use ClickBank to make money with affiliate marketing and how you're going to promote ClickBank products that convert and how to get unlimited amounts of traffic with a super simple strategies the first thing that you need to do is come over to ClickBank and create an account for yourself once you've done that what you need to do is come up to the top and click on to Marketplace this is going to bring you over to clickbank's Marketplace where you've got all these different niches and products that you can promote what you want to do with this strategy is you want to click on to all you want to scroll down and you want to go to E-Business and e-marketing what we're going to do is we're going to be promoting an affiliate marketing product but what we want to do is we want to promote a product that's not high ticket we want to start converting and we want to start making money with affiliate marketing this is exactly what I've showed some of my students and they're currently crushing it so what you want to do is you want to scroll down now you can see here that you're going to be looking for one thing and one the most important thing currently is you don't want a product that is expensive okay when you're first starting out selling High ticket products takes a little bit of skill knowing exactly what audience to promote to that's really really important but also your conversions are going to be lower when you're starting out with affiliate marketing what you want to do is you want to sell low ticket products and ensure you're getting sales so what we're going to do is we're going to scroll down see something like this isn't too bad at 26.50 it's basically promoting a product where people can go out and use Facebook Twitter Youtube Etc to make money it's even got a good gravity score at 197.
If we scroll down let's see if we can find something else here is a product over here it's called The Click wealth system now this is currently 15.98 this is perfect okay because what what this product has is it has an upsell so when somebody purchases something for say 15 98 cents they've got the opportunity to buy something that costs even more and you can see the gravity score is really good so when you click onto this link what it's going to do is going to show you what this sales page looks like and what I like about this this is a vsl what this means is it's a visual sales landing page so people will have to watch this video to learn what this product is about the other thing that you can also do is you can scroll down you can see here that they've got an affiliate page once you click onto this is going to give you all the resources that you need to promote this product but we're not going to need a lot of this I'm going to show you how to promote this very easily and effectively to two separate traffic sources that are both going to bring in 100 free traffic now guys if you end up getting value out of this video all I ask that you do is that you smash that like button in appreciation go down the bottom let me know what you thought of this video and I will pick one person and I will give them my YouTube course absolutely for free this is the same you YouTube course that I'm currently using myself and my students to make well over thirty thousand dollars a month so if you want that course for free smash that like button and appreciation make sure you subscribe to the channel and drop a comment so now that we have found a product to promote in order to get that affiliate link very simple you want to click on to promote over here and as you can see you want to generate this hop link click on to that this is the link that you are going to use to promote this ClickBank offer now what we need to do is we need to get an article written up for us that we are going to promote absolutely for free on one website then what we're going to do is we're going to take that article from that website and run even more traffic to it let me show you exactly what I'm talking about in order to do that what you need to do is you need to come over to this platform called writesonic.com This is an amazing AI software that you can actually start using absolutely for free to create articles for you the good thing about this is that they have a free plan for your first 10 000 words and the good thing about that is that is more than enough for you to actually make some money with this strategy then if you want to continue with this which I highly recommend that you do you can sign up it's going to cost you like 16 a month peanuts for what it does so once you sign up to write Sonic it's going to bring you over to a page that looks like this now why are we using this instead of chat GPT well chat GPT is very limited in terms of the information that it gives you as right Sonic is more up to date that's the first thing the second thing is this passes the human test if you put any article from chat GPT into an AI detector it picks it up straight away this uses more of a human approach and it passes the AI detect them well for a number of reasons that's good the best reason is that when somebody reads it it sounds more realistic so what we want to do is we want to come over here guys and we want to click on to AI article writer once you click onto this what you need to do is come up with a topic now in order to come up with a topic if you're stuck for IDs if you're stuck stuck for questions what you can do is quite simply come over to this site called answerthepublic.com this will give you a range of different types of questions I absolutely love this and I use this all the time so let's say for example you come over here and you type in something like how to make money with affiliate marketing okay so this is a question that a lot of people will be asking online so then what you want to do is quite simply just choose the United States because that's where a lot of our audience will be coming from leave it on English and then click on to search answer the public now is going to find a range of these different types of questions now you can see here it's got questions like this how to make money online with affiliate marketing how to make money with affiliate marketing for beginners stuff like this because it's going to give you a range of different questions and the good thing about this is because you're going to be doing a whole heap of these different types of Articles you've already got all these different questions I mean you can very easily use a lot this so all you need to do is start choosing these the other thing that you've got as well is it's going to show you how popular and how much competition these different questions get the more you stick to the green the better it is for you especially when you're first starting out so let's just say we wanted to use something like how to make money with affiliate marketing for beginners so quite simply all you need to do is come straight back over to write Sonic and then up the top over here where you've got topic that's where you want to write in that question and once you've done that all you need to do now is Click onto search articles what right Sonic is now going to do is it's going to search for different types of articles online that are written basically asking you what do you want your article to look like so what you need to do is you need to come through and you need to have a look at these articles and you you need to select two to three of these articles and then this software is going to generate your own unique article based off what you have selected so this is going to take you about 5 to 15 minutes I highly recommend that you go through and click onto them but let's just for example I like this one over here affiliate marketing for beginners The Ultimate Guide as we scroll down affiliate marketing for beginners what it is okay so that one's not too bad and then how to get started so I like these top three over here so I'm going to select these top three then all we quite simply need to do is scroll down you can see here on the left hand side scroll all the way down and then click on to next so what we now need to do is tell right Sonic how we want this article to be written for example do you want it to be professional do you want it to be informative do you want it to be entertaining Etc I personally like my information to be informative because this is an article on about how to make money so you want relevant and you want the right information in essay you can see here on the left hand inside if we scroll down it's going to ask you brand voice tone of voice so I'm going to come over here and I'm going to put informative and leave that there you can leave additional information if you wanted to add anything you absolutely can these are the three articles then all you need to do is scroll down the type of quality that you want I always leave it on premium and then leave that on English guys and then click on to generate article now write Sonic is preparing and writing this article for us you can see that it's got all that quite simply click on to confirm and as you can see now what right Sonic is going to do is it's going to start creating this article for us and look how amazing this is you can see it it's doing everything for us if we've got a title as we scroll down what is affiliate marketing Etc right Sonic is going to go through and create this entire article for us what we now need to do from here is we need to get all the traffic to this article and also embed our affiliate link inside this article which is really really simple to do guys if you're following up until this point go down the bottom and just comment I am following up until this point and if you haven't done so already make sure that you smash that like button in appreciation that you subscribe to the channel for some more awesome content simple content that's going to make you your first dollar online as we can see here guys this article is still publishing and it is looking absolutely amazing you've got all your bold points you've got everything here that you need to promote this so what we want to do is we want to go to the website where we can upload this article and what you want to do is you want to come over to this site called vocal dot media this is a platform where you can go to upload articles and vocal media is going to drive traffic to your articles on top of that with vocal media it works very similar to medium as well and what that means is that if you put in good articles and you do the right SEO there is absolutely no reason why your articles can't get indexed on Google and you're going to get a lot of organic traffic this is super passive which means once you upload this you can be getting traffic to your article for months and years to come especially if you put out a lot of content you could be making affiliate marketing commissions for a very very long time so this is why you use platforms like media because building your own website takes a lot of time these websites already have authority all you need to do is put in the content and upload it onto their platforms so what you want to do quite simply is you want to sign up to vocal media then you want to click on to create stories so once you sign up you want to come up to the top and click on to create story once you've done that you're going to see it's going to ask you to enter in your title so quite simply come over to write Sonic we're going to copy this affiliate marketing guide so copy this for beginners step-by-step guide it gives you everything that you need to come over here guys put that in there you can put in a subtitle for beginners as an example then all you need to do is come straight back over to here guys now all we need to do is we need to copy this entire article so just scroll all the way down to the bot bottom okay copy this come straight back over to this site guys and you can see he start writing you're going to have that and just tab that and it's going to have everything in there now if you want to remove some of this space okay if you don't want it to be too spaced out all you need to do is go through okay and space this out yourselves now what we need to do inside this article is a couple of things number one we can add an image to this article that's the first thing that we need to do so you come over here you click onto this unsplash image and then you want to search for an image you can just type in money hit enter it's going to show you something like this so we can grab that okay so that looks pretty good now what we need to do guys is throughout this article we need to add that affiliate marketing link so that people can click onto it once they click onto it they have the ability to purchase that product that you are promoting from ClickBank so the first thing we need to do is we need to come straight back over to ClickBank want to click on to promote we want to grab that link again so there it is there you want to copy be that then we want to come back over to our article now I suggest that you put this link two to three times inside this article so as you can see it starts off over here what is affiliate marketing how does affiliate marketing work okay so we'll tab this across here then what we can do is we can add our own affiliate link here so once you hit this plus you can see here it says embed link this is where you're going to pay selling but before you do that what you need to do is you need to put in a call to action you can type in something like this how to make money with affiliate marketing as a beginner you want to keep it relevant to the content and you also want to keep it relevant to this article so how to make money with affiliate marketing as a beginner so what you need to do now is you want to highlight this and you can see here you've got these little chains this link you want to click onto that and this is where you're going to paste your link from ClickBank or from Warrior Plus or from digistore24 from jvzoo or any other independent affiliate marketing product like wealthy affiliate or legendary marketer Etc then all you need to do is Click onto this little submit button okay now what we can do guys is we can highlight this again we can make a board and we can make it italic just so it stands out now all you need to do is you can come over here and we can copy this okay then all we need to do is scroll down and maybe add this a couple more times remember to close this article a little bit guys if you can see it's based out too much okay so the first one is Niche blogging you can see it goes through all these different things then we can come over here guys and we can tap that we can paste this in here okay so one more time in here as we scroll down we can see this article is pretty long and then before this conclusion okay we can paste that in there one more time now what I highly recommend that you do with any article that you put online so you've got this conclusion then down the bottom what you want to do is you want to have an affiliate disclaimer basically saying something very very simple this article contains affiliate links if you end up going through and purchasing anything I may receive a small commission that is all you need to add inside these articles okay just so people know that you do have an affiliate link throughout these articles so all you need to do now guys as this is finished this is perfect you want to go to the top you want to click on to save changes okay so that's all been saved then what we need to do from here is we want to go to submit for review you want to click on to submit for review now you can see choose a community to submit your story click onto this drop down box so scroll down and you can just use something like education as an example so click onto that add a tag so readers know what your story is about so click on to this and you can scroll down and you can choose the different types of tags that are relevant to your article and quite simply for this one I'm just going to choose something like courses as an example guys and then I'm going to click on to submit for review now all we need to do is go back to my posts as an example so I'm going to go to here I'm going to go to submitted and as we can see this one over here has been submitted now if I click onto this it's going to bring me over to this article now from here what we want to do even though this article is going to get indexed onto vocal.media now you're not going to get an influx of traffic straight away guys once this has been reviewed and it has been approved it then does take time to get indexed by Google regardless of how popular vocal dot media is it does take time like any other website in the meantime however how do we drive traffic to this artic this is super powerful stuff guys please pay close attention and like I said guys if you're enjoying this video and you haven't done so yet make sure you smash that like button in appreciation but this is what you need to do you need to come over here you need to copy this link we're going to copy this link okay and what we want to do is we want to drive even more traffic to this article that's also going to be driving more traffic to the affiliate links that we have put up in here remember if anybody clicks onto this it's going to take them straight over to this product okay so what we want to do is take as much traffic to this article in order to do that one of the most powerful ways guys what you want to do is you want to come over to two platforms like Pinterest.com let me explain to you how this works if we come over to Pinterest you want to create yourself a Pinterest account now I'm going to show you where you can go to watch a video that's going to show you everything step by step but basically what we want to do is we want to create a Pinterest profile an affiliate marketing Pinterest account and then we want to start putting up pins on Pinterest and driving traffic to our article we're doubling down our ensuring that we are getting as much traffic to these articles as possible so if we come up to the top guys and we type in affiliate marketing what you want to make sure you do once you type that is come over here and go to all pins okay and then this is going to show you a whole range of different types of affiliate marketing pins these are the ideas that you can come over here and take a look at because what you want to do is you want to create the exact same pins in order to create these pins guys all you need to do quite simply is come over to platforms like canva.com type in Pinterest pins hit enter okay and as you can see you've got all these amazing different types of pins that you can use everything that you see that says Pro you need a paid canva subscription to as you can see a lot of these guys are absolutely for free so all of these are free so you can click onto something like this and quite simply go to customize this template okay and you can see you've got all the fonts you've got all the highlights all you need to do is take a look at any one of these pins and just change it so instead of having something like happy Thursday don't forget to drink coffee you can just type in something up how to start affiliate marketing in 2023 as a beginner and then get rid of these images and just find money images over here under elements very very simple stuff but the most important thing that you want to do guys as you can see you can see all these different types of pins if you click onto any one of these like this for example I clicked onto one of these pins you bring me over to this article and the reason why I did that one when I clicked onto any one of these pins if I click onto this pin what you're going to see is this is called themarketer.com how to start affiliate marketing on Pinterest without a Blog as an example yours can be how to start affiliate marketing as a beginner when you click onto this it's going to take you over to the article what it's going to do for you is it's going to take them over to this article where they're going to read and they have the ability to click onto this link once I click onto this link if they purchase you stand an amazing chance to make money with affiliate marketing by promoting these ClickBank products and as you can see people aren't doing this on Pinterest with so many of these different types of pins if they're not making money so you can be doing the exact same thing guys this is a super powerful way to make money with affiliate marketing in 2023 2024 and Beyond now how are you going to create these Pinterest profiles guys very very simple if you come straight over to my channel smart money tactics on YouTube like I said May make sure you subscribe to the channel go down the bottom drop me a comment you could win my YouTube course absolutely for free and learn an even better strategy that can help you make up to thirty thousand dollars a month but when you're on my channel smart money tactics what you want to do is you want to come over here and you can type in a Pinterest okay the other thing that you can also do as you can see is you can watch this video over here which I'm going to pin at the end of this video or you can watch this video these are my two latest Pinterest affiliate marketing videos which is going to show you exactly how you can set this up guys if you go out and you create these articles using right signing which means you don't even need to do any of the work yourself this is absolutely free up to ten a thousand words start uploading them on to vocal media and if you start using Pinterest to drive traffic I guarantee you stick to this for the next 90 days and you will be making affiliate marketing commissions it is inevitable if you stay consistent and all you need to do is come over to my channel and watch any one of these videos and you will be making money with affiliate marketing commissions guys that was my video for today now don't go anywhere click onto any one of these videos highly recommend that you watch this one once you finish that video come over here and watch this video you'll be you'll learn everything that you need to know about Pinterest affiliate marketing and then all you need to do is apply the concept that I showed you on this video and you'll be well on your way to making money with affiliate marketing