Create VIRAL Short Videos In 5 Mins That Make $1,118+ Per Post With Affiliate Marketing

hey everyone on this video today I want to show you how I created a faceless AI video that you can use on Instagram and Tik Tok to make money online with affiliate marketing I want you to take a look at this video over here this is the video that I literally created in just a few seconds take a look at this want to make money with affiliate marketing follow these five quick tips tip one choose the right Niche first pick a niche that you're passionate about and has a large audience this helps you become an authority in your area now what if I told you that I was able to find this Avatar the person in just a few seconds I was able to add these captions get the voice over and even the script made up for me this is the power of what I'm about to show you on this video and why is this taking off we'll take a look at some of these Instagram accounts the first one is this one over here called billionaire rule 188,000 followers and when you scroll down they're doing exactly the same if we click on to these videos be happy number one forget the past you're going to see that they're using all AI content here is another one over here it's called Mystic minds1 they're doing the exact same thing now when you can see here 24,000 followers when you scroll down 359,000 views 48,000 views 271,000 views this content is blowing up the crazy thing about this person he's got 24,000 followers with only 20 posts and if you know how to monetize these which is exactly what I'm going to show you how to do on these videoos you stand a very good chance to make a lot of money online with affiliate marketing promotions sponsored posts there's so much options to monetize this it's absolutely crazy and the videos will take you less than 5 minutes to create take a look at this one that I found on Tik Tok I mean when you scroll down this person has got 448,000 followers now he's giving different types of health tips and take a look at how many different views they're getting this video here has had 1.4 million ion views this one has had 18.5 million views for a video that can take you less than 5 10 minutes to create if you click onto this video water every morning on an empty stomach this is what will happen to your body your organs will detoxify now you can see that this person is putting a little bit more work into their videos but once they monetize this they're going to absolutely crush it so how are you going to create these videos I'm going to walk you through this entire strategy on this video now if this is the first time you've come to my channel smart money tactics it's a couple of things you need to do for me number one go down the bottom and like this video like it at the end but as long as you like it there's a lot of value in this video it's going to be step by step so if you get value out of it make sure that you like this video also I'm going to be giving away another copy of my jet video Academy YouTube course to comment us so all you need to do is go down the bottom and comment leave me a comment let me know what you thought of this video and I'm going to choose someone I'll message you back I'll get your email address and I'll send you a free copy of this video and don't forget make sure you subscribe to the channel turn that Bell notification you get notified every time I post a brand new video so how are we going to create these different types of videos well the first thing that you need to do there's a couple of ways that you're going to get one of these different types of avatars or characters you can actually use your face as well now what a lot of people are doing is they're coming over to Mid Journey mid journey is a platform that that will allow you to create a lot of these different types of avatars characters Etc now some people don't like using M Journey because what you need is you need to go over and you need to create a Discord account in order to be able to sign in it's not difficult but some people just don't like to do it if you do want to do it through mid Journey then you need to sign up for a Discord account and then just follow their quick start guide for yourself to be able to get on to Mid journey and then basically what you need to do is just give them instructions for example give me a character of a female at the beach sitting on on on rocks in a yellow dress and these are the types of characters that you're going to get as an example so you need to to give them a definitive instruction of what you want and they're going to create that for you what I did is I actually didn't use mid Journey what I did is I came over to open now is the exact same platform where you going to get chat GPT as an example so what happens is when you scroll down all the way if you scroll all the way down on open a you're going to find that they've got these product overviews so you got chat GPT chat GPT 4 now this is what I used it's called darly E2 so what you want to do is you want to click onto that and what that's going to do is it's going to bring you over to this page now this works very similar to Mid journey and you can create a whole heap of different types of characters it's free it's not going to cost you anything when I say it's free you've got some credits that you can use and it's enough for yourself to create yourself five six seven maybe even 10 characters and then they reset every 30 days so you can multiple characters that you can create and when you scroll down you'll be able to find all the different types of characters that you can create so how does that work well what happens is once you sign up and you log in it's going to bring you over to a page that looks like this and from here what you want to do is you want to give Dar E2 instructions of the character that you want so I'm going to type in something like this I'm going to put gentleman sitting down in his house in his home office wearing a nice suit with a fireplace in the background looking at you okay so it's Specific Instructions then what you need to do is you need to hit generate what d two now is going to do is it's going to give me five different types of characters then I can even get variations on the one specific one that I choose sorry it's four different ones now take a look at this it's given me these four different characters so let's say we wanted to use this one as an example but let's say you didn't want to use this specific one you wanted to see variations you'd come up to the top and you would click on to variations now they're going to grab that particular image and they're going to give you variations of that image now we're going to choose one of these images and this is the image that we're going to use to start making money with now you can see I'm not sure why in a couple of these images that wearing gloves I didn't actually ask her to wear gloves but let's just say we choose this image over here so I don't mind this image okay but there's other images as well that I've downloaded previously so here's one that I put in previously let me just scroll down here are some ones that I looked for previously very similar instructions but it gave me these images then if I scroll down I also got these ones as well okay so very very similar instructions and here are the ones that I previously used so this is the one that I used in the video that you saw at the start so what I'm actually going to do is I'm going to choose one of these okay so let's say if I click onto this one I don't mind this one I like the way he's got his hands the way he's holding his hands fireplace in the background looking pretty serious so what you want to do from here once you find the Avatar that you want to use you just want to download it a case so what we're going to do is we're going to hit download and you're going to see that this is now downloaded so pretty simple stuff right this is so easy not taking a lot of time at all if you're enjoying this video guys and if you think it's easy up until this point go down the bottom and comment this is super easy enjoying your content and you could win my YouTube course and don't forget to smash that like button now from here what we need to do is we need to get this Avatar to talk okay we need to get this Avatar to be able to get those emotions Etc so in order to do that what we need to do is we want to come over to this software over here called D- doc okay this is a digital people platform this is where you're going to be able to give this Avatar instructions and it's going to do all the movements that we need it to do a Cas so as you scroll down you can see this is exactly what happens now you can actually use your a picture of yourself okay very very simple stuff and that picture is going to move so it's completely up to you this software is so easy to use I'm going to show you exactly how to do it best part is you can actually do this for free they've got a free trial that also gives you credit so you could probably create a video a week two videos a week absolutely for free test it see how it goes see how much money you're actually able to make how many followers you're able to get and see where you can take your platforms to and if you see it's profitable which I guarantee you pretty much will be if you stick to it then you can upgrade for this as well so once you sign up for the free trial it's going to bring you over to a page that looks like this now you can see here that I've uploaded some previous avatars you're going to have some standard ones that you can use if you want to but what we're going to do is we're going to up upload the one that we just created so in order to do that all we need to do is come over here and click on to add and once you do that this is the image that we've downloaded so that's the one there click on to that and then go to open okay so as you can see that's our image there now what we need to do once that downloads is we need to come over here on the right hand side and we need to choose the voices okay you need to choose one of the voices that you want to use so if you scroll down you're going to see that you've got male voices female voices and you can even scroll down here you can see you've got mail voices so you can just scroll down and click on to as many of these as you want and you can pretty much test them out now what I want to do is I want to do this in the make money online n potentially sell different types of products to make money with affiliate marketing so what I want to do is I want to use chat GPT to write me a script and what we what you need to do is when you come over to chat JP I've just done this to serice some time is I've given chat jpt some instructions I've said give me five quick quick tips on how to make money with affiliate marketing okay guys so all you need to do is enter this exact same phrase inside chat jpt what chat jpt is then going to do is it's going to give you some instructions now if they're too long you can tell them to shorten it okay which is exactly what I did here I want to chat jpt to simplify it and now we have our script once you have your script what you want to do is you want to copy the title so this is the title okay so we're going to copy this so and the title for me is want to make make money with affiliate marketing follow these five quick quick tips so we're going to copy that we're going to come straight back over to this platform and we're going to paste that in there now I'm going to hit enter now don't worry about this what this says is 10 words previous limit exceeded upgrade to upgrade plan to get full preview okay what that means is if you put less than 10 words you'll be able to listen to the preview of this voice over okay if you upgrade you can put more so it's up to you you can play around with this all you need to do is put less than 10 characters and then you'll be able to listen to all the different types of voices but we do have a lot of credits over here so we can actually put this entire script so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to come back over to chat jpt now tip one tip two tip three tip four tip five okay we're going to copy this we're going to come straight back over to here and we're going to paste this in here okay so now we have our entire script so now what you want to do is you want to scroll up to the top okay and you want to click on to generate video okay so once you click up top and you click on to generate video it's going to come over here it's going to show you exactly how many credits this video is going to take okay we've got 15 left this is going to use three couple of the other ones that I used only took up two which is pretty cool okay and this video is 40 seconds in length remember that if you're doing a YouTube short it's got to be under 60 seconds this is perfect it's 40 seconds long now what we want to do is we want to click on to gener right what this software now is doing is it's going to create this video for us and you're going to see firsthand how amazing this looks but don't go anywhere because from here I want to show you how to use another software which is absolutely for free to create the captions as well which is going to make the video even more appealing going to give you a lot more watch time okay and potentially get you more subscribers because it's going to push the video and adding these captions super simple you don't need to type anything yourself all right guys as you can see this video is now finished I'm going to play this video so you can hear exactly what this sounds like and what this looks like want to make money with affiliate marketing follow these five quick tips tip one choose the right Niche pick a niche you're passionate about with a large audience tip two quality content creation create valuable content to engage your audience all right so I'm going to pause that there guys you can see how insanely good this looks he looks so professional sitting in that suit and inside behind this fireplace it looks amazing people will definitely watch this they're going to know it's AI but it looks so damn good it's not funny now what we need to do is we need to download this video okay so we'll come over here and we'll click on to download now this video has downloaded onto our computer what we now need to do is get these captions on here and we also need to get this video in a format so that we can start uploading as a YouTube sh Tik Tok Instagram Facebook Pinterest Etc the world is your oyster you get a lot of views from all these different platforms clicks build your email list and make money with affiliate marketing so what you want to do now is you want to come over to this platform of called CAP I use capart absolutely for free on all my current YouTube shorts and Instagram rules Etc which you can see now by the way if you're not following me on Instagram I'm going to have a link in my description or just go to smart money tactics on Instagram guys I'll show you over here this is my profile let me just refresh this I think I've changed this image now actually this image is exactly the same so smart money tactics guys I do have that blue check mark make sure that you follow me and if you see any other Instagram profiles do not follow them it's just a lot of scammers creating different types of profiles but if you're not following me on Instagram smart money tactics one word and I do have the blue check mark okay so very very important so like I said guys I'm using cap cut for all my recent videos and it's absolutely free to use all you need to do is sign up once you sign up what you want to do is you want to download this software onto your computer so this is the software over here that I've downloaded now what we're going to do is we're going to upload this video and I'm going to show you how to create these captions so what you want to do is just go to create new project and once cap cut opens up what you want to do is just come over here to import once you click on to import you just want to grab that recent video which is this one over here and then hit import okay so this is the video we're going to grab this we're going to drop this over here okay and this is the video that we are going to be using now what we need to do is we need to hit ratio and the ratio that we want to use over here is 9 by 16 okay very very important now once you select that you're going to see that you're going to have to stretch out this video okay and move it over like this okay and that looks perfect so you can see he's in the middle of the screen okay and this is the video that we're going to be using so if we play this want to make money with affiliate marketing follow these five quick tips you can see how simple this is now what we need to do is we need to get these captions on here so in order to get the captions very simple you can see you've got all these tabs up top what you want to do is come over to text okay then under text you want to scroll down you can see here under Auto captions you just want to hit create now what cap Cut's going to do is it's going to create these captions for us in a matter of seconds and you can see here if I start playing this now want to make you're going to be able to see these captions over here now what you want to do is you want to change the font of these different types of captions and also potentially give it some background you want to give it some outline Etc so it stands out and I'll show you exactly what it looks like so if we expand this at the moment you're going to see that the writing is too small to see so what we want to do is we want to come over here to font okay and then you can click onto this and it'll give you different types of fonts and you just want to choose a font now this is one font that I particularly like so I'm just going to come over here and I'm going to make this little bit bigger I'm going to make it 10 okay now what I want to do is I want to scroll down okay now once you scroll down you're going to see all these different types of options okay and the first thing I want to select is stroke okay now as you can see it's given it a black stroke because we can see that the color selected is black now if we open this up you're going to see that this automatically stands out and looks a lot better okay now what we want to do if I get out of this okay is if you scroll down another that you have is shadowing okay and then when you scroll down you can play around with the shadowing that's going to give it a bit more of a shadow and make it stand out a little bit more okay so you can play around with all this okay and make it look exactly how you want and the other option that you have with this as well is you can play around with the colors and you can also make these words pop in and out and I'll show you exactly what I mean so if we open this up now and I play this for you I'll just show you what this looks like up until this point to make money with affiliate marketing follow these five quick tips tips tip one choose the right Niche okay so you can see that this is perfectly aligned with the voice so what we want to do now is I'm going to come over here you can see you've got all these animations and what I'm going to do is I'm going to highlight all these okay so we're going to highlight all this we're going to come over to animations I'm going to scroll down and I'm going to choose one of these animations and the one I'm going to choose is spring okay and then you can you're going to be able to see exactly how these words are going to start to Spring in and out so they're going to pop and they're going to look a lot better let me show you what that looks like okay let me just open this up again let me go to the beginning okay so you can see what this looks like want to make money with affiliate marketing follow these five quick tips tip one choose the right Niche okay so you can see that it's already starting to pop up the other thing that you can do is if we come back over to captions sorry if I come over here to text you're going to see that you've got this apply to all now that means that if you make any changes to this writing it's going to apply to all the writing if you want to start making individual changes you just want to untick this and the reason why you will do that let's say for example here under affiliate marketing let's say that you wanted to change the color of affiliate marketing to Yellow okay all you'd need to do is come over to here and you'd need to highlight affiliate marketing you need to click onto this and then you can choose yellow for example and then what you can do is you can actually increase the size of this okay and automatically you're going to see now that this looks a lot better and it stands out a little bit more so if I play this want to make money with affiliate marketing follow these okay so then what you will do is you'll go through and make any changes that you wanted with this entire video account I'm going to show you what this video looks like at the end of this video to show you exactly what this is going to look like but for now all we need to do this video is complete we need to come up to the top and we need to export this video so come up to the top click on to export okay so I'm going to put AI for say Instagram okay that's what I'm going to call it and I'm going to click on to export now this video is exporting onto my computer account now once this video is exported this is actually ready to upload onto any social media platform now with Tik Tok you do need to have 1,000 followers before you can potentially add any links to your Tik Tok profile for yourself to be able to start making money but when it comes to Pinterest when it comes to YouTube shorts when it comes to Instagram when it comes to Twitter or Facebook reals then you don't actually need to get any level of followers you can start to generate potential sales with these types of videos and you can even tell the Avatar you saw this was 40 seconds you can even tell this Avatar to tell people to click onto the link in your description okay so this is the video now that's complete if we double click onto this okay we're going to play this to show you exactly what this finished video looks like I'm going to move up to this move this up to the top and let's take a look at the finished product then what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how you're going to monetize this so you can make money with affiliate marketing but let's take a look at this video want to make money with affiliate marketing follow these five quick tips tip one choose the right Niche pick a niche you're passionate about with a large audience tip two quality content creation create valuable content to engage your audience tip three promote relevant products partner with reputable affiliate programs and promote products that fit your Niche tip four build an email list nurture relationships and increase conversions with personalized promotions tip five track and analyze performance optimize your strategies for maximum earnings so that's the video guys tell me go down the bottom in the comments and let me know what do you actually think of this video do you think the video is quite good do you think it's going to get views I'd love to hear from you and remember anybody that does comment stands a very good chance of winning my YouTube course Cas so make sure you go down the bottom and comment so now how are you going to make money with affiliate marketing now when you take a look at my Instagram profile as an example or even if we come over to my Tik Tok profile okay if we go to view profile you're going to see this is my Tik Tok profile my new Tik Tok profile if you're not following me make sure you follow me there as well you can see here that I have a link over here which going to take people to potentially purchase a product that I'm promoting if I come over to Instagram you can see I've got my link tree here okay which says click here to start so the most important thing for you what you want to do number one is you need to start creating these profiles for yourself so let's say you create yourself an Instagram account just like these guys have over here what you then need to start to do you need to start promoting a product de now if you don't have your own product one of the best places that you can start is potentially you can go to dig store Etc so what you want to do is you want to come over here to and you want to create an account for yourself and once you log in it's going to take you over to this part of ClickBank which is their back office this is where you're going to be able to find top offers new offers saved offers Etc and also if you click on to all it's going to show you all the categories of different types of products and niches that you can potentially find products to promote in so if we scroll down and we go to E business and E marketing now what we want to do is we want to scroll down and then click on to gravity high to low cuz we want to find products that are currently converting now when you scroll down you're going to be able to see that if you promote live chat jobs you can make as much as $62 per sale okay not too bad and then if you scroll down you can see people are promoting things on how to get paid on Facebook Twitter Youtube Etc extremely relevant stuff okay so you can make as much as $20 per sale okay and the gravity score on this is absolutely huge cuz people are looking for a side hustle they're looking for different ways to make money online so all you need to do is find a product that you feel is relevant to your audience or test a few different types of products okay and then all you need to do from there is just click on to promote so let's say we wanted to promote this product you can click onto it to see what the landing page looks like what the sales page looks like to see if this is something that you want to promote you can scroll down and take a look at it and then from there what you need to do is you need to come back over to this page and you want to click on to promote once you click on to promote this is where you are going to generate this hop link okay now this is the link that you are going to use to promote this product now this link needs to be shortened and there's a few different types of Link shortening services that you can use one of them as you can see on my Instagram profile I use Link tree if we click onto my link tree over here you're going to see that I'm promoting a few different types of products Now link tree allows you to promote multiple products as you can see I've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 if you don't want to promote multiple products you can can very easily just use something like bitly okay if you come over to bitly you can shorten that link if you sign up to bitly and create an account for yourself okay you can very easily change the back half of that okay so if we come back over to ClickBank okay and we copy this come straight back over to here and paste that in there okay you can very easily change that back half okay or you can just ask it to generate that link for you so very very simple way once you've got this link shortened then all you need to do is start placing those links inside your profiles and from there guys all you need to do is start creating these different types of videos so guys if you enjoyed this tutorial all I ask that you do is you smash that like button in appreciation go down the bottom and comment it could win you a copy of my YouTube course so all you need to do is leave me a comment and I'll choose a winner and make sure that you're subscribed to the Channel with the Bell notification on cuz I'll notify you every time I post a brand new video

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