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this channel is making as much as 25 000 a month in passive income posting faceless AI automated short videos now pay close attention because according to noex influencer.com and socialblade this channel could be making tens of thousands of dollars if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in sponsorships alone now watch a few seconds of their latest video so you can see how simple this is this hermit crab is using trash as a shell and you might be wondering why would they do that as you can see all this channel is doing is talking about interesting facts about different animals and in order to do this all you need is some free AI tools about 10 minutes a day and an internet connection and on this video I'm going to show you how you can set this up step by step and like I said it's going to be absolutely free it's passive income and you never need to show your face or use your voice on any of these videos so step on what you want to do is come straight over to openai.com and then what you want to do is create yourself a free chat GPT account and what you want to do is basically just ask chatgpt to name 10 popular and interesting animals as you can see chat GPT is going to go through and give you some animals you can even go through and Tool chat GPT to give you 10 more 20 more 30 more it's completely up to you from there what you need to do is you need to choose one of these animals as you can see I've done exactly that and this is where you want to tell chat jpt to write you an essay containing 100 words with interesting facts and what I've done I've gone and selected lipids make interesting and factual information about this and make it more story-like as you can see chat GPT has given me a complete script on leopards and it's only a hundred words because we need these videos to be less than 60 seconds long now what we need to do is we need to copy this and what we are going to do is we are going to go over to this software over here called 11labs.io This is an amazing software that's going to create the entire voiceover for us and you can do about 10 000 words a month absolutely for free so what you want to do is you want to come up to the top and you want to sign up to this software once you sign up it's going to bring you over to a page that looks like this and this is where you have the option to listen to these different types of voices and you can choose the one that you like the best so let me just put the volume up over you so you can hear this one listen to this if you do what you've always done you'll get what you've always gotten then you can listen to the second one what we have but it is the market third one indicated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it now I like this one over here so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to lower this volume a little bit and all we need to do is come over here and paste this script once you've pasted this script you can see you can do up to 2 500 Words what you want to do now is just click on to generate once it's finished we can just play this so you can hear it leopards with their captivating Beauty and enigmatic nature hold a special place in the realm of the animal kingdom and what I really like about this particular voiceover it sounds very animated it sounds very engaging and people will definitely want to listen to this the other thing you can do with the voice settings over here you can play around with stability you can play around with Clarity Etc but I really like how it is already what you want to do from here now is you want to download this audio so just come over here and then click on to download now this has downloaded onto our computer what we now need to do now that we have this voiceover we've gone to chat GPT we've got this script we've got but the voiceover what we now need to do is we need to find a free software that we can use to create this video and that's also going to create these different types of captions for us as well and the best software to do that with is this one over here called capcart.com okay so what you want to do is you want to come over here and you want to sign up to an absolutely free account what this is actually going to do is it's going to download the software on to your computer so what we want to do is come over here and click onto new project once you click onto new project it's going to look like this now what we want to do is we want to import that voiceover so I'm just going to come over here and click onto import and we're going to upload that voiceover and this is the voice over there I'm going to click onto that and now click on to import and as you can see that's how I'm just going to drag and drop that in here and the reason why we're doing that is we want to know how long our video is going to be now that we have this over here what we now want to do is we want to go and get free stock footage footage of leopards that we can upload on to this software so in order to do that there's a few different types of platforms that you can go to or websites that's going to give you royalty free videos and royalty free images the first one is this one over here called pixels and as you can see I've already done some research I've typed in leopard you can type in leopards Etc hit enter and then once you do that you're going to see that you've got photos over here and you've got videos we've got 31 videos that it's come up with now you can take a look at orientation and you can choose horizontal because we are going to be doing a sorry you can choose vertical over here because we are going to be doing these short videos you can scroll down and see different types of videos that you can find or what I can also show you how to do is if you do search for horizontal how you can actually crop this as well so what you want to do from here is you want to start downloading this video so let's take a few of these videos so I'm going to download this one okay that's downloading there now so we've got one you can easily scroll down let's download this video okay so we're going to click on to download so we're downloading our second video now what we're we can do let's say let's just grab one more okay so let's just download this okay so there's three videos there remember that these videos only 60 seconds long so you actually don't need that many videos so that's a first platform that you can go to the second platform that you can go to is this one over here called pixabay.com and again all you need to do is type in leopard and we're going to download a few of these videos Okay so let's just grab this one looks nice and cute this one's little okay so we're going to grab this we're going to download this video so click on to download okay as you can see that video is now downloading we'll come back over here and we'll grab this video okay so we're going to click onto that and you're obviously going to have a little bit more time to have a look at these different types of videos okay so we're going to download this and then what you can do is you can try and match up what he's saying to the different types of videos that you are downloading okay now the third site that you can go to is this one over here and this is called vectesse.com okay very very similar to pixabay and very very similar to pixel tools.com again I've typed in leopard and as you can see you're going to find a whole heap of these different types of videos and basically all you need to do is just search for these videos that say free okay as you can see most of these do say free so let's just say if you wanted to download this you would click onto it now you just need to make sure it's going to ask whether or not it needs attribution as you can see this one does need attribution required and it's even going to give you instructions here so if you click on to how when you create this video inside the short video you will just need to paste this in Essa people know where you got this video from a case very very simple stuff so click onto free download as you can see starting to download and this video there we go is going to download and it's going to be downloaded onto our computer there it is there so now what we need to do is we need to come straight back over to cap cut and now what you want to do is you want to come up to the top and just go to import and what we want to do is we want to import these files okay so as you can see these are all the videos that we've just downloaded so you can very easily click onto it send out what you can very easily do is just hold shift and just grab all these okay okay and then just click on to import and as you can see it's now importing all these videos so now what we want to do is we want to grab this just drag and drop okay and as you can see it's dropped all these videos now what we're going to do is we're going to drag these over okay like this because what we want to do is we just want to stop this video okay so if we bring this over to here bring that sorry leave that there and drag that to maybe there and then drag this to here okay and stop that there so now what we want to do is you want to come over here to see where you've got this ratio okay you want to click onto this ratio and what we want to do is we want to make sure that this video is 9 by 16 because we want it to be a YouTube short so you want to click onto that and then what you can do is you can very easily stretch this out like this okay and then double click onto this and you can move this video like that okay so it fits there perfectly and then what you want to do is you want to do this to every single one of these scenes okay you just want to stretch this out and then you can move that over like this okay and then just repeat that process so now once you've gone through and expanded all those you can see it's going to look something like this with their captivating Beauty and enigmatic nature hold a special place in the realm of the animal kingdom these Majestic felines you can see that what's going to happen as you move across okay these are going to change and it sounds really really good now what we need to do is we need a couple of things over here to make this video look even better and one of the things that we want to do is we want to add some text overlay before we add the music okay say in order to add the text overlay with cap cut this is really really easy what you want to do is you want to come up to the top and you see you've got this text option and then when you click on to text what you want to do is you want to scroll down you want to click onto Auto captions once you select auto captions all you want to do is click on to create as you can see cap cut is now going to create these captions for us and as you can see there they are so what you want to do now is you want to expand this okay and as you can see that's going to expand and them now what you want to do is you can come up to the top and you can actually change these different types of fonts okay so all you want to do is bring this down okay maybe you can move this up make it look a little bit better and then what you can actually do is you can play around where you can change the font size okay so maybe you're going to put this maybe to 10 and then you just want to make a little bit smaller so it fits within side this video okay and then what you can do is you can scroll down and you can play around with for example the shadowing okay so if we click onto this we can make this maybe a hundred increase this okay maybe increase the distance and the other thing that you can also do is you can click onto the stroke okay and you can see it's going to change our selfie open this up it's going to show you how this is going to look so if we play this with their captivating Beauty and enigmatic nature hold a special place in the realm okay so you just want to go through and you want it to change like this for example you might need to just make this a little bit smaller like this okay just so it fits and as you can see as you play this it's going to change and then this video is starting to look absolutely amazing now what we need to do is we need to go out and we need to add some music to this now what we're going to do is we're going to lower this now in order to add music to these videos all you need to do is come over to your YouTube Library okay and as you scroll down you're going to see that all you need to do is come over to your YouTube Studio scroll down and click onto YouTube Library okay once you click onto YouTube Library this is going to give you all these different types of sound effects that you could be using so the first thing you want to do is you want to come over here as you can see you got this option then you can scroll down you can click on to mood for example you can click onto angry you can hit apply something like that but basically what you want to do is you want to come over here you want to go to genre click onto genre maybe you want to select ambient okay then click on to apply and then you can start listening to these different sounds okay so that's the first one over here his Lotus Pond okay so these all sound really really cool then you can scroll down and maybe choose something like this okay so it's already sounding a little bit better here's one that I found earlier that sounded really good okay this sounds a little bit more upbeat so we're going to pause that and what you want to do is you want to come over here guys and you want to click on to download okay so you can see that this audio track is now downloading so what we're going to do is we're going to come straight back over to cup cut okay and what we're going to do is we're going to get a file we're going to go to import and from there we're going to select that audio so that's it that one's going to click on to import okay that's it there we're going to bring this over to here we're going to drop that okay in there and then what you want to do is we're going to bring this over to here bring that to there guys we're going to hit cut we're going to get rid of the rest of this delete the other thing that we're going to do is we're going to lower this okay so you can see you don't want it to be overbearing and overpowering okay and then we can play around to hear what this sounds like let me play this for you leopards with their captivating Beauty and enigmatic nature hold a special place in the realm of the animal kingdom these Majestic felines okay so as you can see we now have an amazing video with audio with a voiceover and as you saw these videos are getting hundreds of thousands of views so now what we need to do is we need to scroll up to the top okay and what we want to do is we want to export this video so very simple click on to export okay that's that video there and now you want to hit export so while we're exporting this video I'm going to show you how these two different videos are going to compare then what we need to do is we need to start uploading these different videos on to YouTube then I'm going to show you how you're going to potentially make a lot more money with YouTube so I'm going to show you that in a second but as you can see this video is now downloading on to my computer once this is done I'm going to show you the two different videos and how amazing they look okay so we're going to close that down let me minimize this now before I go out and show you how to make even more money on YouTube with passive income I want to let you know exactly what you can do to make as much as twenty thousand dollars a month utilizing YouTube and one of the best ways to do that is to go down the bottom and to click onto this link at income positive.com basically what this is going to do is it's going to show you exactly what we do to make over twenty thousand dollars a month you wanna watch this video over here this is how I make money on YouTube every single day and how I make as much as two thousand dollars a day on top of this with this course not only are we going to give you all the modules that you need what Niche to pick how to create videos whether or not you want to show your face or not but on top of that what we're going to do is we're going to include our coaching and mentoring private Facebook group absolutely for free where you are going to have access to myself and Greg who's got a channel called caffeinator blogger at any time that you want we'll reply to all your questions all your answers all your concerns we have students over 1400 students a lot of them making tens of thousands of dollars every single week after going through this exact same training program the link is in my description we're here to help you we want to help you this isn't some course where we just tell you things that may work this is exactly what we do in our business every single day and we want to help you do it on top of that we don't charge we don't even charge hundreds of dollars we don't even charge a hundred dollars for this course there are people charging over a thousand dollars for the information that we provide we don't need to do that because we're making tens of thousands of dollars on YouTube we make hundreds of thousands of dollars every single year in affiliate marketing with what we do this is why our course is less than a hundred dollars of people often asking us even colleagues asking why are you charging so why are you charging more well we don't need to we want to help you we want to teach you how to do exactly what we're doing this is why our course is so valuable but yet so cheap so we can help you get started on YouTube click on the link in the description and we'll help you get your channel to the next level or start a brand new channel that can help you make hundreds of thousands of dollars just like we do every single year click on the link in the description watch this video and I'll see you there alright so now what we're going to do is we're going to watch these two different videos and you can see the difference between the original video from that channel and the video that we're going to be uploading you let me know what you think of these videos let's play them now this hermit crab is using trash as a shell and you might be wondering why would they do that we all know that hermit crabs protect themselves using shells but those aren't their own shell instead they use other leopards with their captivating Beauty and enigmatic nature hold a special place in the realm of the animal kingdom these Majestic felines known for their incredible adaptability are found across a vast range of habitats from dense forests to arid grasslands one fascinating fact about leopards is their extraordinary strength so now all that's left for you to do now is to go out and create a brand new YouTube channel for yourself you can see how simple it was for us to create this video you can create a channel just like this and what you want to do is take inspiration from what types of titles that they're using and as you can see you don't even need to have a thumbnail with these types of videos okay all you need to do is start uploading them now if you want to start taking your channel to the next level and start making a lot more money with YouTube ad Revenue just like I told you I was going to show you what you want to start doing is uploading longer videos so videos that are longer than 60 seconds along and you can absolutely start crushing it start uploading videos that are two three five and even 10 minutes long and you could be start to make some serious money online you can see here that this Channel at the moment is purely focusing on shorts and probably to grow their Channel you can see they've already got 259 000 subscribers with 210 videos which means you can blow up your channel and then start making longer format videos I'd recommend maybe three to five minute videos it doesn't even need to be longer and then what you can do is start putting in ads inside your videos when you start uploading videos that are over eight minutes long but videos that are three to five minutes long you can have an ad playing before that video starts and an ad after that video has finished but if you make videos over eight minutes long eight minutes and more you can have ads playing inside those videos and this is going to absolutely make you a lot more money with YouTube ad Revenue so that was my video on how to make passive income creating a faceless AI Channel and if you want to know another way that you can use chat GPT where you don't need followers and you don't need to sell anything click onto this video view right now for a full step-by-step tutorial I'll see you on that video until next time you guys take care of yourselves and goodbye