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hey everyone in today's video I want to give you a complete stepbystep tutorial on how to make money with Amazon affiliate marketing utilizing Amazon Associates and beginners are starting to make some serious money online you can very easily go from zero to $500 a day and even ,000 to $2,000 plus a day very very quickly you see Amazon is the largest online retailer for helping people to sell products that have over 12 million products and they're making over $17 Million worth of sales every single hour and they are helping people make well over six figures beginners just like you and me every single day are getting rich utilizing Amazon affiliate marketing let's take a look at Mike over here I'm going to use him as an example and at the end of the video I'm going to show you a few other people that are doing this that only started recently and that absolutely crushing it you can see that Mike here has over a million subscribers on YouTube and he has done this by putting up very simple 10 to 20 second videos if we take a look at his latest video over here it's got 9,400 views the rest of his videos have tens of thousands of views this is his latest video and when we go to most popular you'll be able to see that some of his videos have reached over 80 million views now when we take a look at his videos you can see like I said that they're only about 10 to 20 seconds long if that and what he does is he showcases one product at a time from Amazon where people can then go and purchase that product and he receives a commission which means he makes money with Amazon affiliate marketing on top of that if we go over to social blade we can see that M gets about 28 million views every single month it's actually gone down a little bit he generally a aages a lot more but that is just how YouTube works but he's smart enough not to rely just on one platform he posts on other platforms which I'll show you in a second but by posting on YouTube and creating YouTube shorts he's probably making anything from about $4 to $6,000 a month in YouTube ad Revenue as well from the 28 million views that he gets but like I said he doesn't just rely on one platform you see what he does when he puts up this video onto YouTube short he also goes and puts this video up onto his Facebook account and you can see he also gets tens of thousands of views if not millions of views on Facebook driving people to his Amazon store he also does this on Tik Tok I mean take a look at this 4.4 million views 4.9 21 million and then he's got other videos that have tens of thousands of views hundreds of thousands of views but a lot of them are getting millions of views for this very very simple short form content which you can do without ever showing your face he also does this on Instagram as well if we scroll down and take a look at some of his latest videos this one's got 5.9 million views 1.1 million views you can see he 81,0 111 million views and all these views every single one of these videos he's driving traffic back to this link now when you click onto this link it's going to bring you over to his landing page it's an opin page where he is collecting emails nice so he's smart enough to collect these emails which he can then retarget you and send you other offers that come out at any given time or he can email you his latest gadget so you don't even need to go out and watch one of his latest videos because he's captured that email he can show you the latest gadgets and if you purchase he's going to make money with Amazon affiliate marketing but when you do enter in your name and your email address and you click on to sub subscribe what this is going to do is bring you over to his actual landing page and if you click on to all my Amazon finds this is going to bring you over to his Amazon shop and what he's done he's broken this down into different categories like home bedroom kitchen outdoor en camping summer hacks you can see here that he's got bathroom suitcases office finds toys kids and babies Etc so he's got a range of different types of categories that he's got on his Amazon shop and then what he does every time he finds a gadget he allocates it to one of these categories and the reason why he does that if you come over to any one of his videos like this one over here as an example and you go down to the pinned comment what he's going to do is he's going to tell you that if you click onto the link in his description or in his bio and you go to bathroom finds this is where you can find this particular video that he has created now these videos like like I said are very quick he's got the product he goes out and purchases his product then he uses his mobile phone to film this but I have found a lot of people that are doing this just by going in and taking a look at the product and using the images of that product when they first start out if they don't have the money to buy the product and they're also getting tens of thousands of views and they're making sales so if you want to start this Amazon affiliate marketing strategy the first thing that you would need to do is you will need to go out and do some research to find these different types of gadgets and there's two ways that you can do this and you can do this on any one of the platforms but let's just say that you're on Tik Tok as an example you'd come up to the top and you type in Amazon gadgets quite simply from there all you need to do you scroll down and take a look at all the different videos that people are putting up until you find a gadget that you want to potentially promote then all you'll need to do is go over to Amazon to find that Gadget the other thing that you can do is to quite simply come over to Amazon itself and type in gadget now remember you can type in tech gadgets you can type in bathroom gadgets you can type in bedroom gadgets you can type in home and garden gadgets you can type in a whole range of different types of gadgets and it's going to give you the latest gadgets that pop up on Amazon then all you need to do is scroll through and find a gadget that you want to potentially promote now like I said you can very easily click onto these different types of gadgets and you can create the video just by using the still images if you don't have the money initially to purchase the product to do a full review and when I say full review I'm talking about a quick 10 to 20 second video it does not need to be any longer than that some people are using their voice and some people are using AI voice for these videos because they're not too worried about potentially getting monetized because they're making money with the Amazon Associates program Amazon affiliate marketing is going to pay you a lot more than the YouTube ad Revenue but if you do have money and you want to start off by buying these products then I highly recommend that you start off on the lower end until you make some money and then you can reinvest it into your business so you can see that there's a lot of these little gadgets this one over here is $16 this is $25 guys you can see here $18 $17 so you can very easily start on the lower end create these videos and then start putting them up I'm going to show you some of the videos that these people have put up and I'll show you how much views they got just off their first videos so you investment you can very easily make that up so the first step to this is to go out and to find a gadget that you want to promote once you've gone out and you found a gadget that you'd like to promote the next step from there what you need to do is you need to sign up to the Amazon affiliate program so you can start promoting these different gadgets now what a lot of people do is they'll come over to Amazon Associates and they'll sign up to become an affiliate of their program you can see you can very easily sign sign up recommend and earn and I've seen a lot of people that use Link tree and they link every single product inside link tree to the product that they are talking about that's one way that you can do it what I like about Mick and what he's done is he's gone out and he's created himself a store driving people directly to his Amazon store meaning that people can't go out and potentially purchase someone else's product off another link Etc and the way you would do that all you need to do is come over to Google and type in Amazon influencer program then what you want to do is you want to click onto this top link and this is going to bring you over to this page this is where you can very easily sign up to the Amazon influencer program and you can see here that this is going to allow you to build your storefront okay so you can do this and customize your page on Amazon with its own personalized URL then what you need to do is create content and recommend products to your audience then from there that you will start to make money so it's as simple as creating your storefront creating this content and then you can very easily start to make money and to sign up to this all you need to do is come over here and click on to sign up it's going to bring you over to a page that looks like this and this is where you need to complete your details once you've completed all your details then it's going to quite simply ask you to obviously come up with your name you need to have a very very simple bio just like MC does and you need to add an image and also a very simple banner and you can see all he's done is he's showing people where he promotes his products you can see he also does this on Snapchat as well and then you obviously need to come up with a name he's using his own name and then you would need to come up and create these different categories and whatever product you decided to promote first you would need to add that product inside one of these tabs that you have created so now that you have gone out and you have created your own storefront you know what product you want to start promoting then what you need to do is you need to start creating this content and when it comes to creating this content like I said there's two ways that you can do this one of them is that you can go out onto Amazon and you can find these different types of products just like these people are promoting and if you click on to any one of these products what you're going to find is you're going to find all these different images now you can very easily create a video just by using these still imag and by creating a very very simple script like I said the video only needs to be 5 to 10 seconds long alternatively what you can do is you can create the video Yourself by purchasing that product just like Mick does inside his videos now you're going to notice at the start of all his videos that he does have some text overlay just like he has here now you can have text overlay throughout the entire video or you can just have the text throughout a few times inside the the video now in order to have this text throughout the video all you would need to do is obviously go out and shoot this video using your own mobile phone remember 5 10 15 second videos work the best okay this is just how the algorithm is working out across all these platforms then you would need to talk inside the video make it nice and catchy make it appealing maybe add some humor to it then you would need to import that video inside platforms like cap cut and the reason why capcut is amazing firstly it's free it's not going to cost you anything to use capcut I use the free version and cap cut on all my shorts on Instagram my shorts channels Etc and what it does is it creates amazing text overlay just a basic text overlay will be more than enough for these types of videos so all You' need to do is come over and sign up to capcut they have a desktop version or you can download the software onto your computer and all you need to do is add that video and then click on to add captions and it's automatically going to add the captions to these videos then all you need to do is make any edits and adjustments that you want to those videos and then all you need to do is go and upload all these videos to all those social media platforms now once you upload these videos you have to remember that you need to have that link inside the bio of all your platforms now to make sure that you're going to maximize how much money you're going to make just like Mick is doing over here what you need is you need an opt-in page and in order to create an opt-in page you can very easily come over to platforms like convertkit tocom and sign up absolutely for free you see if you come over to convert kit and you go to pricing and you scroll down you can see up until your first 1,000 subscribers this is actually not going to cost you anything and creating one of these opin pages is super simple and I'll let you know where you can go to learn that in a second so all you'll need to do is come over here and sign up absolutely for free so before you send people to your storefront on Amazon you would want to create a very simple opin page just like this telling people to put in their name and their email address and then that's going to send them over to your store meanwhile you have collected that email lead and now you have the opportunity to email them with any brand new gadgets that come out which is going to allow you to make even more money with Amazon affiliate marketing utilizing email marketing which is another Revenue stream that's going to be able to make you some really good money online and once you have that opt-in page ready to go now all you need to do is go over to Instagram and create an account for yourself go over to YouTube create an account for yourself Instagram Facebook if you wanted to use Snapchat you can another amazing platform that you can also utilize is a Pinterest and then all you need to do is create these profiles once you create one of these videos all you need to do is then grab that video and just upload that video to every single one of those platforms making sure that you've got that opt-in page that's driving people to your Amazon storefront and you can see that there's people getting thousands of views which is absolutely no reason that you can't do the same I'm going to show you a couple of the accounts now people that started recently here's one over here of a guy called Justice B he does the exact same thing and he's got hundreds of thousands of subscribers in fact on YouTube alone he's got 886 th000 subscribers if we click onto his account you can see that he also gets millions of views on his videos and if we go to shorts and we scroll down you can see you've got popular and you've got latest now he only has about 49 videos on YouTube and those 49 videos are the ones that have got him this 887 th000 subscribers and if we come over to social blade we can see that he started his channel on the 12th of feed so it's been just just over a year to get these subscribers and he's getting tens of millions of views in fact at the moment he's getting just under 45 million views to people to his links and if you come over here and take a look at his links if we click onto this you can see that he has his link inside his bio but he also tells us that he's got over a million people on Tik Tok following him 400 on Instagram and 100,000 on Facebook as well getting him hundreds of thousand of views and he only started this a year ago and he's absolutely crushing it if you take a look at his most popular videos you can see that he's had videos just in the last year that I've hit over 54 million views not bad for somebody who started this just a year ago so this is one person that's doing this and here is another person as well over here that's doing this called gift genius doing the exact same thing this person is doing gadgets for gifts meaning that if somebody's looking for a gadget to gift somebody this is the perfect YouTube channel to to follow and again they're also doing this across multiple platforms and absolutely crushing it all these channels are monetized and they're making money through YouTube ad revenue and Amazon affiliate marketing now if you guys are looking to getting started with this and you need additional help on how to set everything up how to create the videos and how to do this and potentially how to do this in similar niches where you don't want to just do this with affiliate marketing if you want to do for example a channel that's a funny Channel or if you want to do different types of n then what you need to do is you need to go down the bottom and you need to click on to definite income.com okay we recently created an entire training to teach you how to do this utilizing short form content all you need to do is enter in your details so you can watch this video over here and this video is going to show you exactly how we've done this with 7 second videos without having to create the videos without needing a camera or no experience we'll also show you how to do this entire strategy so you can absolutely crush it with Amazon affiliate marketing this is an entire training of 80 plus videos with myself and another six figure marketer are going to show you step by step how you can do this as well on top of that you're going to go into our private Facebook group where we will Coach you and Mentor you every step of the way and teach you exactly how to do this so all you need to do is go down the bottom click on to defini income.com we'll show you how to monetize this how to do your email marketing everything that you need to get started on on top of that there are so many different nations that you can do this on and absolutely crush it with short form content and we'll show you how we've been averaging over $ 928 every single day in 2023 and that's only growing in 2024 and our students are starting to see some insane results in fact if you come over here and scroll down you'll be able to go through and actually listen to some of their videos and take a look at some of their testimonials as to how much money they're making so all you need to do is go down the bottom click on to defin income.com and I'll see you there