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in this video today I want to show you how to make money online in 2024 just like this using short form content you can make hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars every single year reusing other people's videos now even though I know that with YouTube shorts the RPM is not that great it's only like 10 cents 5 cents up to 25 cents channels like this have been able to make hundreds of thousands of dollars every every single month and that's exactly what I'm going to show you how to do in fact I'm going to teach you how to do this what about this Creator she in 2023 alone made over $5 million let me repeat that $5 million by starting from absolute zero $5 million from 7 second videos or this creator that does reviews on products from Amazon is making hundreds of thousands of dollars if he doesn't want to show his face he doesn't have to if he doesn't want to use his own voice he doesn't have to and you can replicate this and he has done this on Tik Tok this Creator promotes one product from ClickBank reusing other people's videos they get thousands hundreds of thousands of views with every single video up to 1.2 million views plus and they absolutely crushing it like I said promoting one ClickBank product so that don't need their own product that don't ever need their own videos if you know how to do this properly and reuse these videos you could make a lot of money or what about myself I did this last year and made over $591,000 promoting other people's products you can do high ticket products mid products low ticket products it is completely up to you I'm going to walk you through and show you how you can do this yourself but first let me show you some stats from my own channel smart money tactics just from 2023 alone you can see that I got 13.4 million views a lot of this has come from YouTube short you can see that I got a ton of subscribers and I've made some really good money on the back of that with affiliate marketing when we scroll down you can easily see that some of my top videos in this time have all been short form content but this isn't the only platform they put that I put up these videos on I also put these videos up on to Instagram in 2020 3 I gained over 100,000 followers on Instagram and take a look at this I had videos that had 2.9 million views 1.5 million views these views led to my email list absolutely exploding which I'm going to talk to you about in a second and show you how you can learn exactly what I did and replicate my system and then not only did it block my email list I made a staggering amount of money which is why we were able to get over 50 50 million views in 2023 alone this made us a lot of money I'm going to talk to you about why this is a golden opportunity that you should not miss out which is why we have created our own course showing you exactly what we've done in 2023 we want to teach you the faceless copy and paste strategy where you can reuse other people's videos you can use AI if you want to show your face you absolutely can but if you want to go faceless and you don't want to use your voice and you just want to reuse other people's videos you absolutely can in order to get this exclusive offer right now it is discounted heavily for the next 24 hours before it goes to $197 in 2 days time you need to click onto the link in my description to get access but before you do that let me show you exactly what you're going to get in accelerated payday profits I'm going to do a quick review a complete review right now so you know exactly what you're getting yourself in for well firstly this course focuses on you not having to do any video creation you donate a camera and best of all you absolutely do not need any experience to get started you can you see that with 7c videos we will able to generate tens of millions of views you can go to my Instagram account my Facebook account and take a look at this you can go to my YouTube account take a look at my shorts and see exactly what we've done to be able to to get these results you can see here that in 30 days we're able to make as much as $30,000 almost $7,000 in 7 Days crazy amounts of money through ad Revenue I had a 30-day period where I reached 3.9 million accounts on Instagram alone and that made me thousands of dollars in affiliate marketing and absolutely grew my email list to a staggering amount which now I use to make money online with we also showed this system to others and we got them to review this training and give us some feedback you can see Sal results on this page when you click onto the link in my description you can see everything that I'm going to show you on this review Chris showed us exactly how he went and how his Instagram account is blowing up this is just one sale that made s ,000 then we've even got live video testimonials of people that are currently going through this course so you can see exactly what they're experiencing and what they think about this current course guys I need you to understand the opportunity that is in front of you right now we are in the Golden Era of short form content just take a look at every single platform they are focusing on short form content long format content don't get me wrong it's still important and a lot of people love it for tutorials Etc but when you take a look at someone when you're out and about and they're on their phone they are looking at these short videos and they're just scrolling people's attention spans are absolutely gone and they're loving this short form content and dig digital marketing is absolutely exploding with this and people are literally becoming millionaires which is why you need to jump onto this trend and which is why we are going to provide you coaching and mentoring and in order to sign up all you need to do is remember that that link is in the description of this video click onto it to sign up now you can also when you click onto it you'll be able to watch this video that's going to explain everything once you watch that video and you scroll through this sales page you'll obviously be able to meet your coaches for those of you that don't me don't know me obviously my name is Alan I've got this channel smart money tactics I've got another Channel called Smart Video Tactics I've been in a digital space for 5 years now the crazy part is the other coach on this course is actually my mentor my coach who taught me everything I'm living proof that this works because he taught me everything and the person that I'm talking about is Greg cono and he has his channel caffeinated blogger he also has an amazing Instagram account I mean he doesn't have a lot of followers but he's still able to get millions of views hundreds of thousands of views and over 1.1 million views on one single video alone which is making him an absolute crazy amount of money every single day and every single week so I am living proof I am his testimonial I've gone through everything that he has taught me and we've act I've been doing this for 5 years now we have partnered up so that we can teach you everything that we know together and when you go through and you read our stories you'll be able to see the results that we have gained over especially in 2023 when we double down on short form content this is only one year's worth of results this is not 5 years we've been doing long form content for over 5 years now but we have really gone hard on short form content on the major platforms which is Tik Tok Instagram Facebook reals and YouTube shorts and that's exactly what we're going to go through inside this course and I'm going to show you the entire module schedule in a second so when you go through this and you take a look at our story you'll be able to see exactly what we've done and what we are about now this isn't the first time that we have actually gone out and coached people we have been doing this for a very long time and together we have coached a lot of people to earn a lot of money to grow their YouTube account and to build their email list and to make some really good money online and we talk about this inside this sales page we go through and show you real life proof results of exactly what people have been getting from our coaching you see currently we have two private Facebook groups one of them that we just created for Accelerated paydays where you will have access to myself and Greg 24/7 all you need to do any question that you want and one of us personally will respond we don't use any assistant we don't pay for any anybody from Fiverr or anything like that to come and answer these questions you are literally talking to myself or Greg when you get an answer it's from us directly from us and as you can see people are starting to enter this group but we've been doing this for a while we have jet video Academy which is our YouTube course and as you can see there we have over 2,300 members that are asking us questions every single day and we are answering these questions helping them grow their channels helping them blow up their businesses so we have a proven track record and we are on a mission to create 500 five figure students 106 figure students and we want to create 10 we want to help 10 people as long as you guys put in the work we can get you to seven figures there is absolutely no reason that if somebody else can go out and make 5 million starting from scratch that you can't replicate exactly what they're doing especially with the training that we're going to give you with accelerated paydays that you can't replicate this and earn a substantial amount of money and we honestly believe that in order order to achieve this you actually don't need to have a ton of experience this can be done even if you're starting from complete scratch so how does it work well it involves like I said using Tik Tok Facebook using YouTube shorts and using Instagram reals you create the video once or you reuse the video you grab it from somewhere else we're going to show you exactly how to do that legally and then you can repost it on multiple platforms get people to click onto or purchase your product or opt into your email and you can capture that email where you can retarget and make even more money so what you need to do right now is go down the bottom and click onto that link in my description to get access to the modules that I'm going to show you right now you can see that right now this is $85 but this will be going up to $197 in Just 2 days time guys we have over 80 videos of content you get our coaching and mentoring for Life for free no one else offers this which is why we have no choice but to put this price up so right now what we are doing is we are giving you an exclusive offer that you're not going to see again so I urge you to go down the bottom click on to that link and sign up now once you sign up it's going to bring you over to this page we're going to give you every single step that you need to get started we're going to talk to you about the training we're going to tell you exactly what the plan is and how to set everything up how to join our Facebook group how to go through all this training and every single thing that you need to do how to set up your accounts how to set up your social media platforms and how to get started once you go through all these and you're ready to start learning then what we want you to do is we want you to come over to the top and you can see here that we have 13 modules the first one obviously you want to click onto this this is going to bring you over to the welcome page and what we're going to do is we're going to talk to you about our results and show you exactly what we've done I've touched a little bit on it on this video but we're going to go into a lot more detail then we're going to show you Niche research exactly the different types of niches that you can get into and the different strategies that you can use Within These niches to make money we're going to go through equipment and software what you need what tools you need how to make these videos using AI not using AI how to download these videos how to repurpose these videos Etc everything is in there we go through video Creation in a lot of detail with different types of social media platforms I'll show you how to use the Instagram app to edit these videos we'll show you how to use capcut to edit these videos there are so many different ways that you can do this and we're going to show you everything that you need to hit the ground running you can see here that we'll even show you how to do this using AI tools we're going to show you how to link your products this is very very important stuff guys so that you don't get into trouble with your social media account then individually we're going to go through YouTube shorts what we do how what you can do and what other people are doing to absolutely crush it then we show you how to do that on Instagram Facebook and Tik Tok or simply rep purpose your content everything is broken down in simple step-by-step details so an absolute beginner can start this today on top of that you can see here that we have an entire email marketing module guys the reason for this we make a ton of money through email marketing email marketing is a totally separate Revenue stream where you will be making money just from people signing up going on to your opin page which we go through and show you how to set up we'll show you how to set up an opt-in page if you don't want an opt-in page we'll show you how to set up a bridge page so you don't get into trouble or we'll even show you how to directly link if you want to go down that Avenue but what I highly recommend is that you set up an opt-in page which we are going to walk you through and show you exactly how to set up guys with email marketing you can see that I get hundreds of leads every single day and with these leads when people click onto any one of my products I capture their email once I capture their email if they p purchase that product or don't purchase that product I have the opportunity then to retarget them and offer them similar products or other products or other opportunities where I could potentially make even more money or also help them with their online journey and offer them other services Etc that can help them also make money so we go through this entire process the other thing that we do as well on top of M marketing is we're going to show you business growth how to grow these individual platforms YouTube shorts Instagram Tik Tok Facebook Facebook Etc there are many different ways that you can grow on these platforms and we're going to go through and show you exactly what we've done and what some experts are telling you that you can do to grow your accounts and then from there we touch on affiliate marketing guys we touch on several different ways that you can monetize these platforms affiliate marketing is just one of them so we go into a little bit more detail because we know how powerful affiliate marketing is but on top of that we also show you how you can make money with ad Revenue with YouTube We show you how you can potentially make money through sponsorships affiliate marketing with Amazon affiliate marketing through your potentially your own products course creation if you wanted to create your own course we'll show you how to link that and put that inside your platform there are so many different ways that you can monetize but affiliate marketing is one of the best ways that you can do it which is essentially digital marketing but promoting an affiliate marketing product and the best part is from there guys we actually offer you a 30-day money back guarantee try this for 30 days if you're not happy come back to us email us and we'll give you your money back I mean this is a small price to pay for an incredible amount or a massive opportunity and an incredible way to make a lot of money online especially when it's only going to take you 1 to two hours a day if that creating this short content remember guys you are jumping on a trend that is currently exploding people are quadrupling 10 Xing 100 Xing their business with these strategies with this cont if you know exactly what you're doing and how to repurpose these videos or how to create these videos the sky is the absolute limit and you could be making a staggering amount of money that's actually guaranteed I mean I don't know anybody that's posted 50 to 100 videos that hasn't seen results because consistency is key with this strategy and when you have two people that are absolutely successful showing you exactly what you need to do and giving you a blueprint it's virtually impossible to fail and like I said if you're time poor guys you don't even need to create a single video record yourself or think of any content ideas we'll show you how to do it inside this course so all that's left for you to do right now is to go down the bottom click on to the link in my description guys sign up to accelerated payday you'll currently only pay $85 otherwise after Sunday in 24 in 48 hours this is going up to $197 so for those of you that stayed to the end of the video thank you so much for watching this video guys if you enjoyed it as always don't forget to smash that like button in appreciation go down the bottom and subscribe to the channel but don't go anywhere I actually have a video for you that's going to show you some of the content or give you a teaser of what we teach inside this video so make sure you click onto this video over here right now to see how powerful this strategy really is with some other content creators that are doing this and don't forget to click on to that link right now and purchase that course for a discount that you're not going to get again