Pinterest Affiliate Marketing EXPOSED $3,325/Day With FREE AI Tools! No Exp Needed

take a look at this Pinterest account because this Pinterest account makes anything from 25 000 to a hundred thousand dollars every single month for putting up these very simple posts and how do they do that well firstly they drive about 10 million monthly views which I'm going to show you how you can do and they do this by only having six a thousand followers you see every time somebody clicks onto one of their pins they could be driving this traffic to offers that can pay you as much as 196 dollars for every single sale that's exactly what I'm going to show you how to do on this video to make money with Pinterest affiliate marketing on top of that I'm going to show you how you can do this using two free AI sites that are going to help you do all this work to save you time on top of that you don't need to have a website for this you don't need to show your face on camera use your own voice or have any sort of social media following it at the end of this video I'm going to show you how you can 2x 3x and make even more money with this Pinterest affiliate marketing strategy by only doing the work once so the first thing that we need to do with this Pinterest affiliate marketing strategy is we need to find a product to promote in order to do that you want to come over to this site called they have a range of affiliate marketing products that you can find and promote you want to log in to ClickBank once you've logged into ClickBank you want to come over here on the left hand side you want to scroll down and this is where they've got all their categories now as you can see the category I'm going to go to today is home and garden once we click onto that I'm going to show you a niche that is currently blowing up and people are making a lot of money online with this and you can be one of the first to get onto this Niche and absolutely crush it so I need you to pay close attention if you end up getting value out of this video please please please don't forget to smash that like button in appreciation it means a lot to me so when you come over to ClickBank and over to Marketplace and you've come over to the niche that you want to go into in this case Home and Garden you want to scroll down and take a look at some of the products that you can promote the one that we're going to be looking at today is in the dog nutrition Niche so health tips for your dogs now when you scroll down you can see here you've got brain training for dogs and I've spoken about that before you've got this one over here which is the calming code so keeping your dog calm and it's all about training Etc but the one that I want to take a look at is this one over here called the ultra canine Pro Primal nutrients for Pet Health now you can see that this will pay you as much as 196 dollars for every single time on average this is what you're going to make when somebody purchases and signs up for this on top of that you can see that this product does have have upsells so when somebody purchases one thing that can potentially purchase more as well so on average you're going to be making 196 dollars now in order to get the affiliate link for this product you want to click on to promote and then this is the affiliate link that you are going to be using to promote this product now sometimes when you click on to promote some of these products what's going to happen is you're going to see that you need to email them in order to get approval and you can very easily do that as well I needed to do it I did it and that's how I got my affiliate links I just wanted to show you that as well now just before we go ahead and I'll show you how to set up your Pinterest profile if you're looking to learn how to make your first hundred dollars to 500 online with affiliate marketing then all you need to do is go down the bottom in the description of this video go to income or just type it in it's going to bring you over to a page that looks like this enter in your details and I'm going to send you the ultimate affiliate marketing guide which is going to show you exactly how you can get started what tools you need and the fastest way possible and different strategies to start making your first hundred dollars online with affiliate marketing it's a free guide I'm going to send it to your email absolutely for free this is exactly what I do every single day to make money with affiliate marketing now as a thank you guys what I want to do is just keep giving back to you so if you want to win my YouTube course all you need to do is go down the bottom and leave me a comment let me know what you thought of this video or just simply comment Pinterest affiliate marketing and what I'll do is I'll choose a comment and I'll give somebody my YouTube course absolutely for free to try and help you if you're looking to get into YouTube a lot of our students are making well over twenty thousand dollars a month so if you want to get this all you need to do is make sure you smash that like button in appreciation make sure you subscribe to the channel so you don't miss out on any of my awesome content and leave me a comment and I'll choose a winner I'll reply back to you and I'll send you a copy of my YouTube course let's keep going with the video what we now need to do is we need to create a Pinterest account in order to be able to put up these posts and also promote this particular product so what we want to do is we want to come over to to create our Pinterest profile so you want to come up to the top and you want to click on to sign up so all you need to do is enter in your email address your password your date of birth and click on to continue now once you sign up to Pinterest depending on the Gmail account that you use over here I used an income positive Gmail account so what I need to do now is I need to change this now the product as you guys saw that we're currently going to be using is a primal nutrients Pet Health type of product now if you want to come up with names for Pinterest this is what I suggest you do quite simply all you need to do is come over to chatgpt for example and I just asked chat jbt give me 10 10 IDs for a Pinterest name in the dog nutrition Niche and these are all the different types of ideas that it gave me and the one that I liked is this one over here nourished and nosed to tail so I'm going to copy that then all we need to do is come straight back over to you I'm going to click onto this little link I'm going to remove that I'm going to paste that in there and I'm going to hit submit okay now that is my Pinterest name for this particular profile then I'm going to click on to next then I need to go through all these very simple steps I'm going to click on tomato I'm going to leave on that go to next okay then what you need to do is just choose things that you're potentially interested in just select that and just click onto this and then just go to done and now what this is going to do is it's going to start creating your profile okay so once this is done now we need to do is you need to come up to the top right hand corner where you've got your profile and this is where we need to edit the profile but before we do that if we scroll down what we need to do is we need to convert this into a business count so what we want to do is we want to come up to the top click on to convert to business okay now we want to upgrade this and we want to upgrade this to a business profile so just click on to upgrade and this is absolutely free to do now what we need to do is obviously come up with our business a brand name so again we're going to use a nourished nose to tail do you have a website we can select no for now and then click on to next and then just go through all these categories and the three that you want to focus on in this one in particular is some more products generate more leads for your business and create content on Pinterest and as you can see what's the focus of your brand if we click onto drop down box over here we can scroll down and all we need to do is Select education okay because generally what we're doing is we're going to be educating people on dog health tips of cat then click on to next and then over here you can just select onto other if you're not sure you can just put I'm not sure if you don't know what this is click on to next and it's going to ask are you going to be running ads no we're not going to be running any sort of ads if you're not sure yet you click onto I'm not sure and then what this is going to do is this is going to bring us over to this page now this is your home business Hub and then we can click on to view our public profile as you can see this is what it looks like at the moment now we need to obviously make a few changes the first thing we want to do is come over here and click on to edit profile this is going to allow us to change our photo here so quite simply all we need to do is click on to change now we obviously need to choose a photo so how we're going to create this photo and I'm going to close this down what we want to do is we want to come over to this site over here called quite simply when you're on canva you can type in logo okay and we can type in logo and say poor as an example or dog paw okay so type in dog paw okay hit enter and now this is going to give us something that looks like this okay it's going to give us dogs as an example okay so we can scroll down and find this so here's a cute one click onto this okay cute dog creative okay so what we need to do is we can click onto something like this okay we're going to customize this so all we now need to do is we can remove this okay we can double click onto this and then all we need to do is paste that in now I'm going to duplicate this okay I'm going to drop this here because I'm going to come over here I'm going to double click onto this I'm going to paste okay actually now that's come out okay we're going to delete this I'm gonna put this here I'm going to put nourished and we're going to hit nose to tail okay like this all right so this is something that you could potentially use like this okay now all we need to do is we can click onto this and just bring this spacing a little bit closer nourish the nose to tail okay and then we're going to share this we're going to download this okay we're going to click onto download so now we have our logo that we're going to be using so quite simply now we need to do is come over to Pinterest and we're going to choose photo okay so there's that logo we're going to click on to open and now as you can see we have just updated that and it's got nourished nose to tail so now we've got our name now what we need to do is it says tell us your story so tell us a little bit about yourself now for this again you can quite simply come straight back over to chat GPT and all you need to do is just ask us something like this write me 300 to 400 character bio for a Pinterest account in the dog nutrition Niche the account name is nourished nose to tail so it's going to give us this we're going to grab this okay we're going to copy this we're going to come straight back over to Pinterest guys we're going to make this nice and easy and we're going to put that in there now what we need to do is we need to add this website account now the website that they want in here is the website that's going to appear inside the bio so let me show you exactly what I mean by that if we come over to say their profile over here this is that website but this can also be your affiliate link so if I come over to my profile you can see this is the link that takes people when they come over this is just to my profile this can take them straight over to that product now as you can see I use something called linktree you can use a link tree the other thing that you can also use is this site over here called and this is where you're going to add that affiliate link from ClickBank so let's just create an account for ourselves so you can see create a free page what we want to do is I'm going to use an email address to sign up to this or I can just sign up with Google Now once you've entered in that email address that you want to use it's going to ask you for your name okay and a password so I'm going to enter that in and we're going to sign up with email and from there you're going to need to verify that email address and once you've received that code and entered it in it's going to ask you to set up your username so I'm just going to paste that in here so it's going to be nourished the nose to tail so just keep everything in line with what you're doing now we can click on to continue so now all you need to do is come over here click on to got it thanks then scroll down you can see you've got your profile here click onto that once we've done that this is where you need to click on to add a new item this is the link so if you click on to add new items going to ask you what you want to add we're going to add a link or a URL okay once you select that this is where you're going to add that link from ClickBank so if we come over to ClickBank this is that link that you want to copy so you want to come over here you want to click on to copy this link and then what you want to quite simply do is come in here and paste that link in there now it's going to ask you to put in an iconic so what we need to do from here is just click onto this plus sign you can use something like an arrow okay so I'm just going to use a very simple arrow like this click onto done okay and then now what we need to do is we need to add a title so I'm going to change this title okay because this is what people are going to see and I'm going to add something like this for the best nutrition for your dog click here then all you need to do is go to done and then just click on to add and as you can see this has been done now what we need to do if you click on to share this link and we paste this up here you can see it says nourish nose to tail for the very best nutrition for your dog click here so if anybody clicks here it's going to take them straight over to that website now what we need to do is we need to copy this link now what we want to do is come over to our Pinterest profile and over here inside our website this is what we want to paste over here this is going to be in your buyer but this is this is the exact same link that we are going to use inside our pins now all we need to do is just click click on to save and now once you've done that you can see that this has been saved and we've got all that now what you can do is you can just come over straight to your profile you can see we've got that little picture there we've got nourish nose to tail Etc and we have our link over here now what you need to do is you need to update this profile picture over here your background profile picture now what you can do is you can just come over to pixels dot com as an example okay and then what you can do is you can just type in something like dog and owner and see what comes up all right so all we need to do now guys is just choose one of these images now obviously an image of somebody hugging their dog is going to be really cool I like this one over here so what we're going to do is we're going to download this image okay and this is what we're going to get so we're going to save this image okay so that one's been saved now just come straight back over to your Pinterest profile Okay click onto plus then all we need to do is just grab that and drop that in there okay and once you've done that just click on to done and now you're going to see that we're going to have a pretty cool background as well okay so I've got nourish nose to tail now our Pinterest profile is complete now what we need to do is we need to go out and create all these pins I'm going to show you how to bulk update these pins so what we now need to do again is we need to come over to you want to scroll down and you can see here you've got video so click onto video now what we need to do is we need to click onto mobile video and once you click onto mobile video this is where we are going to be able to upload all these different pins now what we need to do is we need to come over to elements okay and what we want to do is we want to type in something like dog and owner again as an example and see what comes up hit enter go over to photos okay and you can use all these different types of images so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use let's scroll down and find something like this okay so we're going to stretch this out see if we can fit this in over like this okay so that's perfect now what we need to do is we're going to come up here to elements again I'm going to click onto this shape actually I'm going to delete that I'm going to select a different shape I'm going to use this shape okay we're going to stretch this out like this all right and then what we're going to do is we're going to change this color and we're going to go to black but what I'm going to do is I'm going to fade this out like this okay because what we want to do is we want to add some writing in here okay so I'm going to bring this up like that now what we need to do is we need to go over to text okay and we're just going to use add a heading like this so I'm going to add three headings that's heading one we're going to duplicate this that's heading 2 okay this is very important and then this is three now with three what we're going to do is we're going to add a call to action with this okay so just type in something like this all right so all I've basically done is just typed in click the link in my bio or pin to get the best nutrition for your dog now for this top one over here what we need to do is we need to put in the name okay so it's going to put okay what this account is obviously called so nourished knows to tail now you can obviously break this up if you want guys it's completely up to you okay and we can just leave that there so that's pretty cool all right so that's all done now what we need to do is we need to fill these pins with relevant information for people to find this on Pinterest and also that's going to lead them to click onto the link inside your Pinterest profile or inside the Pinterest pin now in order to get these nutritional tips it's very easy all you need to do is come back over to chatgpt and this is what you want to say to us so write me 25 nutritional food tips for dogs needs to be about 100 characters and in table format click onto the screen button and then what chat GPT is going to do as you can see it's going to give you all these nutritional tips okay so what we need to do now is quite simply grab all this okay you want to copy all this and what you want to do is come straight back over to now what you want to do is you want to come over here to apps click onto apps and then search for bulk create okay hit enter and then from there you want to click on to bulk create and then you want to select enter data manually okay from there if there's anything here you want to clear it quite simply click onto this and then paste everything that chat GPT it gave you from there what you want to do is click on to done and now what you want to do when you're back onto this page is you can see you can click onto this you've got these three little dots you want to click onto that then you want to go over here and you want to click on to connect the data once you do that you can see you've got this tip and you've got the description now when you come back over to chatgpt you can see here that you had the tip and you had the description what we want is we want the description you can actually add both of these if you want so let me show you exactly what I mean by that let's say you don't need to have for example the name of your Pinterest profile on every single pin you can very easily do that here so click onto that click onto these three little dots click on to connect the data and we're going to click onto tip then we're going to click onto these three little dots we're going to move this up we're going to click onto this we're going to go to connect data and then we're going to go to description so it's going to have all that now what we're going to do is we're going to click on to continue once you click onto that now we're going to go and generate these 25 Pages now as you can see this has gone and this has created us 25 of these different pins I mean look how good that is and then you can see it's even got number five it's got fiber rich veggies add veggies like carrots fiber and nutrients Etc and what you're actually doing is you created 25 pins in just a few seconds so now what we need to do is we need to download these pins so we can upload them to Pinterest so you want to come up to the top click on to share you want to scroll down and click on to download make sure it's on MP4 video now you want to make sure that you click onto this download Pages as a separate files okay and then just a click on to download as you can see all these MP4 video are now downloading to my computer what we now need to do is upload these on to Pinterest but before we do that what we now want to do is we want to come back over to chatgpt and we need to get titles for every single one of these posts so you want to type in something right write me a catchy title for each point above and then click onto this screen button now this is going to give us a catchy title for every single one of these pins so what you want to do now is just copy the first one that we're going to upload so I'm going to copy that now we want to come over to our Pinterest profile scroll up to the top click onto create pin idea now what we want to do is we want to get all of those pins that we just extracted okay so we're going to grab and we're going to use the first one we're going to drop that in there we're going to paste that title in there so balance bytes for a Happy Hound okay and then this is where you want to add your description and quite simply just type in something like this click on the link in my bio for all the nutrition your dog needs to stay healthy okay now as you scroll down this is the link this is where you're going to place the link inside that pin so quite simply just come straight back over to your profile grab that link come straight back over to Pinterest okay and just paste that in there you can add some tags onto this if you wanted to then what you want to do is you want to click onto this if you want to publish them at a different date it's completely up to you and now what we need to do is we obviously also need to create a board for this okay so I'm just going to click onto this now if you've already got a board it'll be there but if you want to create a board click on to create board and I'm going to call this dog nutrition okay and I'm going to click on to create now what this is going to do is it's going to upload this pin onto your profile so all we need to do now is click on to publish and as you can see this pin is now uploading onto this Pinterest profile and you're going to see exactly what this looks like so this is our link okay this is all the title everything's from chat jbt and if I play this again you can see so it's balanced diet it's got all the information in there okay and it's got a call to action inside that link and somebody comes over here and clicks onto this it's going to take them over straight over to direct me if I click onto this it's going to take them straight over to that ClickBank product then if they purchase you stand a good chance to make as much as 196 dollars for every single purchase that they make now I told you at the start of the videos that I was going to show you how you can 2X and 3X this strategy so once you've gone ahead and you've created all all these different pins guys all you need to do from here to double down and triple down is start uploading these different pins as reels onto platforms like Instagram and even Pinterest and all you need to do is add your affiliate link inside the bios of these platforms guys and this is going to allow you to accelerate all the clicks that you're going to get onto this product which is going to allow you to make even more money online so affiliate marketing is a powerful way to get paid every single day and why not triple down the amount of money that you can make say yes do this with Pinterest and get these pins out there as soon as possible but there is absolutely no reason why you can't upload them to Instagram to tick tock to Facebook reels even YouTube shorts and get people clicking onto those links inside the bio guys so this is one of the easiest ways that you can get started with Pinterest affiliate marketing using AI if you enjoy the video like I said don't forget to smash that like button in appreciation and make sure you subscribe to the channel for some more awesome content of coming your way thanks for watching guys until next time take care of yourselves and goodbye

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