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so I went and asked Chad GPT can you help me make money with Instagram affiliate marketing without showing my face the response was absolutely let's crush it and on this video I want to show you how people are making tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars every single year with Instagram affiliate marketing you can make hundreds of thousands of dollars with videos that you don't need to show your face you don't need to use your own voice and I'm going to show you an AI software that's going to do all the work for you and how you're going to make money with Instagram affiliate marketing by utilizing an affiliate link inside your bio on top of that I'm going to show you how to use chat GPT as it says to crush it by creating 30 days worth of content in just a matter of minutes I'm going to walk you through everything on this video all you need to do is make sure you watch all of it because I'm going to show you all the steps just follow everything that I'll show you on this video and you'll be able to get this set up straight after watching this video so the first thing that you would need to do in order to make money with Instagram affiliate marketing is you would need to go out and create yourself an Instagram profile okay similar to the one that I have over here the beautiful thing about Instagram it's not like Tick Tock where you have to wait till you have a thousand followers you can place a link on your Instagram profile to different types of products that you can start promoting straight away and on this video I'm going to show you some of the best ones to use in the niche that we're going to talk about in this video and what we're going to be doing is we're going to be creating a range of different types of videos just like these Instagram profiles are doing with motivational inspirational type of content but you're not going to believe how simple this is getting the ideas is only going to take you a few minutes and creating the videos is only going to take you a few minutes and you'll be able to create 30 of them in one day and you're done for the month then all you need to do is make sure you've got a link in there that's going to convert and I'll show you how to do that this person as you can see has 1.2 million followers and they're linking out to an Amazon product okay and as you scroll down you can see that they're getting tens of thousands hundreds of thousands of views if not millions of views here is another Instagram account that's got 2.4 million views in the exact same Niche when you scroll down you can also see that they're getting a lot of views inside their post and also on their reels and look at their reels guys it's just black screen with text getting seventy thousand a hundred thousand some of them are getting millions of views and all this has been driven back to their link to an affiliate product where I can guarantee you this person is making money with Instagram affiliate marketing here is one over here that's got 2.7 million followers doing the exact same thing again they've got a link inside their bio taking people to an affiliate offer and the last one I want to show you is this one over here that has 24.6 million of followers with Instagram consistency is key which is why at the end of the video I'm going to show you how to upload one of these reels and I'm also going to show you how you are going to have a call to action to that link and also how you can insert your hashtags as well but when you take a look at these videos guys there is nothing you know crazy there's no insane editing or anything like that but still this person is getting millions of views and has been able to grow their Instagram account to over 24.6 million followers so like I said the first thing you need to do is go out and create yourself an Instagram account from there what you need to do is you need to come over to chat GPT and you want to sign up for a free account so click on to try chatgpt that's going to take you over to this page over here you can sign up by putting in your details click on sign up or click on to continue with Google and sign up through your Gmail account once you sign up to chat GPT this is where you need to pay close attention because I'm going to show you exactly how you're going to get this 30 days worth of content one of the things that you want to type in first is you want to talk chat GPT give me 30 motivational topics for Instagram reels chat GPT is now going to give you 30 motivational topics okay take a look at this we've got 30 of them the good thing about this is if you wanted 60 you can say 60 if you want to say 90 you can say 90 120 120 which is going to give you 120 days worth of content okay it is that simple because this is going to do all the heavy lifting for you as we scroll down now what we want to do once we have these 30 topics you want to scroll down and you want to chat GPT give me three inspiring quotes for each of the topics above as you can see chat GPT is now going to take the first one which is setting and achieving goals if we scroll up to the top you've got setting and achieving goals and and now what it's going to do is it's going to give us three quotes Okay and when you take a look at these quotes it's going to give us the quote then it's going to give us the person obviously who came up with this quote as well which is really cool people like to see that as well so that's one two three four Etc you only need to use one of these per video you don't need to double up or do anything like that a simple 7 to 10 second video is more than enough what you need to blow up your social media okay the other good thing about once we create these videos is that we can multi-share these videos you can put them up on YouTube shorts you can put them up on Tick Tock you can put them up on Facebook reels I've also seen people starting to do this with Twitter and also on Pinterest as well everybody is fighting for the short form content they want people on their platforms you can take one video and you can share it on all of these insert a link and absolutely crush it with affiliate marketing so so now that you have all these different types of quotes that you've asked chat GPT to write for you what you now want to do is you need to start to create this content in order to create this content we are going to use another AI tool that AI tool is this one over here called in video dot IO in video is an amazing content creation tool which is going to create these shorts reels for us in a matter of minutes all we're going to need to do is copy and paste everything that we got into in video and it's going to create these videos for us the good thing about in video right now what I want to show you is what it's going to cost you to use in video you can see here that in video does have a free plan for you to use and to share these videos you can see here that you can use 6000 plus video templates you've got 40 minutes worth of video duration that you can make per video you've got 3 million plus standard media library and automated text-to-speech which I'm going to show you in a second the only thing with the free plan is you can't download it to upload it on to social media you can come over here and play around with it but then what you're going to need to do in order for you to start uploading these videos you're going to need to sign up either to the business plan or the unlimited plan if you sign up for the yearly version you can see that the price has dropped to 15 a month on average and thirty dollars for the unlimited however if you use my code smt25 and click on to apply this is now going to drop that price even further to 11 and 30 cents a month I mean where can you get something as good as this for so cheap eleven dollars and 30 cents guys is barely anything and you could be creating so many different types of videos I mean take a look at this you can do 60 HD video exports per month okay check jpt is already going to give you all the scripts everything that you need to import in here and this is going to do all the work for you if you decide to go for the unlimited plan you can see here that that's 22.50 if you go for the yearly price all you need to do is Click onto the link in my description and sign up to Nvidia I'm going to walk you through the entire tutorial right now so you can see how simple this is to use but you need to sign up in order to create these different types of reels so once you have signed up to in video it's going to take you over to a page that looks like this now what you want to do is come up to the top you've got this create new section you want to click onto that and then click onto templates once you click onto templates what you can do now is you can come over here to the search bar and you can type in motivational videos you can see it's going to come up for me because I've used it before so click on to that and now what's going what Nvidia is going to do is going to give you all these different templates that you can use so what we want to do let's just use the this template I really like this template I like actually all these templates are really cool that you can use okay Nvidia has so many different ones so come over here and select this now what you want to do you've got landscape square and portrait you want to make sure you select portrait for 9 by 16 okay this is for short form content so click on to use template now what's going to happen is it's going to give us this video and what we're going to do is we are going to change this text from what we got from chat GPT now remember what I said we don't need this video to be too long okay so what we're going to do is for the first section you can see here over here it's basically it's never too late to change old habits so that's what it's got in there we're going to change it what we're going to do first is we're going to get rid of this example writing over here another thing we're going to do is we're going to get rid of this logo okay so we're just going to remove that now what we're going to do is we're going to come back over to chatgpt and we're going to use this first quote okay so we're going to come over here we're going to highlight this copy this come straight back over to Nvidia we're going to double click onto this and you can see that this is where that writing is you can double click onto that highlight this and then hit Ctrl V just paste and you can see now that's going to be pasted in there the only thing you need to do is if we drive this all the way to the front you may want to grab this writing and just push it to the front okay nice and simple like that now what you want to do is if you move this over you're going to see that he's running okay now this scene can potentially re-loop and loop and loop Etc okay if you wanted it to but what we want to do is we only run this for about say three seconds now what we're going to do is we're going to push this back to here okay so we're going to stop there and now what we want to do is potentially we want to change this background scene again now in order to change this scene the first thing that we need to do is we need to duplicate this okay so you want to come over here duplicate and it's going to double this up what we we now want to do is we want to change the writing first so we come back over to chat GPT we want to copy the second quote so we're going to copy that come straight back over to in video double click onto that okay and then we just want to paste this in here okay hit enter now if it appears to be too big guys you can just minimize that okay and spread that out just like this you can also change it if you don't want to use anything that's too big okay you can very easily just minimize that okay so leave that there that's pretty good now what we want to do is we want to change this background scene over here make sure that this also lines up the writing okay and in order to change this background scene all we need to do is come up to the top see where it says videos click onto videos and then come up to here and then type in motivational videos again or you can type in inspirational it's completely up to you but let's just run with motivational videos you want to click onto that and now what we can do is we can grab different videos like let's just say we wanted to use this video you'll just come over and you'll hit this plus okay and then you can just go trim video to fit scene and go to add okay now what this is going to do you can see that it's added the video over the top so now all we need to do is just move this over and we want to stretch this out okay so stretch this out and then move the video over so it fits the scene okay just like this and then what you want to do is you want to make sure that you've got it in there right so as we scroll over you're going to see someone running like this and that's perfect right so you can also maybe pop this up here okay and you're going to see how this is going to transition so if I play this okay you're going to see how that transitions now this video as we can see is about six seconds long seven seconds long at the moment so what we can do now is we can add one more scene and then again you just want to right Mouse click onto this and duplicate this okay so it's duplicated that now what we can do is we can use another scene over here so just scroll down maybe use somebody climbing or you could there's so many different scenes guys that you could potentially use you can use Fitness okay you can use something like this person over so let's just use this we're going to click onto plus and again what we're going to do is we're going to go trim video to fit scene we're going to hit add okay and as you can see now now we can just stretch this out again okay we're going to use this person that's working out okay so just grab this move it over to here all right now what we're going to do is we're going to come back over to chat GPT and we're going to grab this quote so copy that come straight back over to in video okay again click onto this double click remove this paste that in there okay and again what we quite simply want to do is just let's stretch this out just so this fits okay all right so do that the other thing that you can also do is if you double click onto this okay you can minimize the size the font size so if it's too much it's 112 at the moment you can bring it down to 88 okay and that looks a lot better okay and then again when we play this okay you're going to see how that scene's gonna transition over and that looks really really good now what I want to show you is how to change the music okay so you can see here that we've got obviously now we've got all the writing we've got all the scenes Etc the only other thing that we now want to play with is the music so if we want to click on the music first the first thing you can do is come up to the top you've got the volume and fade so you can reduce the volume if you want to if it's so it's not too loud and also if you add some voice over to it maybe you don't want the music to be overbearing so to change the music what you want to do is you want to come over here on the left hand side click onto music and again guys you've got all these different moods and genres if you scroll down so you've got inspiring playful sad serious angry Etc if you don't like what you see you can also come over here and type in something like inspirational you can type in motivational music you can hit enter it's going to look for different types of motivational musics the inspiring epic fight action for example if you click onto this it's going to sound like that so in order to change this you would hit plus over here so you can come over here click onto the music here and hit delete and then just come over to the plus sign hit plus and it's automatically going to fit that music in there okay so it's automatically going to have it fit nice and neat now if you play this as you can see it's going to kick off now if you wanted to say dial this a little bit more so click on to fade drop a little bit if you wanted to add voice over to this you could now here's the thing with the voicer voice over when it comes to YouTube shorts Instagram reels and all this sort of stuff you can use AI for that because the idea is that you're not really looking to get monetized any other way other than affiliate marketing okay you can use AI voices on YouTube shorts if you're not planning on being monetized okay because when it comes to this type of affiliate marketing strategy all we're basically looking to do is to drive views to the clicks that you have inside these profiles and this is why I've got a link inside my Instagram this is why I've got a link inside my Tick Tock my Facebook my Twitter Etc I don't get paid any other way other than through affiliate marketing on these different types of platforms you can do the same thing with YouTube and I can guarantee you when it comes to YouTube short you are barely going to make any money when it comes to YouTube shorter case so doing it with affiliate marketing is a far better way you wouldn't even worry about the ad Revenue because it is absolute pennies compared to what you can make with affiliate marketing so this is why you can very easily add these voiceovers if you wanted to so when it comes to in video you would come over here you would click onto voiceover you can go to automated text to speech okay and as you can see it's automatically going to have that on there now the thing is you probably don't want to maybe have the name in there you might just want to have the goal okay so you can leave this section out so we're going to remove that okay then what we're going to do is we're going to scroll down maybe you want to select Matthew as an example there's all these different people let's just do Matthew and then you want to click on to generate voiceover you're going to see this is going to start generating that you can play this okay to hear it all without a plan is just a wish okay so he's just going to read it if you wanted to then you can click on to add like I said you don't necessarily have to have the voiceover in it then what you will do is you would repeat the process for this video now what we need to do is we need to export this video and I'm going to show you how to upload this video onto Instagram and where you're going to get this affiliate marketing link now what you want is you want to come up to the top and you want to click on to export now when it comes to export you can only do the 1080p if you are on a paid plan remember to get that discount within video go down the bottom right now and click onto the link in my description using code smt25 to give you 25 off for the life of the plan if you are testing this out and you're trialling it for free then you can use the 720p and all you need to do is come over here and click onto export now what's going to happen is in video is going to download this video and we are going to have the opportunity to upload upload this particular video onto our social media profiles so now that we're waiting for this video to download what I want to show you now is where you are going to get these affiliate marketing products to put them up onto Instagram one platform that you can go to is this one over here called clickbank.com ClickBank is a platform where you can go to find a range of different types of products that you can promote it's absolutely free it's not going to cost you anything and the other thing ClickBank is available in over 190 countries if you come over here and click onto affiliate you can scroll down and you can take a look what you want to do is you want to come over here and you want to sign up for a free account once you've created that free account for yourself what we now need to do is we need to find the product that's going to relate to this particular type of social media account so quite simply when you're on ClickBank you want to go to your Marketplace once you're on your Marketplace on the left hand side over here you can click on to all and what this is going to do is it's going to find you all the these different types of categories and when you're on this category what you can do is you can scroll down and you can find something like self-help okay and then you can scroll over to the right and then you've got this subcategory under self-help which is Success so if you click onto that this is going to give you a range of different types of products you can scroll down and have a look at all of them okay these are ones that are currently related to the type of Niche that we're in so you can take a look at this product as an example it's called the millionaires Brain Academy okay so this is a product that's just come back recently again previously it's done really really well so I know the gravity score is going to increase and every single conversion that you get of this you're going to make 70 dollars per person that signs up so what you do firstly is you'd click onto this link what that's going to do is it's going to show you what people are going to see when they click onto this product and basically this is a video sales letter video sales page so will come over here and watch this video if they want to read the transcript they can they'll click onto this link it's going to bring you over to this section okay and this is what people are going to watch and see and this is where they would go to potentially purchase this product you're going to see that if we scroll all the way down to the bottom you're going to start seeing these call to actions to add to Carter case so the first sale is 39 and then it's gonna there's gonna be an upsell okay for people to pay a little bit more for something else and this is how you get an average of the 70 per customer okay so what we need to do if we want to promote this quite simply when we're back over here on ClickBank you want to click onto this promote button and then click on to create hop link this is the link that we are going to use okay to promote this product so you want to copy this click on to copy now what we need to do is we need to shorten this link because we are going to paste this link inside our Instagram bio so what we want to do is come over to our site like this it's called tiny URL quite simply paste that in there and then what you want to do is you want to give this link an alias okay so you can potentially use something along the lines of whatever this product is okay so you can call it maybe Millionaire's brain so let's try this let's copy this and come back over to tinyurl okay let's paste this in here and let's try this and get rid of this okay Millionaire's a brain all right so after a few attempts and you're probably going to have to do the same guys this is what I've come up with tinyural.com millionaire brain and I've just replaced the o with a zero okay so quite simply what you need to do now is you need to come over and you need to click on to copy now once you are on your Instagram profile okay when you go to edit your profile it's just going to ask you to create a bio similar to this and what you're going to need to do is you're going to paste that tiny URL inside your bio and this is where people are going to be able able to click and I guarantee you they're going to take a look at your Instagram profile now what we need to do is we need to go out and we need to upload that reel so that reel has finally finished and it has downloaded if we come over here to our Nvidia profile so this is the video so we can close this off now we're going to come over to Instagram and on Instagram you can upload through your phone you can also upload through your PC so let's just do this on the PC you would come over here you would click on to create and as you can see you can select from computer so you want to grab this and download it hit it there then what you want to do is you want to click onto this and choose the original or you can choose 16 by 9 as an example okay so let's just choose original and then click on to next okay now this is where you can potentially choose your cover photo so you can just drag this over okay so you can move it over you can choose one of these you can choose this one at the end as an example it's completely up to you guys what you select and what you decide to do and then what you want to do is you want to click on to next and now this is where you are going to write a caption okay you can also have a call to action inside these captions as well let me show you what I mean okay if I come over to any one of my videos and let's just say I click onto my latest video that I uploaded okay so this is that video you can see that I've got the title okay now in order to get these titles it's very easy what you want to do is you want to do a bit of research into what other people are doing in your Niche so if we come over here and take a look at for example this video as an example you're going to see that this person has got click the link in our bio to purchase a copy of this book so the crazy thing is a lot of people are just directly telling you go straight to my bio okay so this person will tell you to go straight to a bio if you come over here what a lot of other people are doing if we click onto this okay some person's got an entire script over here so it's entirely up to you what you want to do what I'm also finding a lot of people are doing is they're using the actual quote as well so if we click onto this if I pause this this person is putting something like the secret to manifesting is putting out what you want so it's got a bit of a spill and also they're using these quotes as well so it's entirely up to you what I suggest that you potentially do is maybe use something that's more generic what I do you can see with mine is I use something very very similar okay so you could just type in something like check out the link in my bio for the Millionaire's brain solution something along those lines okay guys and what you can do is just type in something like this I've got want to become a millionaire question mark so it's a question to people yeah of course I want to become a and everyone wants to become a millionaire right and then you can type something like check out the link in my in my buyer okay so just type in BIO to the millionaires Brain Academy and stay motivated okay with you know some sort of emoji money emoji strength Emoji Etc then what you want to do guys is you want to scroll down and you want to start putting some hashtags in okay so hashtag motivation as an example okay it's going to come up and you can see all these different ones that it's going to come up so motivation Monday motivation quotes motivation and you want to use all of these then you want to scroll down and choose all the other ones that come up okay so if you come over here you're going to see motivation quotes Etc and if you come back over here you can also scroll down you can see all these different motivational quotes and different types of things where you can use hashtags for and I highly recommend that you use a fair few of those then once you've done that all you basically need to do is come over here and hit share and what's going to happen is this video is now going to be shared on to Instagram okay and what people are going to do is they're going to watch these different types of videos and they're going to come over here and they're going to click onto these links what you want to start doing from there potentially is you can start putting up different types of posts telling people to go directly to these different types of links that you have as an example if I come over for example to my Instagram profile if I go to post you're going to see that this post that I made not that long ago basically says something along the lines of your job controls your salary it doesn't control your income have some income proof take something from these different types of affiliate programs that are out there sometimes they have a lot of screenshots they have a lot of proof as well and all you need to do is type in something like learn how learn a high income school today comment yes to get more info once people comment yes what you do from there is you can potentially send them a link or just tell them to go straight into the buyer that you have what you want to start doing now to make even more money is you quite simply want to take that exact same video from Instagram and you can upload it like I said onto Tick Tock onto YouTube shorts potentially onto Pinterest Facebook rules cetera once you do that and you have your link there you can have so many different eyeballs onto this one link that it is absolutely inevitable that you are going to start making money with affiliate marketing highly recommend that you start it with Instagram affiliate marketing because it's really really simple to get started like I said all you need to do is come straight over to in video and sign up I've got that link in my description sign up guys use my code smt25 because this is going to allow you to create these videos very very quickly guys if you enjoyed this video all I ask that you do is that you smash that like button in appreciation make sure you subscribe to the channel because I've got some more amazing content coming your way but don't go anywhere if you want to know another amazing way that you can do this without doing any of the work or creating any of the videos you solved then what I recommend that you do is Click onto this video view right now for a full detailed tutorial I'm going to believe how also simple this is I'll see on this video next until next time take care of yourselves and goodbye