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if you clicked on to this video because you want to learn how to make money with affiliate marketing well you're in luck because today I'm going to show you how to make money with affiliate marketing by promoting High ticket affiliate marketing products that can make you thousands of dollars every single week with this strategy you don't need to have any following you don't need to have a website and you can start this absolutely for frame on top of that if you stay to the end of this video I'm going to show you a strategy that I'm personally doing right now that's making me well over ,000 a day with that being said let's get straight into this video so the first step when it comes to making money with affiliate marketing is going out there and getting yourself an offer but what we want to do is we want to promote High ticket affiliate marketing products so what we want to do is we want to come over to a platform like clickbank.com now when you come over to ClickBank you're going to have to create an account for yourself once you done that you want to come over to their marketplace now what I like to do and what I like to promote myself when I click onto all and I scroll down you're going to be able to see that they've got business and investing they've got e business and E marketing and E business and E marketing is generally what I gravitate towards so we're going to click onto that once we click onto this what's going to happen is on the right hand side you've got this sort results buy now you can see you've got a drop- down box we want to click onto this and what we're actually going to be looking at today today is we're going to be clicking on average conversion high to low we want products that are high ticket products that can make you as much as $1,800 a sale or $1,600 a sale now all you need to do is Click onto the name over here and what this is going to do is it's going to open up a lot of these offers so what I've done is I've gone through and I've clicked on all these offers on the first page and I'm going to show them to you now so the first one that I opened up is this one over here it's called perpet ual income 365 and what you're looking for is you're primarily looking for these sales pages that have a video on the front webinars convert really really well and videos explaining how this product works also converts really really well you basically need to have that in order to convert these high ticket affiliate marketing products and this is exactly what I did when I first started and I still do it to this day so as you can see this is one product all people need to do is enter their name and their email address to claim their spot to watch the full webinar once they've watched this introductory video so this is like an introductory video then they're going to go on to watch the webinar and the webinar is going to sell itself here is another product that I found over here this is a video that they can watch over here as well and this is obviously going to teach them how to make $176 per day utilizing free traffic Etc this is amazing product I've promoted this a lot myself and I've actually made tens of thousands of dollars with this particular product a lot of you have probably heard about John cristani his product still does remarkably well he's updated it recently it's also doing well so this is where you would click here to attend that webinar as well so this is what your customer is going to be seeing regardless of which one of these products you decide to promote and remember I'm going to show you where you're going to get this free traffic now guys if you got to this point all I ask that you do which I forgot to ask you at the start of the video is make sure that you like this video in appreciation that you subscribe to the channel cuz I got some more awesome content coming your way now make sure that you turn on that Bell notification so you get notified every time I post one of these videos so now that we know the different types of products that we can promote how do we get that affiliate link well what you need to do when you're over on ClickBank let's just say you wanted to promote John crestani's offer as an example what you would do is you'd come over here guys and you would click on to promote once you click on to promote you scroll down the bottom you can see here generate hop link click on to this and what that's going to do is give you a link like this that you can use all you need to do is click on to copy now once you have copied this link what we now need to do is we need to shorten this link and there's two sites that you can potentially go to to shorten it the first one is this one over here called bitly.com it's free as you can see get started absolutely for free so you can use this one another really simple one that you can also use is this one over here called tiny URL all you basically need to do is enter that affiliate Link in there and and quite simply click on to shorten this URL and it's going to give you a nice and simple shortened link just like that the good thing about tiny URL as well guys if you wanted to you can also change the back end of this now I've just left it to be generic for what tiny URL selects now what I'm going to do is show you how to get this free traffic now once you see the traffic Source I want you to make sure that you pay close attention because a lot of people talk about and show you how to do this but they're not they don't show you exactly the way I do it and how to get the engagement and also a lot of the times they're telling you things that could potentially get you banned I'm going to show you how to do this without you having any issues and I'm going to prove to you that people are absolutely crushing it with this strategy and getting a ton of Engagement a ton of people interested which would mean that they would be making these affiliate marketing commissions now the strategy does involve using Facebook Facebook is super powerful if you know how to do this correctly and what we want to do because we're promoting an affiliate marketing product High ticket affiliate marketing product what we want to be doing is we want to come up to the top and you want to type in for example affiliate marketing and from there what we want to do is we want to scroll down and we want to click on to groups now there are hundreds of groups in affiliate marketing as you can see with hundreds of thousands of members some have 23,000 members 51,000 members 79,000 members Etc as you can see I'm a member of a lot of these groups guys this is how I made my first dollar online staying consistent with methods exactly like this and I guarantee you if you follow what I do you are it's inevitable that you are going to get sales like I said 30 minutes to 1 hour a day is all you need so the first step to this is you want to go down and you want to click on to join you want to join a lot of these groups you can also type in high ticket affiliate marketing Etc once you have joined all these groups what you are going to find as you scroll down you're going to see similar people doing what I'm about to tell you and you can see that they're posting putting up posts inside these groups with these different types of posts that are highly engaging as an example are you an affiliate marketer struggling to generate leads I'm here to help you with a killer strategy guys take a look at this 200 70 comments 270 people have replied back to this comment and what they basically doing is they're saying things like I'm interested I'm interested yes please and then what this person is doing is they're going back and directly messaging these people with potentially an offer or their own course and out of those 270 people if you can imagine they put up this exact same Post in a lot of these affiliate marketing groups this is 270 engagement of potentially High converting people because they're highly interested in this you would be making some serious money online and I want to show you exactly the different types of things that you can be writing so as we scroll down you're going to find a lot of these guys this is just one group now you don't want to go out and just Spam one group you can easily do this with a lot of these different groups let me show you some of the stuff that people are doing then I'm going to show you exactly what you could be writing with the product that we are promoting so here is another one that I found over here as you can see this is exactly the one that we just had a look at another one over here that I found is this one it says if you want to start affiliate marketing but don't have 20 $330,000 drop a comment below if you're interested as you can see 45 comments another one over here send me your country name and I'll give you the best Mak money online websites what you can write is something like send me your country and I'll send you the best affiliate marketing strategy or the best way to make money online you can even do it like that guys take a look at 432 comments to this that you would need to go back and directly message all these people with that affiliate link and I'm going to show you exactly what you need to write and then here is another one if you want to learn how to earn up to $2,000 potentially a week without referring anyone ask me for a 5 minute video so this person is going to send them to that landing page which potentially has a video which can then lead them over to a high converting webinar which is going to convert itself now what I want to do is show you a few things that I've been writing previously in the past and exactly how I'd structure it then what I want to do is explain to you exactly what you are going to write when people reply back to you so here is one of the ones that I've come up with and ones that I've used so I'm looking to teach 10 highly motivated people how to make high ticket commissions comment yes if you interested very very simple stuff then just hit post 100% people are going to be writing back yes yes yes yes here is another one over here that you can find free webinar how to make money with affiliate marketing comment yes so I can send you that free video now once you say free and people are interested they will definitely sit there writing free free free and then it's up to that webinar to convert itself if we click on to the third one over here that I came up with for you guys as you can see here I made $387 yesterday I can send you a free video to teach you how comment video now if you haven't made any money doing this what you can say is how people making XYZ or how someone made XYZ yesterday with this affiliate marketing strategy Etc and then comment video and I'll send that over to you straight away now what's going to happen as you saw with a lot of these different posts is people are going to come down guys and they're going to write their country name what they're going to do is they're going to write that they're interested or they're going to write yes Etc once they do that what you need to do then is you need to start replying to them and when you reply to them basically what you want to do as you can see this is what I use exactly I write hi thank you for replying please check your DM I just sent you all the details and then from there what's going to happen is you actually need to send them these details so you need to click onto their profile and you need to send them a message a private message a DM direct message and this is what you want to do you want to say hi there here is the link as promised and then you want to insert that link the link that you are going to be inserting is the one that you shortened as you can see here through tiny URL that's the link that you are going to be sending which is going to drive them directly to the offer that you are promoting then what you want to do down the bottom is just give them a little bit of details about this particular product it just depends on the one that you want to promote as you can see I've got here the training in this video is going to teach you everything you need to start generating your first $100 a line and then going on to make $500 and if you stay consistent with this strategy and follow the training you could be making as much as some of the students that have really well with this course and earn anything from $1,000 to $3,000 a day online this is information that I got from the particular product that I was promoting and this is why I was using this then you can put enjoy or you can even write something like if you have any more questions feel free to message me back I do something very very similar even on Instagram where I say reply with the word yes Etc um write your interested and then what I do is I write something very very similar and you'll be surprised with how many people click onto those links how many people go there and actually watch these videos and how many people sign up and purchase these products this is one of the easiest ways for you to start making money with affiliate marketing guys if you don't have a following if you don't have a website if you don't want to show your face on camera then you need to go through these types of strategies to start converting these products now I did mention at the start of the video that if you get to this point that I was going to tell you how you can make even more money how you going to learn how to do all that you see creating faceless videos or creating videos on social media platforms at the moment we are absolutely in a golden era which is why what I've gotten done is I've created a brand new course showing you exactly what I've done to make as much as $928 a day on average with simple 7c videos that got myself and another Creator over 50 million views with no video creation no camera and you don't need any experience to start what you need to do is go down the bottom and in the description of this video you need to click on to you want to enter in your name and your email address and it's going to bring you over to this page and this is where you want to watch this video Once you watch this video I'm going to tell you and show you exactly what I've done over the last year to make hundreds of thousands of dollars and how I can personally Mentor you to do the same what I also want to do is show you real life testimonials of people that have tested try this and currently going through this course so you can see exactly what you are in for like I said guys we are currently in the Golden Era of free traffic you don't need to pay for any traffic when it comes to digital marketing to promote other people's products all this can be done for free you create a video that takes less than 5 minutes and you repurpose that video you put it up on YouTube shorts Instagram Facebook Tik Tok you get hundreds of thousands of views to your link and I guarantee you making one sale a day is absolutely nothing which can make you $157 a loan just for one sale you don't need like I said to create a video record yourself or think of any content ideas you saw this example how simple was it and that person is getting as much as 14 million views on one video imagine how many leads you can get and then promote other products via email marketing and the reason I keep saying email marketing is cuz I'm going to show you where you can go to learn how to do email marketing in a second the best thing about this strategy on top of not having to show your face or use your own voice guys is that all the work you can do from home your laptop your phone coffee shop wherever you want because it is super simple and takes less than 30 minutes to create one of these videos now the best part about this guys is that we are going to offer you a 30-day money back guarantee so you can test drive this for 30 days see how you go how much money that you make but you'll be surprised with how cheap this course is we don't charge thousands of dollars and we have over 80 videos of content on top of that you're going to get myself and Greg who's another seven figure content creator we're going to Mentor you and Coach you in a private Facebook group every single step of the way until you don't need us anymore so once you come over here you click on to this video you watch it and you sign up to accelerated payday profits once you are inside our course what's going to happen you'll scroll through you'll sign up to everything we'll show you everything that you need to do you join our private Facebook group then from there like I said to you one of the modules what we're going to do is we're going to teach you everything you need to know about email marketing on top of everything the 80 videos I'm going to go through Tik Tok YouTube Instagram Facebook equipment Niche research video creation using AI tools linking Etc one of the biggest ones on top of growth is going to be email marketing we're going to walk you through and show you how to set this up every step of the way so that you can't fail email marketing alone guys has made me a ton of money and we're going to show you how to do this with 100% free traffic all you need to do is go down the bottom right now and click on to it's going to bring you over to this page whatever you do do not miss this out we currently have a massive discount on this course make sure that you watch this video and we're going to show you how to do this without showing your face using your own voice or ever needing to create long videos yourself ever again so that's what you need to do to start making high ticket affiliate marketing commissions if you enjoy the video don't forget to smash that like button in appreciation and that you're subscribed to the channel but don't go anywhere I've got another amazing video that you should watch right now to learn how a beginner makes hundreds of dollars every single day and I'm going to show you what they do and how they did it I'll see you on that video until next time take care of yourselves and goodbye