AISellers Review – AI Sellers Review – AISellers Upgrades

hey everyone it's Tim here and today I'll be reviewing AI sellers which allows you to create all of the things videos landing pages ebooks opin Pages blog articles uh ads all of that inside one platform uh by simply providing a URL or some of your own input so I'm going to do a full review before I do so I want to mention that there is a link in the description of this video uh it will read direct you to my website here as you can see uh where you can see the pricing the funnel details available upgrades so as you can see here uh these are the available upgrades you can read what you get with the upgrades uh and you can also check out the pages here make sure if you purchase this product that you purchase the front end first otherwise you will not be able to upgrade or you can get the bundle deal here uh which basically gives you all the upgrades for a discounted price and this time again as you can see here in the funnel there are some yearly costs uh that you will not have when you get the bundle deal so uh these yearly costs are waved away when you get the bundle deal so if you decide to pick up some of the upgrades I recommend you to get that bundle deal but all the information is on the page all right let's dive into this and let me show you what AI sellers is all about so this is the dashboard an to get started uh you can go to your projects here or you can start a new project now from here you will be able to provide AI sellers with your content so the first option here is to write your own content in here with a title and a description so that you can provide AI sellers with information about your product now a more easy way is if you already have a product on a website you can import your product product by a URL by providing a URL I'm going to show you this example in this review the next option is that you can upload a PDF image uh jpack jpeg or PNG PNG and then it will read the information from the uploaded uh yeah data and it will create a campaign for you and all these assets that I just talked about like your landing page your at your ebook Etc will be created from the data that you provide in here and the next thing is a video file so you can upload an MP4 video and it will extract the video and it will read what you're saying in the video uh it will take the transcription and use the transcription to create uh yeah the campaigns for you in this case I'd like to show you how to import a URL so let's say I want to do my repid Wave review so what I can do is I wrote about this product here I can copy this your URL and if you're promoting an affiliate product for example you can also take the website of that affiliate product and then put that into AI sellers of course in this case I already have my review written here so I'm going to paste that in here and let's delete the final part here and from here you can choose if you want to import a non-commerce URL or an e-commerce URL so if you have an e-commerce URL you select this and then it can create campaigns around that e-commerce product this case non-commerce URL I'm going to click on import and now you can see that AI sellers is visiting the URL so basically what it does is it goes to my website the URL that I provided uh and then it will scrape all of the content and put that inside of AI sellers so this takes about a minutes so I'll be back when it's done and there you go data imported successfully and as you can see uh here the URL has been imported and if you like you can add more data as well in this case I'd like to go with this URL and then to create those campaigns there's a little switch here at the top so when I switch this look at this I can now create videos landing pages ebooks opin Pages blog articles ads uh Etc so it works super super simple to create a video you simply click on create video and then here you're going to type so I'm going to let me copy the product name here it's called Rabbid wave let me put that in here rabbit wave and then from here you can select the country so there are a lot of countries in here uh you can select the language so basically all languages I think most languages are supported this case it's English and from here you can choose the platform that you want to create a video for so basically uh all the platforms that you that you have are in are supports like LinkedIn Pinterest Snapchat unfortunately I cannot scroll down but Tik Tok Twitter Youtube Etc YouTube shorts this case I'm going to do a standard YouTube video and the style here I can choose what kind of style I want to create this video so I can say I want a vssl an engaging a promo informative fun in this case I like to have a product review so I'm going to do this and I'm going to click on Create and now it will generate a script for me so I will be back later showing you how you can create the video but basically to create each specific campaign here like a landing page I click on create landing page I'm going to type my product name in here rabbit wave and again I can choose the country and I can choose the language in here so I'm going to click create and now it's creating a landing page for me in English and it's generating here and once it's finished I can go back as you can see the script of the video has been generated so what I basically can do is I can start modifying the script but I will do that later I'll just go in the order from top down here so I want to create an ebook so I'm going to click on create ebook set the name in here so the ebook name and the ebook title so in this case I'm going to do rapid Wave review here and then again United States English and I'm going to click on Create and from here I can choose the cover that I like to use so let's say I like this cover and you can change the images later I'm going to click on Create and now it will start writing and creating an ebook for me and again as you can see here the landing page has been generated I'm going to show you how that landing page will look like in a second same thing for optim page simply click on Create and type your name in here the language and boom and that's basically how easy it is when to create a blog article going to do exactly the name type the name click on Create and the block article will be created for me one want to create a Facebook or a Google ad going to do exactly the same going to click on Create and it will create a Google and Facebook ad based on the information that we provided uh with our URL and of course that can also be your PDF Etc so here from the top down and let me show you the video as the final uh thing basically let me do this first here you can addit the script so this is the script for the video that it has created you can change the script in here if you like to uh but because of this review I'm going to keep it the way it is and I'm going to click on convert to video and now it will generate a video for me based on the script that we just checked now the landing page is created now let me show you how the landing page looks and we have two landing pages basically we have a preview of the landing page and this is the landing page so introducing rapid wave uh the ultimate called email Outreach app for high quality leads and sales this exactly what this product is about you can change this video and here uh it Chang the content for us uh here it says boost your business with rapid wave language language Made Easy for count so this is not correct so we can change that later uh but here you can see the content that it has created and the landing page that it has created for us plus it also add these bonuses to this page and I can see here language and Country I'm going to uh say that to to uh to Abby I'm going to mention it that somehow this goes incorrectly here uh but here it should have the language ENC that we just selected should provide you with the correct ones but here you can see bonuses have been provided by AI Sellers as well so it comes with bonuses that you can use and give away so basically what this is is a bonus page like I'm providing bonus page with bonuses on it where people can purchase this product and then the second part the me Clos this one is the bonus delivery page so it also gives a bonus delivery page where people can download the bonuses that they're getting from you now you can change the landing page when I click on this pencil here I can modify the landing page in two ways now this is the basic editor where you can very quickly make changes on the landing page as you can see here even if you want to add more features you simply click on add more features here click click click click and I can add three extra features or I can delete features if I like to delete features in here so basically it's a very simple editor uh where I can add extra blocks where I can add extra bonus I can also disable areas so let's say the bonus section here I can also disable this whole area if you don't want to show this uh but you can add extra as well you can add more bonuses if You' like to Etc here's the thank you page and then you can update your page this is one of the options the second option and one thing that I want to point out by the way is that you can run this on your own domain when you enable this you will be able to enter your domain in here and then you can uh have your pages being shown on your own domain so that it willon use the AI sellers domain so that's a good thing another way to edit your pages is to go to the what you see is what you get editor in here this will load the what you see is what you get editor where you can uh modify your pages visually personally I am a visual guy instead of going through a page like this uh it can be useful you know it's it gives a good overview but basically I like to have a page builder like this I like this and here you can make your changes and it will be saved automatically uh and this is another way to create your pages so that's the landing pages that it creates for you so it has video landing pages ebook so it has a eBook generated for us what we can do is we can check the ebook here we can see if we like the content that it has created for us and then we can also preview the ebook so this is the ebook that has been created and here you can see rabbit Wave review introduction what is rabbit wave the power of rabbit wave get high quality leads and sales so we got an introduction here and then it's going to write about rabid wave uh you know it's a lead Generations software Etc uh so that's the ebook that's been created you can download the PDF here and again you can also change that image simply click on edit and in here you can change the image on the cover as well but this is a very easy way to create ebooks quickly next thing is the optim page so it creates an optim page like this for you get instant access to the most powerful called Emil Outreach app for high quality leads and sales uh and you can see here this is is my rapid wave optim page and by the way if you like to check out this product if you're searching for leads just go to and search for Rapid wve sorry about that ah had a bad cuff there all right let's go back openin pages and again you can change that openin page here as well simply click on the editor and this works exactly the same so you can change the things in here you see the headlines uh or you can go to the what you see is what you get add ebooks opin Pages blog articles so it has written a Blog article for us here so you can see unlock the power of email Outreach how rabbit wave can Skyrocket your business growth and here it's going to uh talk about rabit wave basically Rabbid wave blog post and you can copy and paste that inside of your own website builder WordPress or whatever you're using and then finally ads it also creates ads when I click on addit here uh you can select your ads account so you can connect your Facebook and your Google ads account here you can select these accounts in here uh and then within the ad setup it's going to create an app for you an ad for you so here it says ad name the headline and look the power of email Outreach uh and add description here the buttons Etc and you can check out the app here how it will look like it should create an image if I'm correctly but you can change the image here as well uh and then you can publish directly to your ads account from within is Sellers from within your account here so that's also possible now let's go back to the first part which is the video because it says awaiting customization so when I click on edit here you can see that a video has been created for us now it's grabbing videos tries to grab the good videos for your script as you can see here these are the videos that have been added and from here you can modify your video now as you can see sometimes it's also in this case it's using a lot of those vertical videos you can change that in here so if you're not satisfied you simply go through this left menu where you can modify everything on your video so let's say here you want to change the background video you can simply search for video you can say for example computer you're going to search for computer and now you can say I want to have this as a background for for example here and it's going to download the video and here you have the video now you can change everything in here so when I go to the font I can say I want to make the font bigger for example I can do that here and then I can move it I can change all of the things in here I can change the text color here if I like to have that I could change the background color if I like to add a background color um add space between text if I like to do that you can apply that by the way to all slides at the same time so you could modify each slide in here so you can see here all the slides at the bottom and you can change that now simply go over this you can use a video color as a background user Library you can create images by AI you have web media and you can also add images and videos Etc on top so let's say on top of this video I'd like to add an image or a video I can simply search this I can say computer again let's do computer on the computer uh or something like this I can simply add this to my existing video here as you can see so basically this is a video editor where you can add all of your elements if you like to add text Etc you can do that all in here you can add music here you can create a voice over as well uh all these language that you're seeing here are supported Arabic not sure yeah you can see these all these languages are supported as a voice over for this product and you can choose what kind of voice you would like to use use for that specific language and then you can generate the voice over that will be used on your video you can also use your sonority account if you have a sonority account uh you can upload your own voice over or you could record your voice over within the software also what is supported is a Talking Hat here when you enable this uh you can upload your own picture and it will show a Talking Hat on top of your video so let's show you that quickly let's say I'm going to search for Tim verow and then I think there's a profile picture in here yes I can open this and this will add this picture here you can see this here at the right bottom and this will be a talking hat so this will uh syn with the voice over and my lips will sink with the voice over and it will become this still image will become a Talking Hat I can change the position here if I like to have this at the right top I can also change the shape I can change uh how big I like to have it but this is basically how you can add talking hats on top of your video next thing here is you can change transitions between pages so you can see those different uh transitions so it needs some loading here you can see this is a transition you can use those transitions between the slides uh and also you can add transitions to elements on your video so let's say you want to add a transition to this video you can simply uh select the transition I so let's say you want to do this flash then it will flash as you can see here or you want to do this uh bounce then it will simply bounce on your video you can select this for each element here if you want to do this Zoom down then you can see here it's going to Z zoom in so animation next thing is themes or templates so let's say you want to have a different template so each video that's being created is using a specific template template you can simply change that so if you like to have another one it's changing here so this has this blue thing in here and you can change the things in your video based on this specific template so you can choose from the available templates in here within the settings you can add your own logo you can add your watermark the duration uh you can set the volumes of the voice over and the music and you can add a call to action that will be shown on your video this is not clickable uh because your videos will be exported as an mp4 but you can add a call to action if you like to and then finally you can also add an intro here if you enable this you can upload an intro video and an outro video uh so that this will be added to your final video uh so let's say you always have a similar intro you can add that simply uh to your video when you click on render here it will render the video with your intro outro and all the modifications that you've created to your video and that's basically uh everything that you can create inside of one platform AI sellers that comes with integration here so check out these Integrations I'm not going to mention them all you can pause the video to check them out uh also you can connect all these accounts to your AI sellers account uh and that's basically what AI sellers is all about now what I want to mention is that it works with uh projects and credits so again make sure to check out uh the page here or my review page here where you can see exactly what you can create so on the front end it allows you to create 100 campaigns total uh if You' like to get more you can get some of the upgrades here and basically uh yeah check it out here also some free upgrades I don't have it ready right now while I'm recording this video but I'm going to give you some free upgrades if you pick this up through my link as well so check it out uh and yeah if you have any questions make sure to ask them in the comments below uh please hit a thumbs up if this video was useful I do a lot of similar product reviews and consider subscribing to my YouTube channel if you haven't done yet uh hit that notification Bell so that you get notified each time I upload a new video and for now thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in my next video look soon cheers

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