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hey guys it's Tim here and today I'll be reviewing Auto Affiliates which is a software created by bradr techi now bradr techi is actually the person who got me into affiliate marketing the way I do it right now like creating product reviews having my website Etc so he played a big role in what I'm doing right now today and he created this platform it's called Auto affiliate which is a platform that allows you to take a sales page URL put that into Alo affiliate and Alo affiliate will create a review video for you so I'm going to dive into it and today I'm also going to discuss a little bit about the pricing because there are some things that you need to know up front but for now let's dive into it and in case you're interested there is a link in the description of this video it will redirect you to my website with more information also the link to the sales page some bonuses that you're going to get etc etc so make sure to check that out for now let's dive into Auto affiliate and let me show you how you can create review videos on autopilot uh with auto affiliate so to get started you're first going to create a new video in here where you give your product name uh your video name product name Etc so I'm going to paste here leads made AI I'm going to do a video review for leads made Ai and what I need is the product URL and my affiliate link now I already have a page about this so I'm going to copy my my affiliate Link in here so I'm going to grab I think it's this one here I'm going to copy my affiliate link and I'm going to paste my affiliate Link in here paste so there is my affiliate link here and then I also going to need the sales page so when I click my affiliate link I'll be redirected to the sales page so this is the sales page URL here I'm going to copy this sales page URL and I go back to AO affiliate and I'm going to paste that sales page in here and I want a intro video and an outro video as well so basically I've provided Auto affiliate now with the sales page URL so that it can grab the information what it's doing right now from the original sales page so that it can write a video script now as you can see this goes super fast as you can see here leads made AI has a dropped video so when I open this video here this is the video script with the different slides so this is slide one slide two slide three slide four slide five 6 7 and 8 and as you can see here at the bottom you can see the script so it says leads made AI is an Innovative cloud-based software designed to help businesses generate high quality leads effortlessly and that's what this uh platform is all about now this image and the next image do not really make sense right so what you can do here is you can click on change graphic and then you can click on find side graphic here where it's going to show you the images that are on the sales page that you can choose from so in the first one it says leadem Made is a highquality leads platform so what we want to have is we want to have leads right so we can search for an image on the sales page that has to do with leads now let me see here so let's say we want to have well let's take the product box here there you go so this is now the starting image and what you can do is you can go over each slide here so here it says it streamlines the lead generation process by using artificial intelligence algorithm so I'm going to change this graphic as well going to find side graphic and I'm going to search for something like artificial let's say we're going to go with this one now we have this image in here like artificial another thing that you can do is you can also go to the sales page here and let's say you want to have something yourself you can also make a copy of the patro you can take a screenshot for example so let's say you want to have something like this you can simply go like oh shoot I need to do another key Short Cat here I'm going to grab this I'm going to take a screenshot here I don't know if you could see that but I took a screenshot of this area here and I can go back to Alo affiliate and I can say I want to change this graphic in here and I want to upload my own graphic and now I want to use the graphic that I just took a screenshot from so let's say I want to use this screenshot or maybe I want to use this as a screenshot so let's go I already took some screenshots in here so I think this automated AI prospecting this is a cool one to use so I'm going to add this image to AO affiliate as you can see here now it has this image on this page so for each of those uh slides I can replace the image so let me do that quickly and come back to you so there you go I changed them to this image this image this image here this image as you can see I think this looks good right so now I have all the correct images on my video The Script is here so for each scene here you can see there is a script you can change it if you like to as well you can also change transitions to these different transitions but I basically put it the way it is and I'm going to say okay save the scene here this is what I want to use right so the next thing that you want to do is you want to addit the bonus page when I click on addit bonus page it automatically fills out this information like leads mate bonus and then the headline is special bonuses for anyone who buys through uh through me and then button taxt click here now there's my affiliate Link in here you could do a cookie compliance a link Master order Hub so these are the bonuses and if you like to add new bonuses you click on add new bonus and you can pick one of these bonus so let's say you want to do happy time as well you can click on add new bonus and it will add happy time here as a bonus as well so let's say you want to do cookie compliance you want to delete this bonus you simply delete this bonus and now these three bonuses will be ready for anyone who picks up lead mate through my link here so this is the bonus page area where you fill out the bonuses that people are going to get so you're going to save and exit this and everything is ready so the next thing that you want to do is you want to go to video settings in here so on this page you can choose the voice over so you can pick between those voices between 10 Luigi Tony Nick Nikki Richie Rory Zack and Alfred now uh what I don't like is that I cannot listen upfront to these voices so you simply need to pick one and go with that one you discover it after you have rendered your videos so in this case I'm going to do Tony and then the next thing it's going to ask me which I already said is do you want to have an intro video and an outro video so I'm going to say yes I want to have my general intro and I want to have my general outro video and I'm going to click on continue now I have to say that these outros and intros you need to record them yourself if you want to do an intro or you have to render a video if you want to have a specific intro and outro video I did that so let me uh quickly show you that when I go to the intros here let me actually open this here in this window you can see General intro Tim I uploaded this video in here and in the outros I did exactly the same thing so I'm going to show you the end result of the videos that you can see what the intro and the outro is and let me go back to my video here so I can click on render video and I'm going to click yes I want to render my video I'm going to keep this window open and this only takes a short time before my video is rendered so as you can see there it is let's click on continue here and when we go back to the videos you can see here that it is ready few here so when I click on few here you can see this is the video now let me play this video so you can see what the end result of this video is now keep in mind that I've also added an intro video and I did a general video about you know hey welcome to this video but you can also record videos like hey welcome to and then you call the product name review video Etc this is just a general video that I can use for all my videos so let's go check it out so you can see uh what this video is what the end result is hey there thank you for checking out this video now in a minute you going to see what this is all about but I want to mention up front that if you pick this up this week you're going to get this for a onetime price I want to see what this is all about check out this video leads mate is an Innovative software designed to streamline the process of lead generation and management for businesses this tool leverages artificial intelligence to automate the acquisition of highquality leads saving users time and effort with its userfriendly interface leads made allows businesses to create custom customized campaigns that Target specific demographics effectively the software integrates seamlessly with popular CRM platforms ensuring that all lead data is organized and easily accessible users can track campaign performance in real time enabling them to make datadriven decisions leads mate also offers robust analytics features providing insights into lead engagement and conversion rates additionally the platform supports various communication channels allowing businesses to connect with leads through email SMS and social media overall leads mate is an essential tool for businesses looking to enhance their marketing strategies and boost their sales that sounds pretty interesting isn't it and right now there is a lifetime deal available through the link below so check it out and talk to you soon cheers so that was a video that has been created with AO affiliate here um yeah we just created this video together and here is the video you can download it by clicking these three dots here so you can upload it to YouTube as a review video now also when you click on additional info here you will see that this will be your bonus page so here you can see the YouTube description here you copy this YouTube description to YouTube and you can see here is the URL as well that's the same as this one and when I open this this will be your special bonus page so when somebody clicks on your link on YouTube it will be redirected here so that they can see the bonuses that you just uh selected that they're going to get here so they're going to get these bonuses and you can see the sales page here on the background so when they click here now they will be redirected with your affiliate link to the sales page and when they purchase the product through your link you're going to get affiliate commissions and that's how easy uh it works so you get the bonus page you're also going to get the bonus delivery page so when you click on this link this is what your buyers will get where they can access this bonus as you can see um so you can send this to them so that's basically how you create videos with AO affiliate where you're going to get also a YouTube description for your video uh and where you get the video done for you that's how you create it again you can upload intro videos outro videos as you've seen on the example video that I just created and um yeah that's basically what Auto affiliate is all about now I also mentioned at the beginning of this review video that I wanted to talk about the pricing and the funnel because personally what I don't like about this product how they are uh promoting this is through this sales page this is okay you can see realtime results of users that have followed Brett's training and Brett and Mike's training right and like I said at the beginning Brett also helped me tremendously to to get started in affiliate marketing so that's all cool but this is the sales page for outo affiliate and nowhere on this sales page you're going to see the limitations of this product so when you purchase uh you will notice that it is limited to 20 videos only and personally I don't like that I want to have that upfront on the sales page where people can simply see what they're purchasing because you know when you look at sales page now you think hey I can create unlimited videos and that's not true the front and coms for right now $27 it will go up to 67 during the Louch if you want to purchase this do it right now so you get the best price but the front end will give you 20 videos plus also there will be a little bit of branding from my auto affiliate on the video if you like to remove that branding there will be an upgrade available which is the unlimited version here which allows you to create unlimited videos and also The Branding will be no longer there this will cost you here when I click this purchase button this will cost you $37 here uh per month so this will be a subscription base but you can create unlimited videos now if you say I do not need unlimited videos there's another upsell if you skip the previous one so you skip this one you say no thank you so when you go to the bottom of the page here you can also say no thanks I don't want unlimited then you will be redirected to this page where you can choose to 10 times uh your video rendering it says get 10 times the video render credits so this will basically give you 200 video credits for a onetime price of $47 and I think that's very reasonable because the server needs to get paid etc etc but personally I wanted them to have this upfront on the sales page right then there's also another upgrade here uh which allows you to get training from Brad and Mike so if you want to get started with affiliate marketing there's training available which is costing $97 then there's also another upgrade uh which allows you to get unlimited copies of Auto affiliate so that you can give this away or sell this as your own product and this is pretty cool um because this gives you unlimited giveaway rights and selling rights to this product and this will cost you $97 per year so this is just when you click this button you can see here this is you always need to look here future payments 97 every 12 months and for this price you can give away unlimited copies or sell unlimited copies and I think that's it yeah that's it those are all the the sales for this product the upsells ETC so yeah I think this should give you a clear idea of what this product is all about again if you're interested check out the link in description if you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments below also if this video is useful please give it a thumbs up it will help to rank my videos on YouTube and um consider subscribing to my YouTube channel if you haven't done yet I do a lot of product reviews uh marketing related products Etc go check out my channel subscribe to my Channel hit that notification Bell so you get updated each time I upload a new video and for now thank you so much for watching I hope to see you in my next video talk soon cheers