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today I'll be reviewing course reel which allows you to create courses but also promotional videos based on a few keywords it also allows you to create quizzes and landing pages which are two completely new modules inside of cor real AI now in case you're interested make sure to check out the link in description because I got a special bonus for you or multiple bonuses if you pick this up through my link for now let's dive into it and let me show you how it works so here at the right side it has a big button create course and when we click on this course we can start creating a course so let's give this course a name so let's say we're going to call this demo course and here you can choose the country so it has a lot of countries you can choose your language and I think all languages are supported here but in this case we're just going to do United States and English and from here we can type a keyword what kind of course we would like to create so let's say we want to do something like dog training that's always what I love to do in demos and we're going to search topics now the AI will search for all different kinds of topics on dog training as you can see here you got a bunch of suggestions that you can choose from so let's say we just want to pick one of them create training for puppies and adult dogs so we use this description and from here it suggests all different kind of chapters that we can use in our course so we can say we want to add this one we want to add this one we want to add this one this one and maybe you want to add one yourself you can do that as well once you've chosen your chapters you simply click on next and then you can see that we now have four chapters created and from here we can say we want to create and write the scripts or yeah what we want to have in this chapter so also for each chapter here we have the chapters at the top we can choose the content so we can say generate content for the first chapter and here you can see it suggests new content for this chapter so we can say we're going to use this and now we're going to go on the next one where we can choose to create a video now a video can be created from stock images or from AI images so let's say the first one we're going to use stock images so I can show you the difference and then you can show the dimension or choose the dimension which is 16 by 9 or 9 by 16 and you can also choose to have an Talking Hat now that means that you can upload your own image so I can say for example I'm going to search for an image from Tim and I can say I'm can Cho I can choose my own profile picture here which is a talking hat that I upload and I can also say include hat movement which means this photo will move and it will have a talking mouth on top of the photo now if I like I can also clone my voice so when I enable this I can upload my own voice of 30 seconds or I can record my own voice here and I already did that and I can choose my voice so here you can see my voice hi my name is Tim and this is my voice so this is the voice that I just spoke into the software I'm going to use this voice and it's using an 11 lapse connection to use your voice I'm going to click on generate video and it will generate the first video for me so this is for the first chapter of my video course then I can do exactly the same for the second chapter so I can say okay I go to the next one and I create my next video so here again we can choose what kind of content we want to use inside the second chapter and it's generating the content here and again you can choose from the suggested content in here so let's say we want to use this you can also modify it but we click on next and now let's say we want to have ai images to create for our content for our course let's do another talking head here and let's use one of their voices and click on generate video now basically you're going to do everything the same for every single chapter in here now here it says awaiting customization so the first video is already done so when I click on addit here it will open the video editor for me uh with the suggested footage now sometimes footage is not chosen correctly so what I can do here is I can choose the first one I can go here to the background and I can choose from images video colors upload or images AI images so let's say I want to have a video of a dog I simply type dog in here and I'm going to choose from the list of videos here so these are all videos provided I can click on it and now this video will be used for my first scene in here so you can go over each scene here to create your video and when you play the video here you will hear my voice to maintain positive crate experiences for your dog it's essential to establish a consistent and calming routine so you can see here now bees are the background so sometimes it does not choose the correct background image or video so we can choose it ourselves so we choose dog material from here and you can also modify everything on this page so you can make this smaller for example if you want to have it here at the left bottom you can move this text here these Subs uh on your video wherever you would like to have these so on top you have all of your modifications here so let's say you want to add text to it you simply here change the text on your video if you want to change the media or you want to add some media on top of it let's say you want to add an image on top of it you simply type doc again in here and then you can choose from this image you can type that in here and then you can move that on top of your video so basically this is an editor same for the voice over this is the voice over created in here uh but you can also create other voices in here here you can see the AI voices here where you can select the language where you can select another voice so let's say we select English in here then we can say English us you can choose from the available voices that are in here now I have to say that the 11 laps voices are the best but you need to have your own 11 laps account otherwise you can use the buildin voices that are provided inside of the software also sonority you can connect your sonority account if you have one with your voices you can upload your own voice over as well uh or you could record it in here as well now your talking hat if you like to have a Talking Hat you can do that you can upload your own audio or you can use the audio that's provided here with their Library the animations here so you can select the animations of your images so right now I have this image and I can apply an effect to this image the transitions between your slides I can also uh choose from all these different Transitions and as you can see there are a lot of transitions in here and when you hover over it you can see what the transition exactly does in here you can simply choose one and then it will be applied to this slide also in the settings you could add a logo a watermark the duration here of this specific part you can change the volumes of the voice over and the background audio and you can also add a call to action this will be text on top of your video and if you like to there are also credits where you can upload an intro and an outro of your video and once you're ready you can simply click on render and your video will be rendered now already created a video let me quickly show you while I create it are you ready to transform your relationship whether you're a new dog owner or looking to refine your training skills our course offers valuable insights into understanding your dog's behavior and communication learn the secrets of positive reinforcement effective command training and how to address common behavioral challenges with confidence imagine a life where your dog listens respects and responds to you creating a joyful and stress-free environment for both of you join us on this journey to enhance companionship enroll in foundations of dog training today and unleash the potential in your pup because every dog deserves a great foundation so that was an example video that I created with coral AI Max and that was actually uh not from the courses part but from the promo video now the promo video works similar to the courses but it's for a single part video so how does that work exactly the same you click on generate video in here and then you can use you can choose two ways so first we're going to give this a name so I'm going to call this demo one and then what you can do is you can create a promo video from course content if you already created courses or you can do a custom input but let's say I want to use course con content I can click on use and I can click next here and then I can choose from one of the courses that I already created in here so let's say I want to do the foundations of dog training I want to create a promo video for that I simply select this training and I'm going to click next and now it will generate a script based on the training that I already created inside of course reel so as you can see here it comes with a script for the video here and again I can change this if I like to I can type whatever I like to and if I'm happy I simply click on next and again I can choose from AI images or from uh stock images and again the Talking Hat and to clone your own voice is possible in here and I click on generate video and it will generate the video here and once it's ready I can simply click on edit and now I can edit the video in here as you can see there you go go so this is just one video instead of a whole course that you create with the software and again you have all these other aspects here in this sales video as well so what I also wanted to show you what I forgot to show you is in the course is the rendered AI images and that we did that in the second one remember so let me show you that quickly as well so you can see what kind of images it creates for those videos and there you go uh these are the images as you can see here that have been generated with AI so let me go over them as you can see this has been created with AI so in case you don't like to use the stock videos uh you can use AI images and as you can see these look very very good here look all these dog images these have been created with cor real AI these are AI generated images now this is the wrong one so you can generate a new one and again you can simply go here to the backgrounds and you can say AI image and you can say here for example a dog playing in the grass and there you go this image is ready I can choose it and now this image has being replaced with an AI image here and I can do an effect or a transition to this image to make it more active instead of a a static image as it is right now all right that's what I wanted to show you so you also see what the AI image generation does when you create a course uh so we have the courses here where you can create these courses and once the course is ready you can open your chapters here and then you can download your chapter so here you can edit it or you can download it or you can publish it as well so if you like to publish it you can publish it to Facebook YouTube C it script real trim reel or live reel here uh and directly publish it or you can download it and use it on your own course platform same thing for the promo video if your video is ready here you can downlo download it or again publish the video so those are the courses and your promo videos another part of this application is a quiz maker where you can create generate quizzes so when I click on quiz maker here I can click on create new quiz let's say do questions and I'm going to click next and from here I can say from course content so again I can generate questions based on the course content I click on next and here I can choose what kind of course I would like to use so let's disable this one or enable another one let's say I want to use how to train your dog commands so here you have those let's say I want to use those I'm going to click on next and here I can choose if I want to have an easy or medium or hard and also the question count so let's say I want to generate 20 questions and then set the limit set a limit in minutes of 150 Max for completing the quiz to encourage Focus so here you can grab their name last name and email so you can use this as lead generation tool as well and you can connect this to your autoresponder that you can link into your Integrations part here so when I click next here it's going to generate 20 questions as course material uh for this quiz that it's going to create and here you go there you have the questions uh that you can go through so here why is it important to refresh your dogs training and then you can see this green part here this is the correct answer so here you can see the second question two of 20 what should you do if your dog struggles with particular commands go back to the basics here or punish the dog next one how can you keep your dog's training experience positive and fun and then again the correct and so you can go over all these questions and answers here you can include answers inside a PDF in here and you can preview and download as a PDF this as well and here you got your quiz link so when I open this in a new browser here then it will look like this here dog question so I should name this differently but here you can see instructions the quiz consists of 20 questions each question will be multiple choice and you will have 60 Minutes to complete the questions take the quiz and then you can enter your name so I'm going to do Tim foral and an email address and I can start the training so when I submit here welcome to the qu quiz dog questions and start the quiz then I can start answering the questions so why is important okay this is a this is B this is C so I can go over all these questions quickly and show you how it works so you can see at the right top there's a timer here so you can see how much time you have for this survey here and I go over them quickly to show you what it looks like at the end when you finish all the questions here so I'm just doing quickly giving a lot of wrong answers but that's also what you will see here let's say this is question 20 and I'm going to end the quiz here and now I can see thank you for completing the quiz your score is five out of 20 and I can start the quiz again I want to go back here to cor real I can go to the participants in here you can see here that here you can see the participants and you can see the score so this was me here for 25% I can open this specific par participant where you can see all the questions that this participant has filled out so you can see here the red ones are the incorrect answers and the green ones are the correct answers as you can see now one of the downsides is that you cannot change the questions and the answers so you really rely on what cor reel will create for you so that's the quiz maker where you can create those quizzes and the participants that you can see uh that have filled out out the quizzes then we have the landing page maker which is capable of creating landing pages I'm going to call this demo as well going to click next and here you can do content extraction or prefilled Quest sections here so you can say let's say content extraction we're going to click next and again you can say I want to have the foundations of dog training next and then I can choose from one of the templates that I like to use here so let's say we want to use this template and I'm going to click next and now it's going to generate the landing page for me now this took about 30 seconds I refresh the screen here and here you can add a landing page so you can go to the landing page this will open the landing page for you and you of course need to modify this page so you need to upload your logo you need to change the background here uh and here you can see there will be a video that you can use here uh and here transform your your training discover key benefits for you and your dog here and you can see here the page has been created and then also exclusive bonuses and your dog training Journey now these are bonuses that are being provided these are digital products so this doesn't really have to do with dog training so if you create digital courses these bonuses will make more sense but this is the landing page you can also modify so when you click on addit here you can change the col of this landing page as you can see here you can change the font uh here again you can upload your logo you can upload your background image so if you change that to a dog so let's do that here we can say AI images so a dog playing in the grass generate and there you go we have this image we can use this as a background right now um and then you can embat a video you can do that as well so let's say we have an embat code in here we paste that in here and then you can say the product feature section you can enable or disable this and then you could also choose your icons for these features so when you click on this here you can choose from different icons on this page um again the bonus section here so right now you can see one bonus but you can also add multiple bonuses if you like to so if you like to add more bonuses you can say okay I like to add these bonuses personally I don't think this makes much sense because you can choose only from those Bon bonuses and of course you can use those bonuses but this is yeah for digital products and as I can see you cannot add your own bonuses except what you can do is you can choose another image here so basically what you do here let's say you want to add dog bonuses you simply add a bonus from the pre-created bonuses and then you just swap the picture for a dog training product picture you change the name and the heading and the description in here uh and also you you can change the colors here and that will make more sense when I show the page and then let's preview the page you can now see that now we have the dog in the background as well we have the video here on our page and you can see here this is the gradient green background for our bones as you can see uh but if you like to change that again you can go to this page here uh and you can make this whatever color you like so if you want to change this you want to change this to white as well here and then the font to to black or yeah the gradient here or maybe you want to do just color just like this one you can simply say I want to have this white and then font color black to keep it similar to the previous one here you can do it and then swap the images for related images and the description as well um also a thank you page section here where you have the thank you page description when they where they land on as a thank you here the terms of service the terms of uh service URL you can add that in here and then update your landing page and now when I refresh this page you can see that not this now has become white here um and this is what you get with your landing pages that are building inside of course real AI you can modify it in here if you like to edit it in what you see is what you get you can do that as well and this will open basically a page builder for you uh where you can drag and drop elements yourself so you can also change things in here uh or you can add columns in here if you like to add a new column you can do that as you can see here and then you need to add text inside of that column you can type that in here uh or maybe you want to add a video or another image here you can do that as well as you can see inside of this page build you need to make this a little bit smaller uh but basically this is a what you see is what you get editor uh where you can change it like this and then once you're done your changes will be Autos save and that is how you can build your pages then there's also an integration part here uh where you can integrate Facebook if you want to post your videos to Facebook all these Integrations are here as you can see I connect my 11 laps account for the voice over and if you want to connect your outer responder here uh you can do that by entering the name and enter your opin code in here so that your leads will be sent to your a responder as well and that's basically what Coors reel AI Max is all about new features are the landing page uh are the quiz option are the Talking Hat inside of course reel and um yeah that's basically what it is so again in case you're interested make sure to check out the link in the description it will redirect you to my website where you can see the pricing also some bonuses that you're going to get if you pick this up through my link and uh yeah thank you so much for watching if this video was useful please hit the thumbs up uh it will help me to rank this video on YouTube also consider subscribing if you haven't done yet I do a lot of product reviews so uh if you hit that notification Bell you will get notified each time I upload a new video for now thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in my next video talk soon cheers