Create Ebooks, Reports, & Flipbooks From Just ONE Keyword

hey guys it's Tim here and today I'm not alone I'm here with my good friend fear us and fears and I yeah we go a long way and uh yeah he's a very good friend of mine we chat daily on Skype Etc so uh I said we're gonna do an interview for us because uh he's gonna launch a brand new product to the market so uh we're gonna talk about that so first of all fear us great to have you here great to have you man I'm I'm really excited about this Okay cool so uh yeah what what are we talking about you're going to launch a brand new product you're pretty excited about it you bring a lot of vibe to it what is this all about please tell us what we've built design Suite AI which I'm going to demonstrate in a bit and that's all about how you can leverage AI creating a really cool product to grab leads and targeted audiences and then be able to convert them into loyal customers and I'm gonna actually uh demonstrate that in the demo so people can get a chance at understanding the steps of it okay and what is the actual product because this sounds all great but there is something that you're going to create right with the product exactly so we're going to be able to have them create ebooks flip books you know all that stuff now usually when you create an ebook and you want to deliver it as a free gift to people you gotta go and create a whole lead funnel and pay click funnels for example and then you have to actually create the ebook and that takes a lot of time especially if you're creating a really valuable one and then you have to set up the delivery and pay for zapier for Integrations and then you have to and then you have to make money out of those leads free leads right so I'm going to demonstrate that in the demo you know okay so so you build a whole system that takes care of all of that and it done for you okay we're gonna actually only run ads for 30 days to all our customers through the bundle package okay you're gonna run ads for your customers for 30 days okay that's cool so on who's gonna run that's the you got an expert there our team yes okay cool so well let's dive into the product then show us what you got perfect uh can you see my screen for the demo yeah we can see our screen perfect okay so guys as you can see design Suite AI I'm gonna actually remove can I can I remove myself from here I I don't know what you're seeing but here everything is okay okay perfect so as you can see that's the dashboard and we've got two options we've got Pro Builder and instant Builder now we built the instant builder for people that are just lazy they want to get just a simple ebook right away with AI and create the lead funnel and you know deliver it to their customers or target audience but with the pro Builder that's where things come really like becomes really cool uh let me go back in here okay perfect so I'm gonna pick a template we've got loads of templates over 200 templates right here and I'm gonna go with Gourmet Donuts you know everybody loves Donuts except so these are ebook templates what you're seeing right here there is a lot of templates uh you know and every different aspect and categories so say it's Health Finance marketing you know anything you can think of we actually placed in the system and you would be able to customize every ebook and output the ebook now I'll show you how uh so say that's Gourmet Donuts right let's use that uh how to uh open up a gourmet Donuts store for example so now we've got your AI chat AI art media and write an ebook and you're gonna see how you're gonna use all of that to create a stunning ebook out of this I'm going to ask AI right here how to open up a gourmet Donuts store and then it will output all the information which which we're going to see in a bit and obviously because AI takes a bit of time to take in the information and bring out the cool data so so basically you're going to create an e-book uh with the chatbot is that correct yes so as you can see here it output a lot of information about how to open a gourmet donut store right we've got the expert data onto ebook Okay so you just have to click on it and all the information right here nice now the cool part that I'm going to show is that so I'm gonna take what I input right here and go to write an ebook and place that here that will generate for me the table of contents right so every book you know in the world has a table of content so it gives you all the stages before you actually go through the book so we'll generate everything will take a bit but it will output awesome information so that's here and I'll take all of that and place it right in here now as you can see uh we've got the conclusion at the bottom of it right so we always want to take the conclusion uh which is right conclusion okay right here I'm going to take that part and place it at the bottom of the ebook so basically that's the ebook editor what we're seeing right now exactly exactly and I'm going to delete that part here because we don't need it right here and now what you can do and that's the cool part so as you can see there's 1024 words but what we have in this uh ebook generator with design Suite you can go unlimited you can create a really huge ebook but that takes some steps it will take you a bit of like simple steps that will create something massive so say that's chapter one I'll just edit that and place here chapter one and go with bold I'm going to give you a quick example before we go through it and I'll go through market research blah blah blah so I'll go back to AI chat give me a market research on opening a gourmet Donuts store enter I will output a whole chapter for you okay cool yeah just through AI so usually people need like a month to write an ebook and now you can do it like in in 10 15 minutes uh Max nice so basically basically you create the ebook by chatting with the bot and then each chapter you put that into the bot and then you export it to the ebook to make it to make it longer right exactly so you can even press that button again export to you data on eBook or not yes you can do that but you have to place the cursor right under it okay yeah I need export it to it okay I just wanted to do it like right away uh so that will give you chapter one market research market research opening a gourmet donut store introduction the trend of gourmet blah blah you can do that to each chapter now you can see 1460 words you can do 20 30 000 40 000 100 000 words you know a huge valuable ebook that you're actually given to your customers just by using AI okay cool now the part where AI art comes in and media media is when you actually want to play say a donut image like we have it right here right and you have it on your desktop you would upload it and you drag and drop and place it here with AI art it's basically artificial intelligence so you just place you know images of gourmet Donuts and it will generate it for you and you will place it within the ebook oh nice so it also has an image creator 100 yes oh cool so these are also free to use part of the whole system okay and you get like a bunch of images and you can drag and drop and place them here and then you save it nice right here done that's it cool so you exit here now you can create a flip book out of it so you go to model books and that's the Gourmet donut uh you just press on flipbook and boom Gourmet Donuts next okay just give me a second uh perfect so now I have it right in here and I would go to the link opens up one second give me a sec okay uh working on it yeah yeah the team is working on the actual code but I'll show another example right here uh okay so that's the flip book obviously and you can go through it uh as you can see and there's other examples we've created right here like for Pat for example so that's also how you share it you can share two ways you can share by sharing a link uh and you can share it by embedding an embed code on your website so that it can be shown on your website exactly okay so now what you can do is set up Elite funnel obviously when you create an ebook is for you to deliver it to your target audience so that you can collect the lead and the name Etc so you have Elite targeted traffic you can go into here and build one of those templates we've got lots of templates see ocean business affiliate marketing a transport photography now we're updating this you know like currently while we're actually having this interview we're updating all the templates as we go because there's lots of different categories when it comes to ebook Creations right and everybody has their own set of niche in the market so they pick any of these templates and just design it edit it there's a live editor on it and after that they can set up delivery right from within the system so usually what you do is you create the ebook and as you know attempt you create the ebook and then you have to buy click funnels and create the lead page and then you have a zap here or any integration software and pay them monthly to get the Integrations done so that people after they opt-in they get the actual ebook the delivery right so we got it right in the system and you can title it Gourmet donuts for example and the next uh okay yeah we're they're updating the system okay I think they are so okay right here and then you pick any of the ones you actually created as a landing page so we can pick okay sorry for that it's just the team is just updating all the templates and that usually creates uh the whole thing but right here we go next we pick any of those and then we go next right here submit and that's about it and delivery method usually you place the link or you upload the ebook onto it and done you don't have to do anything after that it just delivers right away now when it comes to driving traffic and we thought about that so that that's the delivery page with a sign up form so basically like we created the ebook and then we created lead funnel and then we have the delivery once someone opts in to get the actual ebook they get the delivery of the ebook without having to do anything it's all done okay so the the email will also be sent to them automatically through the platform the email will be on data export right okay yeah yeah I'll show you in a bit okay and then we got viral dashboard which you know one of our biggest products we've released like three versions already and that allows them to create you know create like social media posts on different platforms like Facebook page groups Instagram publishing Pinterest Google my business LinkedIn organization publishing Twitter and you can automate everything even with RSS feeds YouTube channel vemo Reddit and many more right so we've given them part of the bundle deal for free within the system to automate and reach a huge audience that will come in and opt in to get the ebook so that's free traffic amazing and then we've got the dfy system which I actually mentioned to you right now so when they create like certain dfy uh you know uh packages with ebooks landing pages and everything else we're actually a process for them all the ads for Facebook ads and Google ads so all the Imaging and all the you know a title description for every ad and we'll run it for 30 days so that they can get traffic on the landing pages and accumulate leads right here and as you can see in data export you've got like different templates we've got different packages right here and you can pick so say you've got this this ad right and this package you can actually download those leads or you can download all lead funnel right here okay in the system so everything is accumulated within the system now something else we thought about is that usually as you know newbies when they want to promote an offer people and vendors decline them right because there's no history behind them they don't people don't know them like say it's X and they want to promote say design Suite I will probably reject them because they'll have zero stats they'll have no history of making sales and yeah as an affiliate you mean exactly as an athlete so we wanted people and our customers to be able to make commissions what we've created here is we've packaged a lot of different offers like host Legends with mingled to Mingo usivi Dropship leave vital dashboard and we're actually strucking deals right now with different vendors I don't want to name some but one of them is Abby okay once we put all these offers right here aside from the offers we currently have they're going to be pre-approved right away to promote these offers with all the leads they created in the system to make commissions okay nice yeah they can descend the leads directly to those offers with their affiliate link exactly okay yes and now we got the Box shots they can create Box shots right here they can add team members any kind of team members there's no limit on team members uh so say someone is managing and they don't want to manage the system they have a team member that that they trust they can add them in the system and he will be able to do everything like the ebook the lead funnel everything else on their behalf and we got the agency reseller too which allows them to resell design Suite AI for a hundred percent commission okay so is does that also come with accounts that they can create for other people yes okay and do you know how many accounts are included in the bundle accounts okay cool yes yes and after that we thought further I mean if you look at everything we packaged here we looked further and we actually placed Stockbridge here is which is one of our products as well outside JV we never launched launched it on jvzoo we launched it on ads and we got a lot of customers through that product and I'm sure you've heard of it before Tim because me and you discussed it like a year ago so stock quiz has a lot of uh stock images videos logos everything else so we're gonna give that for free as well to all our customers within the system of design Suite AI so they know how to pay shutter stock and you know how much it costs for video and per image and per logo Etc now they have it all for free within the system right here and they can use that to create their ebooks exactly and one more thing that's our new system that we've created which is the email verifier as you know some leads might be fake so someone will come in and put like a fake email fake name and you don't want to email that you know that email address because that will screw out your delivery right on the email Market so we actually given them our clean out mail system within design Suite AI something we never launched yet we're going to launch in the future we've been working so hard because you know the technology behind it for you to verify each email correctly 100 and that's that's that takes a lot loads of money loads of efforts and loads of technology and we're gonna give it a part of designs with AI okay nice cool yeah yeah I don't think you knew that no I didn't know that no I went over the whole offer Etc but I haven't seen this one so that's pretty cool I mean cleaning emails is very important for your deliverability so uh that's that's a nice add-on and that's included in the bundle as well yes and and you know that cost a lot of money when you like verify like 10 000 emails you know the costs so how many how many emails can they verify do you know that uh will allow them a limit of like 10 000 a day okay that's based on on the on the information I have from uh our team yes 10 000 a day okay that's a good thing you know there's certain limits a day but I mean yeah okay cool nice yeah so hey regarding the the e-books how many ebooks can they create is there a limit on how many ebooks or no no unlimited okay and I have another question um because everything is is I heard everything was gbt4 uh that creates all the content uh do the customers if they if they purchase this do they need to add their own uh open API key no no no no we got gpt4 integrated within the system from our end so they don't have to integrate any gtbd4 or pay money for that no okay that's nice so uh no no need to put an external Connection in there no all right cool so uh about the bundle deal what's what's the price going to be the price is going to be on the early bird when we go on the pre-launch webinar it's going to be 297 and I'm we're going to give a secret coupon at 50 bucks so they're going to be able to snatch it at 247 plus all the exclusive bonuses that we're gonna give on that webinar plus we're given like three winners three winners on the webinar uh that will get the design Suite AI Fe so okay three lucky winners plus three lucky winners will win 50 bucks each okay with some money so you're gonna give away some money you're gonna give away some free copies that's for those that are participating in the webinar and three free copies for the front end and is there some kind of tip who you can how you can win those free copies engagement engagement through the webinar okay so guys if you see this if you sign up for the webinar make sure you you uh ask a lot of questions on the webinar so that you're very active and I've seen that as well we all also do that with activity people that are good and active through the webinar will always reward them with the with the free copy at least if we have three copies we give them to to those that are very active so uh yeah if you're excited about this uh this product I think it's pretty cool uh the way you can create ebooks unfortunately you could not show the landing pages that would be cool um can you check if you can have another demo of a landing page so that they can see it it's already possible to to show something template I'll show them a safe template right here okay okay uh okay so let's go to Safe templates and we'll pick uh which one do I like um edits so this is a uh a page builder what you're going to see now yes okay yeah that's that's where you actually made the leak funnel yeah people place their emails and then the delivery method that I showed before yeah is where you integrate that lead funnel so you name it obviously say you know Gourmet Donuts right yeah and then you integrate it in the delivery stage so that when people and you place the ebook so you pick the ebook you put in the funnel and delivery method and once people place their email and name right here the system will deliver the ebook you create okay that's cool Gourmet Donuts automatically to them and one more question is it possible to run this on your own domain do you know that uh no no no it's on your system the only way they can actually benefit from design Suite AI aside from their own business benefit is by reselling it at 100 no but I mean these Pages these lead pages is it possible to run a lead page on your own domain the lead page of course you have an embed code you can take it okay place it on your domain for sure yes okay you have the code okay cool all right this is nice that we've seen this as well yes so one thing you can edit yeah you can basically drag and drop everything on your page in here oh man look you got the form select check boxes everything like the whole nine yards we've actually placed it into the Elite model page builder okay cool even videos nothing everything very cool all right so the best deal is during the webinar and if you're watching this uh there's a button below this video where you can sign up for the webinar make sure you do so it's going to be fun are you on the webinar yourself fear us oh I'm gonna demo the whole thing like you know like extensively okay like it's gonna be way way more than what we showed right now though we should talk a lot but yeah on the webinar I usually go like all in and show like every single uh aspect of it because there's always questions that's another thing if you sign up you can ask questions live that going to be answered during the webinar so uh is there anything else you'd like to tell or have we seen everything that you wanted to show today you've seen basically the whole concept behind this ensuite AI but yeah on on the live webinar uh people are gonna be able to like dig in with us through every different feature like I just mentioned okay very cool all right thank you so much fear us I know you got a busy day so I'm gonna let you go for now and uh yeah if you're watching this again make sure to uh to sign up for the coming webinar uh fears will be there uh other people will be there probably presenting the webinar as well so uh super excited for you fear us uh all the best for the coming lounge and I think it will do well it's an awesome product and if you're interested you can get it through the webinar and uh yeah thank you so much for watching fear us thank you for being here and uh thank you so much for having me you're welcome I really appreciate it awesome all right guys thank you for watching hope to see you in my next video and talk soon cheers cheers

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