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hey guys it's Tim here and today I'll be reviewing e-coverly which is a very cool product that allows you to create e-coverse 3D e-covers animated e-covers for ebooks for product boxes for CD covers for books for computer mock-ups for well you name it it's inside of this platform so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you full demo uh how this platform works and what's on the inside before I do I want to mention that there is a link in the description of this video it will redirect you to my website where you can find the pricing of this product and also some extras that I'll be giving away if you pick this up through my link now one of the extras I want to point out is that I'm going to show you how you can add yourself as a presenter like you're seeing right here on your designs very cool spend a lot of time to figuring this out myself I'm gonna give this to you also I'm I'm going to give you thousands of moving backgrounds how you can get those and add them to your designs as well plus some extra bonuses as well you can go over them all of them are mentioned in the link below this video all right let's dive into this and let me show you what you can do with ecoverly so as you can see this is uh what you will see when you log in and you can create all different kind of uh yeah designs so as you can see here these are animated designs and everything that you see here can be applied to the different mock-ups that you're going to create so these are animated we also have the normal e-covers and this is a bit what you can see what you can create things like this can be created with e-coverly very cool so you can add your designs to it a mock-ups as you can see here so these are real live mock-ups where you can add your designs to uh very cool so what I'm going to do is I'm going to Simply go to the animated here so basically at the top here we have the same menu as that we will see here at the left side later on but let's say we want to create something animated so I'm going to go to the animated templates that are available now I've got a lot of templates available to my account I've some of the upgrades and again you can check out the details in the description on my page what's included in the front end and possible upgrades but as you can see here these are all done for you templates that you can simply use now as you can see these are all animated templates if you are still locked here but yeah many many templates available as you can see so let's say we want to use one of the templates that say we want to use this template then you can simply click on this template and from here you can choose what kind of design you want to create so as you can see there are a lot of different mock-ups that you can choose from and you can animate all of these so these are the different mockups so let's say we want to create this box here this product box then we simply click on this product box and this will open the editor for us now as you can see here this is the designer here so let me make this a little bit zoomed out and you can see this is the design here where you can start designing your uh yeah product box in this case now basically here you have at the left side you have your design menu and at the right side you have some options the first thing that I want to show you is the cool thing that you can do with your designs is you can share this with your clients so let's say Your Design is dumb you can click on this preview here and this will open a new menu where you have the ability here to generate a sharing URL so from here you can create clients you can say add clients so I already created a client let's say Tim International this is one of my clients then I can click on generate URL and this will generate a design URL for the client now look at this it says feedback.publishing.design so the client will never know that you are using e-coverly so I'm going to copy this URL or open this URL and what this will do is you can send this URL to your client and your client can send feedback on your design so as you can see here it says click to add so let's say we want to I'm the client I click on here and what I can do is I can leave a comment here so make this color blue for example and post comments so as you can see here now it has a one here with make this blue and I can click here and I can say for example add add another animation for example and post comments so let's say this is the client I open this URL again I can know if it can go over the design and I can say okay let's click on this okay make this color blue and I can say okay done and I can mark this as done and now this becomes green and the same thing for this so I can click on this it says add another animation I can say done and I can mark this as done and post my comment here uh so you can also have a conversation here and then once it's done you can mark this as done and then it's green so that's pretty cool that's one thing that I want to share first because this can be used to share with your clients which is pretty cool so you can create those clients as well when I click on ADD client here you're able to add your clients here in the back end um but let's go to the designer in here so yeah here at the left side the cool thing is we already talked about clients so when you fill out a client profile with the name Etc what you can do here is you can go to an element and you can click on client here to decline profile and you can say for example I'm going to do Tim International and what I want to add is the profile name of the international so when I click on profile name look at this boom it automatically says to International so all the details that you've saved inside of your account can be added directly here like the address if you want to add an address here at the bottom you don't have to search for the client details all the time you simply click on here a client profile and then you can say for example the company name or the tagline or the address or the profile e-name email Etc so that's very very useful now in here you can add all different kinds of stuff so add text if you want to add a text you simply type here and then the text will be in here and you can change it in here so here you have all the options like bold italic a new line uh all these options here you can change the style so let's say you want to have an a casual style and then you have here A whole list of fonts that you can choose from from the casual style or maybe you want to have this handwritten then you have a bunch of handwritten styles from here or you want to have this impacts then you have the list of impact sources in here impact fonts so you can choose that and then it will change here as you can see here you can easily change the size here of your text and Designs so this is how you can add text also you can change colors from your text Etc you can add Shadows to your text if you like you can add outlines as well uh you can change the direction horizontal vertical so if you want to have this vertical you can do that as well as you can see here in this case we like to have this horizontal so it's very easy to change your designs in here now at the left side it comes with a lot of options so here you have the clip art for example where you have a ton of images here it's 96 pages here of all these different kinds of clip art so this is all black and white as you can see here so you can add a paper clip here and then you can go to the caller here and you can change this paper clip I think you can change this to white as well yeah so you can change all these clip art to the color that you like to have so if you want to have this a different color you simply click on it you go to the color here and you make this for example a little bit pink I'm not sure if this is pink but you get the ID right so there's a lot of clip art inside here that you can choose from here arrows boxes calendars chaps clean icons here when you click on this all these icons are available um look at this all of this is on the inside and we have colored here's where you can choose from also 39 Pages you have different shapes that you can add to your design so if you like to add a block here you can add that as well so that's very easy to create your design other thing you can do is you can add your own images to your designs now as you can see here I already uploaded my images and what you also can do is you can add animated images to your designs as well so these are my animated images that I'm using so for example what I already showed you I can app myself as well here so I could say for example I want to get rid of this one here and I want to add myself here to this design now look at this this looks pretty cool right so now it's me talking about this thing here and I can change everything so let's go here to images again static animated there's a library here of static images here that you can choose from lots of pages 166 and again check the page to see what's included because uh yeah the more you upgrade the more you get of course you can also upload your own images if you have to but as you can see here all these images you can add these animations to your designs it's very easy if you want to have something like this look at this you can add that as well so this makes your product boxes really stand out because it's moving it has moving elements um let me go back here so images we got stock images as well so this is the library uh also animated here we got stock images that you can choose from here all different kind of stock images so these are not moving images these are just stock images that you can use uh premium gifs so these are characters that you can add to your design so they're all different kinds like Arab here our firefighter uh well look at the list here Asian police man um that corporate man here for example or woman you can add that to your design so if you do not have personal ones like they want to show you can add this as well to your design look at this and it looks beautiful right so that's as well same thing is for background so if you want to change the background uh you can go through the library in here with all different kind of backgrounds so these are static but there are also animated as you can see here and these are five pages now one of my bonuses I'm going to show you how you can get thousands of these backgrounds uh to be added so these are no videos I'm going to show you a very cool Source where you have well a ton of backgrounds that are much and way cooler than the ones that you're having right here but let's say you want to have a background like this you simply click on this and then the background will change on the fly as you can see here personally I like the blue one better let's see if we can do undo that one not sure if that's possible I don't think backgrounds can be changed for uh with undo you cannot undo backgrounds so that's unfortunate so make sure you save your design in between here uh so if you made a mistake you can always go back uh reset a template if you like to reset it also tutorials are a ton of tutorials on the inside uh let's change the name to my name for here I'm not a deal somehow I do that's the product Creator added his name everywhere on the product so uh yeah I think he's cool so let's do it this way tempered out so something like this other thing that you can do here is you can add grids to your design so as you can see here for positioning also you can do small grids you can change the color so if you like to have a Light Grid you can do that as well you can remove the grid as you can see other cool things here right this color to brightness you can set the brightness of your screen as well personally I don't think I will ever use this but it's kind of cool and the color so let's say now it's a blue line you can change this to any anything so now it's red now it's yellow it becomes red green so you can change the design of uh yeah what you're working with here I think it's pretty cool and it can be changed so that's everything on the left side here other things here at the right side so you can do positioning so let's say you want to position myself below this you can change that here to the backwards so these are basically layers as you can see now I'm behind this design in here you can forward this design you can also change the angle in here uh you put this to the front you can change the colors of course you can set the transparency of each layer as you can see and that's basically what you have inside of the editor so you can create some cool things in here and like I said first you're going to save your project of course and then when you go to the preview item in here then what you can do here is you can add some have some multiple options so in this case there's only sharing URL and a watermark when you have a static image you also have the option to add to create Shadows also to add a um how do you call that that is mirroring at the bottom so your design is a mirror here so you have the Shadows mirrors here with the static designs in this case you can only add a watermark so let's say uh created are designed by Tim here you can see designed by team and you can choose what kind of Watermark you'd like to have so let's say only one model on a mark you can do like this or maybe you want to have a lot of them so you can select this and then it will be applied to your design on top of it so that when you share this that there is a watermark on top of it it's pretty cool so it takes a uh some time to create this because this is an animated one for the static designs it will go a lot faster so I pause the video and I'm back now and as you can see here designed by Tim designed by Tim so there's now a watermark in my design I can share this I can download this Etc um let's say I'm satisfied with the result then what you can do here is you can click on generates and it will ask me hey is your design ready yes so I can click on yes and proceed and what this will do is it will generate the animated 3D cover that we designed for me now this takes a few minutes because it's animated Etc so it needs some complicated rendering in the background so what it will do is once this is finished it will send you an email automatically that your design is ready so I'm going to show you that so it will look like this here it says I got a new message gonna show it and it says here uh your computer technical technology box 3 is ready and I can view it in e-coverly and then my design is ready here as you can see so what you can do here you have multiple options so you can edit your design you can download this when I download this it will download it to my computer here so let's open this I can double click this and now it comes with three different formats so as you can see here it's a large medium and small so it's the three different sizes that it comes with here to your computer now another thing that you can do here is you can also download this as frame so this will be single frames um where you have each specific frame so let me show you that as well let me see if it's already downloaded no so this takes a little while it's going to process each single frame so as you can see here my hands are moving so each frame of my hand will be available there it is it's downloading right now let me show you here and there it is so as you can see this has a lot of images so these are all the different images so if you want to have a specific part of this fell um yeah you can simply use one of these uh these frames so as you can see here it's 35 frames all together but you can download as a frame as well you can delete this you can clone your project and one of the things which is really cool is from this model you can change this to other models immediately so when I click on this I have the option to create these different models as well so let's say I want to have a a something like this I can simply click on this and now it says you're getting an email once this will be rendered so now this is automatically be transformed to that other design as well so it's generating now in the background so that's pretty cool another thing that you can do by the way is you can export this as a e-coverly fell and you can import this in another account so you can share this with other e-coverly users as well now that brings me also to the next thing here and let me check here at the top which is e-cover so this is what I wanted to show you first where you have all this animated all these animated uh product boxes CDs covers Etc I wanted to just showed you this really gets the attention right when you have these moving image now you can also create e-covers which are static images as you can see there is nothing moving uh here these are just a template so let's say you want to use this template you simply click on this template and you can choose whatever you would like to design so this is basically the same but it's not animated and let's say I want to create a computer here I want to have this this laptop I just click on new use here and it will open the editor for me where I can yeah design whatever I like so I can app myself as well so I can go to my images again here I can say Okay I want to go to my uploads here I want to add this for example to this design here I want to change this of course to my name so I'm going to do Tim fridao and let's say this design is already ready what I can do here is I can go to safe and let me show you what I just said in the other uh in the sharing part if you want to go to preview now the cool thing what you can do here is you can add shadows as well so you can see some extra options in here so uh background here background options and Watermark and Shadow and reflection so I want to do shadowy reflection I can add Shadow to this laptop as well with e-covers this will be a little bit more nice so here you don't really see shadows as far as I can see let's see if I can add a reflection probably that works better with the product boxes now so in this case unfortunately I'm going to show you but when you have these e-covers Etc it will show a nice shadow in here but these options will be in here again Watermark background options so that's a possibility with the static ones so let's say you want to have a color a background color here you can do that as well for your images if you want to change that here if you want to add a blue apply Color and you want to export that or you can upload your own image that you want to share it with your image and then you can download this with the background as well and then here you have the different designs a different formats so you can choose BNG jpeg PDF or Tiff file so that's the static one so let's say I'm going to save this and these do not have to be rendered so the static ones are done immediately so when I exit I'm going to say save and exit I can immediately download this product box or this laptop as we have created so here in my projects now we're in e-covers here as you can see this is the laptop I can immediately download this to my computer here you can see it's ready here I can open it and again it comes with different designs here this is the largest one and the smallest but as you can see these are the designs transparent designs that I can use upload to my websites Etc it's beautiful so these are the e-covers and then we also have the group shots which is one of the upgrades if I'm correct which allows you to create these kind of group shots with your products so this is really cool um let me see here I already created this one so when I select this one you can choose the designs that you have created so in this case let's say e-covers as you can see already created this uh computer here with this background now if you want to create a new design you can click on create new and then you can create this computer design with a new design in this case I'm going to select this computer I'm going to go to the iMac 3 that's the second one the iMac 2 I'm going to choose this one the iPad 7 I want to have this so let's say you have 10 designs here you can simply select the design that you want to have inside of this iPad and the same thing for the iPhone if you want to have another design if you already created another design you can select that design in this case I only created One Design so I'm going to select the ones that I created here and I'm going to click on generate and this will generate a group design for music see boom now immediately you have the same design that you have created for all these different designs and you can download this to your computer very cool very professional if you ask me looks really cool as you can see many options here available I like this one as well very cool options and very easy so let me quickly show you how it goes so let's say we don't have a design for this one you can simply say okay I do not have a design for an iMac here I want to have an e-cover but I don't want to use this one you can simply click on create new and you can select the theme or start from scratch but let's say we're going to select a theme Here now what you can do is let's say this is the design that we want to have this is just a quick demonstration and let's say I'm going to click on exit because I'm satisfied save and exit and now when I go back once this has been saved look what happens when I go back to my group shots in here I can say refresh and this will refresh the e-covers here so as you can see right now this is the one that we just created do you see that so now we can select this one and it can go to the box seven and I can do exactly the same so I can say I want to create from a theme I can do exactly the same so I can say for example I can use the exact same or I can create another design so let's say I want to use this design then it will do exactly the same of course I can say exit here if my design is ready and finished and then I can go back here to the group shots I can click on refresh and now it's in here so this way let's say we're gonna select this one use this one and then for the iPhone I'm going to use this one this will be another group shot with the other designs in here as well and there you can see you see that was the product of box that we created was the iMac that we create and these we already had these designs so that's what you can do with the group shots then another thing that we have in e-coverly is the mock-ups function uh where we have all these different kind of mock-ups that you can design with your own design and everything works the same you have that same designer but here you can choose from all these mock-ups in here so as you can see a lot of available mock-ups in here that you can choose from and you can simply pick one so let's say you want to use this one you can say I want to use one of my templates of the building templates or you can use one of your projects so if you already have a project let's say I want to have an animated part in here so we want to have this board here and I want to have this with one of my animated projects I can click on animated in here and now I can choose from one of my animated projects that I created I can say system suggested because this is a vertical project or I can say all projects and I can choose from one of these now as you can see probably this won't be a match but let's say let's see what it does when I select this one and then probably I have to resize some stuff here you see that so I want to zoom out here you can see you know it's it's a vertical design but you know I can still do this and say okay I'm happy I'm going to save this save and exit and now it will add this to that specific mock-up for me and I have a uh animated mock-up here uh here for me let's see if I download this if this is gonna work let's see what it created because I don't see it in the preview here let's see no it's yeah no I'm downloading my mock-up now so that's not that's not going as it should be let's go back to the mock-ups probably I should have gone with the suggested one uh let's go let's go to the cell let's simply pick this one let's say I want to Simply e-cover projects for quickly here let's say I want to use this one it's going to open the designer probably I need to move things around again oh no it already you see that already move parts for me pretty cool let's say this is what I want here I'm going to save this one and now let's exit let's say okay I'm going to exit save and exit and let's see what it comes up now yeah you see that's better so probably that one didn't render correctly so I'm going to download this one there it is and look at this this is what it has created with your mock-up in here uh very easy to create all these mock-ups in here as you can see and they're a bunch of mock-ups that you can choose from all within your account then the next thing is one click magic and that is also a very cool one you can see I already have a project in here but when you go to your e-covers in here you will notice that there's also I need to go to my projects let me go there quickly here we go so what you will see here with the with the e-covers here you will see that it says one click magic here one click magic also here one click magic when I click on this one click magic what this allows me to do and this is very powerful it allows me to take this design and change it to all these different kind of mock-ups so from One Design I can create three six nine twelve different mock-ups when I click on transform here what this will do is it will show me this so they are categorized as you can see here boxes with CDs these are kind of business card as you can see these are laptops different laptops so what I can do here let's say I want to have these monitors in here or let's say yeah this is C here so it says here when I hover needs some tweaks so when I click on this look what happens it's going to ask me to tweak my model a little bit so here you can see the design is not exactly correct right so what you need to do here is you need to make this a little bit bigger here you can say for example I'm gonna make this bigger here I'm going to tweak that I'm going to do b mix here I'm gonna do something like this I'm gonna put the name there just you know something like this looks nice all right I'm Gonna Save this and now when I exit this design here and let me save and exit it again now immediately all these category all the the images in this category are ready for me to download look at this now it says download C everything is ready here now when I download this to my computer look what happens it's going to give me all these models all around this laptop this laptop this laptop this laptop this monitor this iMac so it's processing in the background now so once it's ready I'm going to show you the downloads and here they are so let me open this and as you can see in this map look at this all these designs have been ready for me here all in three formats here this is the television look at this here's another big screen look at this here's another big screen look at this all these designs have been created for you iMac here has been created for you three different formats iMac 2 here also created for you so that's pretty cool and you can use that those designs anywhere laptop here as you can see the iPad so all have been generated in simply uh yeah a few clicks by modifying the design a little bit as you can see here this is the laptop with the design so if one design and it automatically generates all these designs for you very cool um then the final thing on the inside here is the Giggs hero and this allows you to search for gigs on all different kind of platforms so basically what this does is it will allow you to search on freelancer go lens people per hour 99 designs uh I'm not sure how to pronounce that Flex jobs crop all these networks here you can search for your job here and it will search on all these different platforms for you and then uh yeah you can reach out to those clients for you as well and that's inside of the gigs finder and then let me quickly show you the clients as well again so in here you can add different clients where you have the contact details email phone number Price notes and all the design details as well so I need to give a name so I'm going to call this demo and then demo demo.com and go to the design details so here you can give a profile name an author name attack line a heading a profile email address company name profile phone Etc and these details can be used automatically in your designs as I showed you at the beginning now I noticed that this is at the top not sure what that is oh here you can go to the menu again of your e-covers animated group shots mockups one click design gigs hero your clients and the tutorials and your support and that's basically what e-covers is all about it's a very cool platform as you can see here all different kind of designs many templates and again what makes this product special is that it has all these animated uh covers as well now again if you're interested make sure to check out the link in the description of this video you're gonna get this from me as well I'm going to show you exactly how you can add yourself here in front of your products on your product Boxes Etc I'm going to give you access to thousands of moving image backgrounds that you can use in your designs with convert plugin very cool plugin you can check it out here live demo all these extras simply uh click before you purchase on one of these this is the front end you can also get the bundle the pricing is mentioned in here as well I'm also going to add a coupons on this page as well so make sure to check out for those those coupons as well that will give you discounts to the product and that's basically it so thank you for watching please hit a thumbs up if this video was useful consider subscribing to my YouTube channel if you haven't done yet I do a lot of product reviews and yeah again thank you for watching hope to see you in my next video talk soon cheers