Leadsmate AI Review – Generate 300-500 High-Quality Leads Daily

hey guys it's Tim here and today I'll be reviewing leads made AI which is a platform that will give you a ton of leads from Google from brand new domains uh also from LinkedIn and from Facebook so you're going to get leads from four different platforms now I have to say I'm impressed I've also interviewed the creator of this platform if You' like to see that video it's on my YouTube channel as well in case you're interested there's also a link in the description it will redirect you to my website where you can find more information about the pricing also some available bonuses that you're going to get if you pick this up through my link so make sure to check that out for now let's dive into it and let me show you how uh leads made AI works so like I said here you will start by getting your leads from Google from brand new domains LinkedIn and Facebook and let me go over them uh but not only that you will also be able to manage those leads to run reports for those leads and to contact those leads through the platform itself now this is uh one by one so you can reach out to a single person but there's also an available upgrade which is called cleverly box that allows you to reach out in bulk through thousands of people and also fluxa wapi uh which is a WhatsApp service that allows you to reach out through WhatsApp now in case You' like to upgrade to agency Enterprise that means that you can become a premium reseller of leads made AI as well let's first start by getting leads from Google so you simply click on Google here and then in the next screen you can search for whatever keyword you would like to find leads for so let's say you want to search a list for realter you simply T type it in here real tur and then you type the location in here so let's say we want to do New York here New York USA and then the area you can say let's say 25 kilm here and then you can search and now it will give you a list of Google leads from realtors in the United States in New York here as you can see you'll get all the details here it's also giving you a score so the lower score uh the better for you if you want to reach out to those leads to uh give your services and you can see unclaimed uh domains on Google here as well so here you can see the results and when you go over the results you will notice that most of those leads from Google will not have an email address but that's not a problem because you can extract those email addresses later now let's say you have those 20 leads in here if you want to have more leads you can simply click on more here and then it will extract more leads from the platform as well now let's say we want to save those leads then what we're going to do here is we're going to select all the leads in here and now we're going to add those leads to a leads manager so I'm going to click plus here and you can select your campaign in here so I already did something for hair salons but you can also create a new campaign so let's say we want to do realter then we're going to add this campaign and now we're going to save the leads to the Realtors you can see the leads have been saved to the leads manager that we can find here on the left side so let's go to the leads manager and show the leads that we just collected so inside of the leads manager you can see the different campaigns here that you have created so as you can see for the hair salons already had 30 leads total leads in here and here it also shows you how many Google leads you have how many Facebook leads domain leads and Linkedin leads so let's open the realtor list of leads and let's extract the data here now as you can see here in this list you can see there this is the exact list that we just got from Google Now when we go back you'll notice that here is a button which says extract data now this is the Realtors campaign and we do not have email addresses but we like to get email addresses from Realtors and when I click on extract data it's starting to process a search operation that will search for the email addresses for your Google leads and this is pretty unique because a lot of lead finding tools will give you Google Lead leads but not the email addresses this tool is different because in the background it's going to search for the email addresses from those leads which is pretty cool so when we go back here uh it's processing and this is going to take a couple of minutes but when we refresh it and there you go you can see here it now has completed the task here you can rescan or few the logs but you will notice that it now has searched for email addresses and it found email addresses for several of the listings in here so now it will load all the leads the 40 leads and as you can see here for the first one it found an email address so you can reach out to this contact uh not all email addresses are available uh but there are many here you can see this one has many email addresses here you can see here this one has an email address in here this one has multiple email addresses in here this one has multiple email addresses here this is an email address this is an email address uh so these are the email addresses that you can reach out to uh to deliver your services now you can also select the ones that have an email address so let's say you want to have an email address here and then you say I want to save those as well so you can simply select that and when you go to the top here again you can click on export to CSV and now you've downloaded it to your computer as a CSV file as well you can also filter here with different options as you can see these are the different filter options so you could also say I want to have every lead now that has an email address you can sort buy reviews with less than four stars or between one and three so you can reach out to those leads and those are our Google leads and you can see here you also have Facebook leads and domain leads if we have added those to the campaigns so this is how you go through a process now after you have your leads you can also run reports for your leads so let's say we want to report here for lilyan so we go to the campaign here Realtors and it will show the leads here what I can do here is I can see the ones that have an email address here I can say I can scroll to the right side here and I can say I want to generate a report for this specific client so when I select all it will generate all these reports for me uh for these specific clients so when I click on generate report it will start generating the claimed and unclaimed domains it's going to check if the website is mobile friendly uh all these other options it's going to check for here and now it has a download button so that I can download the report and this is what a report will look like so you can see business profile here you can see this is the this is what's on their business profile and you see all these information about the website first you can see reviews that are people saying about this specific client uh and then it says is your business claimed or unclaimed and here it says unclaimed success the business is currently unclaimed and ready to be claimed so you can do this for them also filled the importance of having a mobile friendly website it does not have a mobile friendly website a social media online preses there are no video FS on the website Facebook pixel is missing on the page an analytics pixel is missing on the page uh Google markup schema is also missing so you can see all these things are missing here on the website so that you can deliver those services to the client now you can do this yourself or you can also Outsource this for a web developer to do this for you so you work with a web developer but this is what you can send to this spe specific client so you can run these reports you will see the reports will be here and then you can contact those leads so when I click on contact leads in here what you can do is again you can select the campaign so let's say we have the realtors in here and then we can show the leads of the realtors in this case the Google leads and now what we can do here is we can say for example when we scroll to the right we can say we want to send a message to this context so when I click on send message here it will open a new window where I can send an email to this business now inside of this email creator you can select a category so here you have social media Services slow websites Google my business SEO Services mobile sites so let's say you want to do mobile social media Services you simply select this category here and now you can choose from those email templates I can triple your Facebook fans with video your business needs video marketing I got a business proposition for you you need to throw video marketing into the mix so here you have these templates so for example I can triple your Facebook fans with video you can select this one and now you will see that the email is ready here also with all those placeholders that you're seeing right here are being added automatically to the email so that their name and their business name will be used inside of the email you can see here to who you're going to send this email you can see the subject in here and you can also attach the gmbb report if you like to attach your report so first you need to uh to render that report of course before you can add this but you can add that as well you can also add a URL shortener if you have links in your email uh so that that will be added and once you're ready here uh you can test and you can send this mail to this specific customer now once you've done that and you go back to contact leads here you can say okay I have contacted this lead and when somebody has reached out or replied you can also say this person is interested for example and now you have all your information ready on one place you can go to the website here so you can contact the leads directly from within this platform now also the email templates when I click on email templates you will notice the email templates that I just showed you are in here so here are all the available email templates you can see right now I have 31 email templates but you can also create your own email template so when I click on create now I can write my own email in here as you can see and I can also use AI to generate those emails for me I can select a category of course first I need to create categories in here but this way you can make your own templates that you can send out to your leads uh that you have found here inside of the Google leads that was the first option that we just saw now the contact leads here through the platform is one by one as I just showed you in here however there are some upgrades like I said at the beginning here when you go to cleverly box you will have the option to use cleverly box to send out bulk emails uh from leads mate AI automatically to those contacts here you have your list your campaigns you have a oneclick login where you can log into cleverly box and in case you'd like to see what cleverly box is all about make sure to watch my review I've done both cleverly cleverly box and fluxa wapi I did a full review of both those products so if you search for cleverly Box review Tim row you will find it and the same thing for fluxy waapa uh which is a WhatsApp messaging service that is now integrated with leads made AI uh where you can send WhatsApp messages to those leads now this is just the first thing that I've showed you the second option to find leads is domain leads so domain leads are brand new domains that have been added recently uh that people have registered recently so you can reach out to deliver your service services and these are a ton of leads so first you can choose here uh for your domain register now this always needs to load a little bit this screen here but personally I like to search within all domain registers right uh what you can do here is you can select your country so any country can be selected so for example if you are in argentinia you want to have leads in argentinia you simply select argentinia in here and then you select the state that you want to have your leads or you do not select a state and you simply click on apply filter and now you will get all the leads all the brand new domain names from Argentina and there you go here you have all the leads as you can see here from Argentina and of course you can Niche this down like a set um to specific States if you like to but now you have all the new domains that are registered in Argentina and the domain leads part here only shows you brand new domains that have an email address so as you can see here all those um leads will have email addresses that you can reach out to now I probably have to blur them out because YouTube doesn't allow me to show those leads but these are all email addresses that you can reach out to so again you can select them all here and you can save them to a leads manager so I can say R Genia domain leads like this and I can say save and now it has created a new campaign for me so I can reach out to those contacts so as you can see here when I scroll down here it found over 11,000 brand new leads in Argentina these are all brand new domain names registered you can check them out here you can click on them uh to see what kind of domains they are and yeah all the information is in here as you can see here when I scroll over this you can find all the information here next thing is domain leads now this is also a very very cool feature that allows you to find leads from a specific company so as you can see here I did this with a Dutch company cool blue which is a big company in the Netherlands an online shop uh where they found thousand lead counts I did the same thing for Amazon in here where it found thousand email addresses from Amazon employees so I can do exactly the same so here you simply type your domain name so let's say we want to do let's say walmart.com we want to find employees from Walmart because we want to do business with them or and that's the cool thing you can use this tool in so many many ways like you can you can use it for yourself to reach out to leads I also spoke with the Creator and he actually needed a specific service so he used this tool to find the service that he needed himself so instead of reaching out to leads to sell your services he used the tool to find services for himself now as you can see here it says it founds lead successfully and you can see here we have thousand email addresses of Walmart so when I open this it will show you a list of leads from Walmart here check this out here so we have John England England here with email addresses here these are all email addresses from Walmart and you can see exactly when we go to the right here first of all you can see their social URL uh but you can also see what they are here so the description here the job title senior director product development and sourcing at Walmart had of Walmart spark shop so let's say you you need to have a director for example you can simply search for director uh director and it will show you the list of the directors here as you can see it shows you the list here that you can reach out to those employees so you can imagine that the LinkedIn feature is very powerful uh to get the right person and again you can save these leads as well you can lead add them to your leads manager so that you can reach out manually here through the platform you can contact the leads here through the email templates or you can use cleverly box to build Outreach to those people so that's the LinkedIn feature very very powerful in my opinion then the final one is Facebook leads where you can find leads through Facebook and this also works based on keywords so you simply type a keyword here so let's say we want to do realtor we're going to search here and it's going to give us a full list of Realtors from Facebook here and again you can save those leads you can see the unclaimed here you can see all the information and yeah simply select all those add them to a campaign or you can export these as a CSV and that's how you can do business you can use this yourself to reach out to those customers or you can sell your leads as a service if people are searching for a specific Niche let's say someone is searching for realtors for a list of realtor email addresses you can do it this way you can export it and you can sell that to other businesses as well now then there's one final option that I want to show you here which is the leads extractor here so if you want to get leads from a specific website you can simply add the domain in here so let's say we want to do google.com not sure if this one will work oh I see I cannot do that because it has an upgraded plan so that's not in my current plan but you basically should be able to add a website and it will extract the leads from this website and that's basically what leads mate AI is all about as you can see it's a very powerful platform to get hundreds and thousands of leads you can reach out through the platform that you can reach out through cleverly box which is the building or the connected email platform to send out bu emails you can use fluxa wapi to send WhatsApp messages to customers and right now this is all available guys for an introduction price and if you're interested check out the link in the description again it will redirect you to my website where you can find more information about the pricing there is a bundle deal available this time as well so that you can get the front end plus all the available upgrades that listed on my website for a onetime price there's a coupon as well mentioned on my website that you can use to get $50 discount on that bundle as well and for now thank you so much for watching if this was useful please hit the thumbs up it will help to rank my videos on YouTube also if you haven't subscribed make sure you do so I do a lot of product reviews similar to a product like this and I hit that notification Bell so you get notified I each time I upload a new review video and for now thank you so much for watching and I hope to see you in my next video talk soon cheers

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