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how would you like it if you could get access to AI voices and I'm talking about the best text-to-speech softwares I've heard so far really impressive second thing AI humans where you can let humans do do the talk for you based on what you type and even better you can create full presentations just like you do with PowerPoint with those AI humans in it and finally AI images where you can create stunning images really I'm going to show you some images that I've created with the software well all of that is available inside synthesis AI Studio which I will be reviewing today but before I do so I want to mention that there is a link in description of this video uh that if you're interested in getting this through my link you're also going to get some extra bonuses if you pick this up through my link now I want to point out one bonus real quickly uh if you grab the bundle link you're going to get from me a five-star appsumo rated vitax account you can still purchase this on the appsumo and this allows you to upload your videos is basically video hosting you can upload all of your videos here and then you can display your videos into different languages as you can see here English German French Italian this video will do the talking in the different languages with voiceovers Etc it will give you the transcription and even more so make sure if you grab it that you grab it through my link all right let's dive into this and let me show you what synthesis AI studio is all about so right now I'm logged into the dashboard and as you can see here at the top you have three options so it's AI voices here AI humans and AI images so let's start with the voices when I click on the voices here I can start exploring the voices now the cool thing is that this product allows you to create conversations between multiple voice actors so when I go back let me actually load a project that I already created inside of my studio in here it's called review demo in here and here you can see that I've created a conversation between London Amelia Angel Parker and Ruby now let me play this so that you can get an ID of the quality of those voices hi this is Landon and this is an example of the AI voices that are included in this package today you can hear how natural my voice sounds wow Landon your voice sounds amazing just like my voice yes guys this is the power of syntheses I studio all our voices sound amazing definitely and as you can see you can create conversations like this very easily just go ahead and get your access today I mean that sounds amazing doesn't it and you can create these type of conversations really easily so basically what you do if you want to add a paragraph in here so you can start with a blank project in this case we're going to use this project you simply go here you click on ADD paragraph in here and now you can start typing so I can say this is the best text to speech software I've ever seen and then what you can do here is you can choose from the actor in here so when I click on ADD actor you can choose from all these actors in here now look at all these actors and look at all these languages so all these languages that you're seeing right here these are all supported and I think basically every language is supported in here now the cool thing is that they've added some very cool uh brand new voices that I haven't heard any better so let me actually go here you can by the way bookmark voices that you like and let me go to popular in here and simply select English and then United States in here and then here when I scroll down you can see that there are new voices I don't see those new voices in here right now so probably I think they're working on my account because you can see I already created The Voice as I did before but I cannot see the voices actually that I had the newer voices are not in here now but you can see them in here so this was a new voice also uh Peter of Parker here this is such a good voice this one definitely and as you can see you can create conversations like this very easily so let's go ahead and get your act these voices can be added here so basically you have your paragraph and then in here you can add all different kind of actors so let's say I want to have this actor I want to have that actor and this actor and this actor you can simply add them to your conversation in here and then what you can do is you can select these types of actors in here so for each line that you have inside of your voices here you can select for example if you want to have area here that is going to do this sentence you have area and then you click on play and then area will uh we'll do these line in here and this Bay this way you will be able to create conversational voice overs where you can create complete stories between all the different kind of characters now like I said unfortunately I'm not able to show the best voices because somehow they're now out of my account uh I know that they're still working on this account so that's probably the issue but this is basically how you can create your voice now as you can see here there's also a parcel in each line where you want to add a pause for example you put your cursor in here and then the right side you can change the speed of this speaker and you can also add pause so as you can see here I can add a three second pause in here and then it will stop the voice for three seconds and then it will go to the next line basically it's at the end of this line so if you want to have another one you type here and then you can add another pause at the end here and then you can start typing here so it's not where you put your cursor it's at the end of a line if you want to have the pauses that's basically the text-to-speech you can export it here uh at the right bottom so here you can see this download button where you can download all of your voiceovers and basically it's very easy now one of the things that I also want to point out is when you add a new voice in here and you go to the actors you can also choose between the different moods so for example if you want to have a warm Voice or a powerful or a soft or a gentle you can simply do that here so if I click warm for example here you have all these warm voices so let me change this to um English and let me do that Australia Canada here and let me do um United States here as well so here you can see that you have three different voices so unfortunately we cannot postpone the launch because we are already behind schedule and so that's Zimmer here's Ria hello this is a demo of the voice you've selected and Natasha this is a demo of the voice you have selected so I'm sure to click the place you can choose between those moods in here so you could say warm but you can also say for example what do we have more here a calm voice and these are all calm voices choose Michelle here hello this is a demo of the voice you have selected Zimmer unfortunately oh we already got Zoomer right Ria hello so this is very easy so you can change all these moods in here you can choose between the moods you can do voice ages so if you want to have youth for example you can select that in here as well hello this is a demo of the voice you have selected so you have a little kid in here um you have already showed this right emotional here if you want to have an emotional voice this is a demo of The Voice selected not really emotional but you get the ID right so here you can choose from different kind of content that you want to create with your voices and uh yeah personally I really love the voice let me actually show you another example that has been created with the software with the other voices that unfortunately I don't have access to but listen to this here let me I uploaded this file listen listen to this a successful digital marketer and I'm John still climbing that corporate ladder remember our College dreams of Financial Freedom John I haven't forgotten Roger still dreaming I found a way to turn dreams into reality John so let me go to one minute because that's a very good one here um you just heard a superb example of our AI voices multi-voice functionality with AI voices our Ultra lifelike voices are synthesized from real human voices there are none out there better sounding you will get 100 of these Ultra lifelike voices and if that's not enough for you you will also get to select from 140 languages and 370 of the best natural sounding and then at 158 here examples of the voices you can choose from hi this is Elon and this is an example of the AI voices that are included in this package today you can hear how natural my voice sounds hi I'm Vanna and this is another example of the AI voices that you will receive today you can hear how natural my voice sounds no matter where you need an audio so I guess this gives a good impression right about the different voices that are available inside synthesis AI studio and this is the conversational of course you can also use only one voice and then create your voiceovers for one voice but like I said you can create complete conversations just like you heard here in this demo the voices sound really really good so this is the first part we have ai voices in here the second part is AI humans where you can create full presentations with humans so first of all you can choose from the different templates in here so they've created different templates that you can choose from or you can simply start with a blank template now actually let me show you a quick short very short video here already created this here open this video hi there and welcome to business strategies for entrepreneurs in this video we'll show you how to take your business to the next level so this is what you can create so you can create different slides and welcome to business and you can create videos uh in the background you can add images in the background Etc so let's create a human uh presentation in here so let's start with a blank template I like to start with something blank and then it works really easily first of all you pick one of the characters in here so these are all the available characters inside of AI humans as you can see here all different kind of actors that you can choose from and you can simply pick one of the voices or the actors in here that do the talking for you so let's say we're going to use this one here you simply selector and now you can see she's in the video and you simply add her and then you can choose the background so here at the left side you see all different kind of options so I want to go to images in here you can do an image background for example now she's with a image background but you can also do videos as a background so by default they have these videos but when you go to pixels for example uh like I showed you in the video you can easily upload your own video and as you can see here this is a video in the background that is playing or maybe you want to do a waterfall in the background now this is a this is not a full video so I prefer to have the full background like this this is easier for mobile phone so when you take something like this you can create it for mobile phone the videos in here as you can see then you can do the actor for example in the center in here and then she can do the talking so you can create mobile videos as well um and you can add everything on top of it so here if you want to add text you can simply add a text title in here so add title and you can see here now the title is in here you can change the colors of the title in here so if you want to make this this color you can do that you can change the font type in here or the different kind of fonts so if you want to do different fonts you can do that the different sizes Etc and this way you can design your video you can add different shapes in here so you got a bunch of shapes that you can choose from here as you can see all different kind of things so if you want to do uh let's see here you'd want to do simple rectangle in here you can do that simply make it bigger make it like this and then you can also change the order so the layers so you want to bring it to the back for example so that the text is on top you can change the colors of this thing as well so for example if you want to have this another color you can do that so you can basically design your whole slide so you have different kind of shapes as you can see here that you can choose from you have different frames here that you can choose from that you can add to your video you have all these different icons that you can add to your videos if you want to add icons you simply click on it here I don't know if you want to if something like this a diamond you can do that you can change the colors of the diamond you can change everything on the slide you can even add soundtracks as background music in here you can simply select this and it will play in the background I'm not going to do that right now because of the time here you have the different transitions between the slides because here at the right side look at this this is a slide but when I click on the plus I can create another slide and I can change this completely different what I also could do here is I could say I want to duplicate this slide for example and then I have two the same slides in here but what you also can do is on a third slide for example you can go to the umatars in here and then for example you can say I want have a completely different jumatar I want to have this person here in this slide so this way you will be able to create videos with different slides with different AI humans in it and then once you're happy you can add your text script in here as well so basically you have the same voices uh as what you have with the text-to-speech that I just showed you and you can do anything so you can say hi uh welcome to uh peace of mind for example and he could do the whole thing and then again you can choose from the voices here you can do the exact same thing you can go over the voices you can pick your voice up for example if you want to have a guy here or William you can add him here and then William will do this talking for you and then here you can even translate this as well you can change the speed you can change this pitch you can pause at pauses in here just like you could with the other software and then first you need to play the script so this takes a while to render this not going to do that but you get the ID right and then once you're satisfied with the result you can export your video uh I think you can create up to 10 slides here with the umatar video so if you want to create longer videos you need to create multiple projects and then you need to copy paste them yeah in a video editor but you know I don't think it's you don't need any longer than 10 slides uh you can simply create those slides in here and uh yeah as you can see it's pretty easy to work also media on here didn't show you that not sure what it is oh here with the media you can upload your own videos and images so that's what I did for example when I go to the backgrounds in here the video that you're seeing here at the bottom of this city I simply downloaded this from um from pixels in here so now I made it full screen again as you can see uh you can see the background video and now it's somehow messed up a bit so I need to select the one that I had with the waterfall so that's full screen again so depending what kind of videos you create you choose what kind of background you want but you can upload your own videos your own images Etc that you can use inside of your videos and then you can create videos like I just showed you here with this example let me show you one more time hi there and welcome to business strategies for entrepreneurs in this video we'll show you how to take your business to the next level so here you could see that it went from one slide to the other slides and this way you can create those videos now in my studio you can find all of your works when you go to AI voices you can see that uh the voices that we created you can go to AI images and these are the images that you have saved in your account so not that you have created but that you have saved inside of your account so let's go to the third option here AI images go to the prompts in here and here you can start creating and designing your own images you can literally create anything and the quality is superb as you can see here these are all the images that I've created so let me show you a few here so they what this was Brad paint look at this this has been created by Ai and in my opinion this looks really really good the same I did for Ariana Grande here look at this picture uh it's 100 generated with AI I didn't upload a photo I didn't upload anything it's simply uh generate with AI or for example if you want to do something like airplanes in here um this I mean you don't need any stock folders any longer you can simply give a title in here describe your image and it will create the image for you but also different images like images like this you know like this eyeball that I've created looks really cool or this one a little bit more fantasy um or this one fantasy eye or maybe something like this with the butterfly was really cool you see that has been generated or this was a little bit more fantasy as well uh look at this let me zoom in actually so you can see it better this has been generated with the text to speech here uh what more oh this was a very cool one here with a kitten and a lion here look at this look at the Quality I mean this looks so incredibly real here this is all being generated uh with AI here another one this also has been created so each time you generate something you get four examples four uh generated once so here this one of nature look at this this has been generated this is this is almost real right if you see this let me show you another one here this one also here look at this I did something like a lake in the water between the mountains let's just do something like that so let's let's do a uh Pink uh pink pink flower uh close up or beautiful beautiful pink flower close up let's see what it makes Alexander here you have some settings and here have the same issues with the voices I cannot change other things so I only can change this yesterday I could change also the resolution right now I cannot access this uh but you will have access to that you can change the artist in here personally I don't do that but if you like to have Vincent van Gogh for example you can make it in the style of Vincent Van Gogh uh in these Styles so I don't know most of those uh or Picasso Pablo Picasso you could do that so if you know those um artist you can make it in the style of these artists or illustrations you know if you want to do a doodle or a tattoo or something like watercolor or pencil pencil sketch Pixar crayon you can do that as well and then the image will be in that kind of style so here it's the same Pope Art Street Art but in this case I'm going to keep it the way it is beautiful pink flower close up and then click on visualize and I will generate the images for you now this is going to take about 30 seconds and then it will be in here so I'm going to pause the video and here I am look at this this has been generated I mean this looks pretty real right and this has been generated with AI and if you like you can do the same thing so now we can change this for example let's let's change the illustrations in here let's say I want to do here um let's say Korean or oil painting let's see if we can do this in oil painting in the style of uh I don't know street art something like this and then click on visualize again and look at this these are completely different ones like oil painting do you see that it's a totally different design so there's so many ways to create images with the AI software and if you like those images you can click on this in here or you can click on download you can download it directly to your computer and you should also be able to create variations here so when I click on this right button create variation now what I want to show with that is you can upload your own picture as well so this can be anything and you can create variations of anything that you upload so what I've done here is I've uploaded this photo of myself here and I clicked on this and I said create variations now the cool thing is you can save this to your assets so when you open an image in here you can save it to your library um and what it did when I created variases look at this this is what it has created this is a variation of the image that I uploaded and this looks like a bit of an older man right so here is another one here this one has been created as well uh simply based off this image that I've uploaded so I think it's pretty cool you can do it with your own photos uh and you can basically take anything and create variations of what you upload to the software the other cool thing as well is you can change it to night mode as well so everything will be in night mode in here um and yeah if you'd like to go back to your images and let me see what's this uh if I forgot something oh in painting uh drag and drop file upload here and not sure what in painting is honestly let me see here let me take myself again I think I've missed that when I went over this software uploads and here in painting So restore erase you can erase certain parts in here I guess uh burst size restore so here I think you uh let's see what it does what does that mean what can we do in here visualize let's see what it does oh look at this it's going to add these flowers inside of my picture in here so I've selected this part and now it's going to replace parts inside of an image with the other images I think that's pretty cool so that's also possible um and like I said you can upload your own photo to create variations like I did with this photo as well and that's basically what the the text to images and soon coming soon you will also have text to video in here I don't know if you can read this but it says text to video so you can type something and then it creates a video for you um and that's basically what it is like I said here in my studio when you save an image it will be in your library in here so as you can see this is an image that I saved here uh of this butterfly really cool these are the images that I say that it created with the software uh all very cool as you can see and that's basically what uh AI synthesis is all about synthesis AI Studio three products inside of one product and again if you are interested make sure to check out the link in description of this video to get my extra free upgrades as well and I please hit a thumbs up if this video was useful it will help to my video on YouTube also consider subscribing if you haven't done yet I do a lot of similar product reviews of other products uh hit notification Bell so you get notified and for now thank you so much for watching I hope to see you in my next video thanks