TVBoss Fire Ignite – Start your Own TV Channel!

how would you like it if you could start your own TV channel and reach hundreds of thousands of people or potentially millions of people by having your own TV channel well if that sounds good to you if that sounds cool then I got some good news I'm Greg Crawford here he's going to show you exactly how you can do that plus at the end of this video we're also going to announce a special offer that he has right now for the coming few days so uh Greg first of all awesome to have you back man thank you very much it's great to see your face again buddy it's been a while absolutely so uh yeah let's just dive into this and uh yeah maybe you can explain we're talking about the TV boss which is a product that you are working on for years now I mean this is a product that's not developed yesterday you already have this for years you keep developing it what exactly is is is this and what kind of TV channels can people create yeah cool so TV boss fire is now called TV boss fire ignite because there's been some exciting changes within uh the television realm especially more so in Roku now I want to put something out there just so everyone understands from their get-go there has been a big development as of January the 12th 2024 Roku are removing direct publisher channels which is the old way that people used to make channels now over 45 of TV channels are going to be removed from this whilst the viewership is still increasing so imagine having a storefront in a city or a town where there's 20 shops there's 20 doors and other customers are still coming there and in fact it's increasing with the customers but then half of them go like what's going to happen with you there and that's coming in 2024.

Yeah so so what happened was and how you you already said that we keep evolving the system as soon as we found out about that straight away we've got to work got team Hood all together and worked on it within five days we had a new solution to create the new channels which are called SDK now I really wanted to put that out there first because this is something that kind of inspired TV boss ignite because obviously we had to evolve and we had to adapt to these changes but with these changes for everyone involved whoever uses tvbots gets phenomenal results think about now when half of the competition is going to be removed so that's that's in a nutshell I just wanted to cover that and TV boss fire allows you to create two channels when you create your channel one for Roku TV which the big developments just happened on and the second is Amazon Fire you can create and manage your channels quite easily there's a like a three-step process so we've had people can you maybe first explain what what connected TV is for those that never heard about this yeah so connected TV is any television or device that connects to the internet and allows you to watch television on so for example you may even watch Netflix connected television if you've heard of Roku Amazon Fire Google Chromecast Apple TV you may have some of them that's connected TV so Roku is just like the Netflix icon you have Roku TV yeah exactly and it just plugs straight into the back of your television connects to the internet and it's called the cold cuts his generation right now because everyone's coming from cable TV because it's too expensive it's very linear like you have to watch things one after the other yeah always connect to TV you watch what you want when you want it's TV On Demand right so so that's what connected television is it's very simple concept but it's growing and growing and growing and and I can explain that if you like why TV's growing so much yeah first of all people want to save money Cable's way overpriced second of all especially when you have to move they have to drill up drill through whole holes in your wall pick up your driveway your garden just to bring that cable through so there's a second one a third of all there's so much content and you can watch it at your own Leisure on connected TV and then also it's growing because and this is a sad fact as the Millennials move out and they go to university college they're getting jobs they move into their own properties those people are tech savvy people whereas the older generation who are sadly obviously moving on in Life or through life um they're not watching television as much so so the younger Generations are adopting the technology and obviously the younger generations of the future so it's a growing growing Arena that we're in that is also yeah and there's also um obviously Roku and Amazon Fire they're in a bit of a power struggle they want as much content as possible and we help people provide that nice so you provide a way for people to uh set up their own TV channels on Roku and on Amazon TV yeah right that's correct can you can you show us something about the software that is able to do so yeah yeah sure I can't show you the TV channels but I can show you the system yeah sure so this is the channel Builder that we have inside TV boss um as you can see we just have my awesome Channel this is just like a screeny just to show you but you can um edit your Channel and these are the steps that you follow basically see there's some very simple the name of the channel your channel icon um your pretty link this already happens it's Auto generated and these also also get generated for you as well and they're about and watch channel pages are helpful for Roku and Amazon Fire um the best practices because they need lead cert or not legal pages but they need certain pages so the page these things here that we've create for you on autopilot are things that people would usually have to manually do but we just we obviously designed the system to be able to kind of take away all the all the grunts work so so when you set up a channel this has been generated automatically for you so basically you give your channel a name and then yep oh and then um you just upload your icon as you can see here a description of your Channel then you have your settings so then these are these are just like for the um for the actual system the provider name your contact email and you can put an affiliate URL in there so app externally outside of TV boss we allow it to go on blogs we also allow it to go anywhere with HTML we have a WordPress plugin that's available so you can really put these TV channels anywhere okay so you can also put them on your website as well yeah using HTML copy and paste okay on the sales piece there's an example Channel that I literally just copy and pasted the text and it was done in seconds and then also it's a few clicks for the blog setup which you can put in blog posts as well and then enable listing so this is just to enable it so the watch and store pages and stuff where Roku and Amazon like I say need those to be provided but also it's a good external way to get traffic in and it's also hosted on TV boss um which obviously is more of an Authority website which is your language um just that like I say little bits like it says get get my affiliate URL then you go with your videos so you add your videos here with your you just add the links so these are the videos that will be shown on your channel exactly and can this be seen as like like a YouTube channel but on television just that people can scroll through your content pretty much exactly how you see it on um on all the other connected TV channels you you'll have the same as they do is they're big companies and it's really easy to do we've had the record is two channels done in Under 12 minutes um another guy the Ron Bernard who just recently thanked me for changing his life who's got full time in TV now um sixth of September I took a screenshot which you will see on the page as well he generated um 176 000 views in six days from the start of September to the 6th of September this year okay so this is no small thing and this is something that we need to be taking advantage of because more and more people are watching TV and the competition is going to be halved in January and speaking of that I just want to speak really quickly some of the best channels out there are seasonal channels and we all know it's Christmas soon it's Thanksgiving soon it's Halloween soon so these channels perform really good around those times of the year and then obviously we help people to get content for free in in our own testing when we made our first ever three channels we generated 25 000 using other people's content so I want you to know you don't have to get on camera you don't need the lights camera action a film crew you don't need actors and actresses you can actually get content for free so you're going to show how to to get that content well I guess there's training on the inside there's training on the inside but I've also got an external membership that people get access to and get me my now people can access that and there's over 200 million pieces of content from movies with Jackie Chan in even like Charlie Chaplin there's even cartoons with like Popeye which can be used for your channels legally and free all right so so yeah and there's other places that you can go to you can even get content from YouTube with the Creative Commons license that's shown you can go to so many different places so and what are the ways to monetize your content what has been used well what are the ways well you can send people to any kind of social media platform so if you want to build that you could create TV channels surrounding your hobby so if you're um into cooking you can do a recipe book you can lead people from your TV channel to go and buy your Kindle of your Kindle book or go to a website you could do a website that is based around a certain actor or a certain Niche and then you can sell merchandise on your own shop or you can have an affiliate store through Amazon or somewhere now the other cool thing is is and I was on a webinar yesterday I asked how many people at their mobile phones next time every single person out of hundreds of people only one person didn't so we all sit around with our mobile phone right and what's the best way to get people from television well for a while we thought like how do we send people usually you may know yourself and adverts and stuff it's like call 015973 or it's going to www dot whatever well now QR codes come into play yeah and we use our phones so now um You may be familiar with coinbase I don't know have you ever heard of coinbase had an advert during the Super Bowl that was so successful it crashed their own servers and they just have a QR code that bounced around the screen during the Super Bowl oh that's smart yeah so um it was for some free Bitcoin and it crashed the service so they were very well Nike used them all kinds of companies use them now and so we have a QR code generator so you can even advertise okay so and the generator is included as well yeah Okay cool so you get content you get obviously the system you get your QR code generator and we've got training so the training and I really want to touch upon this because I find it very very important right now the training is well do you remember how I said 45 of the channels are being removed from Roku well I do I'm going to be doing I call it the Platinum training sessions because it really is so high level that we're doing and no one else is doing this on the internet at all so when TV channels are removed what we're going to do we're going to take the place of that channel because we don't want to miss that opportunity so teaching people how to do Channel sniper training I call it and then I also the most It's the Most Wonderful Time of the training um so it's going to be teaching people how to make money from the seasons I do training on how to do you remember explosion where everyone's buying up domain names well when these channels are removed their names get removed as well so what we're going to do channels become free exactly so then we get the channel names even if we don't want to make a channel name on it we can put holder content in there and then sell it to businesses who want it and think about some of the big names that people and you're all going to teach how to do that yeah that's all in the training that's coming in the live boot camps and there will be people um we in fact we've we've had people always returning to TV Bots because they love what we do and they want more channels and the reason why is because they're getting success because they get looked after and they love the boot camps and the boot camps is where we hold you guys accountable and myself accountant to help you guys as much as possible so there'll be a ton of training week on week it'll either be weekly or bi-weekly because if I give people a task I can't expect them to do it within a certain amount of times sometimes there's a longer period yeah sure so that's why I'm not rushing people so people don't make mistakes so people obviously don't get kind of overwhelmed so there's and the boot camps have lasted for months and months and months and months and months it's not just where you get one working on I'm going to promote something to you and then nice then you then I tell you to go buy something else um it's not like that we truly care about everyone and touching upon how we care for everyone I have Live 24 7 chat support So anyone around the world at any time Ebony's help it's it's there available for people and obviously that's a cost to me because this this launch for example it's a one-time price well usually it's recurring yeah and I have to charge recurring so I can afford the service fee so I can afford the light 24 7 chat support and everything that get people get in that service that you provide but this time because I you'll know yourself Tim when I relaunch a certain element of my business I do a relaunch to the community and then obviously we do a launch and then I revert it back to the current income yeah so that's a that's an exist so what what's the what is the offer that you're having right now so uh today the the launch goes live what can people expect what what else do you have do you have a front end is there a bundle what is uh yeah what's the setup so we have something very unique I'm not really familiar with it my launch partner taught gross and the rest of the guys have decided to do something unique with a little twist a lot of people are familiar with bundles and we understood that and people actually like like bundles so what we've actually done is we've created um there's two offers on the front end you can buy one channel you can buy a 10 channel package okay the 10 Channel pack I would just really want to stress this because I know people will benefit from it highly if you grab the 10 Channel pack then we're giving you the ability to sell one channel under an agency license and I get paid thousands for my agency licenses over the years and years and years that people use it for to sell a TV channel out of that 10 pack meaning and that you could generate anywhere from ten thousand dollars way up to I know people who sold TV channels for fifty thousand dollars per year so so it's an actual massive bonus so if people go and grab the 10 Channel bonus then we help them out that way so there's there's the two options one channels or ten channels now there's an order button now if you hit the order bump which many will be um familiar with now it's just a tick box but there's all the information and it says step two and in there it will give all the information of what you can actually add on so that ad basically adds a bundle basically for a really really cheap like it is an absolute steal but for the the main reason why we've done uh an order bump for this for the channels is because you can buy either one channel or the bump or a 10 Channel order bump on an Optimizer now we own websites obviously TV boss we help SEO and get people um that that traffic generator but we also own TV shows to watch now that actual system that we have people in fact I'll show you here is do you see on the screen I don't know if you can see my screen yeah category name description Roku link Amazon link and your um and you choose your file for your image now with this it then gets put and processed um in the channel settings straight into our directory where people can actually find you externally and then we drive traffic and you see where it says Roku link and Amazon link yeah that's where we drive traffic to them links so people go into your actual web um to your TV channels download them to their devices so they can come back and watch them time and time again and we help you with your ratings and your rankings to help push you up as much as possible so that's something that we have which is really really impressive now I've got some people in their TV channels have just exploded organically and I've got other people who somehow their channels haven't exploded organically but they thank the optimizers that we have that's actually helped generate the the traffic for them so it really is a great win-win you get organic traffic and you also get the channel optimizers now I do suggest people go out and spread their their TV channels on social media and stuff because the more traffic the more money that's awesome the way it goes normally yeah you've got to put effort into your business and the people who get the most results as they will find out on this page and there's a lot of people they're the ones who take action and actually put a little bit of work a little bit of time and effort into it and don't just leave it collecting e-dust I guess yeah so yeah once you jump into this guys on the boot camps I'm gonna hold you accountable I'm going to make sure that you're all on task the training that you're going to have is going to be exciting it's going to be kind of a bit fast-paced because we're coming up to January and I want everyone to be ready for the big change I don't know as soon as as soon as it lights out for those other 45 of the channels I want a team of TV bosses ready yeah let's go and then so this is the time to step in it's the most it's the most perfect time of the year for anyone to create a TV channel that will prepare for the future as well so like I say the seasonal channels and then the 12th of January and the reason why it's the 12th of January I think it's because there's a it's called a blackout period so in Roku and Amazon obviously people have their holidays like the actual employees so they don't really do much for the TV channels but then when everyone comes back I think that's when they kind of Hit the kill switch Yeah and get rid of all the channels um even even now just so people know direct publisher as of July they stopped making them so as soon as we found out that they were going to stop being made then we had to adapt and that's where these new SDK software development kit channels are coming from and people are getting great results as soon as you hit the sales page you'll see yeah average Amazing Stories from you in the past as well what people actually having results with those TV channels yeah so just just one quick thing so the person that I was telling you who made two TV channels in under 30 minutes they're on he got 176 000 TV views or Channel views sorry in like six days well this year so far I wanted to thank me he says I've changed his life and I said no you've changed your own lives yeah he took the ball by the horns but he's generated over 230 000 this year so while using television well we have people who my biggest success story is um Anthony bogatini he generated over one million it's like one point something million in over three just over three months wow um yeah like sometimes more than I've ever made in a month like are those people also is there a community where people can talk with each other as well yeah we have a Facebook group we also have something called rate my mate I've just I've just literally invented it like three weeks ago okay so what it is it's a Community Trust based kind of promotion system so you go into the Facebook group what you'll see is you'll see someone say hey my TV channel is this with link and then what people have to do is they have to go they have to watch the content some of the content not all of it rate it and then come back to the to the Facebook group where they found the original pose and then comment about what the channel was and then leave their link and then the other person will reciprocal nice so so what happens is some people back in the day and I never say I never recommended doing it because I knew that it wasn't the best like because because Roku and Amazon they're not stupid they're about algorithms if everyone just rates five stars and then someone else rates five stars and never watches any of the content nine times out of ten you know that there's something behind it yeah so what we do is we make sure that people actually watch the content and then leave the review and that we have some rules in place the strict rule is is that people have to look after each other because if if someone's scratching someone's back and they're not getting this back scratched too then that person will be removed from that group because we want people to look after each other we've got a strong Community anyway um so I I don't think that'll happen but there are some rules in place well that's good here and that will help this Channel's rank because of that system uh exactly exactly and it's done properly it's not done where people have said yeah like liking each other stuff like yeah exactly awesome man uh how long will this uh special offer be available it's open to the 24th 30th 24th okay so it's now the twins so for a four day Lounge yeah I believe so okay well the info will be on the sales page of course yeah well that's the thing so you say because um Todd and coer managed I'm the product guy I'm not really the launcher yeah especially when you got filmed and you need to know all the details that's where it goes wrong right yeah well that's why I said I think yeah exactly well the info will be will be on the sales page of course so uh make sure you you take advantage of that special offer for the coming few days so you don't have to pay recurring uh recurring fee is there anything else you'd like to say Greg yeah so so once you buy the 10 Channel Optimizer you get marked his gold mine my make money training course um and that's included which are also recur well the optimizer is usually recurring as well and the market is gold mines recurring as well so for the bundle that you're getting on the order bump on the Fastpass you're avoiding the recurring and once you buy you will see that it will go back up yeah not one of these people who do false scarcity like I I I despise stuff like that I think it's unfair so you will actually see that you're going to be saving a ton of cash where other people have actually been paying and will be paying um considerably more especially over a long time period where you get it for free for one time yeah and you don't get treated any differently we treat everyone the same so for example those people who return as well they bought the direct publisher ways but now there's SDK people like oh what we're going to do and I'm like well we've already sorted it for you like you don't have to buy more you don't have to buy more channels to get access to convert your direct publisher channels like we like looking after people and one of our core goals is to make sure that people are happy all the time so that's why we even the additions that we have where people should a lot of companies would charge people for a massive change like that kind of because they've got them they've got them in a position where they're desperate we're the opposite like we actually evolved this week to make sure that people got that addition for free and and it works really well and then the other thing is is once people are getting more successful in their channels they come back and buy more anyway yesterday um we had a bunch of people who were TV boss buyer users like let me back in like I want to buy channels because they know that it's a great deal yeah so they're actually running a lot of channels some people yeah like we have one guy he has um about 250 channels wow so TV bus fire sorry just to jump in TV boss fighter shows over 2 700 channels but their previous versions before that serve thousands as well so I love all it but we do serve probably over 5 000 channels at least nice awesome awesome Greg thank you so much for uh for being here for explaining everything sounds so good it sounds exciting I mean it is that's always the cool thing about uh talking to the product Creator himself and especially like I said you're in this for years so yeah you're specialized in this area and that makes it extra cool so that's it and one last thing just to jump in so even on the live chat support that we have like I said 24 7 live chat support two of our team have actually been invited from Roku for the Roku event that they have in San Diego they invited 30 people in Europe to go to the offices in Amsterdam and two of our guys we two of the guys who invited so you've got some great people on side as well this isn't like something that we have no knowledge about I've been in this round for nearly eight years now nice well sounds awesome ma'am uh and again if you're interested if you're looking at this video uh there is a link below this video uh if you're seeing this on YouTube there's a link if you've seen it on my website there's a link it will redirect you to that sales page where you can have the option between one channel or the 10 channels uh I would say go check it out I think uh this made a hope a whole lot clearer uh this interview and uh Greg thank you so much for being here all the best for uh for the for the launch the coming days but I'm sure you will do good everyone thank you so much for watching make sure to hit the Thumbs Up And subscribe to my channel for future updates as well hey guys see you soon cheers

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