Zero to App: Live Coding an App with Firebase (Firebase Dev Summit 2017)

[music] My name is Mike McDonald. I'm a product manager on Firebase,and I'm here with Jen and Abe. And we're going to build a really,really exciting application. So I'm going to start offwith the premise of this application, and that is language is hard. So how many people–actually, everyone put your hand up. We're going to start with this.How many people– and keep your hand upif you speak one language. Excellent. Everyone speaks one language. Keep your hands up ifyou speak two languages. So my hand immediately goes down. OK, three languages. – [man in audience] Does JavaScript count?- Hah!!!! [laughter] OK.Spoken languages. So if you speak in JavaScript,we can talk about that later. Four languages? OK. And five languages? There will be one winner–ok, remember her. What's your name? [woman] Pavia. You will be our contestanton The Price is Right , when we do this. OK. Moving on. Language, that's somethingthat I really struggle with. So I travel a lot for work. I've been to nine countries,and as I said, I speak English. That's really, reallydifficult to get around.I am constantly pointingat things on menus or using Google Translate. I would love it if I spoke five languagesor more, like you. So technology and actually science fictionhas kind of dreamed of this for years. So how many people have readHitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? A couple of people? So there was the idea thereof, I think, of the babel fish.And it's a device or an animal, I guess,that you can put in your ear. And no matter whatlanguage someone is speaking, you can automaticallyunderstand whatever they're saying. I would love it if that technology exists. And I've seen a couple samples of that. So I watched a demo a couple of years back of a voice-to-voice translation software where there was a bunch of kidsin a classroom in the United States speaking to a bunch of kidssomewhere in South America. And the kids in the USwere speaking English, and literally just seconds later, the kids in South Americawe're hearing Spanish and vise versa. That's awesome, but that, probably,took years and years to develop. And I would love it if maybeit was just a device that I could put in my earor something, which is great.Because like a weekago Google was like, “Hey, that's a great problem.I wish we could solve that.” And if you guys have seen the Pixel Buds,one of the big features of that– there are headphones,you put them in, and you say, “Hey, I want to learn Japanese.” And someone will speak in Japanese,and it'll automatically translate it. Also awesome, but we do not have 30 minutesto build hardware on stage. We need to do somethingusing a piece of technology that everyone has with them right now. Let's build an app,because everyone loves apps. It's 2017– apps are the new hotness. Just like the babel fish, our appis going to let us select the language that we want to hear. And everything, at that point on, will happen in your selected language. So someone else– it may be Abeor one of our friends in the audience will speak something,and all of the language will come in in that chosen language. So how do we build that? If you hadn't come to this talk, you would go homeand start immediately spinning up servers.Your mobile applicationwould make RESTful calls to some application server. It could be a Rails appor a Django app or an Express app, and that's handling allof the interesting things in your application. That is doing your authentication. That is sending things out to a database, or retrieving things from storage,or even doing your machine learning. But that's really difficult. We have 20, 25, 30 minutesto build this application. And if we wanted to do this,who is going to spin up our servers? Who is going to provision them,and manage them, and secure them? How are we authenticating people? Do we have the appropriateperformance that we need so that when we all walk out of here,and everyone loves this application, and you share it with your friends,and we have 100 million monthly active users, is that one servergoing to handle it, right? Or are we just going to be payingan obscene amount of money? Luckily, you all came here.And you all, hopefully at this point,know a little bit more about Firebase. So you'll learn the secretsof how to use Firebase to solve those problems very quickly. Firebase applications, unlike the traditional applicationson the previous slide, eliminate that application serverand let your devices talk directly to our powerful managed infrastructure. We handle really difficult problemslike client-side authentication. So if you've ever written OAuth code– I'm assuming a few of youhave written OAuth code– it's terrible. You don't want to do it.With Firebase, you don't have to. We've kind of taken it up, abstracted it,and given you a really clean interface to just do the thingthat your user cares about. And lastly, Firebase scales automatically. So when you walk outand you all have my application, you can all share it with your friends,and we go from 0 to N overnight. Firebase's smart clients handleall of those really difficult pieces so you can focus on buildingan app that your users love.OK, so in case you weren'tpaying attention during the keynote or somehow stumbled into this conferenceand have no idea what Firebase is, the brief slide– Firebase, again, isGoogle's mobile platform. It helps you develop your appson top of Google Cloud Platform, engage with your user base,and really understand what they're doing. It's a one-stop-shopfor mobile application development. But there are a lot of productson this slide, and we have a very short time. I'm going to invite Abe up hereto talk about a few of these products and how they help makeour app more successful.Thanks, Mike. [applause] I'll be honest. That's a lot of orange circles. That's probably too manyfor us to explain right now and, probably, too many for you to dive inand really understand in depth. And that's OK, becauseyou don't need to. From the beginning,a core tenant of Firebase was that you would nothave to use every part of it. Today if we're building an appthat needs some specific functionality, we can pick and chooseout of this array of features.You don't have to pull in the whole SDK. You don't have to use every feature. And if you have some other solutionfor part of this that you like, that you want to keep using, you can do that and use Firebasefor the rest of your application. Today, we're only goingto be using three features– that's Cloud Storage,Firebase Authentication, and Cloud Firestore.Cloud Storage is important becausewe're going to be dealing with files. We're going to be uploading audiofrom devices to translate. Authentication is important becausewe're going to be doing that securely. We can't have people justthrowing files at our server and willy-nilly writingover other people's data. And lastly, Cloud Firestore is importantbecause we need real-time synchronization. As soon as our translations are done, we need everyone to hear themas quickly as possible. So we'll hand that off to Cloud Firestore. Let's dive ina little more in detail, though. Cloud Storage for Firebase isan amazing way to upload files. It is honestly amazing. If you've ever dealtwith files as a concept, if you're saying I wanta profile picture for my user and I want to upload that,that seems simple.It seems trivial. It's trivial to describe but to implementthere are a million concerns. What if they don't upload a JPEG?What if they upload an MP3? How do I handle that?How do I know what they're uploading? What if they uploadedan 800 megabyte ISO instead of an image? Can I stop that? What if I run out of storage spaceon my hard drive? What is my persistent storage? All of these things are concerns, and that's not even to mention thingslike network flakiness, network latency, and the scalabilityonce you get the file to your server. This is literally an issuethat you could spend weeks messing with. But with Firebase, we make it simple. Cloud Storage lets you take a device, talk directlyto our scalable infrastructure, and upload files securely, quickly,and in a way that is extra resilient.You're not just making an HTTP requestand throwing a file at it. We'll do recovery, and we'll make surethat the file gets up there accurately in a safe, quick way. Once it's up there, though,the second half of the story is, of course, serving that file. In Cloud Storage, it'll be sent downto as many devices as you want. If that's four devices, that's great. If it's 4,000, that's great too. You can just get a URL,a normal download URL.You can embed it in a page.You can get a stream of bytes. Any way you want to consumethat file out of Cloud Storage, you'll be able to do. And of course, if you wantto restrict access and say, “Oh, only this personcan upload documents to their own folder, only them can read it.” That's all right, becausewe have Firebase Authentication securing this whole thing. Firebase Authenticationis, like Mike said, a wrapper aroundtraditional OAuth technologies along with some extra Firebase magic. OAuth is a huge pain. And one of the reasons it's a huge painis because it's different every time. It might be a standard,but there is nothing standard about it. Every implementationis just a little different. So if you wanted to live in a worldwhere you had Google login and you had Twitter loginand GitHub and email password, you would spend weeks going through and figuring outhow to deal with the handshakes and the extra effort requiredto implement each of these providers.But in Firebase, not onlydo we make it easy to set this up, but in your code, regardlessof how someone authenticated, that user looks the same to you. You get back a Firebase user object. It has the same fields, has the same data, and works with your security rulesand other services in the exact same way. We'll see this later on. We're going to build an appthat has multiple Sign in options on multiple native platforms,and they're going to sign in and access the same resourceswithout any extra effort from us.Because once they're signed in,it's always that same unique ID. It's always secured to that specific user, and you just don't have to worry about it. The last part– once we'veuploaded that file securely, once we've dealt with it,somehow translated it, maybe using some sort of magic–we need to sync that back down. Now, you might have heard todayfor the first time about Cloud Firestore, our brand new NoSQL database. And the truth is,it wasn't announced today. It came out about a month ago,and we've had EAPs for a long time. And we really, really thinkthis is an amazing way to deal with extremely scalable applicationsthat require a ton of querying, but still want speedand all the other coolness that you expect from a Firebase product. In this case, Cloud Firestoreis a little different than what you might have seen in the past. We use a document and collection model. If you're not familiarwith those NoSQL jargon, then you can go aheadand think of collections as lists and documents as just objects of data.In this case, we're goingto have three top-level collections. That's uploads. When we upload a file,we'll write to the uploads collection to actually kick-offthe process to translate it. We'll have transcriptions,which is the transcribed version. In other words, if I say hello,we will have a string ‘hello' in there. And then we will have translations, and that is what will actually getpassed back to our application. So we'll take the transcription,run it through some magic, and get back a wholebunch of different languages. So, hopefully, everyone in the worldcan communicate and do so peacefully. And of course,this is all done in real-time. Connecting those different collections, synchronizing it back down to the client is all done with the real-timeaspects of Cloud Firestore. We're not polling–we're not waiting for something to happen. We don't have to doan exponential backoff in case it took too longor anything silly like that.We just know the clients who wantthat translation are going to get it as soon as it's available–so we don't have to worry. But of course, this is all abstract.We're talking about products, and I'm telling you random thingsthat we can do. But that's not very interesting. We are mostly all engineers,so let's write some darn code. And of course, because we are notall Android engineers, and we are not all iOS engineers,it's not fun to do one or the other.So we're going to do bothat the exact same time, which is extremely difficult. So we will see how it goes. The very first thing you need to do, once you've set up your Firebase project,imported the SDK, and initialized Firebase in your app, is just access the servicesyou want to use. In this case, that's thosethree services we talked about– Cloud Storage, Cloud Firestore,and Authentication. Once we've done that,we can just jump straight to it. Let's upload a file. To do that we need to geta storage reference that points to a specificlocation in Cloud Firestore. Think of it as a folder–it functionally is. And then we can goand actually, upload to that location. We'll tack on some metadata–you know, what is a file type. But that's all extra and optional. We're doing it here becausewe get different types of audio from different devices.Once we get to actually uploading the file,there's one method– PUT file. And that's the reallymagical part about this. When you put that file,a million things happen, a million things in a million languagesin a million places. But all you care about is,Does it get uploaded? And, Can I access it? And to know that it's all uploadedand all complete, we get back a completion listenerwe can tack on. This completion listener will just tell us,”Hey, was there some issue?” Have I been without internetfor a long time? I couldn't upload it. Or did it go completely successfullyand get uploaded to Cloud Storage? When it is uploaded successfully,we're going to go and I'm going to write in Cloud Firestoreto that uploads collection.That collection is what willtrigger off our processing and allow us to actuallytranslate our message. So if we ran this right now,would it work? No, it wouldn't work.And there's one big reason. And that's what I've been talkingabout this whole time, which is right nowwe're not authenticated. We're not any user in our application. We're just some personwho happened to connect, happened to have the right API key, and pointed it out of Firebase service.We're not securing this at all,and that's extremely dangerous. So by default,Firebase locks this down. And we say, you have to beauthenticated somehow. You have to haveFirebase Authentication set up. So we're going to go aheadand set up Firebase UI. Firebase UI is a brand– not brand new. It's quite old, but an amazingopen-source library that is a headful versionof Firebase Authentication.Firebase Authentication gives youall the methods you need to do all the authentication, but it doesn't actuallyshow anything onscreen. It's up to you to wire it up. So Firebase UI gives youthat really pretty screen that says, “Pick your provider,what do you want to log in with? Choose whatever you want.” And that's all we need to doto actually do authentication. Cloud Storage and Cloud Firestoreare now aware of that Authentication state, and we can start accessing these resources. And of course, you can go and set upwhatever security rules you want. You can configure it: different peoplecan write to different locations.In this case, we're just checkingthat you're authenticated before letting you upload. Now that we've done that,the last thing we really need to do is listen to that translations collection. That collection is whereour final translations are going to come out of. So we're going to create a referenceto that collection just like we did before. But now we're goingto do something different. We're going to use an onSnapshot listener. And this listener is our way of saying,give me real-time updates. It's a little different than if you've everused real-time databases, like Firebase Realtime Database,or any of the other ones. But the general idea is the same. We'll order it by a timestampso we always get the most recent translation.And we'll check to make surethe document exists when it comes in, look at what the event is. But then most importantly,we'll call out to a native API using the languageyou selected in the UI, and we'll say, “Hey, speak this out.” So, if you write to that collection,if any translations come in, both of our apps will speak it out. And that's basically it. We've written all the client side codein order to make a translation app, right now, for two different platforms. And that's absolutely crazy. So let's give this a shot. We're actually going to try it, using one of the greatestmachine-learning APIs known to man– Mr. Mike McDonald. He going to go into our Firebase consoleand give this a shot.So he'll– yeah, once he logs in, because, of course, it's secure. So he has to type his whole passwordand everything like that. And you'll noticethat the really cool thing about this is that we added two lines of code, but he's getting a full nativeGoogle log in experience– all the things about saving your passwordand all the niceties you expect with Google Authentication in generalare brought in with Firebase UI. So here we can seethis is a simple object. It has a unique ID,then a language as object, and that just has a translation.In this case, we're only translatingto English and Spanish because those are the only languagesthe three speakers know. But with any luck,if you select English on your app and you send this in,this will speak out to us. So let's give this a shot. We'll write this to the database, and we'll see if it makesit down to the application. [computer] The food is delicious. [Abe] There you go.That was very fast. So that might have been very, very fast. And you might be thinking,”Well, you're on stage, we faked that.” That's how fast it was. That was Firestore Realtime syncingback in the US to here, extremely, extremely quickly. So that works. But Mike McDonald,although he's a great translator from English to English,he doesn't scale to other languages. And if you tell him to translatemore than five things, he gets grumpy. So we're going to come upwith a better way to translate things. And I'm going to pass it overto Jen to talk about what we can do to really make thisinto a great translation app.Jen? [applause] Thanks, Abe. Can we go back to the slides? Thank you. So as Abe said, we're not quite done here. Because as great as Mikeis at translating, that really doesn't scale very farpast just the three of us. So we're going to write some softwareto fill in that gap, using the trendiest way possible– by adding some machine learning. But designing and trainingour own modules from scratch takes a lot of time,and that's not what this talk is about. We just built an app really fast,and we wanted to get it working fast. So luckily, there aresome pre-trained machine learning APIs. And we can pick from a big menu of APIs that are partof the Google Cloud Platform. They solve a lot of common problemsthat developers have. And in this case, the twothat we're going to be using are, for transcribing, we usethe Cloud Speech API, and for translation, we usethe Cloud Translation API.So there you go– problem solved, right? Well, almost. How are we going to wirethese really cool APIs up to our serverless app? Traditionally, with Firebase, appswould bake everything into the client. And that's really great,because it's serverless. And as you saw, we covered a lot of groundin a short period of time. But we've run intoa few challenges with this model, and these are challengesfaced by a lot of apps as they start to growand get more complex. For instance, secrets. So users can learn a lot from the filesthat make up your app. So pretty much anything you put in there,the users may be able to find it, such as pre-release game codeor API keys, such as the ones we would be usingfor our cool APIs that I mentioned. Also, we have to worry about resources. Phones get faster all the time,but the battery only has enough oomph to crunch so many numbersor, in this case, so many phrases. Finally, there's just the ideathat it's a real pain to have to writethe same functionality over in all versions of your appfor each platform.It would be much more convenientif you could have that all in one place. Now, our app is pretty simple, but it still has all threeof these challenges. And they can be mitigatedby moving our secrets and resource intensive codeinto the cloud. And since it's in the cloud,we'll only have to write one version of it, thus solving our third problem.If we dip into our old bag of tricks,we might solve it this way. We might spin up some serverson the compute engine, create APIs backed by Django or Node.js, but we know there's more complexity that the meets the eyein this little, cute compute icon. If we do it like this,we'll still have to worry about caches, microservices, and load balancers. And if you're very familiar with Firebase, you probably knowwhere I'm going with this.Before we know it, we're back here–lots of complexity, which we're trying to getthis going really quickly so that Mike can go travelaround the world speaking other languages. So of course, we'll use Cloud Functions. That gives us the minimal gluethat we need to run our serverless app and solve these challenges. And of course, Cloud Functions worksacross many different Firebase features. But in this case, we're goingto be focusing on using it for Cloud Firestore. But why show yousome more silly diagrams when we could show yousome really cool live coding? So Abe is going to show uswhat it's like to build these Cloud Functionsthat we're going to use in our app.So we'll start by attachingtwo functions to Cloud Firestore. One is going to listen to any documentsadded to the uploads collection, and the other is goingto listen for documents added to the transcripts collection. So first, we'll importthe Cloud and Firebase APIs and initialize the Admin SDK to use. Then when this initial functionis triggered, when we upload the metadata,it's going to be extracted using the language, encoding,and sample rate to use the transcription. So here you'll see,we'll run speech.recognize to get the transcription. Then we'll write that transcriptionback into Firestore to a new documentin the transcripts collection. This document, of course,will trigger our next function to run. And again, what we're going to dois take that transcription and translate acrossall these various different languages. Once they have all been translated, we write that result back to Firestore. And this is the partthat our app is listening to. So once it sees that something elseis written to that area in Firestore, it's going to readoutthat new latest translation for us.All right, looks great. Thanks. Can we go back to the slides? Thank you. So there's still one more stepwith these Cloud Functions. We need to deploy. And we're very brave to do some live codingand play it for you, but a live deploycan take quite some time. And again, we want to getthis app going quickly. So through the use of video magic, we're going to deploy our app. And I'm going to hand it back to Miketo show you how this works. [Mike] Thanks, Jen. [applause] So if you're payingreally careful attention to the slide, you'll notice that,in addition to the functions, we also deployed something else. So for the grand unveiling, if everyone would like to goto on their mobile devices, bring that up and select your favorite language.Give people a minute. You should start hearingsome words in other languages very soon. I feel like we could have had a QR code. I think I heard someone. Yeah? People have it up? Jen, do you want to say somethinginto your app and see if you can get– there you go. [Abe] We're workingin English and Spanish, the languages we put in. [Mike] Let's add another one. [Jen] Real data, right?OK. Let's see. I remember my sixth grade Spanish here. [Spanish] Donde esta la biblioteca? [Jen] Hopefully this is only for– input and not also output,because if we're using this for– – [Mike] We're getting that phrase a lot.- [Jen] The food is very delicious. [Mike] It is very delicious. Oh. I just heard biblioteca somewhere. – [computer] Where is the library?- [Mike] OK, there you go. Can we get our member of the audiencewho speaks multiple languages to come up and try this in a language– well, we did Spanish. Do you speak oneof the languages on this list? Do you mind coming up and– everyone welcome her to the stage.[applause] Do you mind standing overwith Jen and utilizing that app? So, everyone, select the languagethat you want to hear. We promise it'll work this time. [Jen] So you hit record,and when you're done, click stop. [Pavia in Hindi] Mera naam Firebase hai. OK. Wait in anticipation. [Abe] We forgot to sayit had to be work appropriate. [somebody speaks from the audience] [Mike] There you go. Oh, is it set to English? Well, it's going to be Englishon my screen, but it still translates in all the– [Mike] Set it to Hindi. [Pavia in Hindi] Mera naam Firebase hai. [computer speaking Hindi] [Mike] There you go. [Abe] The crowd of translations. [Mike] Awesome. Thank you very much. [applause] So there we go. Between the three of us, in–how long was that? That was just under half an hour.- [Abe] 4.5 minutes. Just under half an hour, we built two entire applicationscomplete with a backend that did translation from anyof about 8 or 10 languages.Before today, you may have gone homeand spun up a server and written your ownmachine-learning algorithms, and you'd be taking a lot of time. People like us might beat you to market. You'd be paying a lot of moneyto maintain those servers, and you're spending a whole lot more timedealing with server issues rather than building features. Abe came onto the stageand showed us a really cool way of getting rid of all of that,replacing it with Firebase and doing exactlywhat your end users care about: uploading those audio files, synchronizing data in real-time,securing all that information. And then Jen came and showed ushow to leverage Cloud Functions to glue all of those pieces together. She took Cloud Functionsand connected Cloud Firestore to the speech and translate APIs. And just as easy as it wasto wire up those two, there are a ton of other serviceswithin Google Cloud Platform that you can take Firebaseand Cloud Functions and stitch together, more pre-trained ML services.Just general other–there's a Jobs API if you ever want to look for a job,you can do that on Cloud Platform as well. And it's just as easyto trigger those events and chain functions togetheras it was in this talk. It turns really complex processesinto step-by-step workflows that scale as you need them. So thank you all very much for coming. Hopefully, you've learneda lot from this talk.Feel free to reach out to us on Twitter, or we will all bein the Ask Firebase Lounge right after this. Thank you all very much and enjoythe rest of the conference. [applause] [music] .

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