AI Beam Review Demo Webinar Replay Bonus – Mini Courses Creation App

are you still sleeping on this booming industry that is online education it's one of the biggest industries in the world estimated to be worth over $400 billion heck I'm pretty sure that you at some point bought a course to learn a new skill maybe it was designing coding a new language or maybe something entirely different point is every single one of us has paid money to learn a new skill which is why this is a very lucrative business companies like Lind corsera skillshare and masterclass make millions of dollars monthly selling online courses but don't be fooled making good courses that can be sold is no easy task you need to be an expert on your topic to be able to generate a good course not just that you need to be able to edit the videos organize them come up with titles and descriptions for each one put everything on a server build a website for it connect everything to your payment processor and then you start promoting it and hope that people will see the value in it and buy it told you it's not easy but what if there's a way that would allow you to skip all of that and by all I mean all imagine if there is a single app that will generate high quality courses in any Niche without you doing any of the work an app that is powered by the most powerful AI model that exists to turn a single keyword into a full-blown course that sells for hundreds of dollars you just enter a keyword or select a niche you are interested in and within minute AI beam will go ahead and create slides design them turn them into videos create titles and descriptions host everything for you and connect with your payment processor and autoresponder of choice all without you doing anything and it gets better not only AI Bean will give you stunning courses it will also promote it for you with AI Bean you don't need to pay for any marketing expert or pay a dollar in ads let AI beam do that for you and it will will line up hundreds of potential buyers for you without you doing any of the heavy lifting AI beam is what we use every single day in our business to make hundreds of dollars without paying anything up front all of that with the power of AI meaning there's nothing for you to set up or configure you don't need any technical experience it's so easy to use even a 10-year-old can use it here let me show you how easy it is to get started with AI beam step one access click on any of the links to get instant access to AI beam step two select a niche and let AI generate dfy courses how to content for you step three publish that's it now you are ready to start selling your courses to anyone that's it you don't even need to know anything about the course you are creating here we just created a new course about mobile photography a topic that we know nothing about and still AI being created a professional and very formative course for it promoted it for us and we cashed $2,496 46 in one weekend the customers got a great course and left stunning reviews for us and we made money it's a win-win situation I'm sure by now you are wondering how much it costs look we can charge up to $5,000 per month for AI beam if not more why because it's worth it but truth be told we make enough money for from AI Bean so we don't have to charge you that for it so for a limited time only I'm willing to give you full access to AI Beam for a fraction of the price less than the price of a cheap dinner which is enough for me to cover the cost of the servers running AI beam but that won't last long I don't want AI beam to get saturated so sadly I'll have to limit the number of licenses I can give after that I'm raising the price to $97 monthly and trust me that day will come very very soon so you better act quickly and grab your copy while you can listen it's simple if you're sick of all the BS that is going on the market right now if you're worried about inflation and the prices that are going up like there is no tomorrow AI beam is for you period it was designed to produce real products that sells for hundreds of dollars right now you have the opt to get on that revolutionary technology with just a few clicks and in the unlikely event that you fail to use AI Beam for any reason we insist that you send us an email it's simple if you don't make money we don't want your money we make more than enough with AI beam and no need to keep your money if you're not going to use it worst case scenario you get AI beam and don't like it we will refund every penny you paid in 24 hours no questions asked are you ready click the button below and get instant access to AI beam plus an exclusive bundle of bonuses worth thousands of dollars I'll see you inside hello guys today I'm going to be introducing you to a new tool that can help you create courses in minutes with a few clicks you can also generate leads drrive social media viral traffic and make money with this course in that tool is called AI beam let me show you how it works right here is where it all begins you start by creating a new collection with this collection it will help you categorize the type of courses you want to be creating right here on aib now once you click on this you come right here to add the collection name now right here I'm going to be adding my own collection ction name right and right here I can add a tumbnail I can choose to add a tumbnail I come right here to upload one and as you can see here there is a recommended format 250 to 60 pixel PNG or jpg and once you're done with this you click on continue now you can see my collection is successfully created and there is no courses inside the collection yet so I'm going to click on this to start creating my first course now I come right here to click on create mini course and right here I have three different ways I can start creating my course and I can choose to use the AI assistant I can choose to use from scratch and use case ideas but for this demo I'm going to be using the AI assistant and you see how this can speed up our process of creating course now also right here we have to Define our purpose of creating this course and right here I'm going to be choosing embed and I click on next now right here I need to complete this form describe how the mini course idea is going to be and and right here just going to enter uh my profession and the target audience and here is description of what the course is going to be like so once I'm done with this I can come right here to click on generate title now in short in a short time the titles will be created these are suggestions I can pick from now when I come right here click on next you can see these are different course TI TOS suggested by AI now I can come right here to edit any of this and I can just pick one now I'm just going to pick this and edit this and click on this now once I'm done with that I click on next now right here outline is being generated for the particular topic I selected now you can come right here to remove any of this um outline right and you cannot also modify this if you don't like this and you can come right here to add an extra head out so once you're done with modifications on this particular stage you click on next now right here we're going to be choosing the team we want to use for our course now right here I can choose this and the next thing is to generate the content of our course now right here this is going to take a while but once it's done our course will be ready okay guys so our course is now ready and as you can see right here this is the content for each of the outlines and we can come right here to add extra outlines in between or even at the end now you can see right here you can add or upload an image for each particular um outline right here and we can always modify our title title of the course right here and other modifications now right here you can preview this course and see what it looks like as you can see right here right and you can scroll down here to share this on social media to drive traffic to this course and it does not end there you can now you can also secure this course with a password and you can also collect leads and payment now let me show you how this works now before that once you click on this share you can see we have a embedded code where you can embed on your website now right here is the settings where you start setting up your course now you can see right here you can require password so anybody want to access your course we need to enter a password that's securing and right here is where you want to collect emails for your leads anybody who wants to view your course can come right can would always enter an email to subscribe and also here for payment now before you start using the settings you need to come right here to set up your email service provider and your payment Gateway now you can see right here is the email service provider available on AIP and you come right here to click on connect and you add your API key and your server prefix now also for payment there are available providers you can use also to activate now you can see right here you have stripe and you have PayPal right all you need to do is to get your credentials for each of these providers and right here you can add prices you want to select on the settings page right though there are some predefined um prices right there now once you enable email leads uh you must have set up your ESP right so you can come right here and select the specific ones and it's going to get all your lists and right here you select one of them and you save changes now right here you can see this is preview page now the number of pages you want them to preview before they imput their emails right to subscribe for this course now right here here also they are predefined prices you want to use to sell this courses right so once you select any of them uh you click on Save price now also right here you need to enable the payment to be able to collect payment for this particular course now also you need to select a preview page and I'm just going to pull one here and put one here so once we're done with this we are good to go now all we need to do get our link our sharable link and you can see what it looks like now let's go back to our coures right here as you can see right here is our collection and we come right here to you can see right here now right here you need to collect an email and also make payment now this is how you can use aib beam to generate leads and also profit generation so guys what are you waiting for get AI beam today presentation press the start broadcast button on the goto webinar control panel to allow all started just let me know if you can hear me loud and clear I see Bob I see Craig I see Dill I see um John Jose Richard Robert Nico Ron and a whole lot more names Terry just joined us terribly sorry for the wait uh yes frustrated indeed there you go Ron okay perfect all right guys like I said I'm going to make up for time I'm going to make this an amazing s way because I cannot wait to share this with you what I'm about to show you ladies and gentlemen is the fastest approach literally the fastest approach and I'm going to show you why it's the fastest to make five figures per week not per month per week with AI allowing you to get your first sale literally right after this webinar if you're excited for that let me know in the chat box and this works even if you're a complete beginner or never made any dime online before is he correct saying yes awesome awesome this is live ladies and gentlemen that's why I took such a long time if it was recorded it would autoplay uh so you know we're here we know we're live and I value your time so let's get right into it now with what you're about to get access to ladies and gentlemen you are going to make five figures before the end of this year guaranteed this is not a maybe or I hope this works out this is a guarantee and you'll soon see why we're able to make such bold statements so as a matter of fact you will actually make your first sales starting today now with that being said I'll prove it to you we've done this for so many people braad doing 3K a month and Nancy here hundreds he actually crossed over $500 in a day back to back to back to back and the best part about what I'm going to show you is you don't need marketing experience you don't need to start to find clients and leads this is what everyone worries about they're like all right even if this system is great even if this approach works perfectly how am I going to get leads how am I going to get customers well let me tell you that is completely taken care of on autopilot your offer will get seen Around the Clock whether you're on your laptop or off your laptop sales will drop in so I hope you're excited for that and then without spending weeks of learning all right this is stuff you can apply right away this is real transformation not just information like most webinars if you've ever been to a webinar with me before you know I like to focus on value first and that's exactly the kind of webinar you're about to watch now with that being said our goal was to create a solution so ridiculously easy that you simply cannot F so ridiculously easy that you cannot F you'll actually have to put in additional effort to try and mess this up it's impossible and you'll soon see why so let's get bruly Hest first and foremost you want to start seeing results online and the sooner the better and we know that we've all been there and this is not the first time you've gone to a webinar or consumed some training or Hur you can do X Y or Z and here's where it goes wrong I want to kind of expose the scene the industry a little bit and open your eyes that's a lot what I'm going to do throughout this training you're going to make a lot of money I'm going to help you open your eyes of the mistakes that are happening right now because maybe you already found out in the hard way that AI tools buying a bunch of AI tools we've all been there and they're cool they're awesome they're powerful for sure I'm not going to speak bad of any but it does not immediately equal having a successful business and yet people think that AI will solve their problem in that way it just won't having an AI tool does not equal successful business as a matter of fact here's why AI tools fail to create you a wildly profitable business to get you those amazing results is even if I give you the best tool on planet Earth you still need to have authority you still need to constantly find leads you still need to be able to get responses from the leads you still need to be good at seals you still need to be good at delivery and they don't tell you this so even though you have a tool that takes takes care of all of your copywriting for example all these things still need to happen so what you need to realize and this is one of the first things I want to address is that most AI tools not all of them but most of them are supplements to what's already working if you're having something that's already going great then you use the AI to make it even better it's not designed to make it great from the start it's only designed to make things better it's like kind of buying supplements for health right I can't just buy tons of supplements and think I'm going to be in great shape I need the exercise I need to have the foundations right or else all these supplements won't be any use so I hope that makes sense if it does let me know in the chat box that takes me to the principles that I want to focus on here today because we're it's about time we do it different I'm here to get you results and you'll soon see how and why because the easiest way to make six figures is by having your own course being sold on autopilot you can't argue me on that having your own course sold on autopilot is the best thing since sliced bread look at all your favorite gurus whether it's Russell Bronson Dean graziosi Grant Cardone Dan Henry Frank Kern I don't know who you look up to but I do know for a fact that they have a course you most likely might have bought it or any of your favorite gurus or people you love to consume information from you've either brought an ebook a training a course or whatsoever and they make tons of money doing that success leaves Clues ladies and gentlemen now on top of that the fastest way to generate a profitable income selling your own course is by leveraging AI it used to be a very theous process that took a very long time from the creation to Hot Topic to getting the traffic and the sales we're going to uncover all of that you can have a course up and running sending money to your bank account right after this webinar with everything in between from traffic to sales to customers to a full highly valuable course that actually generates testimonials so I hope you now understand it was worth the wait I'm glad you're here let's get this party started after today's training you will have a wildly profitable course that sells consistently which will allow you to make money online demand you can literally launch a course whenever you want to and start seeing the results now just so you know you're in good hands here today I'm here on behalf of Victory oost the man theid the legend multiple 7 figure Launches on this build I've been a part of pretty much all of them and if there's anyone that knows what it takes to make money online especially with courses that you came to the right place because there are a lot of people that actually come to us for advice before they launch because we've been doing it so for so long so this is going to be real transformation it has transformed Our Lives the way we actually are living is all because of this and we want to show you how that's done so with that being said let me so uh let me know in the chat box who is staying until the end now that you noce I know you've been waiting a little bit already for it to get started but now that you know what you really came here for what you're about to see what you're about to get access to who is staying until the end give me a yes and if you do you're G to get an webinar attendance bonus package we only give these to people that say yes right now I'll give you five seconds and then actually continue to stay until the end and if you're wondering why do you do that it's just to help us first of all get a commitment from you get some engagement in the chat box all right we're super transparent on why we do stuff and how it works so let's make it happen uh I see someone saying that's a big fan promise indeed indeed and I'm going to live up to that promise at a moment you'll see why all right I love courses awesome um staying staying I cut short on my gym time to be here oh it's got it's got to be time will spin yes is awesome all right so like you can tell I'm going as fast as humanly possible if I'm going to two fast do let me know but either way I value your time so let's get into it if you want your attend this bonus package comment just in the chat box the team will check if you stay until the end and then send it over through email so let's get into into the moment you've all been waiting for what you're here for the three secrets that we'll be sharing with you today number one the 10K model I'm going to show you the absolute necessary and easy model you need to apply to get your first 10K a month on complete autopilot and this is a proven method I want you to understand from the get-go this is not something that it's oh hopefully this will work for you or maybe maybe you can make it happened this time now this is a proven over and over and over again bulletproof framework we've been launching courses for years on it you can even go back to our very first course right now number two is guaranteed Sals right having a course is great but how do you get the sales I'm going to show you that simple strategy that works for everyone to continuously Drive High qualified traffic towards your offer in just 10 minutes per day I kid you not 10 minutes per day and last but not least instant access that's where I'm going to expose to you the secret software that is responsible for getting people results within the first days of using it so I hope you're excited I hope you're looking forward and that being said let's dig right into secret number one as a matter of fact let me know in the chat box which of these secrets are you looking most forward to to know more about which one you cannot wait to hear more about give me a one if 10K model give me a two ofit guaranteed SEALS or give me a tree if you can't wait to hear more about the instant axes I'm looking forward to your responses in the meanwhile I'm going to get this party started secret number one right here the absolutely necessary and easy model you need to apply to get your first t cameon on complete autopilot proven method let's do it I see once once in the chat all three Carl says one all of the above awesome awesome awesome all right so let's dig get into them now I'm going to walk you a little bit through my story so you can pay attention to the mistakes I've made so you can avoid those and the successes so you can duplicate those right so I spent countless hours every day trying to CCT the code on how to really make money online oh this takes me back now I wasted tons of money on courses and trainings that promise me to roll I'm talking sales trainings email scripts trainings persuasion training Outreach method trainings training after training after training after training this took me to the nightmare road map I'm not going to go on a tangent here but I do think it's important to address because I see a lot of people go through this and nobody talks about it let's talk with some analysts Googling how to get leads how to do this how to make money online followed by hours of youtubing then the free fre stuff is not enough anymore you want the paid content so you pay $727 9797 everything that has a seven in it I started buying then and this is where it goes wrong I try to learn everything I try to become an expert at copy at Tech at ads at funnels at SEO trying to launch stuff doing affiliate in an agency trying do everything and anything and meanwhile I'm not getting any results and I go back to Google and I'll start the cycle all over again now I do want to ask real quick does this road map sound famili Amar to any one of you here please let me know in the chat box if it does if so I can relate to you that much more and I'm that much more happy that you're here because today we're going to end this cycle for once and for all I'm going to make sure you never have to walk this again if this is something you're familiar with or you're going through right so let's see I see yes yes yes All the Above All the Above All the Above there you go so with that being said ladies and gentlemen later that weekend I had a casual chat with a business friend of mine right this is where it gets interesting especially for you correct this is where it gets good I want you to pay attention to this because here's what happened I told them I've literally been doing everything it takes walking that road map doing buying courses all of that and get even more broke because of it now I spent money on things like courses on funnels courses on traffic courses on marketing courses on sales courses on copyrighting I kept trying to learn and grow and invest in myself and that's when he made a comment that actually changed everything and here's what he said he said it seems like the ones that are making real money are the ones you keep giving it to at first I said well of course that's how it works I pay I get something of value but it's something about the way he said it whereas hey it seems like the ones that are making all the money are the ones you keep giving it to and I want you to think about you yourself how many times have you bought an ebook a course a video module a training that's where all the money goes so that's when I started realizing wait a minute what if I had a course that actually solved a real and in-depth problem for people who already have a business or are trying to start a business because here's how it really works and this is what most people don't want you to know as a matter of fact the entire industry would like me not to share this with you there are two types of people online you have buyers and you have sellers right right now most likely you are here and this is where I was for the longest time and this person buys everything to start your business and that was me I was trying to buy information up information up information and the person that gets all the money is this person the seller who's simply providing the information or tools to start their business now the crazy thing is the buyer pays for this guy's rent this guy's vacations This Guy's food on the table the buyer is responsible for this person's entire income and that's when I realized wait a minute I think I'm at the wrong end of the bargain I think I'm at the wrong end of the table here I need to stop being on this side because here's where all the money is getting made from I need to start transitioning to this side and help people that are trying to start their business but providing them with information because those are the people that buy the most I been there myself you might have been there yourself let me know if this makes sense ladies and gentlemen the big eye openening appify I had first and foremost was that I needed to transition from being a buyer to becoming a seller that's the number one thing so here's how we do that right there's so many buyers every single hour looking for information I'm actually going to go back to the slide deck real quick give me one one second there's so many buyers every single second looking for information on how to do a certain thing and this can be in a variety of Industries right it can literally be in every industry let me go ahead and go here it can literally be in any industry whether it it's um brick and mortar whether it's something techy whether it's something gardening information exchange is the biggest Market online and when I realized it I was so pumped up that I couldn't sleep and started putting together a small video course and you might be wondering well how did you do that where did you get that info phone so here's how it went down instead of trying to figure out what I think would be a course that would sell I needed to start listening to what other people needed help with and you there's a very simple way that I'm going to show you how anyone can do this I simply started deep diving into tons of support groups around digital marketing but I can might as well do it in any other group and I started figuring out what people need help with and I quickly saw the answers were right there people were showing me exactly what they were struggling with and which me there was a solution for it for example here this person said hey uh I'm don't know if I'm allowed to ask this uh I'm looking on how to do Facebook ads to my funnel if you run Facebook ads and have knowledge boom boom boom Brenan says Hey design question my page looks great but not on an iPad how do I have or do you have suggestions these are all good s courses to create a course on hey the all-inclusive design training how to make your stuff look good on every single platform he would buy that course 100% Facebook adds the funnel scores the perfect ad for each funnel Martin would buy that course in a heartbeat this person saying hey I just joined network marketing yada yada yada um however I stink at marketing I don't know how to build a business Etc ml the ultimate MLM training for beginners he would buy that course in a heartbeat so how do you find these let me show you I can go to for example Facebook right now or or LinkedIn or any other place that has communities on them and I would go for example if I want to build a course for restaurant owners I would go to the restaurant owner group so I'm in the restaurant owners group right now let me know in the chat box if you can see my screen by the way I'll go f screen for you so you can see it a little bit better and you do you see this little search icon here like instead of going and scrolling through the group hoping someone ask something relevant I go here and I type in you can already see us doing this frequently type in the word question and now usually when someone ask a question they put the word question in their text so look at this I see question about this I have a question about this hi I have a question about this uh I have a question to all of you about this I have a question and based on this I can create an entire module and I know for a fact that these people would buy it especially if I see a topic that have a lot of comments like oh a lot of people are wondering about this quick question quick question this is module one this here's my module two here's my module three I can do this in any Niche if I go to for example marketing Niche there's this group nothing held back well I go it's all about digital marketing talk I do the same thing I go to the group I go to the search icon I type in question click question and I see all the people wondering pleading asking for help begging I have a question about this I have a question related to mindset and the future I have a question to this I have a question to this how do I choose the right format quick question about go high level everything people want to know I have right in front of me this is just one group I can sit down for 30 minutes and have a full course outline that I know for fact is based on what people are actually looking for and what they're trying to know now here's what's even crazier guys do you want a bonus hack on how to find high high converting course niches based on questions let me know in the chat box if you want a bonus hack let's see let's see yes is yes is yeah only if you want to yeah quick bonus one okay I see Laur Loria lorenia saying yes Terry says yes Carl says yes awesome Craig let me know if you're still with me brother yes is yes is awesome okay Carl so here's what you do so this is one way which is really powerful because you get questions from real people there's literally a day ago right person saying hey how how is this or how do I do that I can go into any Group Health and Fitness need crypto uh gardening whatever group I can go in search for the word question and get all the people that are asking stuff now great thing is we also have this amazing search engine that's called Google so give me I I want to make this interactive give me a topic you want me to create a course about or a niche give me a niche you want me to create a course in first come for sure let me know in the chat box let's say you want to build a course for anyone maybe for dentist maybe for I don't know give me a niche and I'll show you exactly how I find the hottest modules that people will eat up regardless let see if you have an NCH for me let's see let's see I still see a lot of yeses coming in we raising chickens okay that's an interesting one okay let's do that someone said raising chickens okay so I'm going to start really simple with how how to raise chickens right now do you see this right here that where it says people also ask I'm actually going to zoom in a bit for you so you can see a bit better a second okay you see this right here where it says say people also ask now you know what this is if I click here it says these are questions that people commonly search for on Google Now guess what Google has millions of search volume so my work is literally cut out for me it's telling me hey this is what people come to us and ask about this is what they want to know they already have collect the data for me and here's what's even better every time I open one up boom more pop up can they be left alone for a week I open that up new questions pop so my module is being built in front of me based on real data of what people are trying to understand about this topic guys let me know if this makes sense and if you love how this works let me know in the chat box now I can do this on any topic right and it same applies how greaters love that let me know if that makes sense and if you see how I could easily find powerful topics not just based on oh I think people would love to know this but really based on this is what the industry is looking for this is what people want to have information about content about videos about trainings about right based on real search data so step number one finding a Hot Topic is clear now it's time to find Value now guys come on we live in an information AG the values all around you the thing is to be quite honest everyone can find stuff on their own they just don't want to go through the hassle of organizing content and finding the best content in the most chronological order but if I do a quick YouTube search maybe listen to two or three podcasts go to a couple of blog posts sort the good from the bad I have my course put together right so finding value is super simple if I go to Simply to if we take the same topic from how to raise chickens and go to there's so many good hacks tips trainings right there and I create I have a little doc on the side with me this how I like to do it DOC on new and I do um tips to raise chickens right very interesting topic okay so this is a kind of a uh uh raising chickens everything you need to know raising chickens 101 the beginnner guy like it's all here now here's what I love how to raise chickens to your back your are 10 tips so module one the 10 absolute powerful Pips race chickens right that's module one I'll do module two or maybe I don't take all 10 of them I'll take like the five best ones because maybe the other five are not as good no I'll go module 2 like my work is cut out for me that's what I'm saying there's so many guys how to make $1,000 Le with 25 chickens okay module two uh um monetization making money by racing chickens and I can transcribe it with AI we'll get to that in a second but first do you see how I simply find the value organize it because your audience does not want to sit and watch each video and go through what's good advice and whatnot they just want bad here's step one step two step three step four they just want you they basically pay you for all the time youve spend in accumulating the right advice and knowledge in a nice consumable manner so there you go that's how you find Value now we took the off topic of raising chickens but it works the same if you're building a course for dentists for programming for marketing lead generation it's the same across the board now last but not least step number three is quick launch that's making instant money I'm going to come back Circle back to that in a second but for now I want you to understand when I started doing this I'll never forget I literally cried looking at my phone as I knew that was the very moment that I finally understood this is how you make money online this is the golden formula to take any person from Z to 10K still to this day by just having the perfect information for the perfect person out there based on what they actually want to know that's what moves people online that's why you're here on the webinar because there's something you want to know that's why you buy this guru's course that guru's course or this guru's course Russell Bron said how many courses has he sold how many courses has he launched he wouldn't have been doing it if it wasn't profitable why because that's where the money is made big time on that information ladies and gentlemen let me know if you can now see how having your own high in demand course easily gets you to 10K in today's day and age let me know in the chat box if that makes sense because if that makes sense then we can start going into all right how do we launch it how do we get sales how do we get traffic but first I need you to understand this right here let me know if you enjoyed that secret I went as fast as you possible because I favor your time I know you've been waiting a little bit in the beginning I hope we caught up to that loss of time and you actually got some great value out of it you saw how to find Hot Topics quickly and easily and I'm going to show you how to do all of this with AI in a moment but at first obviously want you to understand the concept if that makes sense awesome I see yes yes makes sense I Can See Clearly Now awesome exciting perfect perfect crack mckintosh let me know brother lorenia yes s awesome awesome okay good stuff now with that being said Beautiful People secret number two and I need all of you on this one because this is where I'm really going to Spill the Beans guaranteed sales the dead simple strategy to continuously Drive highly qualified traffic towards your offer in less than 10 minutes per day this is so easy it's ridiculous now here's the thing now that I had a high confering course I needed to make sure the right people would see it so I could convert them right now that we know right we know how to find the topic we know how to find the value nice and organized it we know we'll have an AI in a moment from now to put everything together and pretty much do all of it for us how about traffic now this is where people get stuck this is where I'm going to get you unstuck so what a lot of people don't know is there's actually so many places that get you free traffic 247 now I want to see if you're in it to Wi it let me know in the chat box who wants to know where to list your course for free they get guaranteed thousands of visits daily in just 10 to 15 minutes let me know in the chat box who wants to know I want to see if you're in it to win and I'm not going to give it on a silver platter I need you to pay attention I can't have you on your phone or looking away or minimizing the screen you need to prove that you're here I'm gonna share it with you let's see I see Terry saying Oh Yeah Carl saying please tell me I see where yes is yes is awesome awesome just checking Perfect all right let's dig right in so there's actually plenty of places I'm going to walk you through them each and every one of them so let me start and preface by this if you put your course on here you have guaranteed sales I'm I'm not saying maybe or hopefully someone finds and clicks you have guaranteed sales I'm going to explain you why every time you put a course on here you to me for example or any of the other ones will go over them each by one has 111 million visitors per month that that's for starters you're tapping into a pool of 111 million visitors at the bare minimum not only that but udemy is going to email its list of all the people that it knows is interested in your topic so obviously they want to have traffic keep coming back through their website they want to have people keep coming back and getting courses so they're going to blast an email it's like literally you're tapping into a million dooll email saying hey this course just launched on our platform by this person we thought you would absolutely love this here's what they teach go and check it out now and they have a fire seal or a discount and it's going to send you tons of traffic to your course a lot of people don't notice and that's just one site right now here's what's even crazier I'll let you in a little secret they even tell you what are the most popular and trending topics so you can create a course on them you got your work cut out for you it's almost impossible not to make money in today's day and age it's crazy so that's what skillshare 12 million registered users same story applies LinkedIn learning this one is super untapped super untapped I've not a lot of people uh post courses on here or launch courses on here 27 million users Nas Academy fairly new super untapped and they're actually welcoming and wanting more people to host and publish courses on their side for free they have a little bit less well still a lot but in comparison to the others less about 250,000 website visitors monthly guys I dare you I dare you to create a course with the AI we're about to show you in a second and just list it on these four and then come back to me the next day and tell me how many clicks how many buys you got it's crazy now UDA City a lot of people don't even know about this one this one has 10 million registered core Seekers so they split their website into course Seekers and course providers they have 10 million registered course Seekers ladies and gentlemen and then edx again the biggest one by far which is a Super Active pool of buyers every single day and it has 35 million core Seekers matter of fact let me show you so you so you're knowing I'm not just saying the numbers out of th actually going to show you right here right NX right here online education platform 140 million users right Super Active okay how many people use adx let me go to uh how big is edex right here today after 10 years I want you to read along with me ladies and Gentlemen let's run the math here Bo dreaming bigger every day okay we offer 3,000 courses okay that's cool that's good that's good 3,000 courses from 160 Partners meaning 160 people which is barely just nothing combined they've launched 3,000 courses on here uploaded 3,000 courses because you don't hear anyone talk about edx they're they're basically have these 160 people are drowning in money every single month now here's what's crazy they have over 40 million learners so run the map there are 160 Partners so course providers they have combined launch 3,000 courses and there are 40 million people on the platform trying to learn and consume these courses tell me how you cannot make money it's crazy every time I show this we actually get flown out for Consulting and on stage speaking and and teach and educate these things a lot recreate so many crazy success stories because they never even knew of this they they didn't even know that this was available that there were platforms out there and all that good stuff and that you can tap into these email lists from these platforms whenever you upload a course now we have two more bonus methods um we'll uncover those later on I'll tell you how to get access to them later on a secret traffic method number one is putting your offer directly in front of the exact person that needs it so literally a person needs help with this your offer is right in front of them we'll show you that later um you actually kind of saw it already where when I saw the question part right when you go to any group and you search for the question that person ask a question about that you can immediately send a message hey I noticed your question I actually have a course on this if you want I can send you a trial access for three days and then they'll buy it right so secret bonus number one this goes a little bit more in depth but that's kind of what it is the second one I really can't tell you yeah that's what that's the craziest one so far um this rule literally sit back and watch your course being sold on autopilot by other people 24/7 and this this is something you get access to when you get the AI here today um basically what I'm telling you is traffic will never be a problem we have a course you have the people to consume that course and remember if you just listed on these it's it's a done deal I don't know what to tell you so we actually timed with a stopwatch how long it takes to upload your course on average on any of these sites and the number it came down to it was 7even minutes and 25 seconds so we just said seven minutes for short so it takes exactly 7 minutes 25 seconds to upload to your course and enjoy and start enjoying daily seals just like that I want you to imagine if you were be able to create the hottest selling courses on any topic like nobody else can 247 and all it takes is upload and you're done you come back you see seal strickling in how powerful would that be now let me know in chat box can you now see how you can easily get to at least like at the bare minimum worst case scenario a 10K in cor Sals by doing this right now let me know in the chat box and I'll wait for your answer awesome I see awesome yeses does this include creating the course oh that's even faster Al that that's what the where the AI really comes in I'm going to show you that next but first let me know I just want you to understand can you see it do you understand all right this is how I find a really hot topic this is all I have to do to get traffic I'm tapping into 40 million users plus emails are being sent out to my course by each and every platform with each and every upload it's a done deal a lot of people have not uncovered this way they're going into the agency route where you have to chase people down do cold Outreach nobody teaches this particular way of generating income it's crazy let me know in the chat box I said awesome boom yes I see it heck today yeah Annie says yes awesome awesome awesome I love it I love it awesome you guys are great I'm glad you stuck around even though we started a little bit later I'm glad you stuck around because I really wanted to share this with you because I know nobody else is going to show you this there's no other webinar that exposes it like this so that is the guaranteed sales and now it all comes down to instant access right so I'm going to ask you a couple more questions um let me explain you this first before AI obviously you would need to spend first of all tons of money to be able to put together a highly valuable course I mean it's not the easiest thing to do it's possible but you have to spend a lot of money but more importantly a lot of freaking time trust me even worse you would spend tons of time accumulating information syncing it editing it for every single video module right it's very tedious and that puts a strain a cap are your ability to make an income because to launch the C if you can launch three courses in a week you make way more than just once in a month right that was used to be the problem before AI really accelerated and evolved into what it is today now putting together a high in demand video course that sells used to take a lot of time how about because we initially to be honest we initially created this AI for ourselves because you know us or for those you that know us we launched a lot of courses consistently we could use a hand or two with automation so we're going to give exclusive access or allow people to get access to what we're exactly using to launch courses back toback with ease I want you to know that in the beginning I made a very bold statement and told you that this is the fastest approach to make five figures per week with AI and that you can get your first seal today even if you're complete beginner or never made online money online before and I want you to let me know now that you've seen what you've seen now that you understand the approach and you know that oh I don't have to build an entire agency or chase people or wait for lead responses or craft my messages or hop on calls with people but I just create a course and upload it to a platform where there are tons of people looking for that exact course over and over again can you see this happening right because our true in-house AI because like I said we it's inhouse we use it for ourselves does the research it does the script creation it does the video creation while you sit back and relax now this seen before I there's Lally nothing like this out there lets you plan execute and create your very own profitable course with hardly any effort in just minutes I'm talking Minutes piece of cake so what if you access to an instant solution that turns you into a wildly profitable business plus a consistent stream of ss not just maybe a SE here there hopefully but every single time you open up your dashboard you see new people went through course download your course got access to your course you get a notification from UD udemy you get a new notification from edex you get a new again this so my question is I want you to honestly answer if you had ACC to this and all the support you need do you see yourself getting leads and sales starting today let me know in the chat box do you see yourself getting leads and sales daily if you had access to this and for those of you that say yes I'm going to show you something really special but let me know in the chat box I first want you to kind of disregard me for a second and just think logically for yourself because I don't want this to be where I persuade you and I I force my beliefs upon you no I want you to logically think for yourself based on the information you got you can think freely and be like okay I can create a high converting course quickly I can place it in places where people are looking for high converting courses 24/7 millions of people I get free email blast from platforms whose sole goal is to tap into people that are interested in my courses I get two free traffic methods to put my course in the right in front of the right people over and over again yeah I can see me actually making some sales daily let me know if you can see that so let me open up the chat box yes of course definitely most likely I can see that happening it all makes sense to me yeses yeses yeses awesome awesome all right so for those of you said yes pretty much all of you at this point um let's see how simple it actually is to get the five figures how to get the five figures selling courses on complete autopilot what I'm going to do is um play the demo and when you're watching the demo I want you to experience it as if you already have access to it I want you to watch a demo as if the AI is working for you right now so you really get a feel and a taste for it and kind of experience its power firsthand so let's make that happen I'm going to go ahead and check with the team if the demo is there uh give me one second again this is how you know it's live ladies and gentlemen or else it would have played automatically so just messaging the team real quick if not I'll play it manually but I'd love to use the inbu goto webinar player to play the demo give a second here and in the meanwhile guys if you have any questions so far let me know I want to be completely transparent with you I want to share with you literally exactly how it works how this is going to get you results how it's getting us results because it's pretty straightforward to be honest all right which one is it or say and demo link directly so yeah let me know in the chat box chat box is all good okay perfect you know what I'm just going to play uh manually I don't want to wait for the team to pull it up so I'm going to go ahead and quickly search for the demo link one second here go all right they send it over perfect okay guys sit back and relax as the demo is about to play live in front of your eyes uh let's see oh no that's just the Vimeo link there we go okay boom hell guys today I'm going to be introducing you to a new tool that can help you create courses in minutes with a few clicks you can also generic dry social media viral traffic and make money with this course in that s is called AI let me show you how it works right here is where it all begins you start by creating a new collection with this collection it will help you categorize the type of courses you want to be creating right here on aib you click on this you come right here to add the collection name now right here I'm going to be adding my own collection name right here I can add a name I can choose to add it to mail come right here to upload one and as you can see here there is a recommended format 50 to 60 pixel P or jpg and once you're done with this you click on continue you can see my collection is successfully created and there is no coures inside the collection yet so I'm going to click on this to start creating my first course I come right here to click on create mini and right here I have three different ways I can start creating my course and I can choose to use the AI assistant I can choose to use from scratch and use case ideas but for this demo I'm going to be using the AI assistant and you see how this can speed up creating course now also right here we have to Define our purpose of creating this course and right here I'm going to be choosing embed and I click on next now right here I need to complete this form describe how the mini course idea is going to be and right here just going to enter SE and the target audience and here is description of what the course is going to be like so once I'm done with this I can come right here to click on generate title now in short in a short time the titles will be created these are suggestions I can pick from now when I come right here click on next you can see these are different course titles suggested by AI now I can come right here to edit any of this and I can just pick one just going to take this and edit this click on this now once I'm done with that I click on next now right here outline is being generated for the particular topic I selected now you can come right here to remove any of this um outline and you can also modify this you don't like this and you can come right here to add extra a so once you're done with Mod ation on this particular stage you click on next now right here you're going to be choosing the team want to use for our po now right here I can choose this and the next thing is to generate the content of right here this is going to take a while but once it's done our course be ready okay guys so our course is now ready and as you can see right here this is the content for each of the outlines and we can come right here to add extra outlines in between or even at the end now you can see right here you can add or upload an image for each particular line right here and you can always modify title title of the course right here all modifications now right here you can preview this course and see what it looks like as you can see right here and you can scroll down here to share this on social media to drive traffic so this cost and it does not end there you can now you can also secure this course with a password and you can also collect leads and payment now let me show you how this works now before that once you click on this share you can see we have a embedded code where you can embed on your website now right here is the settings where you start setting up your course now you can see right here you can require password so anybody want to access your course need to enter password that's securing and right here is where you want to collect emails for Le anybody who wants to view your C and com can would always enter an email to subscribe and also here for payment now before you start using settings you need to come right here to set up your email service provider and your payment Gateway now you can see right here email service provider available on a and you come right here click on connect and you add your API key and your server prefix now also for payments there are available providers you can use also to activate now you can see right here you have stripe and you have PP all you need to do is to get your credentials for each of these providers and right here you can addes you want to select on the settings page right there some Prine right there now once you enable email Le you must have set up your ESP so you can come right here and select this specific ones and it's going to get all your list and right here you select one of them and you see changes now right here you again see this is preview page now the number of pages you want them to preview before they input their emails to subscribe for this course now right here also they are predefined you want to use to sell this courses so once you select any of them you click on Save price now also right here you need to enable the payment to be able to collect payment for this particular course now also you need to select a preview page and just going to put one here here once we done with this we are good to go now all we need you get our our sharable link and you can see what it looks like now let's go back to our courses so you can see right here is our collection and come right here too you can see right here now right here you need to collect an email and also make payments now this is how you can use AI beam to generate leads and also spe generation so guys what are you waiting for get a today wow wow wow ladies and gentlemen thank the tech team for showing that demor let me know ladies and gentlemen did you see the power of how can easily create cible courses just like that using Ai and nothing else and then immediately having the power to go ahead and upload it and start collecting sales this say how long did that take zero time in comparison to the amount of profits you'll be making right after who here absolutely love what they just saw in see the immense potential of what you're about to get access to let me know in the chat box ladies and Gentlemen let's see where is the question box we go [Music] see back to the deck and we're back there we go let me know who here absolutely saw its power I see yeses yeses how many slides can I add for lesson I see the tech team also answering a lot of them yes this a CR covers yes awesome Vin loves it great guys these are the perfect courses to upload to the selling platforms and just have pretty much I honestly I didn't believe much in passive income I was like you have to work for everything either way but this is the closest thing to it by far because once it's uploaded it's done it's there it's visible and the platform itself keeps pushing it to the people that are searching four courses with that those keywords they are pushing into their email list like your traffic generation is cut out for you plus we're giving you two secret traffic methods to make sure you can start making sales as soon as today awesome awesome I see yeses yeses all right perfect so here's what we're going to do see a lot of people absolutely loving it we're going to create so many success stories it's going to be amazing um actually I have a little thing to say about that we actually came here with a mission today but I'll talk more about that in a second definitely stick around I want you to understand as well ladies and gentlemen that you can use this for yourself and for others there are tons of coaches that spend way too much time on creating courses Affiliates if they're selling let's say they're an affiliate for convert kit but they can't just selfcon convert K like everyone else right there'll be a diamond dozen there's no difference why I should buy from you but if they can also have an email marketing course along with it say hey everyone who buys click funnels for me you also get my funnel building course like oh now I have a reason to buy from you over anyone else so Affiliates agencies bloggers small businesses influencers e-commerce and nichas course vendors funny small businesses uh I recently went to a barber shop and they had was explaining explaining really amazing things interesting things about hair and and about the Sun how it affects your hair and the different products and how they affect this it's like do you have like do you have some course on this like no I just talk about this a lot and I've learned this from experience like you should actually create a course on the different hair types and how different environments affect those hair types and how different products affect those hair types and every single customer that comes into the barber shop tell them you have a course and tell them it's only $27 so they can learn more about their hair type and and the D and dos it was blown away by the idea Blown Away by the idea so when I say small businesses like a bakery shop how to make this bread or this bread or that bread a lot of people love they have traffic either way they can say hey we actually create a new course since you come in a shop so often you we talking might be interested in this now even people that are already selling courses that know for a fact how long it takes they can be your clients so just want you to understand that you can use this for yourself and for others and it's just three simple steps right number one log into your AI beam account number two Let AI generate done for courses and how to content for you you saw it on the demo how easy that is and then number three that's it you're ready to start selling your courses to anyone and it's super nice and neat and clean you can start viewing the course or edit it even further it's all in three simple steps so with that being said let me and gentlemen who wants to know everything you're getting here today as part of the webinar only special deal just because you're on this webinar you get to see this and get access to this let me know in the chat box comment yes you know how it works who wants to know everything you're getting access to here today just for being on the webinar and getting the webinar special that nobody else outside of this webinar get gets access to and I'll soon explain why that is because a lot of people have oh yeah you're just saying that and everyone we actually cannot do that there's a reason why we can only do this for the people on the webinar so let me know if you want to know I'm going to head over to the chat box right now I see a lot of yeses coming in yes yes show me show me show me now where's the link I want to buy now awesome all right let me go ahead and drag it onto the screen and then we're GNA go over it together so uh here we go full screen perfect so you're going to get the the whole nine yards just because you're on this webinar you're going to get the biggest bank for your buck so first of all here's what's included you're going to get access immediately to the Premium Edition normally you would you would have to go to the regular and you get like a credit system we're going to give you immediate access to the Premium Edition now this revolutionary software tap into the online learning industry which is valued at close to hundred billion dollar you don't need to struggle with complexities of traditional course building you can immediately create courses engaging material interactive material that's ready to sell now it's beginner friendly no prior content generation experience needed perfect for all niches and industries you can do this for your friends for your family for yourself you can tap into like I said the guarding Niche raising chicken s there's no Niche that's unaccessible to you and here's the crazy part some niches don't have a lot of courses in them right there's not a lot of courses in certain the niches and the moment someone drops on or at least I wouldn't say not a lot but not a lot that are recent and up to dat because it's not a hot Niche where every marketer dives into but with you having access to this you can tap into any Niche and create the most recent up- to-date course and sell the heck out of it list it on Warrior plus list it on ClickBank list it on dve Su put it on edex put it on UD you'll be drowning in sales you'll walking around your phone buzzing in your pocket every single seal that's coming in so perfect for all niches cloud-based uh you can do it from anywhere Advanced AI engine automates all the complicated content research it always creates the most practical and good informational content not fluff but really good stuff is beginner friendly no prior content generation once again perfect for all niches basically everything I said here so that's what you're gonna get access to right away on top of that immediately going to upgrade you to the unlimited usually you have to pay additional additional $97 to get access to that what this does does you basically get unlimited access to creating courses unlimited sharing of the courses unlimited traffic unlimited leads um so you basically have no cap other people have like you can only create two courses you can only have so many students enrolled you you're cap cap cap also all the people that have the unlimited we unlock for them premium support so we have an expert team and that expert team that's why we can only do this on the webinar because we only have so many people on staff uh those were around the clock to make sure all our unlimited users are completely satisfied and are seeing the results that they were promised so that's for unlimited you're going to get complete access to that right off the bat when you get this on the webinar on top of that you're going to get 50 curated done for you profitable courses inside your account instantly again another reason why we can only do this on the webinar is because we cannot have everyone out there run around with this the same course right so we're going to get 50 done for you profitable courses for each and every one of you inside your account uploaded right away now we do all the work for you we already created we actually tested some of them to see if they get seals and then we took them immediately offline you skip all the guest work you jump straight into the profits get 50 done for your profitable courses inside your account instantly all the courses come with hyperlink affiliate offers as well to make more money each campaign comes with its own done for traffic so you don't have to do any work the traffic's already taken care of ladies and gentlemen you can start getting done for your sales as fast as a day get every drop of the profit out of AI beam you unlock our premium customer support and no risk you're covered with a 365 days money back guarantee let me ask you ladies and gentlemen real quick um are you loving this offer so far let me know are you liking what you're seeing so far because there's a whole lot more where that came from I told you just now that you can do this for yourself and you can do this for others and they would happily pay you forward and that's where this comes into play this one of our biggest packages which is the done for you course creation marketing agency setup so we set up a complete Hy for you where you can sell course creation servfaces which is a pretty untapped surface like everybody sells social media marketing website design content creation nobody sells complete course creation so you get charge a th000 to $5,000 for this we completely set up the agency website for you make it high converting we have all the done for you sales assets and Graphics we have a proven client getting script done for animated videos done for PowerPoint step-by-step video training on how to get clients how to find clients how to close them it's literally as simple as say going through say hey I notied you have such so much knowledge so much to share i' would love to help you build out a course that we can sell for x and x amount you can even make Revenue share deals saying hey we can do this for free and then we work on a performance- based basis meaning every time you get a sale from the course I created for you we get a percentage and you either pay us a base fee just for setting up the course maybe a couple hundred dollars and if you have Tre like those who have Evergreen money because the people already have an audience right they already have web traffic they just don't have a really solid or new update course because they don't have time to create one but that wasn't until they hired someone like you to be able to do that so let me know in the chat box ladies and gentlemen are you loving what you're getting so far I'm going to head over and see how we're doing right there um let's see let's see let's [Music] see I love it I love I love it yes yes yes is absolutely man man man the chat goes so fast amazing amazing I need the priz right now Perfect all right we're almost there we're almost there now guys um I want you to know as well actually super important to know I haven't I think I haven't mentioned that is the app also converts especially on the agency side of things this comes in handy it also converts text to video I don't want to repeat that one more time it also converts text to videos so if someone says well I need a course module based on this or that you can put in text and it's going to create the video for you I can transcribe a Blog and turn that into a video module if someone has a lot of blog content on their website I can go to AI beam and tell them turn our blog content into video modules that's how powerful now now I want to head back to the slide deck real quick and kind of recap everything I mentioned so far because it was quite a lot to take in um like I said we're going to create a lot of success stories with this I'm super excited for you guys for those of you that are going to take action this is going to be a breeze now here's what I mentioned so far that you're getting access to number one all of you that get this on the webinar you're going to get premium access right off the bat you have the unlimited level unlocked you have 50 done for hot sellers only for you that takes action on the webinar right now and you have the AI aenc profits to charge anywhere from th000 to $5,000 to do it for other people now I'm going to do something extremely special just on this webinar right now and it's only here and afterwards it's gone and you'll soon see why in order to guarantee you having a driving course income starting today like I don't want to play The Guessing Game you don't want to play The Guessing Game I don't want this to be uh oh I'll get this and hopefully it's a good investment or hopefully no I want this to be something certain so I need to make sure of that here's what we do as a webinar only bonus we're going to add in done for you unlimited traffic only for you guys on the webinar what does that mean we're going to put all your courses I don't know if you know how big our email list is we have quite the large email list spread out over multiple autoresponders because some of them can't handle the amount of leads we have um one autoresponder for instance on its own has over 60,000 leads on there in the internet marketing Niche so what we're going to do we're going to send an email blast for each and every one of you to our email list we can obviously not do this for everyone all the time so only the people that get this on the webinar we note your name down and we're going to send an email blast if you done for you unlimited traffic number two what we're going to do is we're going to give you the reseller access people have been begging us can I please resell this to other people so you said all right normally we charge an additional thousand to loock that we're going to give that away on the webinar right now the reseller access so you're getting these two webinar specials along with premium access unlimited level 50 done for your hot sellers HC profits and the webinar special if I go back right here real quick um to break it down you get the unimited traffic to sell your course generate massive Sals 100% done for traffic without lifting a finger the traffic is proven to convert it's already being warmed up as we speak it has generated millions and will generate billions more you will siphon massive traffic from our previous launch pages so what we do we have a lot of courses ourselves right with have a lot of members areas inside those areas will place your course links to your stuff so that whenever have we have a buyer they go to our stuff they see an ad from your stuff on the side now we have a team that's dedicated to going to put that in place for you but we can only do that for people on this webinar right now you get your share of traffic from our future launch Pages as well step-by-step training included this is something unique that nobody else does uh they usually leave you hanging when it comes to getting clients and sales and traffic we want to make sure that is the least of your worries by far you get unlimited buyer traffic through the fastest way the six figures online ladies and gentlemen let me know do you appreciate that would you love to have that and on top of that like I said the reseller normally that's quite the expensive one um this one basically allows you to get your entire own version of the software we do everything for you we create the marketing tools and sales Pages you can sell it and keep 100% of the profits as you'll be able to create accounts for people to use aiam you can charge them monthly you can uh charge them a one-time fee that's up to you it's no work effort required it's completely turn key just like that let me know in the chat box I need to head over to the chat box to see if you're Blown Away by the value I see yes is lorenia I see yes sure yes yes yes awesome awesome all right so with that being said ladies and gentlemen you're literally getting the whole nine yards from top to bottom um and we got a few additional bonuses in as well I'll mention those later on but first let's get to the moment you've been waiting for so you're getting access to all of what I mentioned here the premium access unlimited level the 50 done for you hot sellers so you can actually start making money right after this presentation I don't want you to wait a second more I want to have those income statements coming in agency profits so you can do this for other people in charge over $1,000 dollar and the webinar special bonuses assuring you of the traffic that most people leave out so here's the thing the total investment normally to get access to all of this turn you into a profitable business is well over $33,000 we actually sold this for 15,000 many times as well where people come in they ask us uh we do a full surface for them build out the course send them the traffic upload it to all the sites and all that stuff we were planning on charging we still are as a matter of fact $4,000 to get access to this and it's well worth it because we've seen people give away way less value giving you nothing but quite frankly just homework for you to do on your own own without any results in the near future and charge you way more this is something that's guaranteed we feel we could charge $4,000 a matter of fact we know we've done over seven figures in cor sales ourselves so we know how it goes down now that's when we release it to General Public if you would hop on a call go to our sequence or funnel or vssl hop on and call with us that you want to be a COR seller you get to speak to our sales manager he would persuade you into getting it for $4,000 and you would say yes on the call that is for the general public you were smart enough to come to this webinar so you won't have to go through this because you're taking action during this special launch training we manage to think all right we're going to drop it down to our normal price of N and seven however we want to incentivize you once again for being here for being here live and I'm making you understand that it pays to be here making you understand that whenever we do a webinar you show up up because that's when you get the biggest bang for your buck so what we're going to do this is the normal price we want to create 25 new five figure earners we actually created a Hall of Fame uh we're creating a separate group for it as well or an email list for it and we're going to create certificates and help 25 people earn five figures the first 25 we create a certificate with their name say Hey you successfully sold uh five figures in courses etc etc that's our mission right here and therefore we decided to make the barrier of Entry just a little bit lower to help these people out so the first 25 people that take action right now and we can take a number more just the first 25 people will be able to get it at the webinar only deal of 297 now let me know in the question mark do you believe or do you feel that getting access to all of this is a fair price at 297 with without any recruiting fees mind you let me know in the chat box knowing what you know Now the secrets that nobody else bothered to share with you and you only be 297 for execution like this entire session on its own could have been 297 based on what you know now and how to find Hot Topics where to place to get free traffic but remember we're going to share our traffic sources with you literally send done traffic to you plus you have a full course for one time 297 let me know in the chat box do you think that's a fair price just want to gauge a little bit I see yes yes I love it there go somebody decided to call Mid webinar so here's what we're going to do we're going to make an extra special ladies and gentlemen what we're going to do is who is going to buy right now and wants A50 off for being one of the first 25 who's going to buy right now and wants $50 off if that's you comment link in the chat box right now if you want $50 off bringing it down all the way to247 this is the secret deal not the special deal this the secret deal only for first 25 common link in the chat box right now to secure that and also want to mention for those of you that are maybe a little bit on the fs you're not sure or you know you really want this but you just want to try it out and really see if it works for you we have a money back guarantee right we have a money back guarantee that's we're completely transparent on that right the money is back the same day into your account if for some reason you can't continue or life happens or you have to focus on something else that's all good either way I want you to experience aiam because nobody else is going to share with you the secrets I shared with you here today if it's up to them they want you to stay a buyer for as long as possible because remember the buyers pay for all the sellers the people that are looking for information TR to start their business those are the ones that pay the most and if you've been in the market or in the industry for for a while you should have noticed this yourself as well now you're getting the chance to transition to the other side of not being the one that's trying to acquire information but the one that's getting paid for information ladies and gentlemen comment link in the chat box if you want want a secure $50 off just for the first 25 still getting access to done for traffic the unlimited the full AI beam the D agency and you cannot go wrong here let me know in the chat box um if you're in as well so I can make sure you're entire account is set up properly we're also uploading the 50 done for you account uh what's it called 50 done for you offers done for you courses that we already curated which some of them we actually tested uploaded see if it got seals was a clear yes we took it offline and then we're going to give it and hand it over to you so you get those uploaded into your account as well there you go now I see Paul asking for the link yeah if you want access you need to ask for the link if you want access you need to ask for the link comment link in the chat box um I'll have the link being dropped there right now see I'll have the team do it and the coupon code is available on the site just so you know as well okay okay okay okay cool um there we go okay the link is being dropped right now ladies and gentlemen secret deal link there you go oh no that's not the right one I need to bundle disregard that one that's not the right one that's the informational link and team needs to drop the link there we go this is the right one perfect okay boom and correct secret deal link there you go okay link is in the chat box ladies and gentlemen the get AI beam link that's the one when you click it actually walk you through what happens takes you to this side right we've been here on this side ourselves shows everything that you're getting as promised so you can go through it as well but you don't want to lose out on time uh this is only available for the next 28 minutes and then it's gone there's also some secret bonuses fast action taker bonuses that I haven't mentioned that will immediately be uploaded to your account which is the free unlimited white label license to new engine which is the uh White Label license to cor maretto so these two are also included in ass site your account right off the bat well all you have to do basically is go here and click get the AI bundle deal for onetime payment I am going to check if the coupon code is available on the site or if it's kept secret yeah it's kept secret so I'll ask the team to drop the coupon code in the chat as well so you can take advantage of that so give me one second or I I'll just say it to them out loud if you guys can okay it's there so this is the coupon I'll show it live as well so if you see the screen I'll show I'll show you live what the type in uh we purposely kept it off off the page so you can see so it's here boom boom boom boom boom 50 off lower case letters click on apply and it takes the price down with 50 bucks right there so that's the secret coupon code it's only valid for the first 25 people uh there's a cap on the amount of coupon codes after that you'll see that the coupon is not working anymore so if the coupon works for you you know you got access you know you got discount and you're getting the whole nine yards from traffic from done for you courses and everything in between so let me know in the chat box guys as soon as you're in or if you have any additional questions I would love love to answer them again I cannot be more clear about this secret deal being available only right here right now normally like I said we were going to charge to 97 or even 997 outside this webinar right now you unlock this one right here which goes to show that if you show up the webinar s you get the biggest bang for your buck you get rewarded for your time and you get to learn things and ask questions that nobody else shares with you or questions that nobody else answers to you I'll guarantee that nobody will show you how you can quickly put up a course uh on on these websites and get done through traffic as a matter of fact nobody else will send traffic or take the time to put your courses and siphon their own traffic to make sure you get results now why do we do this because it just looks so much better on on us if you actually hit well over five figures in order to make that happen we need to boost that and make that happen therefore we're going to Nudge by giving our own traffic up to make sure you get results so we can actually go ahead and showcase to the industry saying hey people that work with us get the craziest results now like I said we can only do this for the first 25 people so if you want to be a success story the link is in the chat box I'll share a couple more times right here boom boom boom boom boom the link is in the chat box and then don't forget the coupon code I'll put the coupon code in the chat box once again there we go okay so let me head over to the chat box to see if there are any questions as well um I see I'm in I'm in congratulations I'm in would love the bonus says Lar yes 100% 100% uh Paul let me know if you got in um Larry link done perfect Annie let me know if you got in Jamar let me know if you got in Lorina I want to see you in especially you've been such so amazing throughout this entire presentation I see you active I see you engaging I'd love to turn you into a success story go ahead and grab it at the lowest price possible looking forward to see you have and guys all it takes have ai set up the course upload it to the platform and that's it right and see it work in front of you this is something that doesn't require a crazy amount of work to get leads to respond to you and get leads and talk to them and fix your messaging and your optins and be confident in delivery this is information selling what of the ageold but highest and lucrative business models that anyone can set up on the side right maybe you don't want to do that full-time at least have a couple of courses that are bringing in Revenue consistently while you go and focus on other stuff right all right so there you go see I'm in I'm in I'm in awesome awesome awesome congratulations um there are a couple more things I wanted to share as well okay who is still who is still I see please email me the webinar recording yeah yeah we got you covered on that yeah for sure but on the recording this bonus package won't be available again just so you know so even if you get to watch the webinar record you do want to make sure you want to get in right now um what we're going to do I'm thinking of doing something crazy for the people uh for all of you here if if we okay let me ask this who still is not in I'm about to do I give you the biggest bang for your buck ever literally the biggest bang for your buck ever let me know uh if you're still not in or on the fence for any reason like I said you you have have a money back guarantee it's risk-free the method is proven it speaks for itself you create a course you upload the course um on legitimate platforms UD me skillshare LinkedIn learning edex uh UDA City like these are platforms designed they're wanting people to please come and upload courses we have way too many users and not enough people coming up with courses each day we need you right you literally get these platforms that beg you hey please become a Corel on our side because they need to that fresh content for their user base right edex has 3,000 courses 4 million users and only 160 Partners they need you guys so the piece of the pie is way too big enough for all of us um and you want to take action on this right now so that's why I said this if fastest and easiest way to five figures by far if anyone would ask me what what how can I make money and say hey create a course with AI uploaded to all these coaching plat learning platforms that's it and then if you want our free traffic to boost your sales let us know we sent you free traffic that's the fastest way if you tell me I'm G to start an agency then do Outreach hop on calls become good at selling post content every day make sure people see your content be active on social media it's that's a hassle not that it's a bad business model I'm all for it but it requires quite some work I'd rather have a course just siphoning me money to my bank account consistent L on the back end and then in the meanwhile I can use this money to skill any other part of my business that I'd like to so there you go awesome I see I'm in I just need to drive to get my daughter from class I hear you Annie I love it I love it I hear you keep your eyes on the road um awesome okay okay complete uh completed perfect awesome Paul uh oh Larry says I want to do a course on Mount Rushmore okay okay I see that perfect Paul you're going to get the free traffic 100% um perfect perfect perfect Okay cool so here's what I want and the best way to decide also for you J say the best way to decide is by being on the inside that's always what I say the best way to judge anything is by experiencing it's like it's like people saying oh that movie I'm not gonna watch that movie or that movie is bad have you seen it right go watch it and afterwards if you have an opinion that's all fine so same with anything I buy is like the best way to decide is by being in the inside so I try to always get in I have my rights of my money back guarantee those are black and white I I'm buyer protected I go in and see all right this is actually actually good stuff I like the quality it's really good and I stay or if it's like Oh I thought it would be a little bit different or I'm missing this or that feature and I go right that's the best way to approach things so you don't miss out on opportunities right there's this this thing called the red car Theory right if you go out if I asked you right now how many red cars you saw today you would have know because you weren't looking for them because it's the same with opportunity if say how many opportunities did you see today you say I don't know because you weren't looking for the opportunity so always when I see opportunity I'm always aware of it I go in I evaluate it if I if I think hey this is going to be beneficial to me my business my income am I growth I'll give it a shot if not it's okay so I want you to move the same way Larry says I hear you I hear you that was a joke okay perfect so uh what I want to get into for those of you that are on the fence I want to sweep at the deal a little bit we don't have much time left so um this is really a last a hill marry for for you to get this while you still can only at two for seven or else you have to pay a lot more and not get free traffic from us guys we have multiple a sponsors with tens of thousands of subscribers and we're going to blast the heck of our email campaigns and put your products your courses into our existing members areas where we'll make a list look at out our uh these courses from our partners right and these get a lot of clicks now we're only going to do that for the people that get this on this webinar your name is going to be registered we're going to be in contact with you we set all that up outside of this webinar you're going to miss out on an opportunity for like having like ask anyone else out there can you send me free traffic from your and if I buy from you they'll tell you no it's ridiculous they won't go through that extent so I want you to see clearly the opportunity and the cash flow that's in front of you now to sweeted the deal a little bit here's what we're going to do we areel launch courses and software over and over again right that's no big secret and we actually already have our next month's launch planned which is going to be a crazy one it's going to be a crazy one now the sales page is not ready yet it's still in design it's going to be uh an AI it's going to be brand new super powerful it's got It's called uh vid era now what we're going to do is for the people that get in right now we're going to give you wi label access to our upcoming launch now you can see it's still completely in in design mode like it's not fancy tided up yet um but we're going to create some Next Level AI stuff that to enhance everything you're doing right now uh with the Cor creating courses we're really going to create crazy AI templates do the same for YouTube um if you want to have a YouTube channel in One Click Boom YouTube channel the YouTube video like hey I want a YouTube channel on this topic I want to create a blog on this CH topic I want to create an Instagram page uh that shows style and class right and you want to build a huge Instagram following we're going to leverage crazy AI of Duties now for those of you that get in right now we're going if you pick up aib send us an email right afterwards right I I'll put the email uh in the link right now and you're going to get access to this one ahead of time now this one is going to be anywhere about 497 397 to 497 uh initially so you're basically getting two for the price of one now this is literally you still having full money back guarantee and no reason not to ateas and comp this this so for those of you that already got it if you want to claim the white label rights to this app which is going to be crazy the moment it's launches congrats all of you that got have access to right now for those of you that were on the fence and just need a little bit more value to really all right I'll give it a shot I'll take I'll use my privileges with my money back guarantee risk-free guarantee and go ahead and at least check it out see if I can use it create a little course uploaded get some results here you go I'm also going to put up a timer ladies and gentlemen which is a f minute timer and then after five minutes it's done so I'm going to do five minute timer because I want you to understand we don't play the fake scarcity game right it's not unlimited we cannot send unlimited traffic all day long that's why after this webinar a lot of these bonuses disappear price Rises right so I want you to be fully aware of that so link is in the chat box I'll share it a couple more times as well um after these five minutes that link will vanish coupon code will clear out and it's done so boom link is in the chat box I'll drop it in there again and again and again if you have any questions within these four minutes feel free to ask them that's what I'm here for as well I want you to buy confidently I don't want to sell you into it honestly I don't I want you to sell based on your own logical reasoning I want you to think okay this is my situation right now I can see how uploading a course can get me XYZ result the traffic portion is handled the course is being created by AI you know what I can actually test this out got nothing to lose if that's your point of reasoning awesome go grab this if there's anything that's holding it back feel free to drop questions at the end of the day it's about you spotting an opportunity to get you closer to your goals we want to be part of that transformation so we get our bragging rides and everyone's happy so let me know in the chat box I'll go ahead and um move the timer here for a second so and you can do this for other people by the way you do you can do this for other people as well uh just so you know uh Paul says I want the lot white label free access yeah so I put it put an email I put it in the I'll put it in the chat box again email that with your transaction ID boom boom I put an email in the chat box email that with your transaction ID and we give you access uh Jamar says I haven't been able to fully listen but did you uh say something about getting a Lim traffic with the purchase yeah Jamar let me know are you in already by the way let me know if you're in because you got less than three minutes left if you're not um so yes obviously we have really large email lists in different niches and we also have a lot of products and courses in different niches uh both on ClickBank on jpu plus Etc so what we're going to do um as a special just for the webinar buyers only we're going to list your courses um in our existing members areas that get a lot of traffic that a lot of eyeballs consistently plus we're send out an email blast to our email list to your courses so we just boost that initial cash flow for you and you can take it from there uh you also have a lot of free traffic just from the what I showed you on this webinar just from all those platforms but we also come in and give you unlimited free traffic just like that so there you go hope you appreciate that now guys we have less than two minutes left or close to less than two minutes left and after that it is lights out now you do not do not want to miss what's in front of you because nobody else nobody else I guarantee you will ever offer you something similar we've looked and that's what our goal was we Tred to disrupt the market in our own way and create something that makes it impossible or unreasonable not to succeed with right you'll have to put in additional effort to try and fill this that's how hard it is to fill and how easy it is to succeed if you want to not get results you have to try hard L have to wake up write down your goal I'm trying to feel today and try everything to not make it work and the reason I'm phrasing it like that is to make you understand that we flip the tables normally you would have to try all of your mind and power to get something to succeed and get you a result and it's still not enough we flipped it around and said all right how can we make sure that whatever you do to try and mess this up this will still work for you this is it you're not dependent on your skills on closing on calls you're not depending on your copyrighting skills you're not depending on your social media following and Authority none of that because those are all variables that keep people on the same level so there you go ladies and gentlemen we're closing in on less than 30 seconds I see someone saying I'm trying to buy well act fast because after these 30 seconds it's going to go to a full stop if you're on the page right now you know what you need to do put in your uh uh name email actually go over I'll pause the timer real quick just to help you out in case you're stuck here so boom uh on the page if you go here you click the big orangey button and then you have your Conta how the timer the timer just ended let me go back here the timer just ended ladies and gentlemen you know what that means that means it's lights out I will help this final person out to make sure they get access I would hate for you to miss out so you put your contact email you put in the coupon code 50 off lowercase letters click on apply you have PayPal buyer protection so you got nothing to worry about I just want you to feel safe throughout this entire purchase today's price includes this boom boom boom and there you have it right all done and secure so I'm going to do one last round for our Tech Team to make sure everyone's account is uh has all the bonuses everything is uploaded first to take notes as well so comment in the chat box this is a final call and this is also your last chance to get it if you haven't gotten it yet who got access let me know in the chat box right now so we can make sure account is completely set up you get the traffic as promised done for you all the sales assets we start getting you to five figures I want to see you in the hall Fame I'm going to open up the chat box right now and ask one last time if for some reason you're not in yet this is by far your last and final chance so let me open up the chat and see to it that everyone has access uh let's see there we go okay okay I'm gonna name out the names if you don't hear your name um let me know right or you haven't said in here I see um okay Jamar is in um I see Larry L is in awesome Larry uh Jamar just got in last minute just in time awesome uh it says I'm in says someone perfect I'm in and sent the email for the free white label too oh action taker I love it fast action taker perfect perfect perfect okay um I see I want to see lorenia as well you've been so great throughout this session uh there we go I'm in see a couple more yes awesome okay I'll ask the team to take note of these names make sure and set them up uh with the highest level account and everything in between 50 done fore products and we can start running traffic to you again if you haven't uh if you didn't hear your name or I didn't call out the sentence that mentioned you're in let me know in the chat box this is just a precautionary double check for us to know uh you're in obviously on the back end we'll go over all the names once again as well also if you want access to all the bonuses don't forget to email this link right here and with that being said ladies and gentlemen we're about to head over to the end this is your last and absolute final chance I'll put it the link in the chat box one last time uh final chance link to get access start putting up a course and actually start seeing some real results I see Paul Hayes is in awesome I got it and sent an email as well perfect perfect perfect all right with that being said ladies and gentlemen I hope you enjoyed today's presentation let me know if you did I'm glad you stuck around I hope you got a lot of value but more importantly you now have an amazing vehicle that is actually doable that doesn't require tons of personal skill sets that is something that anyone can do simply enough but just applying themselves going into the AI creating a course uploading it on a course platform and you're off the races and you're leveraging our traffic and if you want that and you don't have it yet the link is in the chat box at least go and try it out you got nothing to lose I can't wait to see you make your first four not well your first three figures then your first four and then your first five in record time see you on the inside have an amazing rest of your day talk to you soon byebye

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