AI News Pro Review Full Demo Bonus – Creates Self-Updating Viral News Websites

imagine if in just minutes from now you could get access to a brand new chat GPT powered app that creates self updating viral news websites in any Niche with a single keyword and sells them on Flippa eBay and Facebook for maximum profits sounds like a big life-changing opportunity with the advancement in growth in technology more and more people are glued to their phones and computers surfing through the internet and scouring the web for the latest and freshest news about politics Sports technology business and so much more this simply means that the online news industry is booming like never before here are some facts this money printing news industry generates over $96.2 billion in Revenue every year news websites like CNN and BBC gets over 2.6 billion unique monthly visitors and according to a report by E marketer the number of digital news websites increased by 73% between 2019 and 2022 and seeing the profit potential and Limitless possibilities in the online news industry we decided to seize this opportunity and finally after 12 months of extensive research and development we have created the first ever chat GPT powered app that creates and sells self-updating viral news websites in any Niche imaginable in less than 60 seconds finally with this new NextGen chat GPT powered app you can build stunning automated news sites in any Niche with just a single keyword and dominate the news industry cash in big by creating and selling jaw-dropping news sites that are in high demand on platforms like Flippa eBay and Facebook choose from over 300 premium done for you eye-catching and highly engaging News website templates launch your own news site that's just as stunning and captivating as CNN BBC and Fox News and become a force to reckon with keep your audience engaged with realtime updates on trending news and content every single hour break down language barriers by translating your news site into over 150 plus different languages and reach a global audience like never before generate highquality leads in any Niche with our built-in proven opt-in forms and watch your business sore supercharge your affiliate commissions by embedding your affiliate links into every news article and post drive a Title Wave of traffic conversions and sales by launching a new site that will leave your competition in the dust enjoy lifetime web hosting on dedicated servers with free SSL encryption included boost your website's Google ranking with full SEO optimization and so much more for just a tiny onetime little investment just pay once and use it for a lifetime finally this futuristic nextg news creator app lets you skip the endless struggles of creating a website from scratch which is frustrating and timec consuming cancel your overpriced web hosting subscriptions like HostGator and name cheap say goodbye to expensive content news and article writers fire your expensive website designers coders and developers and cancel all your existing expensive tools and services finally it's time for you to dive into the futuristic world of AI powered viral news websites that are transforming the lives of ordinary people just like you introducing AI news Pro AI news Pro is a brand new chat GPT powered app that creates stunning and self-updating viral news websites in any Niche imaginable in less than 60 seconds it harnesses the power of AI and instantly scrapes the latest and juiciest Scoops from top-notch news sources like CNN BBC and Fox news and updates them on your site in real time and not just that it even sells these highly engaging and jaw-dropping news sites on Flippa eBay and Facebook on complete autopilot while filling up your pockets finally unleash the true potential of this groundbreaking chat GPT driven software that drives non-stop traffic and skyrockets your business and sales like never before now finally with AI news Pro you can create and sell unlimited news websites without any restriction build a massive email list with high converting opin Pages earn easy affiliate commissions just by embedding your affiliate Links Drive traffic and sales with built-in AdSense monetization start your very own News website Agency on Fiverr and charge anything you want and the possibilities with AI news Pro are just endless well AI news Pro is the new Revolution that allows even complete newbies with zero technical knowledge and experience to start making online sales and commissions like never before all it takes is just three dead simple Steps step one get access grab a copy of AI news pro at an extremely low onetime price and log in to its userfriendly dashboard step two choose your Niche select the niche in which you want to create your news website with our stunning D for you pre premium templates step three profit AI news Pro harnesses the power of AI and sells these news sites on flipa eBay and Facebook for maximum profits and this doesn't get any better than this my friend after all is there anything else out there that lets you create self-updating viral news websites in any Niche with a single keyword and sells them on Flippa eBay and Facebook while filling up your bank accounts there isn't so what are you waiting for AI news Pro is the new chat GPT powered revolutionary app that is changing the lives of many Ordinary People and right now you have an early bird discount on this page which gives you full lifetime access to AI news Pro just at the price of a cheap t-shirt however this discount won't be available to everyone once our capacity is reached we'll be closing our doors for good then do not delay any longer it's a risk-free decision anyway as you're backed by our 30-day money back guarantee so what are you waiting for there's no way for you to lose here with that being said take the plunge click the button below right now to get a copy of AI news at the lowest onetime price we'll see you [Music] inside [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] he [Music] a hey guys hope you're all okay welcome to AI news Pro which is a brand new Chad gbd4 powered app that creates self-updating viral news websites in absolutely any Niche with a single keyword and you literally can get started by selling them on flipper eBay Facebook and various other social media platforms for for maximum profits and this instantly scrapes the juiciest scoops on politics Entertainment Sports and Beyond from Top notot sources like CNN BBC Fox News and update them onto your website in real time automatically optimizes that for you and embeded affiliate links for you guys to get started by profiting it from this and no audience is required no domain and hosting is required and no technical skills are needed whatsoever so that you guys can get cracking and smashing with AI newspro so let me just get started with this and give you a detailed overview on how simple and easy it is for you guys to get started with eii news Pro guys so as you can see I'm in the members area and here we are inside the dashboard where you can see the total number of sites that are created the total number of automation that has been created the total number of leads that you have captured latest automation latest created websites that you have made and recent leads alongside recent stats and this is going to give you uh the graph of the stats realtime traffic and leads in the last 7 days and obviously then we have got the latest traffic from which source the traffic has come to your website so very simple and easy to get started with this all you have to do is get started by clicking on create a new website and after clicking this you'll be greeted with the these two sections one is view sites and the other one is create a new site so all you have to do is just click on create new site and then this will take you to this particular page right over here where you can get started by creating a new website so all you have to do is just enter a name onto your website so I'll just name that as entertainment news site one and uh I'll just brief that as uh you know describe that as uh this is my entertainment news site for entertainment purpose right okay so there are some errors over here so let me just am in that for you right okay and now over here we have got these styles that you can select on whichever cover that you want so I will just choose the standard style which is the first cover pre-selected and you can preview this as well so I'll just keep that as is for now and click on this particular button so that the AI content is automatically updated for me every 24 hours so what this does is every 24 hours it is going to automatically update everything for you so this toggle that you can see just put that as enable so that everything is updated for you in time every 24 hours so after after you know turning this on I go ahead and click on continue and this is going to take me to step two wherein I need to add in few details so what happens now is I will keep this on subdomain and uh if you have got your own custom domain you can select this as custom domain and then you can enter your domain name so what happens is if you enter your domain name that will be hosted by Ai newspro and if you want to use uh the subdomain of AI newspro I'll just keep that as standard and I'll just leave this area as empty so if you if I want to put anything over here I can just do that as well so right now over here I'll just put that as enter one just to fill that area over here and uh the next section now will be to add your logo so I'll just click on add your logo and it will give me an option to add a file so make sure that uh whatever image that you are putting onto uh you selecting uh onto uh the logo is a PNG file so I'll just update an image over here right over here and this is a PNG file and uh the next section is to add the addresses over here so I'll just click on add addresses over here so I'm just going to put that down as uh address one address 2 and address 3 as this is just a sample just to give you guys an overview and if you want to put a telephone number and admin email address you can just put that down as well at the same time and now I'll move move to the next part which is the add SM profiles again guys I mean you can literally add all your handles over here which will give you you or the customer your customer The Edge on you know clicking on those links and obviously you will be you know exposing your business your channels to those clients who are visiting your news website so you know your Twitter handle your LinkedIn handle your Facebook account or Facebook handle Instagram handle YouTube channel you just put in all those links over here and the next part is the theme section so now I just quickly select this particular part over here and if you want to keep the primary theme as blue a secondary theme as white you can do that if you want to you know make that a bit attractive you can change that to a red color let me just put that as red color just to you know uh get that uh you know look AIT a little bit fancy rather so or else you know I can just make that as purple as well so I like purple so let me just put that as purple so once I've done that the next section is to select category guys so now if you want to make your new site uh you know uh really uh engaging uh you can just either focus on a specific Niche or you can you know mix and match all the categories if you want to keep that to a specific Niche then you can just select a specific Niche if you want to select all you can select all if you want to you know just keep that as just one specific niche of just select deselected all and I will just select the entertainment so that my news site is updated every 24 hours with the latest entertainment news news and uh once I select that I'll just you know minimize that category over here and now over here is the automation Edition which I will talk about in detail in a moment and over here you can select the automation category which will be available for you so I have just you know made a section of automation which I'll be talking about in detail and right over here let me just select that and the SMTP again you will be create getting your SMTP in right over here so you can actually go ahead and select that particular category and then we have got the configure options now the Ops section right over here is whatever URL that you are going to be putting over here those are going to be reflecting onto your news websites and your traffic which will be sent to you on those websites will have option to click on those links either it can be your affiliate links your affiliate offers from various different uh you know affiliate platforms like jvzoo or ClickBank or Warrior Plus or whatever affiliate offer that you're promoting you can put in your link over there and the next one is the configure uh affiliate link right over here so for instance if I want to put this over here say for instance make uh $1,000 to $30,000 in 30 days no how so you can just put that in right over here select uh this particular category and put in your hyperlink for example if I have got my warrior plus Link in I'll just put my affiliate link for warrior Plus on this Warrior Plus .c and I'm just putting that as a sample for you guys and yep and this will be obviously uh highlighted and uh yeah you can just close this part over here close this part over here and click on continue so right over here I have actually created already used enter one so I'll just put in enter two and and as we have filled in all these details we have added a logo we have added the address we have added uh the profile part over here and uh you know the theme section over here entertainment category over here automation category over here autoresponder and we have configured this particular link hyperlink over here I'll just click on continue and uh then this will take me to step three wherein I will will get the admin details which are basically the back office details and these are my username for back office password and my admin uh email address so all I have to do now is just click on submit and uh over here it's uh let me just click on submit over here so after clicking on submit now the site actually is ready for you guys and all set and created so just make sure that uh you know you just give it like say about uh uh 10 minutes so that it's fully loaded so once this is successfully created all you have to do is just click on okay and then once you click on okay it will automatically take you to the site list so right over here I mean you can actually go onto site list by clicking on site list as well but it will automatically take you to site list where you can literally navigate or rather you can check the number of sites that you have created it will be listed everything right over here for you guys and now inside the site list you have got uh the options onto update site manually but again it will be updated every 24 hours if you want to do that say about update that every hour 2 hour if you come across any hot news you think that you want to put that down so you just you know click on update side and then you can update that yourself and over here we have got uh the details of the admin panel now these details will let you go on to every specific site has got a different admin password to to every site which will give you access for the back office of every site and you can make amend that customize that fully to you know anything that you want put anything that you want at your convenience at your ease whatever you feel like is going to match that specific website you can make those changes those amendments it's fully customizable for you guys and uh then over here we have got the site URL and uh if I click onto this particular site it will take me to the entertainment site which we have just created so let's get started by clicking on the site URL and once I click on this I will be greeted by the website that we have just created and as you can see that the logo that we had selected and we'll get a popup which will capture you the lead and uh the name of the person so right over here as you can see that they are banners which is going to get your affiliate links and the offers that you want to promote and uh as you can see that this is loaded with the latest news and if I scroll down you get uh more uh banners that you can place your ads on and the news that you are looking at is latest entertainment news which will be updated every single or every 24 hours basically and if you want to update that every single hour then you can do that manually by going onto the update site button and uh as you can see over here this is fully loaded with say about so many banner ads that you can place your links and the banners for amazing engagement and uh yeah so let me just now now take you to the back office which is going to be the admin panel so all you have to do is just click on this particular section which says details and once I click on this I will get the URL of that specific site and if I want to go onto the admin panel of this site that I have created I just click on this and then again the details are going to be the password is going to be a different password to that so this is all AI generated guys and uh I will just click on the admin URL and I will be taken to the admin section of this website and all I have to do is just copy the email address and uh copy the password and just put that over here and click on sign in and I will be greeted with the admin panel right over here now inside the admin panel if I want to change the logo I can browse and I can change the logo from here for the website and then again the color scheme color theme if you want to change that I want to make changes you can do that from over here secondary color theme you can change that uh if you want to change the title of your website you can do that right over here update telephone numbers latest email addresses and uh the opin URLs and uh the address social uh Network links that we have just seen and uh if you want to you know change the copyright text you can do that as well right over here I mean everything is standard for now but if you want to make those changes you can you know customize this to the C and uh yeah the next section over here is the ad advertisement and now inside the advertisement it actually gives you the option to put in the uh images and obviously the links so right over here as you can see we have got the banners these Banners are going to be filled in with your affiliate links and with your office so if I want to go onto a specific news right over here I can literally click on this particular news for instance and this will take me to this particular page right over here and again you know I can put these links and the images and remember that we have put our affiliate link on how to make ,000 to $3,000 in affiliate commissions ask me how and you know you can put your affiliate links and your fate offers right over here as well wherein the visitors can go on to this particular website and obviously you know purchase whatever that you are promoting and uh yep the next part is the SEO settings and uh these SEO settings if you want to add in description or title keywords uh you can get started with that the the next section over here is the uh traffic analytics and and inside the traffic analytics you are going to get the exact uh visitors details and their location their IP addresses uh the browser that they're using and you can see right over here the number of visitors from all these countries the number of leads that you have captured serial numbers date time location lead and IP are going to be listed right over here and again total number of leads total number of you know uh the traffic visitors and the conversion rate is going to be listed down for you on every single website that you have actually created from uh using uh rather AI news Pro and the lead section again is going to list down the number of leads that you have captured yeah the people who are visiting on the website are basically you know uh going to fill in their details on the drop down and it will be captured for you right over here affiliate links again is going to you know give you the uh the the uh you know optin and again a seal if you want to change the affiliate link which is uh the wor plus link you can amend that you can change that external scripts is again you know uh standard which are already there for you guys if you want to make changes to that you can change the header you can change the footer advertisement settings for you guys again you know you can categorize that and you can amend that you can change that you can you know uh do all the adjustments from inside the uh dashboard of advertisement settings number of pages you want to add pages terms and conditions uh we've got uh privacy policy and I've got cookie policy so these are all standard again if you want to change this to your company's uh or your firm's uh you know uh terms and conditions and the policies or or if you want to check that with your under writers you can do that make those changes accordingly to these uh terms and conditions so now moving forward to the done for you email automation and uh I'll just crack on with how you can get started by setting in the done for you email automation all you have to do is just click on create new to this name the automation uh for instance you know email automation 2 okay and I'll just click on continue to this and um will'll have to click on this plus sign and generate the automation so the number of people who are visiting your website and whatever lead that you're capturing it's basically is going to generate a follow-up sequence on those emails now once you capture the email you can set an automation immediately and uh I'll just click on save to this and I'll design the email by saying uh hello and uh hi uh welcome to buzz news and uh regards Buzzy Buzz whatever you you know you want to name your news channel you can and the best part is you can highlight that and you can add in your affiliate link again so whoever is visiting your website and whoever whatever lead you that you're capturing is basically you are generating uh a follow-up sequence with them and uh you know you're adding your feedat links and your offers for more engagement and profit maximum from those links so I will put that again as War Plus okay link for you all right and uh yep so that's the that's that done I'll just save that as first email follow-up sequence and if I want to follow up that on day one again at uh say about 10:00 a.m.

In the morning I do that I'll just generate another follow-up sequence I'll just put as um hello one example and uh you know again put hello one and I'll just save that again and that is the follow-up sequence one on day one and if I want to select and do a follow-up sequence on day two at say about uh maybe 9 9:00 a.m. yeah and I'll just select 9:00 a.m. over here and Save that and I'll just you know say hello 3 and I'll just put that as hello 3 right over here and you can just you know add a list on whatever day that you want to uh engage with your customers you can do that send your links your offers to them it will automatically send them the sequence guys so just click on continue and I'll just submit my sequence and the automation sequence is created right over here and uh moving forward now to the autoresponder wherein you can add in uh these details again these details are going to be available on all your autoresponders whatever autoresponder that you're using uh could be get response MailChimp a and you know mail octopus or whatever autoresponder that you're using you can just put in uh the API keys and then get started with it and then we have got the SMTP section right over here again you can add in the new smtps by clicking on this particular section right over here and then we have got the traic stats which again is going to give you the stats of the visitors who are visiting your websites and uh whatever lead that you are generating the serial number date and time location lead IP site and then we have got uh the total number of leads that are captured total number of traffic total conversion uh complete traffic analytics for you guys leads that you're capturing is going to be listed down inside the leads section over here done for you offers and swipes for you guys to maximize you know your engagement and leverage your business scale your business to the very next level is going to help you to obviously you know uh promote these offers again you have got done for you swipes which are all done for you your affiliate link is going to be approved immediately and uh you can promote all these offers and the links are right over here so if you want to promote any offer you just click on promote uh an offer and it will take you to Warrior plus I have already uh got promoted on this particular offer so I'll just copy paste my link and paste you know my link on uh those banner ads or whever I basically want to so this particular link obviously is my affiliate link and going to give me me some absolutely phenomenal commissions and uh I have got the agency Edition right over here if you have got multiple users then you can simply get started by obviously adding that user and that user is going to get get access to this uh you know uh website of AI news Pro and uh this will then help you to leverage your business skill your business you know if you're youve got a a small business and they multiple users every user is going to have their own access basically an individual access and then we have got the automation part over here which in wherein you can add your you know PayPal link and the payment history done for your websites again is uh an upgrade for you guys that you can look at a resellers Edition again is an upgrade that you can look at and and uh let me just take you back over here and then then we have got the log out I'll just log you out from the system and the complete training will be inside the training section you've got the bonuses right over here as well that you can access all the bonuses so that you guys can crack on and leverage your business scale your business to the very next level guys so that is the detailed overview of uh AI news Pro so that you guys can scale your business uh leverage your business to the very next level and if you have got any concerns you can get in touch with our team and we will be more than happy to assist you uh with uh whatever concerns that you have so thank you very very much for going through the inail session of uh uh AI news Pro and uh thank you for grabbing a copy of AI news Pro and uh we wish you all the best and we are here to assist you if you have got any questions thank you take care and uh have a nice one cheers bye

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