AIWiseMind Review Demo Bonus – AI Review Software Build Affiliate Websites To RANK!

think about an AI so ingenious it can create current Google friendly and SEO optimized informational or product review content from just a single keyword or any URL all while managing to rank and search engines now what if this AI wasn't just satisfied with these capabilities what if it integrated seamlessly with your WordPress sites taking the Rings to schedule and post all this generated content automatically leaving you free to engage in other tasks now visualize a scenario where you simply input an Amazon URL and watch as the AI generates product reviews for every product on those pages allow me to present to you AI wise mind this game-changing artificial intelligence software stands in a class of its own bolstered by an ever expanding array of features designed for the modern digital marketer scroll below to learn more and watch a full demo of setting up an affiliate website hey and welcome back to vid Society in this video what I'm going to do is show you some of my previous websites or a couple of them that I've built using this automated Tool uh for affiliate websites and creating informational type posts and basically I just let these run on their own and they're already getting traffic I'm going to show you that here in a minute they're indexing very well this is one of these websites it's called amazing MB with stand for Myrtle Beach and what I did is I added some categories up here for local news questions and a beach shop which is going to have affiliate links to different products from Amazon which are automatically created and added here on my website you can check them out if you go to amazing another website I have is Voyage voices this one I think is just a little over one month old and it is doing extremely well it's all based about taking cruises this one here is less than 3 weeks old and I'm going to show you some stats of them here in just a minute actually if we jump over to my arf's account you can see here for amazing MB there are 70 keywords already being picked up by ARS that it's found and you can see the search volume for some of these this one here 46,000 1.4 th000 1.9 th000 some of them already on the first page many of them on the second and third Pages for voyag you can see it currently has 261 keywords already and most of these they're a little more competitive in this Niche but you can see here that they're on the second and third Pages most of them so I have a lot of work to do on this one yet for backlinking and building authority before we can really get these keywords especially the ones that bring in a lot more search volume ranked at the top of Google and if we jump over to my Google search console you can see amazing right here since it started ranking or finding keywords which was about the 31st um or the 1 of August so this is uh Less Than 3 weeks since it's got its first uh page or post indexed and it's got 83 clicks and so far 91 pages are indexed and if we jump over to my Voyage voices you can see here 354 total clicks the first one being around the 21st of last month so actually right around 1 month old is what this website is and it has 350 indexed pages so far so these are moving a very nicely I've actually made a few sales from Amazon from these websites and a little over $18 in AdSense Commission because both of these sites uh let's just go ahead and jump into the amazing MB you'll notice over here AdSense ads and if we scroll down there's also one here so it's been approved for AdSense this one here for voyage voices also AdSense ads here so both of these has been approved for Google AdSense and they're roughly 1 month old one of them less than 1 month old so so in this video what I want to do is because I've had a lot of questions about these sites and how I'm building them out because I have built so many of these websites I'm just letting them grow and run on their own is that I'm using a tool called AI wise mind this is a tool that we had developed here a few months back and it is doing absolutely amazing things and I'm going to show you a complete breakdown of How I build out these websites using this tool starting from the very beginning of buying a brand new domain to building a new website that I'm going to build in this video the very first thing I did is I went to chat GPT and I told it to give me a list of Doom domains I can use for building a website based around heaters the website will also have many questions and answers about heaters so it gave me this list and what I did is I took this list and I went to I went to domains and bulk domain search I pasted those in here to find out which ones were available a lot of these were available and the one that I purchased was this one here heater so so I purchased this on name cheap and then I redirected my name servers to go to my web hosting I use which is hostinger I'll put the link for this below the video if you want to check out their deals it's about the only web host that I use now just because I absolutely love them you can see it's already got my dashboard set up so let me jump back over and you can see right here heater created 819 2013 and if you look at the bottom right corner you can see today is August the 19th so this website is brand new it's not an expired domain name there's no authority to it whatsoever so keep that in mind as I go through and build this out and you see the results in the future the first thing I want to do is install WordPress on it so we're going to come over here and click on auto installer I'm going to click on WordPress and I'm going to fill out my details for installing WordPress then I'm going to install WordPress and we'll give it just a second and you can see it is now set up after just about a minute it automatically installs SSL certificate it's for us so we don't have to worry about it so I can come over here and click on edit website and it's going to log me right in and here we are inside of our WordPress dashboard and if we view the website right now it's going to have the default theme right here so the first thing I want to do is to get this website set up I'm going to let AI wisemind set it up for me and create all the default Pages now if you want to check this tool out you can go to aiws the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to go to connect my sites and go ahead and fill out these details so I got my name the URL the WordPress username login and then my application password if you set this up keep in mind this is not the same as your WordPress login password this is different and it's all covered right here in the tutorials I'm going to go ahead and connect the site and now I'm going to jump over to the site Wizard and on the site wizard it's pretty much going to set up all of our default Pages posts and plugins that we need on the site saving us probably a few hours of work so you can see right here everything that it'll clean up the pages it's going to create for us and the plugins it will install for so I'm going to go ahead and go down through here and add the ones that I want we'll leave everything else as it is and I'm going to fill out this information select my website we just added for the tagline I'm just going to add in learn about heaters now for the site description this is very important because AI wisem mind is going to use what you put in here to create the content for all of your pages down here so make sure you add in just a couple sentences or maybe a short paragraph even describing what your website is going to be about so I just put heater insights answ popular questions for using heaters in the home garage or office we also share some of our most popular choices for home heaters now everything else I'm want to keep the same and I'm going to come down and click Start site setup now I'm going to go ahead and give this about 5 minutes because that's about how long it takes to create all the content it needs for the website and getting it set up in the meantime if I wanted to I could go create a logo from canva or something like that so we're just going to go ahead and pause this video until this is set up so I went ahead and created me a quick logo go here in canva let me close out of these now and let's refresh this page and we should have some new links up here you can see now we have all these Pages let's go into them real quick just to see what they are here's the about us page and you can see how it pre-filled all this information heater insights is a comprehensive online resource dedicated to providing valuable information insights about heaters our goals to answer popular questions and so you can see how it used the information that I put in there to create this content now for the contact us page you would want to come in here and actually edit your contact information because it obviously doesn't know what that is it also creates your disclosure your privacy policy and your terms of use now that we have all that done I want to install a different theme on it so I came here to appearance and themes I did a search for a theme called Niche blog and you can see right here this is the one I'm going to use I'm going to go ahead and install it and activate it and now I'm going to jump over and customize and add the logo and now we're want to publish now I'm going to jump over to the post section under categories and look at all the categories that it added for me automatically we have electric heaters energy efficient garage heaters gas heaters heater reviews so this is all really good but it's missing one that I want to add in here which is frequently asked questions which is how I'm going to start this website so for this here the default one for blog I'm going to click on edit and we're going to name it from blog to news and update so if we go view the website this is what it looks like now this menu up here is not the one I wanted to show I wanted to show the categories menu so we're going to jump back into our dashboard we're going to go to appearance and menus and you can see right here it's automatically got one menu set up for us I'm going to go ahead and create this menu and then I'm going to set up a new one so I'm going to come up here and click on create a new menu we're going to call this one main menu I'm going to make it the primary and then create next I'm going to come down under the categories box and click it and then click on view all and it's going to show us all of our categories right here so I'm going to select all of these and add them to the menu now you can see we have this new list up here now I really don't want two rows in this menu so let me go back up here and see if I can't change this I'm going to make all this text a bit shorter so I decided to shorten my menu to this here and now we're going to click save and refresh this looks much better so now we're ready to start adding content now jumping over to aiy mind you can see the different types of campaigns you can create informational posts are one of my absolute favorite they seem to get indexed very fast and they can bring in a lot of traffic there's also Amazon product reviews where you can review individual Amazon product reviews or even put in a search URL and it will create reviews of every product on that Amazon page or if you want to do product reviews of maybe ClickBank share aell or any other type then You' use this option here you can also create content based upon YouTube videos or RSS feeds for this one we're going to leave it on informational post types I'm going to come down here and give this one a name we're going to call this one heater insights now jumping back over to chat GPT when we was searching for a domain name I also asked it down here if it can give me a list of 100 questions people ask about heaters and using heaters in their home make each I actually spelled that wrong I put make each question unique so there are no duplicates it said of course here's a list of a 100 unique questions people might ask about heaters and their use in homes so now we have all these questions here a hundred of them we are actually creating a tool of our own that will go out and collect all of the people also ask questions from Google that can do this for you and give you more upto-date information and hopefully that will be be available very soon but in the meantime I've been using chat GPT so here you can see I got 100 and then down here I asked it to give me a 100 more that don't duplicate the previous questions and it gave me a 100 more of them so I'm going to copy these first 100 questions and I'm going to paste them in this URL box then I'm going to grab the second 100 questions and also paste them in this box so now it's showing that we have 200 total questions which is great I'm also going to tick this box to use these as my titles so I don't want the AI to rewrite these questions I want them to keep them the same but then create the content for them so we're going to keep the keywords as the title I'm going to scroll on down through here I'm not going to add any affiliate links in this scrolling on down we have video embeds which I'm going to allow it to automatically find and add to each article and then as for images I'm not going to do this because there's just too many copyright issues with images so I prefer to keep those off down here we're going to have it automatically search for related YouTube videos to add to the content all these settings here I'm going to leave the same they just seem to work the best total number of posts to create well we had 200 questions so we're going to do 200 and I'm not going to publish all these immediately instead I'm going to schedule them so I'm going to click on publish on schedule and we'll do five every day I'm going to take post to WordPress because I wanted to do this automatically I don't want to have to come in here and manage this all myself so we're going to go and do that I'm going to select my website and then down here at the bottom I'm not going to set it to autogenerate a featured image it can autogenerate tags and autogenerate category it's already did that so I'm going to untick this scroll down and from here I'm going to choose the news category or actually what I'm going to do I just go ahead and create a new category I'll click this plus sign and we'll just do FAQs and this is is what I will use for these questions so now whenever it uploads these posts to the website it's going to create this category and automatically post them in this one and then I'm going to save and run it and if we jump over to the content page you can see where all these articles are now set up one of them is currently running now the other ones are scheduled out so these articles are scheduled to go out three per day until all 200 of them are done but I want to start my website off a little bit quicker so I'm going to come down here I'm going to do 25 and I'm going to tick all of these we'll uncheck the first one CU it's processing right now but you can see all these other ones and we're going to go ahead and run them now so we're going to have about 25 posts on our website here in about 10 or 15 minutes so it's been a couple minutes you can see we already have three posts on our website this one here says is it necessary to use a surge protector with an electric heater let's see what it looks like like so first we have this introduction here very well written we have a video we have a table of contents look at this outline of this table of contents in H2 and H3 tags and then we have all the content created based on this one question going back to the homepage let look another one how do I install a thermostat away from a heater to avoid inaccurate readings and we see here in this article we will explore the best way to install a thermostat away from a heater in order to avoid the issue of inaccurate readings we have a video here very well related to it thermostat temperature wrong your table of contents and then all of your content and then of course if you choose to put your own images in there you can do that these are WordPress post you can go in and edit the post and change anything you want at any time just like you normally would with any other type of a WordPress website jumping back over to our content section you can see here now that we have four of them completed another one running and these are all roughly around 2,000 words word count is not guaranteed sometimes when we use AI technology it's not 100% accurate you may get, 1500 words you may get 12200 words but it seems to be especially with informational type posts they stay close to around 2,000 words now one thing that I like to do to ensure that my website and these posts gets indexed faster and picked up by Google is to submit it to the Google search console now if you installed the site kit plug-in it'll do it for you automatically if if you're logged into your Gmail account you just click on site kit and you can see right here how it's going to start setting up the whole process so I'm going to go ahead and click connect verify it turn on the metrics and set up the search console and that's it and if I jump over to my Google search console you can see here that I'm under the heater insights website I clicked on sitemaps and now I want to submit my sit map URL here the easiest way to get this is to come back over to your dashboard if you installed rankmath SEO or some other type of a sitemap plug-in you'll be able to access the URL from there I'm going to click on uh rank math SEO I'm want to go ahead and connect my account and then if you do get the pro version of it it does give you a huge benefit of being able to use the video sit map which also really helps to be able to index your post much faster and pick them up I actually have the pro version I'll be installing here in just a little bit but in the meantime you're going to see this one here for sit map this does come included you're going to click on settings and then right here is your sitemap URL and what you want to do is copy this last part of it that's after the slash go back over to your site maps and paste it in this box and then submit you may get a message that says couldn't fetch that's okay it will update and show it that you do have post later so if we jump back over to aiy mind let's refresh this and you can see here that it looks like a little over half of them have been published so we have a little bit more to go let's see what the website looks like now and here it is getting filled up with content now once again depending on the theme that you use and depending on whether you use images or not your homepage here may be full of images you may have images with all of your posts or just however you set it up but the way that I'm setting mine up I like for my websites to be faster so I'm not using images and I also like to make sure I don't use any copyrighted images and sometimes AI pulls in copyrighted images and I don't want that so that's the reason I'm leaving those out and instead I'm just using content and then YouTube videos so what I'm going to do from here on out is just go ahead and let this finish and then I'm going to go back into aiy mind and I'm going to set up some new campaigns uh with questions about electric heaters garage gas uh portable and then I'm going to set up a campaign to do product reviews on Amazon for heaters and that way every one of these categories will will have posts in them based specifically on what they are and then we're just going to let this grow and grow and grow over time I'll continually update my campaigns add more questions uh add more content to each category and schedule them out to do maybe one or two every day and then just let this run for months on its own and grow so that's it for this video I'll keep you guys up to date on this and my other websites and how well they do over time right now we have customers that are getting in T and ranked and sing traffic within their first week of building out these websites we have many people in our Facebook group that have already got SES from Amazon and other affiliate networks if you guys want to try this out on your own go to aiws where you can get all the details that's it for this video guys have a great day

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