Avoid Data Breaches, Privacy Violations, and $$$$ Fines Using Zendata

what's good Sumo links I'm Jay with appsumo the best place to get insane deals on business software today we're looking at Zen data a privacy and security compliance platform that uses AI to monitor risk and offer solutions for websites or mobile apps to avoid potential data breaches and fines zendata Champions visibility that means you can easily see the data collection sharing and usage across all your services just think of zendata as your personal data compliance insurance first off let's check out the website scanner feature the setup is really straightforward and doesn't require any coding just choose the depth and select the country for a web or mobile app skin after you run it you'll get a report like this one here's where you'll learn how to improve your total privacy score minimize overall risk and meet standard compliance benchmarks if you're ready to start protecting your data from security breaches and million dollar fines then feel free to hit that buy now button alright for everyone else let's get back into it you can also generate reports tailored for your privacy policy with the auditing feature you'll see the entire data flow chart for every tag connected to third-party data I feel smarter just saying that after running this scan you'll see that certain tags are accessing way too much information the opportunities to shore up risk are endless hence Zendaya's cookie consent model you're tracking data so it's only legal to let people accept or reject your cookies best of all this feature auto updates with the latest regulations so your compliance is always up to date this lifetime deal is packed with good stuff too much good stuff so let's run through a few more scanners let's start with zendata's in-depth security scanner that bad boy is going to generate a massive report like this one detailing all categorized risk ratings itemized risk explanations and recommendations on how to fix them with references to help guide you you can also scan your code for any P2 violations so you know what strings are collecting data they shouldn't be lastly there's a device scanner that works for Windows and Mac this feature will show you where unauthorized data is being shared from within your company this prevents employees from accidentally sharing data or breaching security using their company devices all it takes is one mistake to get slapped with a multi-million dollar fine from the FTC so you got to buy this lifetime deal on zendata ASAP as possible [Music] oh one could have told me that I am a merely floating head talking here inside your dead the music

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