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e e Well w thank you so much for joining me for the second ever live stream with the meet the founder series I'm really glad that you they come on board um I guess I'll just do a quick intro my name is Chris I'm from appsumo and we've got a very fantastic founder joining us this week to demo to answer your questions and to support you on on your APPA Journey so uh please introduce yourself Sebastian and then uh just briefly and we can go a little bit into um Alana why you created it and then answer some questions as as we go along as well beautiful it's great to be here thanks for everyone that's that's joining and thank you Chris and the ABS team for for inviting me on um you know I've uh I've always been an entrepreneur for as long as I can remember um I I started out in the music Biz uh working at a record label uh doing like marketing digital um in product development and so it was cool to experience and work with a lot of artists creators a lot of different businesses um in that area um but I ultimately left Universal Music to start up another company and I've actually started three so you know in that time frame so one was a digital agency um we ran that for about 10 years and we also had a SAS marketing platform but it was towards the real estate sector and and a gamification platform that gamified experiences to be able to um you know spin up a Rewards program loyalty earn points and so many other mechanisms and so it's it's been a a good journey throughout that entire time just being able to do that um uh that's kind of a little bit about my background and you know I'm based in Miami Florida it's uh you know beautiful city it's really hot right now during the summer but you can't help seeing beautiful blue skies and and all that so um I love it here but if anybody comes out just uh you know ping me on online and and great to meet up awesome we have people all around the world tuning in so um I think last last time we had people uh I think we may have had some people in Miami but uh I'm in the UK and I I'm sweating as well maybe it's the live stream technical issues before the sun is shining in the UK as well so thanks for everybody who's tuned in and thanks again Sebastian for for joining and and doing this uh demo with us but uh what after you know we've got solo entrepreneurs we got entrepreneurs content creators in the community um and that buy on appsumo U from your experience of running these companies uh why is why did you then decide to build a FAA yeah um you know I've you know I remember appsumo when I was an agency we would use it to be able to buy um you know tools or anything that we needed in the past and it was kind of it was years ago so it was good to to see um and but meeting with so many different creators and artists and even Founders in this space you know I kind of treat you know if you're creating something you're a Creator in my eyes right you're building a company you're building a product You're Building content for social media or you're at a company and you're responsible for that area um you know you're there to create and I I've I've met and spoken to hundreds if not thousands of people just over the years and the thing that's consistent and what I see with all is they they a lot don't understand what to create or when to create What U media Outlet to be able to post their content on and not only that but it's like how much do you need to create you know three times a day is it Gary ve where you do like 87 posts per day you know for the month and you're in the thousands at that point and it's like what I've seen is is everyone's it's overwhelming right and even for me as a founder and other Founders that I've met with it is overwhelming why because if you think about what your core business is and what you're doing right you're you're probably not in the nature of like creating content to Post online right and that entire workflow that goes in it but it's you you need to do it it's it's a must right if not it's it's really hard for you to be successful you're just going to be kind of going against Against the Grain and so you know when we thought about me and my co-founder Elizabeth when we thought about Alana we're like you know how do we help everyone how do we help those who are trying to get their business off the ground where they already have a laundry list of things to do but now they got to go focus in this area but help them to do it in more economical way and just be able to streamline those workflows and so the way we see it is that let creators let Founders let musicians and artists focus on their craft right while Alana can help do the rest and that's our vision ultimately for Alana is to make it autonomous for them so that it can help them Drive the results that they need for their business or if they're a Creator and they need that to become their source of income as for being an entrepreneur we want this to be able to help all of the aspects that um isn't part of their core yeah yeah I agree I've I've produced Live Events like this but uh with multiple guests and created lots of different pieces of content but I always come back to the point of well what was the end goal what's the purpose behind it because we could create a bunch of content and repurpose it with tools like yours but I haven't really had a strategy coming into it so are there any like strategies that you've seen that are working and how does uh how can fana help with that yeah I I think you know one of the main ones right if you're already creating content most likely what and what I've seen with most people is they they put out their content but they don't do everything they can to maximize that content so let's say they do a YouTube video and they put it up on YouTube or when you look at all the other channels they're not really taking the benefit of it they might post like hey I just recorded a new video on and they put that on like as a post on like X or on Instagram but they don't take it a little bit further right and I think what we don't realize is if you record a video like for example a live session like this or if others are doing webinars and it's an hour long there's so many different topics that are being discussed like so many paths that are being switched up all of those can turn into content pieces and if you start with your pillars your main themes of where what who your audience is and what they need and now you start creating content under those themes and be able to repurpose something existing that you've already created but now into multiple forms it makes it more digestible you know um not everyone video is extremely important but not everyone um would rather watch a video there's a time and a place for it right if you're somewhere where it's really quiet you don't want to watch video you might read a quick article or what a lot of people don't realize is that half of videos on Instagram is actually watched with sound off right that that's very important the other aspect um is is kind of really or people in cars if they're listening to a podcast they're not going to sit there and watch the video it's dangerous I don't recommend it right you're going to listen Audio Only so if you think about all these different forms of media and the amount of people out there you want to be able to create content and put it in the position of where they would like to consume it most so you know when we think about um your strategy it's like well if I've got this video well let's put out a blog post because you know how many people love to read articles let's put together a newsletter that breaks down the key takeaways and guess what if they were never going to watch the video they weren't going to do it so give them the insights in an email and build up your email list right the other part is if you think about like LinkedIn or if you think about X how you write on those platforms are different than you were in other places keeping it short concise and having a hook and so you want to be able to take this existing content that was you know on a on a adlib call like this you might not have that many hooks throughout but if you cannot repurpose it and now forcefully take what you said and turn it into a hook that can potentially go viral to expand your reach on LinkedIn and on X I mean those are all the things that you need to do because that's going to help you to maximize your reach because posting content as is isn't going to do it right yeah yeah and and you just spoke there about hooks um I was there's a there's a lot of creators that do it where they pre-plan micro hooks throughout the videos so if they are doing a podcast or something they randomly say did you know just to get that in so that when they do get to the point of repurposing it it's already ready and done I'm seeing yeah but it's part of the it's part of the pre-planning before the actual event and then there's the post which is repurposing 100% you know it's like you know why 99% of people fail on social media right like you've got hooks like that that you want to be able to leverage and be like well why do 99 Pro you know percent of people fail right and and then you add the extra and it's like you know the answer you'll never believe or you know and it's and it's not because of X right and it's like wait I thought it was because of X it's those types of things that get them to continue like that's why hooks are so important right and you know you might have the best content in the world you might have shot the best video in the world where the content is actually has substance is something that's educational and that's really going to help the person but if you put that video on Instagram or Tik Tok and it doesn't have a strong hook you've already missed them because they it didn't capture them in the first second or two for them to even continue watching it and it's like if you say hey if you just watch up to 10 seconds you'll finally see or 30 seconds or if you get 15 minutes into my video you'll know why it was important you've lost them already completely so if you if you stay to the end in a moment we'll be we'll be going into a demo but if you have questions for Sebastian throughout and he and he says something that you want to know more about now is your chance to ask these questions and Jordan is behind the scenes he's going to be pulling them up for you on screen and we'll I'll I'll take all those answers questions and answer get Sebastian to answer them as much as possible so please please uh please keep doing it please tell us where you're tuning in from as well and thanks everybody for joining us on YouTube and um we're also going to be using the recording from this live stream we're going to be pushing it into aana I'll do a demo video of how I'm doing that for you inside the source so watch out for the replay and then watch out for how I am using Alana to repurpose appsumo content inside the source so that's going to be a really cool experiment and I'd love to get your feedback on that when it's ready but uh with a with a fun I know we've kind of covered broadly marketing strategies uh and why you created a uh but what is Alana yeah so um Alana today is a AI content manager that helps you to turn any video audio or podcast into over 30 pieces of content and for the most part we do that in like less than two minutes um you know we see it as a way to be able to automate a lot of the workflows that creators do on a day-to-day right so if you already have that piece of content you shot it you recorded it let's think about all the aspects that you want to create and something that we've made um very uh hopefully very TurnKey is this ability to be able to add AI cards to the screen because then it allows you to be able to customize your entire workflow so um I I think the best way would be to to show you I don't know if you want to into demo but I I could walk you through a little bit of how this works and and then from there I'm sure we'll get a ton of questions on it yeah let's do that let's do that okay so if you share your screen then I'll bring it up and we can do the demo and then if questions come in we can get those answered immediately so just let me know when that appears for everyone here it is awesome so what you're seeing here is my my dashboard right so when you get get into Alana um you might only have like two or three test videos I'm showing you an account now that has a lot of content um I'm a very big user of Alana I generate a ton and as you can see from the wealth of content um so you know the biggest thing I I say to start with is to be able to create something new and you could just tap on up here and this is where a lot of things get started and so like I said we could take any video like for example a YouTube video and we will actually pull that YouTube video so that we can trans it analyze it to be able to generate content off of it and so for URLs the source that we we take right now is YouTube but we also have the ability for you to drag and drop your own audio or video files and you also can connect your Google Drive Dropbox Instagram or WRA to be able to import your content into Alana so in this case I'm going to go with YouTube to show you an example and up here what we have is what we call our template library now templates are like workflows we're saying like hey here's 10 20 30 different things I want you to do when I put in a video like for example summarize marketing content um we've got one here to generate like ebook lead magnets like if you're trying to capture leads online turn a video into lead magnets right we could generate short form Clips we've got a YouTube content workflow LinkedIn ideas so we have a bunch of different templates right the one that I'm going to select here especially now is for our YouTube content workflow and I'm going to go ahead and hit generate Now by clicking on generate what we're doing now in the background is we're going to take that video we got to download it and then we're going to start transcribing and generating all the content that's needed from it and so up here you got a progress bar we've already transcribed it and we started automatically now the generation process and if I scroll on the left it gives you a Live status of everything that's being done in real time and as soon as any one of these are ready you'll see the generations happen live on the screen and so I'll give it a second so you could see some of this content populate maybe start down here a real time live demo let's see we're wait minutes now this is perfect yeah there they're always the uh you know always demos are are are tricky right um but so while while they wait is there possibility for us to create new um outputs while it's processing uh new ones so you put in the content and then you say oh I want to create um another short form script could you create it while it's processing not while it's processing because it's it's doing a lot of things in the background once it's processed you can now start adding and creating your own and so because this one's taking a little bit longer right that we're pulling content and all that stuff um I'll show you one that's already there so you can see what it looks like to create the content right and so this is a video um that we pulled right and so you know it's like this 19-year-old cracked a three-step code for YouTube um virality and if I scroll down you'll see it automatically generated a YouTube description that you can post um we generate timestamp Clips uh clips from timestamps and so in this case we have a couple options so you know this pulled in 59 seconds of the video and it gives you a title and a summary of what those Clips are here it pulled in from like 10 minutes and 58 seconds to 12 minutes and 1 second gives you that but what's interesting right what you can do is you could actually enable captions and today we only have one style for captions but if you need it this is where you know you can enable it and you can also download the video as vertical square or landscape so if you're trying to do short form to post on like Instagram YouTube shorts or Tik Tok you can go ahead and grab the vertical version um or landscape some people just want to use this to be able to find the best clips and if you're like a pro video editor you just want to get the best clips and then you know bring that into your software choice and use it and you can do that right yeah create a create a video re of um different pieces of content exactly and this allows you to do that um and I'll show you more on how we can customize um but just to show you the wealth of content you know on YouTube YouTube chapters are a best practice right you could copy and paste this into YouTube and it'll automatically hyperlink them to take you to those parts of the video uh we take screenshots of the video right so we get you thumbnail options that you can pull if you wanted to grab from there and we also generate AI images so inspired by the video and the topics that we're discussed we'll generate um a couple images image options that you can use um to post in your blog if you're a newsletter or social post right but what's great is we actually provide you the full caption and and the prompt that we use to generate it so if you want to make customiz ations to it you could copy and paste this prompt edit what you want what you don't want so you can get it more fine-tuned towards what you need yes yeah that that saves the whole guesswork of it I know there's other platforms um and even just in chat GPT if you're just using it it's you've got to start from scratch um writing a prompt but you're sharing the prompts that are producing these results and right fine tuning is just the the easier part of it and yeah exactly and you know and what's great is because we're doing this automatically based on your videos so it's pulling those topics right but you have access here to edit the prompt I can actually come in here and delete this and I can say you know a dog riding a bike in Miami Beach or you know I'll put a happy dog like and so what's cool is that all of these are what we call AI cards you have edit access to all of them and I could select whatever I want I could select four Images at a time I want it to be uh let's say yeah I'll leave it horizontal you could do square and just click generate and right now while it's generating you know we support Dolly 2 and we support Dolly 3 so default is Dolly 3 and you know we're working on in the future to integrate like mid journey and stable diffusion but for now everyone has access to dolly3 right yeah goe what kind of feedback have you been getting from appsumo um on the language models are there other the ones that have popped up that you're like oh yeah we need to have that on the platform absolutely the number one uh model that we've gotten requests for I don't know what happened here um was for um Claude 3.5 so um which is huge and and and it's a beautiful model and so we already um uh we already communicated it we're putting we already have it on a road map it's something that's coming up next that we're planning to work on are more model integration so if you think about for example not just being able to add Cloud but also the ability to add your own API key so like you know for example right now all this is running based on GPT 40 um so it's fast it's it's the latest model it's it's gives great results but we can now um uh we're working on for you to be able to put your own API keys so you can run those through your own API as well as adding Claud um sonit 3.5 and in the future again our vision has always been to be llm agnostic we'll have a lot more models to choose from but this is kind of our our starting point yeah more personalization and yeah I like that and there's a good point by Tiffany saying that AI images um do not take into consideration black audiences or other audiences so the images don't align and we can't use the app but at least you offer a chance to edit the prompt so that she she can change it or other people can change it so yeah it goes it I love that personalization aspect of it oh this question what the maximum what is the maximum file size for upload yeah actually uh you know we we actually upgraded this to 5 gigabytes um so everyone can upload up to 5 gigabyte file uh video or audio into our platform they don't have to like go you know into a different workflow export and try to get a smaller file size and you uploaded a video is audio and RSS uh feeds can they be added into a ther as well uh audio can be uploaded but not RSS feeds yet so the only Integrations we have right now is Google Drive Dropbox Instagram and one drive and that's for import um so if you think about our road map the other part that we're um adding on a road map are web hooks so that we can utilize that to be able to import from more sources automatically as well as to be able to get your content out into multiple sources like if you want to connect that into like a make.com or zapier and then from there access thousands of more places to export those are things on our road map yeah I think that that's that's that's what a lot of people always request is how can we connect to zapia or make to support the the rest of the workflow this is also another great question is how do I correct the transcription yeah it's a so today we don't allow you to edit the transcription um not yet but it is something on a road map something that um so if you need the transcript to be to to you know have modifications it won't work today but if you just if you need the the content to be generated using more accurate information we have something called custom instructions and here in the custom instructions we have two areas one is global which means that every video that you upload I want you to take these instructions into account and so in my case I put how I want it to write I can put what language I want it to be spoken in I put you know write it in a eighth grade reading level so that it could be more accessible so you could put details in there but also like if you know that your name always gets spelled wrong be like anytime you know you hear XYZ name it's actually this right and so you could put little tidbits of information of there of things that you know the model typically gets wrong in some of your videos and you can add that into your instructions and you can also do that in what we call app instructions which is only applicable to this page so you can put some instructions in here so that now when you go in to add new AI cards on the page it will always take this into account but only for this page okay and it will discount the the global instructions yeah you can have that override so you know right now we have it enabled um it should override it but I always recommend you know go ahead and disable save um to run that generation as well perfect that was one of the questions that I wanted to ask just exploring it yesterday what both of those what what the difference was so thanks for covering that and this is another question by Brad uh what languages do you use support yeah so for languages we actually have over 36 languages that we support for Content that's input um like you know from audio or video sources and you know I'll just pull that up on the window quickly but um we could send this to everybody and put that in the notes as well but there's 36 languages that we support for audio and video right and this is just for the transcription and then for Content generation right so we have over 50 languages that we can generate content in so for example if you create content in like um I don't know French and you want that sorry if your video is in French but you want all the content to be written in Bulgarian or English or Arabic you can do that that's powerful no that's great I think George has just said rock star so that's for you George well and yeah and and in this part something that's also you know we're looking at for future right so we don't dub videos yet into those languages this is more about the content generation right um and I say this because I don't want anyone to get misled when they jump in here so the videos if it's in one language it will always be in that language right but you know these language options we have is to customize how the output of all the content that's the text content that's being written those are the languages that will automatically get transcribed once you set those settings up we got a fantastic question from Muma all right what what is the easiest or most effective way you've you've seen Alana used to monetize or leverage content yeah I mean we you know thinking about both of those okay let's let's talk about monetization for a second um I wish I had Alana when I had an agency I'll tell you that um it it just would have made so many things so much easier and and would allowed us to have expanded and sold more products um you know Alana you can't white label but you can utilize it to be able to help your client and to help generate content for them I mean let's say you you're you're you know you record videos and you provide those assets to your customer you could literally now instead of just providing them the video Drop the video in here generate a bunch of content and it's up to you you could actually share this with them and share a public link that they can access that now gives them titles descriptions a newsletter blog post I mean just think about all the incremental value you could provide to clients by using this and if you don't want to share because you need something more white label you can produce this and now put it together in a doc or schedule it on their social media and you can charge a couple hundred dollars or a couple thousand dollars depending on your um your stage of your company as a recurring feed to now help others to be able to generate content while you're using alfana to generate most of it for you yeah it's uh that's what that's what a lot of people should be doing yeah and and into the second part of like you know um a great way to be able to leverage what you do in here is that even for clients or for your own workflows you could customize everything in here so for example right now I want a YouTube description but let's say I always want to pull up um generate some viral hooks I'm just going to add a card and that's because we have an entire library of AI cards that you can customize and add to a page just like if you've ever built a website it's almost like drag and drop these cards on a page and it automatically starts generating it for you and so from here from this one video I've got 10 different unique Hooks and I I'll start at the top but so you can see we've got the transformation hook in three months I grew my channel to 100,000 subscribers here's how I did it I mean you throw this as your ex intro thread and as long as you got the content to back it up that that's made to go viral right yeah or like earnings hook I made $21,000 last year by creating content here's my step-by-step guide or you don't need an expensive camera to succeed discover the secret behind this success so if you're like hey every time I want to upload a video and I want it to generate these hooks in addition to this other content you just drop that on the page right and another one is like hey I've got this long form video but you know what I want to create unique short form content we have a short form video script that automatically bakes in a hook for you that literally all you need to do is read it record it and you can go ahead and post that on social media as well and so you can take long form video and generate options for short form scripts that are made in a way to try to go viral on like Tik Tok YouTube shorts and Instagram so like here this is why your YouTube channel isn't growing right understanding video and audio alignment may seem small but it's essential misalignment confuses viewers start by syncing so it goes in through the hook the problem it debunks myths gives you a solution gives you an action of what to do and and it's a good framework for using short form content and then in the is there a way to then edit the prompt and regenerate it yep so um on any one of these so for example here we provide prompts to all of these so you get access to see what's in here so in this case you could see what our prompt look like and actually it's a pretty long because we break out exactly what we want it to do so if you're trying to learn how to write prompts this is also a great way to be able to utilize and if like for example here this thing's 120 words I mean you could change that to 200 words and we want it extremely conversational you could say hey I want this completely formal right it all depends on your audience um and so these are different things you can tailor and then you can generate and if you don't want to to um uh generate a brand new one we also have an option while that's generating to just regenerate the content and and this is important because AI you know I'll never say this gets it right every time right it's it's AI it's it's made it's going to happen it might not come out the right the first time but most likely if you go ahead and tap regenerate it usually gets it even better on the second try and it also trains AI to know like hey that first response wasn't what I wanted the second one is the one that was what I wanted right and so we built that in as well and with the uh the ability to add more cards to this would you call it space uh yeah you can call it I guess a space um to this project can we create our own AI cards definitely with our own instructions yeah so we can come in here and we have one called um we have two create your owns okay um one is just to create text content and so we'll start with this one is there anything maybe you want to create or no give me top 10 key takeaways or conversation starters and some conversation starters I mean you know we could just customize this um and I'll just say like you know 12 words or less per takeaway let's just keep it concise right but you can create your own cards and you can add it to the page and you can even rename it so I know we don't rename it yet right now but um we allow you to rename that manually and so here we go right top 10 key takeaways very short and then conversation starters here you go right what is your unique angle how do you balance education and over here you can rename right and call it you know takeaways and once you've saved that you've renamed it I can come over here now and just you know drag and drop reorder the cards on the page all right I can take title ideas and bring that all the way to the top as an example here it is and once I'm done I'm going to go ahead and save as template and call it you know appsumo template just to get that in there and click save why this is important is because we just finished customizing a few things in this workflow and guess what I want to use this a 100 more times so when I go ahead and click create it now appears right here in my list of templates and I can now recreate it exactly with all my prompts all my customizations the way that I wanted it to just copy and paste your link or your video and you'll generate everything for you powerful yeah so there's there's the set set templates that you've created to help us get started and then you can create your own templates uh based on your own needs I really like that plus I also also love that wizard at the start that guides you through um for for complete um newbies so so thanks for doing that because some of some of the other companies don't they missed that and then you've don't know how to use it definitely and and we're we're we're going to make it even better too awesome let's see if there's any other questions questions here we go how can you use a Fara for one toone sales content that sales teams can use in their conversations yeah that's a a great one so there's a couple things you can use for one-on-one sales conversations um so some that I've seen with sales what they do is like for example let's say you're working with a client in a specific industry and there's a a video a popular video that's going around you can grab that YouTube link and put it in here and be like hey you know what um let's do something like an email um you can try to generate a promotional email sequence that takes tidbits and insights from what's going on in your industry so you can provide value now to your prospects as an example right um so we got sorry promotion we have a nurture email sequence you could also generate an email recap like let's say you just got off a call with a customer and you're not using one of these recording softwares or you don't like the way their summaries come out right you can now create your own and edit the prompt in here for how you want your email Recaps every time you had either a call or maybe you shot a webinar um for your company or a live and now you want to generate content so you can provide that to your prospects on a onetoone basis um I'll let that run the second one which I don't know what's going on there hold on I want to show you is something what we call ebook ideas um and so we have a template that allows you to generate um a couple ideas for an ebook but we actually also provide a draft that you can use and so what I've seen people do as well and you can do this in sales or you can do this for marketing lead gen is you can copy and paste this ebook that's generated from this video so it was content and that was inspired by the video but it took those topics and put it into something more actionable and go ahead and put that into a PDF and now you have a PDF that you could share with your um uh with your prospects right all from content that's generated in Alana so those are just some of the ways I'm sure we can come up with dozens more yeah there's there's of uh use cases uh do you are there any common use cases that have uh that you've come across before uh com to appsumo and then uh what kind of use cases have been uh proposed with this appsumo campaign yeah definitely i' I've seen um you know I've seen for example uh like some short form creators um who do content let's say on Instagram or Tik Tok and they'll they never thought about writing content right they never thought about using Twitter or X or um LinkedIn to be able to put stuff out because all their videos were like 45 seconds 60 seconds long and they and they loved it because what they do is they grab their phone and they just record in the car and they're they're quickly on the spot right there's some people who are just not great writers they're just great on camera they could just shoot a quick video and roll with it right and um so and he's a coach and and he does coaching for a lot of their clients and and so one of the things that they use our platform for was to be able to take that video and to be able to create like Twitter threads and Linkedin posts right and they they never knew they took this 45 second clip of a topic that he just literally got into his car and had this idea recorded it and then it turned it into a series of content that he can use he never thought he can do that so we've seen one in that aspect um uh others that I've seen like another one is for example like if you're Educators or teachers or if you're your own company and you create courses um to provide value for your customers you can create quizzes with Alana and so we just rolled this out um we actually had an idea from uh somebody from appsumo who who loves our product and was like wow it would be so cool if we could have a quiz and literally within minutes I I deployed This and like we generate multiple choice quizzes and also provide the answers at the end this is great if you want to quiz yourself as well uh true or false and fill in the blank um so another use case um from from this standpoint and the last one that I'll show you um comes down to video and let me open up this one this is the one that we did earlier I completely forgot to come back to the tab by the way but all the content generated this was the demo that we we did oh yeah perfect so we got a couple Clips um and then by the way just earlier this week we released uh 1080 HD from YouTube before we were only able to get up to 720 now we've got up to 1080 so we're pulling HD from YouTube now but let's say with these clips I want to generate my own um some people are like hey you know um you could actually use natural language to find clips that you want to use from the video so it's like you know um you know find uh three top highlight clips from this video um especially when talking about energy and Future of AI right I am just making up an example um and so a couple things you can do you can do stuff like this you could select whether you want it vertical Square landscape like I showed you earlier um if you want to get timestamped chapters you can do that and we'll import them for you so you don't have to leave the screen to get those chapters and that's great if you want to like generate a video for every timestamp in the chapter individually right um which I have one client who likes to do that they'll they'll get chapters they'll pick five of those chapters and they'll push them out on like LinkedIn and then from there lead them to go watch the full video on like YouTube or or their channel right um but because we use natural language you could write what you want and so here it now pulls up clips that it found right so this talking about llama 3 which is AI and you can read through through these as an example um so I don't know if that helps on use cases or if there's other use cases others are thinking I can help tailor to the those as well yeah let's uh let's go to the um let's go to the audience and just please write down any use cases or or ways that you think you'll be using aana in the future um or if you've already bought it on appsumo how you're using it we'd love to know and then uh if you're a plus member we'll be featuring these use cases inside uh where the replay is going to be hosted so please drop your use cases below and we'll get you featured inside the source uh we got a great question by Dr Fay you mentioned that editing the transcript is on the road map yeah let's talk about the road map what was the last feature you implemented or updated and what time frame can we expect uh for new features and then also for that edit edit feature yeah absolutely um so it's a good question it's hard to put exact timelines on on a few things but a couple things that we worked on recently was um we added support now for HD video from YouTube um that was actually a big project it's not it wasn't just a simple call because there's not an official API for YouTube there's a lot of things you got to do on the back end to be able to utilize that um that was important because a lot of people use YouTube and they want high quality content to be able to put out um we've worked on a lot of stability aspects of things um we worked hard to on our infrastructure to support up to 5 gigabyte video and audio uploads so again more ways for you to be able to bring your content in here easily easily um we've rolled out several templates and AI cards um things from like quizzes to hooks to titles to long form video scripts to several others that we've added in there um what else have we done recently on the videos uh so let's talk a little bit about some of the stuff that we're we're doing for the future right um so for example with I think you said it was time just make sure I'm talking about the right feature the editing the transcript on the road map yeah so um editing the transcript is on our road map and definitely by by the end of the quarter is when we'll have that one rolled out and the reason I say behind um the end of the quarter is because um uh what do you call it the reason I say it's it's behind the quarter is because right now we have a couple features that are highly requested from everyone else that so far we've prioritized and we give everybody access to see that road map and to be able to vote for the features that they want right and so one of the ones that we're working on first is on web hooks integration so that you can be able to import content and be able to get content out in more places I talked about earlier um bringing your own API key so that you can use that for your llm usage and another very highly requested one was for us to be able to um automatically reframe the videos when putting it into vertical form so for example today if right now I've you know if it's just me talking it works great because I can clip you vertically but today if there's three or four speakers we can't automatically relay out everything just like what you're doing on the screen here um we we don't have support for it yet because we haven't um worked on that so you know between these three features are the the the priority ones right we want that if you have a video with multiple speakers it'll automatically shift the layouts and it it'll give you customization options to be able to reposition how you want them on the screen so that you can get a vertical um video for it um and it's because we we first wanted to make sure we got really good Clips right and the feedback that we get with a lot of people is they're like wow I've used other products that do amazing captions and videos and they can Rel layout on the screen they give me all the options I need but I hate the videos that it picks and it always cuts off in the middle of a word and I can't use them right so we focused on that first and what I'm seeing is a lot of people then can easily click download they drop it into like a captions app and it puts captions or repositions fantastic but eventually we want to automate that whole workflow so that it's already done from Alana so that you can get that to your social platforms yeah will you be bringing in a an editor so that we can then uh edit the clips and get really close and uh change change the captions and where the captions lie on the on the video we bring bringing out something like that yeah so we you know our designs are and are already um like we've already got ux mostly there for this that we've been working on on how you can edit the clips edit the transcript to be able to create more Clips um we've got multiple aspects that are there um even today for example um I've taught this to a few users we can actually copy and paste parts of the transcript it's a little manual but you copy and paste and in that text box that I showed you for Clips you can go in there and just type like hey create a clip from the beginning and and end of this time of this clip you don't have to clean up the transcript just copy and paste the part that you want and we provide the transcript too so you don't have to leave Alana to do it you could just go to the transcript highlight the piece you want paste it into the box and it will let you now generate clip a clip based on that time stamp geez now that that that's that's impressive and can't wait to see what else you bring out uh I know you have a public road map um so we'll be sending that link into the source Community that's where all the Plus members live um I think we've we've probably got time for maybe one or two more questions and then uh if you have anything last thing that you want to share with us Sebastian to to help people get started with Al please do share that while we pull up some other questions yeah definitely I mean the biggest thing I recommend is obviously give off on a try um you can dive in we have a free trial on our site we've got a great deal with appsumo um our lifetime deal starts at $49 um you know sign up add your videos um try to rearrange the content edit the the the cards the prompts and see how flexible it is and see what happens and the second suggestion is that use that regenerate button if you don't like it on the first try once everything is done just click regenerate to give it a chance to see um this happens on any AI platform the first output um mostly we get it right I I'll tell you that but I am very upfront that sometimes you need to do that and you'll see some some great results we're seeing a lot of people who are enjoying it um and also just keep up with what you know we don't have and and if you know what we don't have and it's okay um I'm sure you're G to see value on it because it is on our road map and I think that's what's important with it y yeah I agree that you I'm glad that you've got a public road map as well because everybody always asks about that let's give us some questions and then I'm going to go to epso and show off the deal and we'll just go through some of the tiers and maybe answer some of the questions on there but uh do card outputs depend on previous cards or only the primary reference file uh today it's only the primary reference file so the other cards won't affect the output of the card that you have on there um so we do all these calls separately individually so that we can do them simultaneously perfect does regenerate use up more AI credits yeah regenerating will use up more AI credits um but we've baked in enough credits depending on the number of hours of video with the notion that you might regenerate so we tried to incorporate enough AI credits for the amount of content that you're uploading we we really don't anticipate seeing um people um uh we we really don't see most people needing to be able to upgrade from credits I think the place that we're really going to see is how much content you're uploading or grabbing from YouTube right because if you pull from YouTube or upload the number of hours is really going to impact and that's what we're seeing so far with others okay um do we got the yeah oh there sorry do we get the ability to refine where cuts are made okay that was that was already answered but we can go over that again just briefly yeah just quickly like if you don't like the edits that it made from the timestamps because we show you the timestamp that we used you could copy and paste that and in the text box you know add the clips from time stamps card and just edit the Tim stamp yourself and then add it and it'll generate those time those clips for you um so again if you don't like it you can go ahead and um and use it uh edit the CH stamp awesome and then uh so you can go back into transcript copy the transcript and it will create a clip based on what you've copied which is really cool and then there's also going to be an editor that comes to the platform where you can edit the content more which is even cooler and then Dr Fay can you talk about how much a credit is worth no yes um yeah I don't have an exact value of what each credit I could tell you exactly how credits are used um we I wrote an entire article that broke it out because this was a very heavy question so um I tried to get as detailed as I can we can shoot that over to everyone as well um but essentially everything that uses credits are like for example all the words that are generated on the page um the transcript that gets generated um us querying that transcript the like everything that that utilizes AI will eat up credits it's it's because it's it's a usage type piece on the product and so we do break out like for example video clips generating for every minute of video that is exported that's about three credits right um and so we break that out like for extracting thumbnails creating AI images transcription minutes how many input like Words versus output words um so that you could see what that looks like and I'm happy to walk anybody through privately if you shoot me a message um I I'd be happy to as well perfect um let's go over the deal I know we've kind of covered this but with the $49 you get 500 AI credits and uh like Sebastian said that is plenty just depends on how much content you want to upload per month so this goes two hours 5 hours 15 hours and then you've got a tier four which is 45 hours worth of content which is plenty um but do you have any any other comments on the deal um Sebastian yeah I think um you know with the deal I think just everybody knows right this is a lifetime license but we have a ton of updates that we're going to continuously make so I don't think about this deal as like a onetime deal onetime license onetime update it makes no sense the majority of features that we're building right you're still going to have access to from a lifetime perspective so not only think about how much how many hours of video you're going to do today you've also got to think about in the future because I think what people are seeing is they don't realize how much video they could really use because you could drop a YouTube link just to summarize the content if you're just trying to know if you want to go watch that two-hour video you could use it to generate more content you might want to you know find 10 different videos and find the one that you really want to use to generate what you're trying to do so I would really encourage you to take a look at the tiers and the number of hours of video um because this is a once- in a liftime type of thing because we're we're not in the nature of doing one-time deals we love the partnership with appsumo and the community and I love every one of them I answer to every request that comes in on on either appsumo or in our chat and um we're going to continue doing it but I really can see people really taking advantage of like tier two tier three because we have a lot more updates that are going to come um in the future and improvements that you all going to love yeah I agree um there's there's been some fantastic deals on appsumo and I'm a little bit biased but I've been there are a lot you will miss out on some incredible deals so if you if you see that this is going to work well in your workflow remember you can give it a go for 60 days whatever TI you can always get a refund uh within that 60-day window but um yeah this is a great deal and like Sebastian is inside the s as well so if you have further questions for him you can get those questions answered in there and then is also available on was it LinkedIn and X yeah we're we're on LinkedIn we're on X um you could reach me Sebastian MOA m o r a like Sebastian MOA on X or on LinkedIn perfect okay so I think that wraps up thanks for everybody's questions uh today it was really enjoyable and thanks for for joining me Sebastian uh and thanks Jordan behind the scenes for filling up the questions and supporting me with production all all helps thanks to everybody who's commented and asked questions this replay will be uh put inside the source and we will be using a to create some content for you so watch out for that and if you once this uh live stream ends if you have other questions just add them in on on the appsumo YouTube channel so so we can get them answered uh by Sebastian as well but thank thanks all for joining and we'll see you at the next meet the founders um ask me anything