Easily Generate High-Quality Product Images from Just One Reference Pic w/ WeShop AI

e e hello hello everybody hello everybody Welcome Back to another meet the founders series on appsumo on YouTube um with the founders and the teams behind our deals lifetime deals so this is our third one we have a really special guest joining us and it's a brand new deal on appsumo maybe a week a week or two old yeah a week a week old a week and a half old and doing fantastic um and we've got them for half an hour or so to answer your questions and uh you get to see a demo as well and uh please just make the most of this opportunity because you get the this is the chance to to get your questions answered we'll be reviewing the questions on appsumo as well just to cover some general questions then a demo um so I hope you enjoy the ne the third Series this is our first so let let's begin let's no more waffling um what is well please introduce yourself Lyn hi guys so thank you so much for tuning in where you're from I I see some folks here from India must be late over there as well so thank you so much for joining in um so my name is Lynn I'm the founding Mar M of [ __ ] Ai and also lead uh business operations and go to market at the team so you know what is weop AI right by the kind of the name of it you can tell it's probably something have to do with shopping e-commerce in general and that's you know the the great guess um so essentially we are a AI tool that helps e-commerce Merchant um to change their product or model photos to a commercial professional grade uh product and model photos without having to look for or hiring like a professional model or having to find like a professional shooting studio so to speak so no that's a great way for e-commerce Merchant to save costs and time on model hunting and Al also location hunting and we are all able to do this because of generative AI o over the past year so we're relatively new um we're literally hitting our one year Milestone so we've gotten a lot of constructed feedbacks um globally from epso and from all of you guys um and we have over 300,000 e-commerce Merchants using us already over the past year so you know it's pleasantly surprised obviously but also a lot to improve on so I'm happy to you know do a product demo and then hear some of you guys thoughts um throughout um today's session so yeah awesome now um there's a there's a lot of AI tools that have been on appsumo and I mean there's probably a turn on there already right now what makes uh and I don't think there's anything that has been on uh abum that's similar to W shop so what is U like similar to Wi shop that already exists yeah of course yeah I do want to point out there was a toour that launched I think two months ago called Product scope is one of our reviewer one of our user actually um ask us in questions as well now what sets us apart from product scope AI who also launch on appsumo and I think the bread and butter is with we shop AI our bread and butter is really an AI model which is you know helping mostly fashion um clothing apparel retailers to transform whether it's mannequin or just me into a very natural like un not uncanny um real person like model so that when you launch it on Shopify at C whatsoever it doesn't seem fake or AI so our bread and butter is really with the faces or the AI models where for like product scope or some of the competitors you see out there even for like Adobe Firefly they focus on products which is something that we do have that's a great feature but like 70% of our users are indeed clothing fashion um who use models a lot yeah and it is when you see an ai ai photo you know it's an AI photo because of the generation so how do you get how do you get the images so like clean um yeah with with we I think with a lot of our competitors um we all Bel on the open source foundational models so to be able to go above and beyond that you really need to fine-tune your own proprietary models and how we did it is because we had an experience in the e-commerce industry for the past decades and we know this is a paino right finding model you you just have to have visuals for your product we know it's a paino and we have created um millions of dat data that help us to fine-tune our model so that the model phases and the backgrounds they merge um gradually naturally um and they're improving you know every single day as we speak um versus the real you know uncanny AI like artificial imagery over you know the like a year ago so I think that's the prepar part something that we we we we cherish and something that we we develop on further yeah and something we'll be able to go over in a quick minute with a with a demo um so there was a question by a a plus member in our private Community called the source and they wanted to know a little bit more about how you came up with a proof of concept for for could you go into that a little bit yeah of course so um we are a new um company so to speak but we are new in the e-commerce industry so like I join from um Finance traditional job two and a half years ago um when we first started out um and this might be great for some of the entrepreneurs solopreneurs here that we started out building a e-commerce um database so think of um if you run um fast fashion you want to know what Sheen's up to what Zara's up to so we are kind of like helping you to crawl those data so you can have a better Trend analysis competitor analysis so it kind of all ties back to e-commerce data that was actually what we were doing for the first um good half of 2022 right right and then we have some tractions as well like we sld a few larger deals to clients who want to do compartive analysis with those data and when um the second half of 2022 hit with generated AI coming and obviously gp3 now we realize oh there's actually more to do with our data and because we know like as entrepreneurs e-commerce entrepreneurs ourselves over the past decade we know um having the best photo shoots or at least like these visuals at the reasonable cost is just a huge paino globally for every single you know person even for like large Brands that's just like a a huge paino and that's where we realize this data are able to help us find to the kind of Open Source or the general model um and then we able to build something and craft something that actually Target to the e-commerce Merchant who we know really well like we don't know the financial institutions really well we just know into your like expse yeah and that's a good good bit to point out is that we as solo entrepreneurs or small business owners we're collecting a lot of data and then it's deciding or determining what the next thing is and you you've you've done a really good pivot and creating your own product leveraging all the data that you collected beforehand um so that's a really cool cool way to do it um if you've got questions for we shop uh Now's the Time to get them in there and while while well while we prepare to do a product demo and there'll be questions coming up so if we get ready to do that and then as we get images images I mean as we get questions it we'll pull them and get them answered um we'll cover the credit question in a moment um let's go through the demo and then we'll get we'll we'll answer that question you able to see my screen now uh yeah I [Music] will uh and just to kind of answer that question meanwhile as well um so for 2,000 credits that would translate to around 200 pictures so for some of the images um if you choose a specific model or a specific location that would require additional credits and usually it's around five um and you will see like the final credits required before for your actual generation so it's not something that's you know out in the dark where you don't know how much you spending per se so yeah but 2,000 is around um 200 and we kind of make that clear on abso as well um it's not only for fashion um it's for you know um all products obviously but all majority of our bread and butter is still like with um fashion and I can kind of go um with the uh demo um to kind of walk you guys through so it would probably be more clear um are you able to see my screen now or I uh at the moment we can see a black screen um so let's see still black uh yeah let me try again uh it's showing a black screen let me let me try again okay um let's sec sorry technical yeah that's totally fine that's what it's about we are going to have some technical issues and that's totally fine some questions coming through [Music] so okay about now uh we have uh if you see on it is still showing a dark screen we did do a test beforehand guys uh but just seems like sure okay let me try this again okay would this work out or let's see um I'm not seeing a your screen yet okay what while we're waiting for this just add your questions below uh so we can get them covered during the demonstration yep check again if this works um I'm still seeing I'm still seeing a DOT screen oh no um okay let me just try this one more time again it's uh it's still showing at that screen which is not great um what we can do is we can we can organize to do another demonstration and right now we can just cover questions uh and go over the appsumo deal um that could be that could be an option let's try again sh stream I'm not seeing a screen at all thanks for everybody's patience we did test it before yeah it work yeah so um um just check your preferences to see if you've allowed for privacy reasons so it's not allowing you to add your screen at your share your screen at all now okay let me try again um okay how about now uh still showing that lovely black screen okay so let's cover some questions uh okay yeah sorry let's give that a rest we'll try it again yeah in a moment okay so um on um David um so is a uh it's not so if you have a blank um T-shirt um and you want to kind of change that to a model image without like the actual um the skeleton structure kind of putting on it right like without the mannequin or like me oring this um that's not possible at the moment so like virtual try on or like a flat lay which is like would be ideal it's just not no possible at the moment you would need to place say this t-shirt on like a minute can or just you as the owner wearing it and change it to like someone else's um face or backgrounds and that would work out perfectly and yeah and um it's possible to uh well it's possible to upload your own created model um so you know if I were a famous model myself I could upload or and then I do have the IP write off myself or the models that I I I kind of want to work with I will upload my image and we able to create you know that model for you and you can do that directly but um it's not possible to change the poses at the moment although this was a heavily you know wiely requested uh feature question on U by all the Sumo links as well so this is something that we are working on hopefully we can launch that by let's say end of Q3 that's something that we're aiming for we haven't seen anyone kind of done it like out in the AI space so we are hoping to you know be the first yeah especially if there's like um or like distraction in the background removing them but let's cover questions by sings not by me okay how many how many background assets and how many model assets do you have and do you have any Indian models or yeah ethn filters so at the um I wouldn't say so there's like actually no limit to the background assets and model assets because similar to Mid Journey right you can prompt it as much as you can so technically there are unlimited because you can just prom as you like um but because we want to find tune and prompt everything to the punctuality or to the accuracy so we do offer um around 200 uh like models or around 200 backgrounds or locations already and and and then we are adding on to them as we speak on a daily basis and now I think we have probably a dozen of Indian models um already um and of you know different age and ethnicity that you can um filter out as well and we also have plus-size um option because you know supporting diversity is a huge thing for us um obviously so yeah so that's something that you can you can you can choose directly perfect that's great um we've got a compliment from learn to grow your money Channel 200 pictures for 2,000 credits is a good deal we'll cover the deal in a minute uh hopefully I can share my screen um oh that one's that um any more questions um and I think oh I think this one's a good one is it only for fashion yeah I was um talking about this earlier so it's not just for fashion we do have like home decor um and just normal you know if you sell like wine bottle or um other you know um electronic appliances you would use the AI product feature to change backgrounds cuz just imagine if I'm taking any picture from this little room here it doesn't have good lighting and everything so I can change the backgrounds and do relighting on it um but no as I mentioned our bread and butter is still with AI models so that's why 60% of our users are um GRL um um fashion or uh or clothing apparel um retailers but also because finding a great model does cost more than finding a great location or background so that also kind of explains why awesome I think let me see if I can share my screen um and what we'll do is um we will organize to do another one of these so that uh you can actually see the a real Dem demonstration of w shop um we'll just use a different platform I think okay so let's see do you see my screen yes you see my screen yes I see yours okay so let's see if we got any questions um I bought the Mac tier of your product but just came to my mind is it possible to replace an object oh yeah this was a new I I think one comment that I got from um the reviews are despy some um fors of our product I've been super responsive so thank you so much for that I'll let our team know I think this was the only only question that I kind of haven't got a chance to answer tonight um but with the the the kind of question on this one is that are are you able to remove object so kind of like what you would do with like Photoshop or whatever where you like erase it um we haven't launched that feature yet it is in our product role map I'm I'm looking at like one to two month for the launch of this like so-called removing object um product so yeah okay um and then how do I okay that's not relevant do you plan to implement AI head shot generator yeah that's uh not our kind of essence at the moment that's no really for like personal or professional use so it's not in our um product Ro map at this point okay that's great and some people are asking if I could do the demo I I find it's better if the partner does the demo um so we will organize to do another one um either via Zoom or or via restream again U we're going I think that's easier that way um hi I am in the wine business and would use it to Showcase wine bottles um Can the app create different backgrounds with no models if I upload a picture of a wine bottle yeah you've already answered that but for everybody else yeah um so you are a able to generate different backgrounds obviously you can do like you know uh blank canvas or like home table coffee table wine seller you know kind of up to almost like 100 or more but you can do it on a one goal um on the SAS product um and that will require the additional API integration so that is something that um we want to emphasize with the SAS you have to upload it and then choose one location and you can do another location on on another set awesome and then we just had a question from YouTube from Dice can I use your AI to create various and consistent models holding a book at different angles yes yes exactly so um what you would so this is first of all is a yes to the question um and what you would need to do is for example if I were the original person or like the person who would be featuring the original picture or you have mannequin to do it you just to have to make sure the original uh person um was taken picture from like this three or four different angles and after that you can you know upload all of those five pictures to AI model and choose the same model to to to go through the the next process and that would make sure the faces all look the same the backgrounds would be very much similar so when you upload those to your Shopify your Etsy or other platforms it wouldn't seem odd or like out of place that you know it's like a p a product taken by you know different models so yeah perfect thank you Dice great question uh let's see who else um where can I read more about the API I'd love to learn more about the API and and how that works and if you're going to have Integrations as as well or if you do have any current ones yeah so this was a wiely asked question as well in um the question part for the review part so when we uh started out with epso for the launch we didn't have um API back then and it was still like even now it's still like in like a semi beta version so we have a few um less than 10 users really using the API because um it it it is requires a larger business to to need to implement everything on one goal and to have that kind of large usage so the API plan is not included in the appmo um deals or any tiers but all of your points that are uh you know uh uh uh purchase via the appu modules those could be used to verse your API usage um for the credits and points but you have to purchase an additional API key on top of that on resop AI um um site and I've put some of the links um in the question box as well um so the folks can can kind of check it out uh afterwards but that means you know you can do all of your points whatsoever on appsumo and but that does require additional um API key from the side and then you can link both together and um you know happy to help anytime you can put questions in absu or email us at high atop AI will help you know within 24 hours with all of your um request during integration perfect and what I've done is I've just gone to the website um so I will share my screen again okay so this is just via the website I haven't logged in uh but if you I know you can't have remote access but if you guide me then we can can do a brief demo of it yeah of course yes sorry guys so if you click on just best like any of the pictures you're seeing here like the best examples yeah so this is like so we have like hundreds of best examples out there where you can see the before and after and you know which AI model we use which locations that we used and if you click try for free yeah I don't think you need to sign in just yet or you don't need to like sign up just yet so um if you upload um or if you scroll down a little bit um if you hit like just scroll down if you hit model shop do you see um are you able to click that yep okay perfect so you know without um Chris having to upload um any image of his desktop so essentially when you upload an image you can see all of the AI models that we have here so if you if Chris can click on anyone so we see Emily who's from you who's from England the style of hers and then if you go to let's say yeah um Anon he's from Italy has that kind of cell so you can find like any model kind of within the cell that you would like for your clothing and if you go to the uh top right filter um that's how you're able to filtered by age gender um and then I think we have plus sizes or some of the Styles out there as well that you know you can choose the the style that would fit you well um and if you just go to model Agency on like top uh left yeah right here so um this is a very interesting kind of feature we literally just launched yesterday and like I said we ship every single day almost so it's like you get this you can just follow along along our entire Journey as long as you know we still um alive and and all that um so all of the models you see here on the model agencies right they're actually real models too like for example Bianca she is a real person from Germany um and she's done shooting for Nike Calvin Klein in the past so what we've done here is we chained her images into a digital Avatar so without having to fly over to Germany and book her you can you know use her digital Avatar for um the specific you know image that you would like to use and the other kind of models out here as well with you know different styles age gender ethnicity obviously um so this is like a kind of something that we haven't seen from other competitors or other products yet um and for this models obviously they would be charging more and more to the extent where um it's a very kind of exclusive deal so you know you can try for free as you wish you can play around with it um would be W the mark and if you would like to actually use their rights to you know uh their their their their uh IP rights to um them use for your product you just have to contact us for pricing but other than that you can kind of play around with it to see you know if this something actually work for you you have real people and you're able to change the digital Avatar yeah I like that yeah and then mly just go to yours um that's where you can create your own model so if uh Chris click on create your model on the top bottom left y um and you scroll down a little bit um and yeah you can do test and Chris you can upload a picture of yours if you like and then AI mod of your own um then you really only need one image up to four so four is like the maximum you don't have to go like above and beyond upload like 20 of them I'm going just upload one and then we able to it's it's like the real face swap tool and in that sense yeah let me just get a perect one oh it exceeds let me uh try again okay let me get one now this is what you call a live demo the real life demo one second everybody I think we should definitely do another uh one of these with a proper demo from the team okay so I've uploaded a black and white photo of me hopefully that's suitable perfect that's if you want to go more like influencer Vibe like something more like the Kardashian Vibe you can choose that okay let's try that yeah and then just hit like agree and then oh and and and that's where you need to you know sign in and everything and and and kind of sign up to to use that that feature yeah sign in should be fine now perfect okay perfect can yeah and if you just hit confirm and you upload an image you can choose you know your test or Chris face as your model it's you know as easy as it is and it's pretty fast and then I click generate uh yeah but you need to upload like a oh but you can use the sample you can go on the sample task actually um so on the left where you see sample task uh 8 six yeah and if you just do edit again on the top yeah and you can choose your face um Al it be kind of weird it would just be but you know it's it's probably fun um and you can see yeah let's see what this comes up with will it be on the beach yeah and we've gotten questions on oh we need to wait in line um it is like you kind of need to like be in the queue for because of our GPU limits but at the same time you can go to do other task as well like the other feature so it doesn't like it doesn't impede your ability to kind of run things um simultaneously yeah you've got other features like remove background upscale um real light is there any um yeah so we'll do another proper demo of this um let's somebody's asked a great question here we're in the basketball training business can we generate pictures of youth basketball players with basketball court background so um if you just want like a banner like so something that's like very artsy um if Chris could move down to like text to image yep and you hit uh best examples um so essentially if you just hit on any of those um if you just want something that is like artificial so it's not like a real person per se you just want the images of this you can use text to image and I think this one is similar not exactly the same but this guy does look very athletic and very sporty um that's where you can use this feature to generate uh pictures um of you know kind of human beings who who do Sports um and with basketball court backgrounds as well um if you were to write basketball court background in the prom um and I think that's how you you would do it if it's for like um a really a real text to image where you have no original images but if you thinking about you know I have say five random cousins um who are able to kind of cast for me but obviously they are not real basketball player who look like who could play in NBA and you kind of want to you know transform that to something who's like muscular and bulkier um you can have those folks um take pictures of themselves wearing uh jerseys and everything and then transform those images in AI models so either way work the first one is really from zero to one like what Chris is showing here where you have nothing you just want some you know AI imagery for you to put on your sides and the second is really you want um like uh uh the the Real Models representing the the shirt or the jerseys that you are selling to or you're trying to promote so do you have any um EX how would you write a prompt because I see lots of brackets here would you say follow this or would um do you have any recommendations on uh writing prompts to generate images so we have um so in our blog session um so when you first sign in in like the main kind of majority part of our uh site that would be the blog session where we um you know teach all of the tricks tutorials on what what what to write in and all that and at the same time with the best examples that we have here that's why we have all the prompts here that you can kind of copy paste as well so if you just do try it now it basically copies all the um checkpoints that you need to choose all the prompts that you need to choose and you can kind of edit it right so for example I think this one looks pretty similar to what you're trying to get already but if you were to change indoor shooting to like basketball court shooting um I think there was like you know uh European men you can write like three basketball players wearing um Lakers jersey something like that um so I think the best examples also gave you like a good starting ground um that you're able to kind amend as well and then you just keep all the negative prompts and the normal checkpoints here because I I know like the text to image and image to image are probably the most intimidating features we have here just not as easy it seems like it's you know prompting and and some magic work that we use here so that's also why it you know we put it on on the bottom of the the list as it's not used the most by eCommerce um folks awesome no that's great I've never seen uh this part before like the negative prompt yeah negative that yeah you don't want it to appear so for example like uh you don't want it to not have hands so you write No Hands um there yeah okay perfect and then I would just click generate or do you want to just quickly go over um the so for um I think the important Keys here are for sampling steps so um kind of on the in the middle here and batch count so batch count is just how many image would be generated right those two will impact the credits or the points that you're consuming like higher staffs and larger batch counts so more images would be generated which just increase your spending um and I usually keep it to 30 or 40 um that's like the optimal uh steps cuz more step would make it like more detail and precise but going to 60 sometimes will kind of lose the naturalist of it as well and for bat can you can just keep it to two or three um no one or two it kind of depends on how you would like it and then that's pretty much it and batch means you're going to get two images yeah exactly okay perfect um so then we won't upload an image this time but we'll just generate it for text image there's no need for it okay let's see so so if I go back to the other task that we created before uh the a model yeah that's completed is that my face uh just click on it yeah on the mhm I think that is your face with the hair oh my goodness one carries okay well let's let's go back to Tex image uh here we go it has been completed oh perfect now that's impressive so hopefully coach Sunny you're impressed with um that generation okay and then there's a watermark on here um with the deal on appsumo so um there is a watermark here but if you hit um full size or 4K um like when you download it there wouldn't be um a watermark um as long as you have points um and same go for abso right as long as you are integrated with the app mod deals um then you know you have points you are entitled member then there's no watermark to it perfect we got a great question by um h we got another great question can you match exact products for pod Mo mockups um so we um there is something that we are able to do which is um so Chris if you go to image to Im so if you can exit a little bit um and go to image to image yeah best examples um if if we scroll down to like the bottom the bottom so I know by heart for all of our best examples that's why I can like kind of remember it um if you click on one of the cats um one of these any of the yeah one of these so for example this one is a good demonstration of how you can turn like a sketch right this is like a very common sketch by whether it's fashion design and toy toy designers or any kind of product designers where they have like a pencil uh sketch and you can turn that into a really 3D uh very Vivid kind of uh product that you can actually list on Etsy already I think with the the after picture so that is like the something that we're able to do in terms of turning sketches into a 3D or into like a real person um with like a pod mockup it depends on like what kind of mockup you're talking about because I know there are like different layers or levels um so so yeah so if you have any questions you can kind of take it offline with the the details that you you willing to share with us uh whether it's on Appo or um email us at high at mop.

And we can kind of kind of look into that for you but this is like a great uh showcase as well and that's hiw shop. y perfect um no this is this was when you when you showed me that so all artists as well this is perfect for artists that want to see what it would look like in real [Laughter] life uh so it looks like a couple of people have asked about upcoming updates and the public road map what are you excited the most um about we shop first and then uh what's coming uh what you know uh as I mentioned and all along were in the abso founder story as well coming from uh e-commerce entrepreneurs backgrounds our team our bre and brother is really on helping e-commerce Merchants to um achieve their Fullers without having to worry about finding models and finding you know a perfect uh shooting studio so you know our kind of bread and butter is really to how to do that to the fullest where there's still some flaws uh with our tool um like AI could hallucinate they could add unwanted peripherals or you know unwanted kind of area to um your original product so that's the details that we want to um kind of get to the full lest so that today you as a Etsy seller say you were selling T-shirts and t-shirts only the only thing you need to worry about is the best T-shirt uh manufacturer you would have and maybe the logistic that kind of you know you have to find but everything else from your first initial design to turning that into the visuals that you can list on your add on your Shopify um we hope that that's something that can be taken care of by [ __ ] AI so to kind of take that off your shoulder I think that's the e-commerce goal that we we try to achieve with image generations and also graphic designs and with the next six month I want to say first half 2025 our goal is actually expanding multimodality and that was a question that was raised by a lot of the Sumo links to like are there going to be video Generations right because we all know Tik Tok is a huge thing and reals are huge things as well I guess and shorts um so videos are definitely you know the the the H and the new upcoming thing in how you can sell things via videoos so um multimodality is something that we would expand into um just imagine how if you were selling a t-shirt having a 2D image of this we can kind of animate it and move it to like a seven eight seconds video then you can post it on know Tik Tok there's not too much work you don't need to find like influencer for that so video is definitely something that we are going into um but more like a first half 2025 thing um but then all of your credits on epso can be used towards that as well so it's not it's as as it say right it's a lifetime deal so you kind of have the credits in your back pocket and you move along with us as as we grow and expand um our product and and interestingly actually um a the expand image feature we have here was something that we launched two days ago so it was like not even on the Appo introduction because we literally like you know ship it within a week so you know just go to show like how we ship fast and with all those credits you have emple features and space to to spend them yeah perfect I'm glad that um you're moving fast and taking the feedback that's the perfect thing about appsumo is you know Sumo Lings and I'm a Sumo Ling I'm a plus member we love giving feedback and that that's what you're on abso for um if you have any more questions now's perfect chance to ask them uh we we are probably going to do another uh webinar with wshop um to get some more questions answered let's see do you have a public road map uh we don't have a public road map so for all of our materials are published um on our blogs um and we update it I think like six seven times a week so we usually get like our you know feature all updated and everything so that our users have a better sense of how to use them and then what we have um in in install um but yeah but we don't have a public Ro map um uh to that sense but like I said like kind of going to the Perfect Image generation and going expend to video generation are are the two big thing for us in the next uh six months yeah and if you have uh simul Lings if you have any um like like in this case coach sun has a basketball training business if if there's a particular way you want to use we shop write those in in the um ask a question yeah ask a question or leave a review and say this is how you want to use the product because we shop are going to be taking all of that feedback and creating or shipping new features for you so just share as much as possible and help them on their way um and I'm sure they'll be uh forever grateful for that so let's just quickly go over what each license is just tier one and three um I think 2,000 points what does that mean and um like 15,000 points um how more significant is it to 15,000 points a month y MH so um obviously this is a huge uh kind of discount from the listed price on our side so I would encourage everyone to to get it um while it last um so for the tier one um for 2000 credits translate to uh around 200 images right U kind of there's like a plus and minus over there because if you choose some of the the models that we have fine tuned it's like an extra five credits but all credits that you you you would consume would be uh percent to you before the final uh generation before you click that bottom so it's all you know transparent and and and and and um obvious to to all folks so I think like for tier one to it would be great for if you were like a oneman Twan shop you have around like 40 to 50 products or SKU so to speak um on a monthly basis I think that would be a great use for you already um if you go with tier one or two for our tier three for um that would go like a little bit further and maybe more gear towards like fashion or clothing retailers just because um they launch almost like 10 if not more styles on a daily basis um and they would need different uh models of different ethnicities for example if you sell in Middle East you sell in the US you sell in you know Asia it kind of require different ethnicities and backgrounds um and that kind of just adds up in terms of usage right so for tier 3 four um that really works well for fashion clothing retailers but you know if you are really just selling wine bottles and you have 10 wines on your shelf and that's it um I think tier one or two would would would would you know would be good and I don't want to like sell for there so that no no that's perfect yeah it's good for that's that's great thanks for diff differentiating there so this is what they get features included in all plans is there any significant things in here that you want to mention um so I think the key thing kind of differentiate a free account and just any tier account is with a free account like Chris kind of showing there um you have wmark so it's just not usable um and it would be a much slower Generation Um so those two I think are kind of the big curdles between free account and a pay account um so that kind of differentiates the two of of it so um so yes so I think if you try it for free obviously um and then you find it useful helpful in any sort of way I think going with uh starting with one of the tiers would would would be good for for the business perfect we got a couple more questions here um more on Zaki is asking about yeah automation platforms like zapia do you have any automation uh yeah yeah yeah mhm yeah um so we don't yet have an integration with zapia the only integration that we can have now is with Shopify um but also because you know like 40% of the US Merchants are on Shopify uh with zapia or the other kind of automation platform um we haven't gotten into that is because a lot of our work it's hard to be automated or be RPA like just because when you upload say an image of you know me selling this pink shirt um I would have to choose the model that I would like it to change into and the locations that it would change into it does still require some more work before the actual pure automation not just sending emails so that's why we we know we haven't done that um the API is ready in live um as as I kind of said before and also um in um on the abso deal page and you can check out the the the API documents and to see you know if it's something that you find easy or not to to integrate with and then let let me know if you have any questions in the meantime perfect no that's I'm glad you're integrated with Shopify yeah then we've got um I'm not going to mess up your name so thanks for thanks for asking the question how do you create perfect own AI models because real human fa is not working properly are you talking about the case that Chris just show before or is that why the the real human fa are not working properly um so it it kind of depends on what image you upload right so in our sample images those were four kind of uh close shot image of the model and it's from different angles that would be like the perfect training images um so if you have you know say me um or the model that you have and different angles of that person that would be the perfect training image set if not the result is a little bit sub optimal if you upload like a more blurry or just not you know um uh uh imagees as the training image so I think that is the the one thing to be mindful of and secondly you know if kind of having this designated model isn't something that you exactly need or urgently need um I would still recommend you know using one of our AI models because we fine tune them to the finest and to kind of you know make sure that they they're very much real humanlike already and carry in different um genders um ethnicities and then sizes even so I think that that would be a good uh use already yeah I think if we just go back to W shop just just I think it might make it clearer for all of us um here we are here we are so I just the sample task was of somebody in a in a swimsuit we uploaded a photo which is definitely my face but it wasn't probably the best example so I've uploaded the photo again and I picked a picked a Felix and it's and it's showing that it's going to is that right it's going to show sunglasses yeah if you want to keep the sunglasses then yes okay and then when I hit generate it will generate it for me okay perfect we'll see what that looks like in a moment um I will stop sharing perfect so thanks for joining me for the third meet the founder series um and thanks to everybody for bearing us bearing with us for technical issues if you'd like us to do um another one with we shop with um Lynn doing a demo and going into more of the new features that released maybe two months so if we do one next month and hopefully we shop is still on appsumo uh then we can see what kind of evolution wishop has had since then and we can do it we can do another demo I think that that would be best but thank thanks everybody for your time uh it looks like the uh yeah it looks like everybody enjoyed themselves and got some great questions answered so thank you so much for everybody who attended and enjoy your weekend yeah thank you so much for tuning in and and enjoy your weekends and check us out

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