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hi and welcome to deep Papa's living a flipflop life in today's episode we're going to talk about chat gbt and gpts these are apps that plugins basically that it's like an app store or uh on Android or Google Store kind of thing where you create uh plugins well did you know that you can actually create your own plugins and also uh basically build a list from these gpts now now it's very important to understand that this is here to stay if you're not using AI you're going to be left behind I'm telling you that right now so jump on the train wagon with the trending uh things about anything AI everything AI is tremendous okay and if you don't have an account get an account okay basically so let me just show you something um I actually created uh one two three four types of gpts but then I didn't really do much with them I use them for my own business and everything and then if you come here and explore gbts you're going to see a whole bunch of different types of gbts that you can create okay but today is your lucky day because in order to create these you're going to need to know how to and the actual steps on creating these but also making them Drive traffic to your so you can build leads as we all know leads is one important aspect of any online business especially if you trying to become an aspiring affiliate marketer now easy traffic bot is actually created from a friend of mine who's uh Matt Matt Garrett and he actually generated a system where he's using gpts uh to to basically create traffic uh to generate leads okay so he's got everything inside so he's got everything inside his easy traffic bot which is the actual course that you're going to actually get into it's very straightforward to the point step by step no tone uh Stones left and turn okay so basically you're going to learn in video One how what it's all about it's going to explain everything and this is what drove my attention because now I know how I can take advantage of the gpts that I already have created but also the idea to create more okay so in Google in uh video number two he's going to show you the process the the the worksheet that you need to do it's actionable steps like right after you're done with this you're going to go out and create your own 100% okay and then after that you're done with the name description publish the logo uh Etc and then he's going to basically show you why and how you're going to be setting that up obviously there will be some upsells which you can see right now okay and plus I've actually created a about um 11 exclusive custommade bonuses that really goes aligns it aligns well with what you're about to learn and even more so we I'm giving you um the free method of creating videos using nothing but J gbt just in case you want to take this to the next level okay free method of getting free traffic to your reports more extra free traffic and plus you can also add your uh affiliate links in this it's a video that I created training um you'll be able to know how to create uh review posts and content uh promoting uh whatever it is you want to promote I'm giving you a done for you review template that you can use in case you want to do use AI to do reviews I'm going to show you how to create bonuses if you wanted to give out something and build more leads because it all ties in together okay um I'm going to show you how from the traffic that you're going to be getting from the gbts that that you're going to be creating um I'm going to show you another free uh real a traffic hack on how to get traffic over to your um uh websites okay I'm going to show you how you can create software scripts for your websites and landing pages or email landing pages I'm going to show you how you can create a game app or an app for the App Store I iOS or Android using again gpts and Chad gbt how to make money with jbt up to even $5,000 per project which is definitely very doable and I'm going to show you how to basically build an effective list who will engage to promote a ClickBank offer uh that you want to promote maybe as an affiliate marketer okay and I'm also going to give you a chap gbt Tik Tok content generator prompt so you can create viral Tik Tok videos using AI as well these are 12 bonuses that are actually delivered finished and completed and will be delivered together with your access to the easy traffic bought from Matt Garrett so basically easy traffic bot is actually Matt's method of generating his secret a uh of power of using AI to drive traffic and to get free targeted traffic from the source that he's using okay so it's really simple it's $17 to get in it's actually good step by step good training fresh training I like these types of trainings because these are all actionable and it teaches you something on taking advantage on how to use AI okay now also if I mean this this whole thing will be a lot easier as well if you did create a free account with group funnels right now you will see the links below where you can actually build a full on business using this method that you're going to be learning inside the easy traffic uh bot you're going to take advantage of the tools and uh applications inside Groove funnels which is free for a whole year without paying credit cards to take advantage of your promos for example if you wanted to do a review of a of an affiliate product using the methods that I'm showing you inside my bonuses you'll be able to use the templates that are built that I've built to use straight away and this is what makes life a lot easier for me to deliver value but also to help you make that next step and understand the process basically because a lot of you get stuck in the in the loop of buying the crappy automated software tools that never do anything for you that my idea of how I survived online since 2012 is the fact that I like to learn myself I like to learn how to build I like to learn how to learn to teach and believe me I was in the same state of mind as you were when you were starting out I didn't have a clue about anything thing that I'm talking about today today I'm very knowledgeable I you can ask me any question about anything that I'm working on and I have the answer because I was the one that went out and did it on my own okay so a lot of you are not getting it and we are making it seem like it's easy for us to make money online it's not you got to keep on building stuff but that's part of the process you build and you create and people will come and they will buy and that's that's what you do there is no magic button there are Magic Buttons in automating your Solutions the the your your you whatever it is that you're trying to do online but there isn't a button that's going to bring you money back or a bot that's going to generate you money it's good to learn and if you're left behind with the AI thing you're going to be lost and there's nothing we can do afterwards okay that's why a lot of courses right now come out with AI because AI is is my partner in crime and everything that I'm doing now and if you're going to be able to build something using AI so you can drive leads and traffic then listen to Matt because Matt's been doing it you listen to people that have actually done it and they create something of value to share with you so you can learn now it's better than you going out buying a software that builds you a website and promises you free traffic when it doesn't do anything and you know it because you've done it youve went and purchased the product after product and not purchasing the right products that will put you in the right spot at the right time I cannot promote crappy products anymore I probably have in the past because I was kind of naive in the and the people behind them and then I saw a part um I saw a pattern I saw a pattern and these guys don't really care other than getting you getting their money from you so they can give you what you you're looking for so they're the ones providing you with the drug that you're looking for so it's basically at the end of the day your fault of making the wrong decisions okay I've had people sign up for example for my group funnels link and they're expecting me to teach them how to uh do grp RS I have videos I have that Bon as a bonus but it's not that it's why don't you go inside Grove funnels like an adult that you are for example and go through it because they have training there on how to use it I'm giving you more on how to make money from it from using Groove to be an affiliate or a vendor that's one big as aspect of it but you need to learn how to do things yourself okay this is one little thing that you need to understand now nobody ever nobody's going to be there for you tomorrow the next day you're alone and this is a mindset I had to build from TW day one knowing that you know what it's like I got fired yeah I have no control over it so I don't want it to happen again so what do I do I do something about it what did I do I built a built a business with a foundation and and and and a way that I don't need to have a list to make money I know the methods and I I understood a lot of things now I know that the list is very important that's why I like to cherish it as much as possible give it the value that it needs and be the right marketer directing you to get the tools that you need to be getting to make it uh to make it online basically successful um yes I'm an affiliate for these products and offers but this is part of my job so I'm doing the dirty job of going in and doing the research is it because it's not just one product that I fall into it's many and there's many choose from and I got to choose the ones that I think are perfect for my list because I know who you are that is signed up to me I know you're looking for that easy way out and I'm trying to tell you there is and there isn't okay the the is part is the fact that once you set up this simple automation system that you want to build which is basically building an online Foundation collecting leads sending them value and then you give them more options for them to choose from that's where you make money from but you make money from learning how to build your own assets and this is one of these products where it teaches you how to do that so you can build a business from it Branch out to do this for example for the rest of your life who knows okay just wanted to put it out there it's something that I believe that a lot of you are confused about this online situation we are not scammers not all are scammers I'm here to help I'm here to guide I know what's good for you what's not I do know because I had to go through what you didn't have to yet or you're going through it now and yeah I've I've heard people doing this for 5 years and they still unsuccessful and the reason why is because you're stuck in that same loop I always say it in some of my videos I repeat myself sometimes but maybe maybe you listen at one point in time okay so other than that I hope you enjoyed this review for easy traffic bot I believe it's something that you will learn and you skill but also earn from it if you follow the steps that Matt has inside okay other than that there will be the bonuses delivered as well don't forget and thank you for watching thank you for liking subscribing comment below if you have any objections I always read the emails and responses back to me and always reply where needed okay though so thank you again talk to you soon hi and welcome to deep Papa living a flip-flop life in today's episode we're going to talk about chat GPT and gpts these are apps that plugins basically that it's like an app store or uh on Android or Google Store kind of thing where you create uh plugins well did you know that you can actually create your own plugins and also uh basically build a list from these gpts now it's very important to understand that this is here to stay if you're not using AI you're G to be left behind I'm telling you that right now so jump on the train wagon with the trending uh things about anything AI everything AI is tremendous okay and if you don't have an account get an account okay basically so let me just show you something um I actually created uh one two three four types of gpts but then I didn't really do much with them I use them for my own business and everything and then if you come here and explore gpts you're going to see a whole bunch of different types of gbts that you can create okay but today is your lucky day because in order to create these you're going to need to know how to and the actual steps on creating these but also making them Drive traffic to your so you can build leads as we all know leads is one important aspect of any online business especially if you trying to become an aspiring affiliate marketer now easy traffic bot is actually created from a friend of mine who's uh Matt Matt Garrett and he actually generated a system where he's using gpts H to to basically create traffic uh to generate leads okay so he's got everything inside so he's got everything everything inside his easy traffic bot which is the actual course that you're going to actually get into it's very straightforward to the point step by step no stone uh Stones left and turn okay so basically you're going to learn in video One how what it's all about he's going to explain everything and this is what drove my attention because now I know how I can take advantage of the gpts that I already have created but also the idea to create more okay so in Google in uh video number two he's going to show you the process the the the worksheet that you need to do it's actionable steps like right after you're done with this you're going to go out and create your own 100% okay and then after that you're done with the name description publish the logo uh Etc and then he's going to basically show you why and how you're going to be setting that up obviously there will be some upsells which you can see right now okay and plus I've actually created a about um 11 exclusive custommade bonuses that really goes aligns it aligns well with what you're about to learn and even more so we I'm giving you um the free method of creating videos using nothing but J gbt just in case you want to take this to the next level okay free method of getting free traffic to your reports more extra free traffic and plus you can also add your uh affiliate links in this it's a video that I created training um you'll be able to know how to create uh review posts and content uh promoting uh whatever it is you want to promote I'm giving you a d for you review template that you can use in case you want to do use AI to do reviews I'm going to show you how to create bonuses if you wanted to give out something and build more leads because it all ties in together okay um I'm going to show you from the traffic that you're going to be getting from the gbts that that you're going to be creating um I'm going to show you another free uh real a traffic hack on how to get traffic over to your um uh websites okay I'm going to show you how you can create software scripts for your websites and landing pages or email landing pages I'm going to show you how you can create a game app or an app for the App Store I iOS or Android using again gbts in chat gbt how to make money with chat gbt up to even $5,000 per project which is definitely very doable and I'm going to show you how to basically build an effective list who will engage to promote a ClickBank offer uh that you want to promote maybe as an affiliate marketer okay and I'm also going to give you a chap gbt Tik Tok content generator prompt so you can create viral Tik Tok videos using AI as well these are 12 bonus bonuses that are actually delivered finished and completed and will be delivered together with your access to the easy traffic bought from Matt Garrett so basically easy traffic bot is actually Matt's method of generating his secret a uh of power of using AI to drive traffic and to get free targeted traffic from the source that he's using okay so it's really simple it's $17 to get in it's actually good stepbystep good training fresh training I like these types of trainings because these are all actionable and it teaches you something on taking advantage on how to use AI okay now also if I mean this this whole thing will be a lot easier as well if you did create a free account with group funnels right now you will see the links below where you can actually build a full-on business using this method that you're going to be learning inside the easy traffic uh but you're going to take advantage of the tools and uh applications inside Groove funnels which is free for a whole year without paying credit cards to take advantage of your promos for example if you wanted to do a review of a of an affiliate product using the methods that I'm showing you inside my bonuses you'll be able to use the templates that are built that I've built to use straight away and this is what makes life a lot easier for me to deliver value but also to help you make that next step and understand the process basically because a lot of you get stuck in the in the loop of buying the crappy automated software tools that never do anything for you that my idea of how I survived online since 2012 is the fact that I like to learn myself I like to learn how to build I like to learn how to learn to teach and believe me I was in the same state of mind as you were when you were starting out I did have a clue about anything that I'm talking about today today I'm very knowledgeable I you can ask me any question about anything that I'm working on and I have the answer because I was the one that went out and did it on my own okay so a lot of you are not getting it and we are making it seem like it's easy for us to make money online it's not you got to keep on building stuff but that's part of the process you build and you create and people will come and they will buy and that's what you do there is no magic button there are Magic Buttons in automating your Solutions the the your your your whatever it is that you're trying to do online but there isn't a button that's going to bring you money back or a bot that's going to generate you money it's good to learn and if you're left behind with the AI thing you're going to be lost and there's nothing we can do afterwards okay that's why a lot of courses right now come out with AI because AI is is my partner in crime and everything that I'm doing now and if you're going to be able to build something using AI so you can drive leads and traffic then listen to Matt because Matt's been doing it you listen to people that have actually done it and they create something of value to share with you so you can learn now it's better than you going out buying a software that builds you a website and promises you free traffic when it doesn't do anything and you know it because you've done it you've went and purchased the product after product and not purchasing the right products that will put you in the right spot at the right time I cannot promote crappy products anymore I probably have in the past because I was kind of naive in the and the people behind them and then I saw a part um I saw a pattern I saw a pattern and these guys don't really care other than getting you getting their money from you so they can give you what you're looking for so they're the ones providing you with the drug that you're looking for so it's basically at the end of the day your fault of making the wrong decisions okay I've had people sign up for example for my group funnels link uh and they're expecting me to teach them how to uh do grp funs I have videos I have that Bon as a bonus but it's not that it's why don't you go inside Grove funnels like an adult that you are for example and go through it because they have training there on how to use it I'm giving you more on how to make money from it from using Groove to be an affiliate or a vendor that's one big as aspect of it but you need to learn how to do things yourself okay this is one little thing that you need to understand now nobody ever nobody's going to be there for you tomorrow the next day you're alone and this is a mindset that I had to build from TW day one knowing that you know what it's like I got fired yeah I have no control over it so I don't want it to happen again so what do I do I do something about it what did I do I built a built a business with a foundation and and and a way that I don't need to have a list to make money I know the methods and I I understood a lot of things now I know that list is very important that's why I like to cherish it as much as possible give it the value that it needs and be the right marketer directing you to get the tools that you need to be getting to make it uh to make it online basically successful um yes I'm an affiliate for these products and offers but this is part of my job so I'm doing the dirty job of going in and doing the research is it because it's not just one product that I fall into it's many many and there's many to choose from and I got to choose the ones that I think are perfect for my list because I know who you are that has signed up to me I know you're looking for that easy way out and I'm trying to tell you there is and there isn't okay the there is part is the fact that once you set up this simple automation system that you want to build which is basically building an online Foundation collecting leads sending them value and then you give them more options for them to choose from that's where you make money from but you make money from learning how to build your own assets and this is one of these products where it teaches you how to do that so you can build a business from it Branch out to do this for example for the rest of your life who knows okay just wanted to put it out there it's something that I believe that a lot of you are confused about this online situation we are not scammers not all our scammers I'm here to help I'm here to guide I know what's good for you what's not I do know because I had to go through what you didn't have to yet or you're going through it now and yeah I've I've heard people doing this for five years and they still unsuccessful and the reason why is because you're stuck in that same loop I always say it in some of my videos I repeat myself sometimes but maybe maybe you listen at one point in time okay so other than that I hope you enjoyed this review for easy traffic bot I believe it's something that you will learn a new skill but also earn from it if you follow the steps that Matt has inside okay other than that there will be the bonuses delivered as well don't forget and thank you for watching thank you for liking subscribing comment below if you have any objections I always read the emails and responses back to me and I always reply we needed okay though so thank you again talk to you soon